Author Topic: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk  (Read 142348 times)

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #90 on: March 18, 2010, 07:21:40 pm »
new twist on things but it refers as no moccasins is the organizer!/group.php?gid=255394333108&ref=nf

A Large Protest Rally Call - 2010 the Year of the Natives of Americas

If you look up-thread, this is how some of this mess started. David Cada (does anyone actually know him in person?) created that facebook page, and aggressively friended tons of people. As it was originally presented as a call for NDN people and allies to organize and do a march or marches this summer, many of us thought it sounded like a good cause to support.

Then he posted that they were merging the event with the Chickamauga debacle and trusting "No Moccasins" as the organizer of the DC rally. Whoah. A few of us wrote him, including links to the Chickamauga website and our concerns about her and her group. He didn't seem to get it that it's not a good idea to let a fraudulent tribe and a bunch of pretendians represent NDNs. He wrote me saying that "all tribes" and "all degrees of blood" are welcome, and urging me to "get on board" ... Um, No thanks; unfriended.

He seemed to completely miss the point that there's a problem when you don't look closely at the agenda, goals and history of the people you're trusting to organize, and how they are using the event to promote their profile and agenda. So my question - which he never answered - is: Does he not know the Chickamauga are frauds? Did he not look at any of the information sent to him by people he tried to solicit as participants/organizers, or does he just not care? At this point his actions lead me to believe he supports the Chickamauga pretendian agenda.

Even if he didn't go into this with the agenda to promote pretendians as spokespeople for NDNs, he is now supporting that agenda by allying with that group.

Offline bls926

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #91 on: March 19, 2010, 01:52:32 am »
new twist on things but it refers as no moccasins is the organizer!/group.php?gid=255394333108&ref=nf

A Large Protest Rally Call - 2010 the Year of the Natives of Americas

If you look up-thread, this is how some of this mess started. David Cada (does anyone actually know him in person?) created that facebook page, and aggressively friended tons of people. As it was originally presented as a call for NDN people and allies to organize and do a march or marches this summer, many of us thought it sounded like a good cause to support.

Then he posted that they were merging the event with the Chickamauga debacle and trusting "No Moccasins" as the organizer of the DC rally. Whoah. A few of us wrote him, including links to the Chickamauga website and our concerns about her and her group. He didn't seem to get it that it's not a good idea to let a fraudulent tribe and a bunch of pretendians represent NDNs. He wrote me saying that "all tribes" and "all degrees of blood" are welcome, and urging me to "get on board" ... Um, No thanks; unfriended.

He seemed to completely miss the point that there's a problem when you don't look closely at the agenda, goals and history of the people you're trusting to organize, and how they are using the event to promote their profile and agenda. So my question - which he never answered - is: Does he not know the Chickamauga are frauds? Did he not look at any of the information sent to him by people he tried to solicit as participants/organizers, or does he just not care? At this point his actions lead me to believe he supports the Chickamauga pretendian agenda.

Even if he didn't go into this with the agenda to promote pretendians as spokespeople for NDNs, he is now supporting that agenda by allying with that group.

Kathryn, things have definitely changed since your e-mails with Cada. I don't want to go into all the details right now, but things are not as they were. Guess many people have written to him about the Chickamauga Cherokee and he is listening.

I fully support 2010 the Year of the Natives of Americas and everything they stand for. However, I cannot and will not be a part of it as long as the pretendians are front and center. I don't think it'd be a big deal if No Moccasins and her bunch attended the rally as descendants and/or concerned individuals. However, it cannot be about them or any of the other pretendians trying for recognition. We all lose credibility if we accept these wannabes as Indian. However, I think our chances of getting them to admit that they aren't Indian are somewhere between slim and none at all.

Apukjij, in reply to your thoughts about this rally and Dave Cada . . . I don't see any similarities between what he believes and the Camel Eye Treaty bunch. He hasn't fabricated history, as they have. His concerns and grievances are genuine. The same can't be said about the CET wackos.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:15:54 am by Kathryn »

Offline Paul123

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #92 on: March 28, 2010, 01:02:39 pm »
A small update: ;)

As of about the 9th of this month they have changed their titles from "Police" Officers to "Security" Officers.
 Yet their I.D. cards still say "Sheriff's Officer"---"Authorized only on tribal land".

