Author Topic: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle  (Read 22365 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« on: December 19, 2009, 02:10:55 am »
Got a request about him. He's over in Germany selling workshops and books. Claims to be Yaqui but a Tigua Pueblo shaman and teacher of Lakota tradition.


STANDING EAGLE is 72 years old and a member of the tribe of the Sonoran Yaqui line in Colorado, North America. His initiation into the Tewa Pueblo tradition of shamanism, he already received in his childhood by his grandmother.
These so early experiences in his first six years of life lay the foundation for his later work.

First, however, he studied at various universities and then worked for more than 29 years as a teacher in Denver, Colorado. At the same time he remembered his roots and his cultural heritage. As in 1987 on the occasion of the traditional Sun Dance ritual, visited the Rosebud Lakota reservation and released four eagles, he was given the name "Eagle Standing given," he has ever since. This initiation gave his life a new direction. He went to Santa Fe, New Mexico in the home of his grandparents and lived from then on as the Native American "medicine person" as he called it.

In addition to his seminars and his work as a shaman created Standing Eagle between 1990 and '92 and shamanic ritual objects for collectors and art galleries. Since 1990, he passes on his extensive knowledge in seminars and workshops and directs shamanic initiations throughout Europe and the Canary Islands, California and New Mexico. Since 1996 he has taught at the Universities of Alicante, Valencia and Valladolid. Over the past seven years has been the focus of his work in Europe, where the first of his many publications was moved (over 20 books).


To our requester, Villareal is likely a fraud. I don't know if he is actually Yaqui or not. Many Mexicans claim to be Yaqui based on dubious family stories, much like many white Americans claim to be Cherokee. His first name being Joseph rather than Jose suggest he was born in the US, not in Sonora like he claims.

But there's no reason the Tigua would have a Yaqui as their "shaman". They don't use that term anyway. I don't know if his story of being on the Rosebud rez is true. We'd need to ask around the Lakota community for that. But it doesn't give him any kind of right to do ceremony or teach it.

He also claims to be both an author and artist. But he is not well known in the US, not known at all as far as I can tell. He doesn't seem known anywhere but Germany, where people are less likely to see what's wrong with his claims.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 09:05:26 pm » this guy is NOT taught tigua ways....and by a tewa? he's gotta be lying...why would a TIWA teach TEWA ways to a YAQUI? i dont even know many pueblo ways and im pueblo....our medicine is closely guarded!!! NO OUTSIDERS!!!

the ysleta del sur (tigua) are of my people....i am taos pueblo (tuah-tah) and we are a tiwa pueblo also and we do NOT bring non tribal people into our ways to "train" them......and the correct term is HOLYMAN!! not shaman!.....i can go ahead and tell you right now this guy is a sure his books are made up crap too

and tigua is the spanish spelling of tiwa......tiwa is not a tribe but a language, their rez is called ysleta del sur (southern isleta)

im sure he chose tigua because they are obscure enough to not raise any doubts in germany

i know a whole family of teachers in denver with the last name of villareal.....and they are very proud of their history in the teaching field.................they are all mexicans....i never met joseph nor do i know if he is related.....nobody in the denver indian community has ever heard of him when i asked around

looks like 6 months ago he back to his old tricks according to link.....i think i'll email them the link here......the more europeans know about this site the more that they can come here to reference names

i also work for of them was my boss and was upset at me for "not speaking my language" because i do not speak SPANISH and have a spanish surname

i explained to him that my language would be northern tiwa or shoshonean nuumic (ute).....he got mad and stormed sure if he had any tiwa (tigua) in me he might asked as indians do.......we are a small people these days....and when any ndn runs across another ndn the first question that is asked is "who are your people? where are you from? who is your family?"

and it just so happens im good friends with the lapointes, the plenty wolfs, the kills crows and alot of other sundance sicangus from rosebud......they never heard of the guy


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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2013, 11:19:40 pm »
He says he was born in 1935, in Colorado. If we can find his true birth name and location, we could probably find he and his family in the 1940 census, that could go a long way in determining who he actually is.

A people finder web site has this info, might not be accurate, but could give us some clues. Since the age and locations are right and there is a "Joseph Eagle" in the mix, I'm assuming this is him.

