Author Topic: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)  (Read 140358 times)

Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #105 on: January 22, 2010, 03:31:58 pm »
It's the petty ego.  "I want to"  "I am"  "I must"  "I need"  "I have to"  "They need me"  "They told me"  "They ask me"  Any way you look at the frauds words, they are speaking always of their own self.  It is ego, no matter what line you draw from their words, it always leads back to their very own self. 

It is unfortunate at best. 
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Offline educatedindian

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #106 on: January 22, 2010, 05:10:17 pm »
have you ever been at one of the lodges i did?


so you can`t feel if i would tell you the thruth here.

No one "feels" the truth. Something simply is true or not. What we have seen on this board many times is that you usually lie, often even to yourself.

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #107 on: January 22, 2010, 06:21:13 pm »
 Ceremony not done by the original people that owns it is worthless.  It does not have the power that it is supposed to have.  Any power it may have is corrupted and not to be trusted.  Please forgive the Tonto speak but it is to be considered "BAD MEDICINE".  No knowledgeable person would go anywhere near it.  "LittleOldMan"
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #108 on: January 25, 2010, 04:17:54 pm »

Fyi a translation of an anonymous contribution in a German language forum; however, I have reason to believe that this 'guest X' might be Manfred Jobst:

guest X

hello ingeborg,
please tell me your reasons why i schould be guest x?
i wrote you two messages but no answers came back.
please tell me about this reasons.

i only can tell you, i`m not guest x

best wishes

wacha nabi

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #109 on: January 28, 2010, 01:23:11 pm »

@Herr Jobst,

sorry for not having addressed this sooner. On the other hand, I've got a real
life which does not always permit my checking forums on a daily basis.

The reason I was under the impression that the ominous 'guest X' happened to
be you was the fact that guest X mentioned I was responsible for an increased
traffic at his website, and that the cause of his hilarity happened in
December already. So I added one and one and, as it turns out, I came to a
wrong result. I have meanwhile adjusted my earlier post.

I would also like to ask you to continue discussing the issue in this thread
instead of taking it to other forums. I did notice the private messages you
sent, but I'd prefer to have this out in the open here.

Offline wacha nabi

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #110 on: January 28, 2010, 01:43:54 pm »
hello ingeborg,

it was importent for me to make it clear that i don`t do things like that.

i don`t write things under a wrong name or unkown.

best wishes


Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #111 on: January 28, 2010, 04:58:22 pm »
'siyo wacha nabi

Maybe I can give you an example that will illustrate why the people object to what you were taught and what you are doing.

Imagine a Catholic priest deciding that he was going to start training anyone who is interested about how to conduct a catholic mass.  He is a priest, after all, and he knows exactly how everything should be done right down to the prayers that are to be said for every season of the year and for every ceremony and sacrament the RCC has ever had as a part of their dogma.  Once the "students" are trained he sends them out to both conduct masses and to teach others to do the same.  Is this right?  The answer should be simple - no it is not.

You see, in this example the priest, even though he is a part of the RCC and consecrated to conduct a mass and all ceremonies and sacraments, is not authorized to independently decide to train others as priests.  He does not have the authority to train others or to give them the right to conduct masses, ceremonies and sacraments.  Most surely those whom he trained are not real priests and are in violation of the very traditions and standards of the church they are supposed to represent through their spiritual work.

The same applies to those native peoples, including those who are enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe, who go anywhere and start conducting ceremonies for the purpose of training others to do likewise.  They have no authority from their councils or elders to do anything like that.  Indeed, the opposite is true - their councils and elders state plainly that they are not to do this.  

This is why so many native people are telling you that regardless what is in your heart that what you were taught to do was not authorized and is considered wrong by the very tribes from whom the ceremonies and rituals derived.  In the example of the priest - those whom he trained are likely of a good and spiritual heart but they are still not right to conduct ceremonies by the originating source - the RCC in this example.


I didn't see a reply to my explanation, Wacha Nabi.  Does this explain at all why the people are upset about the whole issue?

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #112 on: January 28, 2010, 05:11:19 pm »
i never judged you i only warned you
you telling your version of a truth in your mind, is that the real truth
if i was presented with the opportunity to attend your lodge i would ask you these four questions first
1 what is your real name, so it can be checked out
2 what native nation do you represent, not a club, not a business
3 who from that native nation will represent you, someone alive to ask
4 what path was given to you by your nation, and are you still on this path

many natives never need a healing lodge, many natives do not have a "Indian names"
and the idea of charging even a penny is like charging to go to a church
making excuses for the money for supply's for the lodge, not valid,  the people requesting the lodge supply these things
and in doing that lodge you now have to follow up with the souls that went to your lodge, do you, its you responsibility

Offline NDN_Outlaw

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #113 on: January 28, 2010, 06:46:41 pm »
He has some guts and at the very least does not run and hide like his mentor Small Legs. He needs to understand that generations of NDNs have suffered to keep these ways alive. This is about a people's survival not some individuals bloated ego. The pretension of pretend NDNs and their misguided sense of entitlement to NDN ceremony is very offensive to true traditionals. Try to understand the sacrifice and pain NDN people have experienced. It's very real and it hurts like hell.

Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #114 on: January 29, 2010, 12:25:10 am »
I was thinking about sacrifice last night.  When you've given your life for something, to have that 'something' taken away really creates a deep and painful hole in a person.  It leads or can lead to a drop in faith that is near impossible to ever truly heal.  It is a pain that turns many away from the very path they sacrificed to save.  It is not a good thing.  These people, even the ones who mean well, just don't realize what "sacrifice" means. 