That tribal land would only be on their one lot in Deltona Florida.  (as I suspected).

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #93 on: April 23, 2010, 07:37:40 pm »
As far as I can tell, McKillip's page, the March page, and other "Chickamauga" pages disappeared from Facebook a few weeks ago.

But now they've reincarnated:

March on Washington DC Native Blood Civil Rights August 17-18-19, 2010

McKillip's public profile: Jeanie McKillip

But you can become her "fan" at this page: No Moccasins

Offline flyaway

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #94 on: April 24, 2010, 02:21:45 am »

Found this interesting. I did note that for a long  time No Moccasins was adding friends 20-24 at a time, all day long.
Haven't seen a pst in a while.
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Offline flyaway

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #95 on: May 13, 2010, 10:48:39 pm »
Chickamauga Cherokee Indian Creek Band Home

This is so out there, I am at lost for words. Seems like a new sight, with the Creek now part of all this mess. :-\
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001


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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #96 on: May 19, 2010, 03:12:30 pm »
I noticed a change on Dave Cada's FB page, they have changed the date of the protest to June, the reason is below, and they have also enlisted the aid of AIM-Santa Barbara to spread word about the protest:

IMPORTANT NOTICE******************************************************************
Due To the protest of the Chickamauga Cherokee people, I wish to give them the space they need and not interfere with their separate issue with the government for their individual rights for their tribe. I wish them the best of luck on Aug 18.

Also it has come to my attention that there are fraudsters trying to milk money under the false guide of charity for Aug 18 which I, myself, frown upon. These people are leaches and try to freeload off anybody these days.

For these reasons, and many more, the protest will be changed and held on a much more significant date, one that will commemorate our past as well as our futures. In honor of those leaders from our past that have fought for our freedoms and our rights, such as Sitting Bull, Pontiac, Tecumseh, Geronimo and others, we will continue their fight with a peaceful protest. United and Strong.

June 23, 24, 25 will be those days. The last day will symbolize the day Sitting Bull defeated General Custer during the Last Stand. The day one of our greatest leaders from our Native Culture fought for our rights and our freedoms in unity and strength with other tribes. This day will symbolize all those leaders who did the same, who united many nations to stand against those who have tried to end the lives of all Native people. Natives and leaders, who stood up in unity and fought against genocide and our rights to the land of our Creator and died to keep those who are here today, alive and building back our way of life.

We will come together all across the Continent from Canada, to the US (from New York to Mexico). Natives all over the world will stand, including those who have been forced out by the government through the kidnapping of our children and adoptions outside our nation.

In Canada we will join with Red Power United on their National Day of Action and with the US and other nations joining, we will make this event the biggest protest that these governments have ever seen. One that will stand for Pride, and the other to stand to show these governments that we are here and we will not go away, our treaties and our rights as a nation must be respected. We are sovereign people on the land that are ancestors roamed free, we are our own nation, not part of theirs.

When these days are done, these three days will become a National Native Holiday for all of us to remember those of our past and also the day our Nation stood back up, together.

Let us honor our ancestors with the pride and the strength to carry on our traditions and customs on our own free will. Let us stand for our rights to be a Nation, not one of their slaves to others and their corporations. The right to our lands and self government, the right to build our economy and the right to decide our fate is what we want.

Offline corine68

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #97 on: May 19, 2010, 04:52:34 pm »
Good Morning relatives- David Cada, like many other people, feel they can post their stuff, promote their cause or whatever on our FACE BOOK Group page. We really do not like that- so when we come across people using our page to promote themselves or pirate our facebook group page members, we usually delete it. David Cada's post was there on our Facebook Group page, so we just deleted his post - Mr. Cada has NEVER taken the time or etiquette to introduce himself to us, before doing this act numerous because of this and other reasons we have no interest, desire or anything else to work with him. Bests, Corine Fairbanks AIM SB


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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #98 on: May 19, 2010, 07:56:45 pm »
TY Corine, for the clarification!

