The word "Aho" seems to be popping up in more pagan communities and I'm curious to find out it's true meaning. I've been told it's Apache, and Cherokee, and Dine, and, and, and. I've Googled it and come up with even more confusing contradictions. Now I'm wondering if it's just a word a fraud made up because it "sounded" native.
In one seminar I attended all the participants were asked to share and then finish off with "Aho". When I just said "Thank you" instead, I was accused of having a problem with native spirituality. 
Help, please?

I've participated in trainings that would end with a talking circle, where the protocol was to end with the word "ho!" I've always gone with the flow on this one, (one must pick one's battles!) as the overall intention and quality of the training was excellent, and no real spirituality was being used or misrepresented.
Besides, back in the '80's in Philadelphia, "Ho!" was a common sallutation or call out, kind of like "Hey!" among younger folks. I don't hear it anymore, but it was all the rage when my kids were younger. I think that came out of South Philly. So those two letters certainly are not exclusive to whatever supposed native language they come from.
It would be really funny if it turned out not to be from any native language at all. For some reason it will make it even more fun to speak it at the end of those training sessions. Seems we've been acting like Rocky or calling each other cheap prostitutes!
I guess "ho!" takes less time to say than "I'm done now"
Awaiting clarification on this one.