Joseph M Villarreal, 78
 Lone Tree, CO

Known also: Joseph Villarreal, Josepha Villarreal, Joseph A Villarreal, Joseph Eagle, Joseph S Villarreal, M Wyers

Lived in: Lone Tree, CO Antonito, CO Santa Fe, NM Livingston, NJ Littleton, CO Boulder, CO Denver, CO Escondido, CA Houston, TX Questa, NM Laporte, CO Berthoud, CO

Related to: Norman Wyers, 97 James Wyers James Wyers, 70 James Wyers Elaine Wyers, 71 Norma Villarreal, 75 Kathleen Villarreal, 52

« Last Edit: December 17, 2013, 02:03:30 am by Piff »


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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2013, 12:27:28 am »
Some of the books he has written:

The Horseman of Athapascan: A Novel about Visions, Dreams, Horses, and Indians Commemorating the Long Walk of the Navajos and Apaches in 1864, Standing Eagle, 2008

El Pajarito: The Epic Novel about the Little Bird Between 1930 and 1945, Standing Eagle, 2004

The Star Portals: The Dynamic of the Great Medicine Wheel of the Indigenous Tribes, Standing Eagle, 2004

Google translation of one of his workshops:

The workshop promotes a development of consciousness, the
an experience of unity allows the
highest level of consciousness, seeking all seekers. Through initiation into the canoe
made all the participants familiar with "the currents of the river" harmonious to
learn. According easier it is then, the experience of fundamental recognition and
Unit to achieve acceptable and easy manner. The,, currents of the river "are a
Metaphor for the five inner experiences that we do when we use our eyes for a
Close Meditation: thoughts images and physical sensations and feelings - and sounds
Noise - silence.
The canoe is a special technique that enables us to exercise-free with these "currents
the river "to flow - without resistance to the flow and without it in any way
manipulate. This is innocence in the tradition of Standing Eagle, the necessary key to
the star gates (higher states of consciousness) to pass through in ease and comfort.
During the workshop, five trips are taught that the traversing of the Stargates
enable: peace and personal healing - nature and the healing guide - the lucid dream -
Reconciliation and dissolution of personal boundaries and curses (spell write-ups) -
Dialogue with the oracle. The participants create by practicing the canoe during the
Workshops the basis for a ready access to stargate

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2013, 12:23:58 pm »
Worldcat shows his books are only in the Library of Congress and for sale online. Not one single university library carries his books, which wouldn't be true if he was at all known or respected for his writings on the Long Walk. The books seem to be crudely made and put out by a vanity press.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2013, 04:13:07 pm »   oh my ..... lookie here........if he claims to teach tigua ways he still dont seem to know the difference between tiwa and tewa.....i cant understand much with the german dub.....but he mentions his grandmother taught him history of the ancient ones and not any specific pueblo.......IF he claimed his grandmother taught him medicine (i couldnt tell, i dont speak german) he would be LYING because in my culture women cook, women clean, women also pray and even sing thier own songs, some even have experience healing with herbs...but women do NOT do "medicine"

looks like he is having the time of his life playing the big shot know-it-all in germany

anyone here speak german?

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2013, 04:27:04 pm »
I found some more info in German language on Villarreal:,0,3666819660.html

article dd Oct. 15, 2008
72-year-old wants to help people with the knowledge of his ancestors
„Standing Eagle“ does lectures and wrote many books. During a workshop, he fell in love with a physicist from Oldenburg. This was four months ago.
Paths intertwined: Had somebody told 72-year-old „Standing Eagle“ ten years ago that he would ever live in a town by the name of Oldenburg in the north of Germany, he wouldn't have believed it, although the man with the water blue eyes and the braid knows much about developments of consciousness, as he perceives himself as a medicine man passing on the knowledge of his Indian ancestors. But who also uses scientific explanations about states of relaxation in the human brain for a reference.
That he would fall in love at first sight with an Oldenburg physicist, mother of four children, and marry her after just a few months, this would have been too unreal for him. Today, he lives in the town of Kreyenbrück near the Osternburg Canal with Ellen Naujoks. Originally from Berlin but living in Oldenburg since 1995, Naujoks says: „I love this town“.
„Standing Eagle“ was born as Joseph Villarreal in the south of the US-State of Colorado, his father worked for the railway. From his grandmother, member of the same tribe of Sonoran Yaqi Line [sic] as he is, he learned the traditions of the Anasazi, stood at the canyons in the Southwest of the USA. He does not know vertigo.
At school, the teachers of the Benedictines complemented the knowledge of the Indians. Joseph Villarreal studied philosophy and taught in Denver for 29 years where he lived with a wife and children.
By the end of the 1980ies, he wondered whether this should have been it. The crisis became a chance: he went into the desert to find back to his roots again. During a traditional Sundance ritual of the Lakota Indians at the Rosebud Reservation, an area in South Dakota, an eagle is said to have circled above him. Thus he received the name „Standing Eagle“ and found his path. „I then moved to Santa Fe to live according to the traditions of my ancestors.“
Since 1990, he does workshops in Spain, Germany, California, and New Mexico and has written about 20 books, does lectures at congresses. People trying to find themselves, or with a longing for deep relaxation and a new consciousness come to him. He speaks of „star portals and of the experience of one-ness which all seekers strive for“. This also comprises initiation rites from Indian life, e.g. with the canoe. [...]