Offline Diana

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #99 on: July 07, 2010, 06:40:20 am »
Found this on, seems like they're going ahead with this sham of a protest.

Native American Civil Rights Gathering in Washington DC
  PRESS RELEASE as of July 1st, 2010

On August 17th, 18th and 19th in Washington DC at the Lincoln Memorial there will be a Native American Mixed-Bloods March to bring attention to the facts concerning the discrimination that is being conjured up by the Grand Council of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, by the BIA and the United States Government. Those of us that are of Mixed-Blood ancestry are looked upon as being Non-Native American when many of us have more Native American Blood flowing through our veins than those that sit in judgment of us. There are many mixed-bloods that have been disenfranchised by the Federal Recognized Tribal Councils with permission given to them by the United States Government, who should never have been kicked off the American Indian Roll’s in the first place. That also goes for the Cherokee Freedmen as well; these are the descendants of the African slaves that played a very important role in our culture during the 1700’ and 1800’s as they aided their respective tribes sometimes with their very lives. Many of the Cherokee Freedmen of today are Cherokee by Blood who possess more Cherokee Blood than that of the Thin Blood White Cherokee that kicked them off the membership rolls of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma. This should never have happened, but the way that I view it is that it was the greed for money that brought this about and it was for political gain. We are not pointing the finger at the citizens of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, nor the citizens of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, but we are pointing to the Councils of these two Federal Recognized Tribes that have done this.

   We only want to be known for whom we actually are, our skin may be different in color, some of us are light skinned and some are darker skinned but we are still Native Americans. We want to practice our Religion as the Great Creator guides us to, but we are not allowed to do so because of regulations against our practices. We once used the feathers of the Mighty Eagle in our ceremonies but we are no longer permitted to do this. We are not wanting to take the life of the Great Eagle to do these ceremonies because taking a life should only be done for food, we only would like to use the feathers that have been taken by the government who keeps them in a repository only to be given out to very few to use as such. When the white man came to America they came to have “Freedom of Religion” but yet the white man took away that freedom from ALL Native Americans. Now why would a people leave a country for religious freedom to come to another country and impose the same regulations that these Pilgrims were running from onto the first inhabitants in their new country. The white man took our lands, took away our Religious Freedom and has tried to take away our identity, but yet we fight on to regain what has been stripped from us. We honor Mother Earth but the white man does not respect the land; do you remember the television commercials that showed Iron Eyes Cody with tears in his eyes over the trash in the rivers and along the highways of America? Native Americans believe that Mother Earth should be as clean as it was when our ancestors trod over this land. The skies are polluted, the air is stagnant, the land is trashed but yet we go on our merry way not paying attention to it and saying let the next person take care of it I’m too busy, sooner or later there will be nothing left for us to take care of if we do not wakeup to the reality of what is taking place.

 We are expecting over one million people of the Native American community to join with us in this endeavor. We will have many well known performers and guest speakers at this gathering. Won’t you also join with us during these three days as Native America speaks out!! The following Countries and U.S. States are rallying in support of this historic cause: Canada, UK, Russia, Austria, Germany, Mexico, Italy, Greece, Norway, Bulgaria, Republic of South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, India, Sri Lanka. The States are NY, MN, WA, OR, GA, FL and MO. We are being contacted daily with more and more asking to support this cause.

Wado (Thanks),

Events Coordinator:

Kermit Manis

Indian Creek Band Chickamauga Cherokee Inc.

Events Coordinator



AUGUST 17-18-19

Blessings of the Grounds

With drums

 Principal Chief James Billy Chance of the Indian Creek Band Chickamauga, Creek & Cherokee: speaker

 Terry Nichols, Green Dot for Earth: speaker



Offline paula

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #100 on: July 20, 2010, 07:31:05 pm »
i have met chance and his wife.  if you look at their info it all involves the same 4 people.  when i first met chance he flat out said he was part of the cherokee nation called chickmauga which was the record keepers for the cherokee.  when i met him the internet and information wasnt available on line like it is today.  he also said he would teach us about the cherokee heritage.  all he did was talk about HIS heritage and why HE was chief.  it became obvious that we would not being hearing stories of the people pretty quickly.  he was even over a decade ago talking about land deals and such.  he goal back then was to have a working thriving indian village that people could come to and see (for a price of course) and purchase authentic indian works of art (clothes/jewelry etc).

