Author Topic: RESOLVED, NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation  (Read 79298 times)

Offline bls926

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Re: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2009, 03:42:53 pm »
bls926 - You are absolutely correct about the UK infiltrators.  We have them claiming ancestry to the very geographic area my family stems and I know their claims are invalid, yet they try try try.  I am working on that one now and if you send me a private email I will give you the information YOU need to verify what I say.  And...the proof is not my records but from Government records.


Thank you.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2009, 05:18:25 pm »
Everyone who comes to NAFPS supposedly "in a good way" is not who they say they are. We've been fooled before, temporarily at least. We've had a "Native American attorney working with the United Nations" who wasn't even a lawyer or Indian. We've had "Representatives" of their Nation who weren't enrolled in or acknowledged by the Nation they claimed to represent. We've had "Diplomats", "Elders", "Activists" who weren't who they said they were. We've learned to be cautious and ask questions.

We also have an astonishing number of people come through here claiming to be a chief and complaining that everyone who doesn't recognize how grand they are is corrupt.

Reply #26
NDN Outlaw
Outrage is probably the healthiest response to oppression.
As someone who has also lived through abuse , I understand it is a healthy impulse to stand up and look the abuser in the eye and say

" You are abusive. I am not acknowledging your power. We are equal"

But when people authorize themselves as a Chief or a Nation, in the vast majority of cases this comes with a lot of problems...

Reply #22
I deal with all levels of government, police, & Judiciary on behalf of my people. I provide for my people. More importantly, I receive no funding from any level of government. I am strictly an Independant Nation - an Ally to the Crown. Nation to Nation.

As anyone who has participated here for a while know, there is at least 1000 self proclaimed Chiefs running around, criticizing the Native leaders who don't recognize how entitled they are,  and accusing everyone who won't support them as being corrupt... Although these claims are occaisionally justified,  the large majority of these people are either exploiters or delusional.

Stepping back from this specific situation, and looking at general principles and the big picture, if we accept the general premise that tribal governments which are funded by non native governments have all been corrupted and therefore have no rightful authority , that conclusion discredits and disempowers pretty much every indigenous Nations internal authority . As indigenous peoples face an ongoing struggle to maintain their rights, and they need political leaders to do this, blanket statements that disempower all these leaders authority does not seem like the best way to serve the Native community. 

It seems it would be more constructive to avoid sweeping blanket statements that discredit all federally recognized Native leaders and instead stick to presenting the evidence and looking for solutions to specific problems.

As anyone who has participated here knows, the definitions of who is a Native person is contentious and there is a lot of different opinions on this.
If corruption of all tribal governments which are funded by non native governments is then interpreted as every individual who believes themself to be NDN and who feels unappreciated has the right declare themself a Nation and a Chief unto themselves - it seems obvious to me that the resulting chaos is not going to help First Nations regain respect for their sovriegnty. 

When Ardy puts so much emphasis on who she is, and her own importance, for example , by using the title of Chief, it does in my mind detract from whatever legitimate issues she may want to address.

And by douing this she does manage to do a very good imitation of a twinkie. Not saying she actually is, but in cyberspace, that is how she comes across. 

One thing I have learned through participating here without offering personal information, is that it's actually more effective to just  stay with the issues, and if we are effective at speaking the truth our own personal credentials ( or lack of them ) are pretty much beside the point.

If someone is actually doing good work and speaking the truth on an issue, the fancy titles are completely superfluous, as the truth has the power to stand on it's own feet. It doesn't need to be fancied up by someone claiming themself to be a Chief, or having a mtDNA lineage to a famous person .

And though she may not mean it in this way , some of Ardy's comments sound identical to the claims of John Williams leader of various Acadian Metis organizations, who is identified as undermining respect for First Nations by the Wabanaki Confederacy, in the link below

Reply #16
Clan mother
As for the Acadians - most have Indian Blood & can prove ties to the Treaties, unlike most registered Indians who rely upon their INAC Status Cards.

John Williams quoted from the link below
None can supply documentation that proves they are even pre-depotation treaty heirs, we all do in spades, none can link themselves to Wabanaki Confeceracy Chiefs, we all do, hell! They can't even prove they are Indian with genealogy.