Some more biographical data:

Standing Eagle was born in Cruz Pagoso, Colorado, in 1935. He studied at the universities of Regis and Denver and graduated in arts, philosophy, and literature. For 29 years, he was a teacher and counsellor at state schools in Denver. He also worked with young people suffering from chronic depressions and drug addiction. He also taught at the universities of Valladolid and Alicante. He also gave workshops and courses in Barcelona and is the author of many books (among them ten novels). „Las Puertas Estelares“ is his first book published in Spain, others are „Los Pasos del Chaman Inspirado, Spain“ [sic] and „The Little Bird (El Pajarito), USA“ [sic].

Standing Eagles grandmother, a powerful woman of the tribe of Tewa, initiated Standing Eagle into the knowledge of the ancient mysteriafrom earliest childhood. The work of Standing Eagle is the result of these exceptional episodes in his life which began with this initiation. About 20 years ago, he received the name „Standing Eagle“ in a ritual and he has worked as a shaman since. Today, he lives in Santa Fe/New Mexico as an Indian „medicine person“ (this is what he calls himself).

Far from imposing us his knowledge as a dogma or putting it into cryptic words, Standing Eagle shares with us in a natural and humourous way. His lectures and workshops thus are distinguished by touching stories and cordiality.
Standing Eagle leads participants of his seminars to their own flow of life in order to use the full potential and lead a fulfilled and harmonious life in clarity and in the knowledge of being part of the unity. Part of this path is the Path of the Canoe. At the end of September, he will offer a seminar on detection and solution of maledictions and curses. The beginners' seminar in July is a prerequisite. Next year, he plans to take us into a common dreaming network in a retreat.

There is some more info in this post in an Austrian forum dd Nov 30, 2006, advertising a seminar with Villarreal:

Standing Eagle was the discovery of the latest shaman congress at Whitsun 2006 in the town of Mondsee. […]
His full name is Joseph Standing Eagle and he is a member of the tribe of Sonoran Yaqui Line from Colorado/North America. [...]
When he visited the Rosebud Reservation on the occasion of the traditional Sun Dance ritual of the Lakota and four eagles appeared, he was given the name of „Standing Eagle“ which he is using since. This initiation gave a new direction to his life. […] Additionally to his seminars and his acticity as a shaman, Standing Eagle also created shamanic ritual objects for collectors and art galleries between 1990 and 1992. Since 1990, he passes his vast knowledge in seminars and workshops all over Europe, the Canary Islands, California, and New Mexico. Since 1996, he teaches at the universities of Alicante, Valencia, and Valladolid. During the last seven years, the focus of his work was in Spain where also the first of his numerous publications (more than 20 books) appeared. Today, he lives in Los Pinos, New Mexico.
Emphasis mine

Seems this more or less translates into: he is a blue-eyed person claiming ndn, but not quite decided whether he might be Tewa or Anasazi. Either he does not know this or believes his German clients do not know that Anasazi is a term for a pre-Columbian culture.

From the biographical data, he was a teacher, not a professor until he stepped out on his wife and children and decided he had enough of teaching other people's brats. Villarreal then moved to Santa Fe, or to Spain, or probably later went to Spain. Given his education and course of studies, he may indeed have worked at a university as a language teacher, a position well below that of a professor.