What have they had to sacrifice?  Some dollars.  It's repugnant. I despise spiritual 'capitalism'.  It breeds phony cheap shallow egos that mask as 'spiritual people'.  Puke.  Hate it.
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Offline flyingdust

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #115 on: February 02, 2010, 08:05:55 am »
wacha wannabe, I think you been told to quit what your doing because it's not right.  It's not right with the community of people on this forum who represent many different Indigenous American peoples.  But if you insist on carrying on the sweats, at least take our advice: DON'T USE PLASTIC COVERINGS.  Your putting yourself and everyone else who enters it in danger.  Take from the pros...we know what were're talking about.

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #116 on: February 02, 2010, 04:55:34 pm »
I've twice posted an example for wacha nabi that outlines an example of why native people do not agree with what he is doing but I've yet to see a reply.  Maybe his English is too weak to follow my words.  Perhaps I should state it in Tsalagi?

NDN Outlaw says it best - too many ancestors were tortured and killed for merely speaking their language let alone practicing their culture and traditions.  It took quite a bit of courage to keep these things alive.  To use these things without proper training (over the course of years) or authorization is seen as an insult to their memory, efforts and sacrifice.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Manfred Jobst (aka Wacha Nabi)
« Reply #117 on: May 24, 2014, 03:50:20 pm »

It will not come as a surprise that Herr Jobst did not give up selling ceremony and presenting himself as a shame-on after all the elusiveness, self-centeredness, and entitlement he showed in this thread.

Jobst joined a hobbyist club in Bavaria, the Southernstars, using his fake ndn name. The club organise an annual Powwow in the vicinity of Munich. The Powwow is combined with a general Western and Trapper Festival and goes by the name of „Indian and Trapper Festival“ resp ITF, so there is alcohol sold on the premises. Another part of the show is a presentation of various birds of prey, among them owls. They publish photo series of the events, so e.g. the 2013 one here: (these include photos of owls).

The Southernstars also participated in the fake documentary on Cynthia Ann Parker which was mentioned in this thread:
Jobst was one of their members appearing in this docu and played the part of Parker's Comanche adoptive father, in the very outfit you can see in his photo at the Southerstars' site:
This site shows all their 'Indian' members:

Additionally, Jobst also continues to sell his services as a shame-on, e.g. at the premises of a Nuage shop in the town of Freising. The shop seems to cover more or less the entire range of Nuage and altmed, with events/lectures/seminars offered on aura reading, chakra reading, family constellation, vedic astrology, energy medicine, and they also advertise lectures by anti-vaxxers. The shop is also used as a meeting point for a group of „Friends of Bruno Gröning“ (see here:  ).

From May 16-18, 2014, Jobst presented himself during an event organised by the shop, the so-called „Experience and Light Days“:

Experience and Light Days
Friday May 16/ Saturday, May 17/ Sunday, May 18, 2014
Lectures, Workshops, Chanting, Film , Exhibition
Entrance ticket one day € 12 / three days € 30 [...]

All three days:
Our shaman Wacha Nabi
aka Manfred Jobst will set up his „Indian Tppi“ [sic[ in front of our shop all three days and offer „shamanic individual counseling“ which will be attuned to the situation of the participants, smudging and cleansing ceremonies, shamanic healing rituals, and spiritual life counseling.

The services offered during the event will not be for free:

Aura photo with Aura-Chakra Reading with Marius, 30 minutes incl. Photo € 52
Card Reading with Angelita (Friday afternoon and Saturday), 30 minutes € 37.50
Energy Medicine „Essences and Elixir Reading“ with Dr. Doris Hauk, 30 minutes € 30
Vedic Astrology (please submit DOB, place of birth and exact time per e-mail in advance), starting from € 46
Shamanic Healing Work with Wacha Nabi, 30 minutes € 30 / 60 minutes € 50
Emphasis mine

The shop also organises further regular events with Jobst – so-called „shamanic evenings“, e.g. on Tuesday March 4, 2014 and Tuesday March 25, 2014; further events took place in 2013 (see  ). Participants pay € 12 for each „shamanic evening“.

On his website, Jobst still claims Devalon Small Legs as his teacher:

Wacha Nabi – translated this means sacred life/teacher and means the task which has been given by the grandfathers.
In his person, the medicine man and shaman unites the Western world as well as the world of his grandfather, a Chickasaw Indian. [...]
The biggest influence was Devalon Small Legs, also known as „Long Time Traveling“. The Blackfoot medicine man taught Wacha Nabi, along with many other things, the sacred sweatlodge ceremony with the task of introducing it to the people in Europe.
He made Wacha Nabi a pipe carrier and a sun dancer. [...]

Jobst sells a variant of Nuage practices:
Among these are shamanic work, massages, and energetic work. Shamanic work consists of shamanic counseling at € 50 an hour, and 'clearings' at € 100. Jobst also sells sweatlodges and vision quest but does not publish price tags; clients have to inquire the respective rates.

With Jobst's description of a sweatlodge, it is quite interesting what gets mentioned and what doesn't:

Please bring along:
We all enter the sweatlodge lightly clothed, if possible natural fabrics, in a T-shirt, shorts, or a light dress
Since the ground often is cold and wet, please wear sandals
One towel to put on the ground to sit on and another towel for protection against the hot steam
One towel to use afterwards
One pack of tobacco
Various small fabric remnants (cotton, linen) in different colours [...]

Conditions for participation:
Everyone is responsible for themselves
No drugs
No alcohol
If there are any problems (of physical or mental nature), please talk to the sweatlodge leader before.

Apparently, Jobst sells mixed lodges and he also seems to accept women any time.
His advice that participants were responsible for themselves in the lodge is also not in accordance with traditions.