Reply #16
Clan mother
As for the reservation with their paternalistic white surnames - they all have white blood in their veins as they all have varying degrees of Indian Blood Quantum.

John Williams
As you can see, mixed breeds will never be accepted by status Indians unless they can provide financial benefits to them ! (heaven-forbid anyone suggesting that these "status" Indians are themselves mixed breeds!)

Reply #16
Clan mother
I know more about the history, genealogy, customs & ways of the Tribe of MicMac than anyone.

John Williams
I know more about Mi'kmaq history and culture than all of them put together, I speak the old mi'kmaq, maliseet and penobsciot trade language better than all of them!

More on this is in the thread below

So this is some of the politics that got me wondering about Ardy's personal claims and her approach.

I hope this clarifies part of what got the twinkie alarms going off, and again I apologize if some of my suspisions were misplaced.


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Re: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2009, 06:11:38 pm »
Hi Chief Ardy, i see you made it to NAFPS. and made it thru the line of fire that happens sometimes when someone first joins. I call her Chief, she comes from a line of Chiefs. She is only one i know of in the Mi'kmaq Nation who is on the General List, she has no Rez, but the land she lives on Sissibo is old old Mi'kamw territory, she is a community of One, (well she lives with her hubby Carl) thats why she can call her self Chief. She has stood in court as a recognized authority on the MI'kmaq Treaty Chain many times, was a Warrior at Burnt Church, when the Dept of Fisheries was caught on camera running over Mi'kmaw fishers in the water after ramming and overturning the boats. She'll tell you she ain't got much, i can tell she she fought tooth and nail for everything shes got, tooth and nail against Indian Affairs and the provincial courts, who now fear her. Shes right about the Indian Act Chiefs-they are not Hereditary Chiefs. There are some Hereditary Chiefs on the Mi'kmaq Grand Council, Gary Metallic was one, but he resigned from the Grand Council and is pursuing Self Govt for his District, which is MI'kmaq tradition, whereby the Districts come under the umbrella of the Grand Council, but each District is Sovereign and when the Treaties were signed they were acceded to District by District, the Signatory had to return to the Districts and had to defend his signing of the Treaty, and only after consensus did the District adhere to the Treaty. For instance I can give you the dates that each District acceded to the Treaty of 1752. This is dramatically different from the Maliseet Penobscot and Passamaquoddy, in which the Treaty Signatories were often Chiefs, and when they signed the Treaties, it was directly on behalf of their entire Nation. This is because they were agricultural based societies and had a completely different type of govt, Mi'kmaq were hunter gatherers, which often have the multi tiered govt i described above. The Indian act chiefs are signing away our rights as we speak, I can name only one Chief of a reserve i admire in all of MI'kmaq Country, the rest are sellouts, trading our Treaty Rights for the all mighty dollar. chiefs are the lowest form of vermin in Mi'kmaq Country. Its funny you mention John Williams, John is no friend of MI'kmaq Country, and many consider his twisted version of Wapana'ki history to be treason. Ardys challenges to John on his wapanki Facebook group are legendary. and there for all to read. I have been afk for a few days or i would have you welcomed earlier. So welcome to NAFPS Chief Ardy, theres good work being done here!

Offline NDN_Outlaw

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Re: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation
« Reply #33 on: November 22, 2009, 07:09:23 pm »
Chief and council meet every morning for breakfast. I would be interested to know which clan she is claiming to represent then contact the Mic Mah to verify her claims to be a clan mother. This isolation from her nation sounds like the book "The Little Prince" where the little prince lives alone on a very small planet barely eight feet in circumference watering a single flower daily.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation
« Reply #34 on: November 22, 2009, 07:56:40 pm »
Some of the politics in your area are pretty confusing, and I hope you don't mind me pointing out how this all looks from the standpoint of  Ignoramus Josephine Public.   

Its funny you mention John Williams, John is no friend of MI'kmaq Country, and many consider his twisted version of Wapana'ki history to be treason. Ardys challenges to John on his wapanki Facebook group are legendary. and there for all to read.

Ok , I do understand that...