The 2006 ad mentioned above is interesting, as it indicates that the legend of how he came by the name of "Standing Eagle" has been revamped over the years. The way this is expressed he clearly was no participant of the Sun Dance, but a member of the audience. I suspect he got this all wrong - it wasn't eagles circling above him, but vultures denoting the future culture-vulture....

As EI said, Villarreal's books do not seem to be available. Contrary to his claims of having written 20 books, 10 of them novels, there are about 3 mentioned online.

This site offers the same biographical info, except for naming a third Spanish university where Villarreal allegedly taught, in the town of Valencia.

There is a description of his workshop taking place in September 2014:

Course of Workshop:
Thursday, Sep 4, 8-9.30 p.m.: lecture „Living your dream in times of economic and political insecurity“
Friday, Sep 5, 10 am – 6 pm: Initiation: Canoe and Introduction
Saturday, Sep 6, 10 am – 6 pm: Part I: Dynamics of Canoe, practice and 2 voyages
Sunday, Sep 7, 9 am – 4.30 pm: Part II: Adaptation of the Canoe Path and 3 voyages
Fee:  € 390 per person

The site also offers a description of the workshop:
There are no prerequisites for participation in the workshop. The workshop promotes a development of consciousness which enables an experiences of unity, the highest level of consciousness which all seekers strive for. By initiation into the Canoe all participants are introduced to experience „the currents of the flow“ [the German word used means both river and flow] in a more harmonious way so it will be easier to achieve the experience of basic acceptance and unity in a pleasant and easy way. The „currents of flow“ is a metaphor of the five internal experiences we make when we close our eyes for a meditation: Thoughts – images – physical perceptions and feelings – sounds and noises – silence. 
The Canoe is a particular technique enabling us to flow effortlessly with these „currents of flow“, without resistance against the flow and without manipulating it in any way. This is innocence in the tradition of Standing Eagle, the necessary key to step through star portals (higher states of consciousness) with ease and in a sense of well-being.

During the workshop, the five voyages will be taught which enable to step through the star portals: calmness and personal healing – nature and the healing leaders – the lucid dream – reconciliation and dissolving of personal limitations and curses (banning attributions) – dialogue with the oracle. By practicing the Canoe during the workshop, participants will create a basis for an easier achievement of the star portals.

This site, BTW, belongs to a person by the name of Ruth May Johnson, originally from Scotland, and a dyed-in-the-wool Nuager. She is selling „animal communication“, in plain words: she claims to be able to communicate with your pet by telepathy, and then tells you lots of BS about your pets wishes and needs. An alternative way, if you pardon the pun, of spelling: rip-off.

Villarreal was also interviewed for a book written by Geseko von Lüpke, a well-known Nuager. According to his publishers Random House (  ), von Lüpke, born 1958, studied Politics and Cultural Anthropology, worked as a journalist for radio stations and print media, and is the author of numerous books e.g. on shamanism, spirituality, culture, ecological ethics.
The book is titled „Ancient Knowledge for a New Era“, consisting of 17 interviews with shame-ons from five continents:

Germany: Heide Göttner-Abendroth
England: Dusty Miller XIII. und Dusty Miller XIV.
Greenland: Angaangaq Lyberth
Guatemala: Eufemia Cholac Chicol
Indonesia: Morden Sitanggan
Korea: Hi-ah Park
Mexiko: José Lopéz Guido
Mongolia: Galsan Tschinag
New Zealand: Wai Turoa-Morgan
North America: Manitonquat and Joseph Standing Eagle
Norway: Ailo Gaup
Peru: Don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Don Pedro Guerra Gonzales
Siberia: Nadja Stepanova
South Africa: Percy Konqobe
West Africa: Malidoma Somé

In this book, Villarreal is described as Anasazi and Hisatsinom. Apparently, neither Villarreal nor von Lüpke are aware that these two terms denote the same culture, with the term Anasazi being Dinè, while Hisatsinom is Hopi.
Most of the persons interviewed have been touring Nuage congresses in Europe and giving seminars for years and are well established in the Nuage scene.