it became clear to some of us who knew him them and saw him recently exactly what those goals have changed to.  the way he handled problems in the tribe wasnt acceptable by any standards.  he did not investigate not seek out truth.  he simply made decisions usually in anger and if you questioned him then you were a traitor and werent interested in truth.

even knowing some spouses didnt want to become members of the tribe they were marked as members through marriage.  recently ive learned he has said untrue (and flat out lies) about women who left the "tribe" or men who respectfully decline to continue.  he has removes them from "positions of authority" without even attempting to follow his own rules.  he calls people horrible names and when confronted sounds crazy. 

his goal is to get land for his "tribe" - to live there with free healthcare, food, shelter, electric - just free everything - it isnt even about pretending to have a village anymore.  any money donated to the green dot earth goes back to the chief - if you look you'll see terry, chance and family and no moccasins throughout and only on the pages.

hope that clarifies exactly what his goals are

(ps he has also stated he lived on a reservation in alabama, was a defense attorney making 1.5 million per case, and the cherokee people are out to get him) 

i feel bad for all the people he misleads because a lot of his lies and information are only now being brought to light

Offline Mato Istime

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #101 on: July 23, 2010, 08:44:30 pm »
You can see his picture along with the other fake Cherokees under the Member Photos at this link
He is the one with the long hair and the blue ribbon shirt in the portrait with two women and a younger man in uniform with the title at the bottom of the picture saying Bamburg Family

I couldn't get those pics to load, but the "Membership Application" on that site ("MEMBERS APP 1" in left hand nav bar, opens up a PDF) specifically says:


On the "OUR STORE" page, they are selling books by "Chief James Billy Chance", including Red Road to Shamanism, book 1 & 2. The author is also available to chat via MSN Chat. The "Make a Donation" link is on every page of the site. Clicking on "THE CHIEF" gives you some pictures, complete with "war bonnet" and tomahawk. He also goes by "Little Red Wolf", and his wife goes by "Cheyenne Autumn." Some rather interesting photos under "Elders", as well.

Somehow I think we would have figured out that being NDN is not a requirement for this group, even if they hadn't stated it in their membership application. But for those who don't click on the membership link, or don't know much about NDNs... I guess maybe they do hire this guy to show up at schools in that getup. It's disturbing that anyone might go to this group for information on NDNs.

Despite not being NDNs, they say they are petitioning for Federal recognition, with this rather odd statement:

"Please, Please, sign this online petition it is so important to our people.
Even if you do not wish to live on the reservation, what of your children?"

Uh, what reservation? A reservation for non-Native hobbyists? Whuh?

same here I couldn't get them to load either, and as i said in the Sweat Lodge Deaths thread......detractors
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:15:11 am by Kathryn »

Offline paula

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #102 on: July 24, 2010, 11:26:03 am »

the page takes a good 15 minutes or more to load - not sure if anyone else noticed but on his fb page - he is shown wearing the war bonnet again.  the page shows a LOT of old time photos and that is what most of them are.  id say out of the 400 and something photos maybe 60 (?) take place in the last 70 years??

Offline Mato Istime

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #103 on: July 24, 2010, 07:21:31 pm »

the page takes a good 15 minutes or more to load - not sure if anyone else noticed but on his fb page - he is shown wearing the war bonnet again.  the page shows a LOT of old time photos and that is what most of them are.  id say out of the 400 and something photos maybe 60 (?) take place in the last 70 years??

Link please

Offline paula

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #104 on: July 24, 2010, 09:32:52 pm »
here's the link for fb :!/profile.php?id=737421389&ref=ts

he also put a notice about no longer being associated william anderson.

here is terry's fb:!/profile.php?id=1621659227&ref=ts

terry is aggressively asking people (especially new friends) for money.  not sure how much they are at.  but i did notice the petition online is for state recognition yet the website and fb accounts says federal.  maybe he's going for both?