But here is where you loose me completely

Sam / Apukjij
"I will briefly state what i wrote on those post. If you are a
descended from a Treaty Signer i believe you are entitled to join the
Native Council in NS, NB, PEI and NFLD. Thats the only mechanism to
give Metis and People of Distant Indian Ancestry (PODIA) a chance to
excercise the Treaty Rights they deserve. You can join and take part
in all the enteprenerial and business acumen programs they offer, they
have a fishing fleet excercising rights won by Jr. Marshall. They also
offer notifications on jobs and training programs availible. So when
Acadian Metis cry that they are not benifiting from Treaty, its a lie

So... It seems to me what you just said here is exactly the same thing that John Williams is saying, which you just called treason.

You are both seem to be claiming all descendents, no matter how far back and no matter how long it's been since they have had any relationship with a First Nation , should rightfully be considered Treaty Benificiaries.

The only difference I can see is who is saying this, not the basic idea and entitlements attached to this idea. 

Personally I tend to think ideas that are workable are good ideas no matter who says them, and ideas that don't have enough integrity to be functional are going to create problems no matter who is saying them.

And there is some precedents here that would have people who's families have not been members of any First Nation for many many generations far outnumbering the indigenous peoples ,who have managed to hang onto their collective identity and culture.

How is that workable?

Like I say, I am speaking only as a representive of the ignorant public.

If you could explain your position and how the basic premises you are promoting differ from John Williams claims, and how this will help restore Mi'kmaq control over their own resources, it would be helpful, .

Heck i've already asked enough stupid questions in this thread I guess I may as well go for some sort of stupid question award... 

I don't mean to be disrespectful , but in cyberspace it's really hard to know who anyone is or who or what they really represent. it takes a while to learn about someones point of view and see a pattern and an integrity there.- or lack of it.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 07:58:47 pm by Moma_porcupine »


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Re: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2009, 12:18:36 pm »
"You are both seem to be claiming all descendents, no matter how far back and no matter how long it's been since they have had any relationship with a First Nation , should rightfully be considered Treaty Benificiaries."
are you nuts momma p? NO I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT, i do belive that if you are a descendant of a Treaty Signator, you are entitled to be a beneficiary, its as simple as that, and yes if you are a PODIA, the govt has set it up that you can join the Native Councils, and get benefits, do i agree with it NO! but it is set up that way, so if a PODIA tells me they arent getting anything i send them to the Native Councils,
"I don't mean to be disrespectful , but in cyberspace it's really hard to know who anyone is or who or what they really represent. it takes a while to learn about someones point of view and see a pattern and an integrity there.- or lack of it."
now you have offended me by attacking my integrity, fine so be it....


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Re: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2009, 12:54:27 pm »
i have to go back to this, i have to express my disappointment in you momma p, i have read every thread youve posted to for a year and a half, and your the last person i expected to put words in my mouth on this site, now i dont trust you, and if anyone in Mi'kmaq country asks about you, and they are reading these posts because Ardy posted in her facebook this thread, i will tell them you are not to be trusted...

Offline Moma_porcupine

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RESOLVED, NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN: Chief Ardy & the 3 Thumbs First Nation
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2009, 01:42:26 pm »
Apukjij i'm sorry I have offended you, and i'm sorry I misunderstood the genealogical information I posted . Whoever wrote that Trask obituray and neglected to include the info that Chief Ardy Born With 3 Thumbs is the wife of is partially responsible for that. And so is Ardy by getting offended and saying she wasn't related to the Trasks...

We do see cases of identity theft here, and the questions that were asked in this regard are the only way to sort out the fakes from the people who are real.

I did talk to someone who talked to some who talked to someone and I can now say with certainty that what Chief Ardy says about herself is all true.

If Ardy would like I can change the title of this thread to

Chief Ardy is who she says ( questions resolved)

I could also ask a moderator to move the thread out of research needed to ect where we can continue to discuss some of the other issues.

And there is other issues , which have do do with some of the things I read both you and Ardy posting and APPEARING to be promoting in other places.

If thats a misunderstanding maybe that goes two ways and you need to consider what this sounds like to someone who reads what you write.... And how this will undoubtably be used.

I want to post this , but I will respond to some of what you said in more detail in a minute
edited to add

The rest of this discussion has been moved to here
« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 07:10:04 pm by Moma_porcupine »