There is much more information about the Moors, Nuwaubians, Washitaw and their various forms in the Tecumseh Brown Eagle thread. They now include the so called "black Hebrews", which is in the Binay thread (Jerry "Eaglefeather" Monroe's tribe).
All of these groups are non Indians and not really wannabees, they believe that they were the original "Asiatic black Africans" who were the "ancient ones". I saw one of their videos, they claimed to have walked from Africa during Pangea, they even have a map that hasall the continents linked. There are also the Nuwaubians who's "messiah", Dwight York claims to have been born on the Planet Rizq. I have found that the so called Delaware Moors also call themselves Nanticoke, they are from Dagsboro. Those folks are mostly white and a few mulattoes. The irony is that they believe in W.D. Fard, the racist founder of the black Muslims.