Cloud, I am sure that el Coyote Cruz a Jicarilla Apache medicine man who adopted me into his tribe was not lying to me about the meaning of this word, Aho! means "It is good" or "It is true". Just because a German or Japanese word sounds like it doesn't mean it's not and American Indian word. I lived on the reservation for many years and no one I heard was using the word as an insult. A greeting yes just as the word Hoka-hey has a dual meaning, "It is a good day to live" when spoken to a friend but when used as a battle cry it means "It is a good day to die!" Many words used by Native American Indians don't even exist in the english language and a big thing to remember is that Indians didn't use many words like all the rest of the world. My medicine man told me that words are sacred so don't use them frivolously, just say what you mean and be done. Also the movie Indians saying "How." as a greeting, not true they were saying "Aho." and as usual the whites did not understand. I hope you get to see this and it helps you Blessings.