Hi there.
I have to apologize first. I was in here as Wacipi and tried to change my e-mail information. Somehow I made a mistake and never got the confirmation message, because the E-mail address is not valid (of course not with a spelling mistake). I tried, but couldn't get back in anymore. So I had to come back with another nick. Well, here I am.
First, the comment from Rattlebone brings it to the point. Thanks Rattlebone. He took the words out of my mouth, just better. My concern too is, how will someone like that know, what needs the Native Community has? How will someone like that understand what we are about? How will they represent us, when they don't know us, our ways, our feelings, our needs. How could you ever think, savage is a funny word. I can remember back what riot it was when TV came up with Tonto. But this was about TV, savage is about reality and history, death and blood. It is about "Only a dead Indian is a good Indian". Will you really take someone for real and serious in "efforts" for AIM and with that for our People? Will you really support people like that, feeding the wrong wolf? For me, I am sorry, these people are totally unacceptable.
I have to ask even more. What became of AIM? They tolerate groups like that, using the name AIM and what it stands for, for... what? Personal empowerment? Tolerating groups like Whitekiller's as legit? Why is nobody reacting on all that? Not reacting on this is acting against the people, because we tolerate with that a attack on our ways, let them make a choke out of it. Autonomous or not, they still use A.I.M. and their logos. Set a sign.
Now a word to Trad Dancer. I know these people well my friend. Years back we were used to be friends. Roy himself told me about his italien ancestry. He asked Gene how he managed it to get a card, because he badly want one. What he didn't know is, that Gene's card is from a twinky Tribe. They already fooled me years back with that non sense and I believed 'em. Well, at the beginning. Is not Ringo Roy's Lakota buddy and is not Vicky his girlfriend in the moment? Doesn't Roy drive a Chevy Van now and Gene a green Mountaineer? Who da heck shall be the Full Bloods? Not Roy for sure as well not Gene. Who is left? Dan? He claims to be adopted from a family in Pine Ridge, which is not lie. I can proof that too if neccessary. He is pure white if I may say so. Who else? Dan, Gene's buddy? A white guy who found out recently that he has NDN ancestry (lol). Come on, give us a break. You know and I know that these guys are far away from what they claim to be. With that they are unacceptable to run a AIM Chapter. Don't you think?