Von Lüpke wrote in an article:

Our ancestors in the dark forrests of Central Europe sent their young men and women into the wilderness. The adventures they experienced have been handed down to us in numerous stories […]: fairy tales! Sources from much older times prove that also Greeks, Germanics, Celts, and persons from the matriarchal cultures of Stone Age went into the wild Unknown to gather wisdom, grow internally, and serve the community. Indian medicine man Standing Eagle assumes that the peoples who wandered to America from Siberia 15,000 years ago, brought these methods with them from Central and Eastern Europe...
Emphasis mine

Historical misrepresentation at its finest. Peoples living in Siberia did not come from Central and/or Eastern Europe, in fact science is certain that Asia was settled by Homo sapiens sapiens first, and settlement in Europe took place afterwards. There is nothing indicating that peoples re-migrated from Europe to Siberia and from there migrated to the Americas.
Additionally, it is a nice piece of racism, once more making Euros the „better Indians“ who introduced the Indians to their traditions to create Indian cultures.
This probably is the most blatant proof that Villarreal's claims of being ndn are nothing but a load of BS he gives to (prospective) clients to fleece them.

And finally, so that you all know we're dealing with a celeb here, and article from an Austrian news portal from 2008:;art70,10547

Poster Indian comes to Innviertel
One of the most famous Indians in America comes: „Standing Eagle“ is going to do a lecture and a three-day workshop in the town of Mehrnbach

The 72-year old author of more than 20 books is a member of the Sonoran-Yaqui tribe in the US-state of Colorado. His former initiation into the Anasazi tradition by his grandmother in his early childhood is the basis of the knowledge his passes on today.

„Standing Eagle“ studied at several universities and worked as a teacher in Denver for almost 30 years. In 1987, he participated in the traditional Sun Dance ritual of the Lakota Indians at the Rosebud Reservation. When suddenly eagles appeared circling above him, he was given the name of „Standing Eagle“ which he is using since. At that time he decided to move to Santa Fe, to the home of his ancestors, and live there as an Indian medicine person. [...]

The workshop was titled „The Canoe Path and the five grand voyages“, with a fee of € 350, or € 249 for students.

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2013, 04:54:56 pm »   oh my ..... lookie here........if he claims to teach tigua ways he still dont seem to know the difference between tiwa and tewa.....i cant understand much with the german dub.....but he mentions his grandmother taught him history of the ancient ones and not any specific pueblo.......IF he claimed his grandmother taught him medicine (i couldnt tell, i dont speak german) he would be LYING because in my culture women cook, women clean, women also pray and even sing thier own songs, some even have experience healing with herbs...but women do NOT do "medicine"

looks like he is having the time of his life playing the big shot know-it-all in germany

anyone here speak german?


Actually, he is less outspoken in the interview than all the ads which definitely say that he was 'initiated' by his grandmother who taught him.
The seminar. BTW, is the very same as advertised in this news portal I mentioned above:;art70,10547

It starts out with the organiser explaining she met Villarreal at a shame-on congress in Mondsee where she did a guided meditation with him [this is more of a hypnosis than a meditation] and found out that he still was available for booking, so she organised the seminar at the premises of a friend of her's.

In the interview, Villarreal says his grandmother left her Tewa village because she wanted a better life for her children. He claims she spoke of the Anasazi to him, but never mentioned her Tewa pueblo, just the ancestors.

He also says the most important things were what "the Indians" never talk about (and yes, he did say "the Indians", not "we"). As one example, he explains, the medicine wheel was the sum of his relationship with the universe. His German and Austrian audience were particularly apt in understanding that one had to dissolve into the Nothing to be able to live in the Now.

Sorry this is a rather brief summary, but what he says is such a load of Nuage gibberish (about star portalsand such) it is hard to listen to and write it down at the same time, and about as meaningful as the last sentence I translated.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2013, 04:55:12 pm »
i saw that site too ingleborg....but i do not know german

looks like he been at this for some time then

first of all no puebloan people have any "canoe initiation rites" that i ever heard of....and if so they wouldnt be performed by a woman presiding....all rituals are performed by MEN

2nd he claims we brought these ways from siberia? NONE of our creation stories.....or from any ndn tribes for that matter mention siberia.........pueblo culture....whether you speak tewa, tiwa, towa, keresan, zuni or hopi all believe we sprung from the ground or waters, led out of the darkness by the translates a little different but noting i would be willing to speak of anymore.....if youre pueblo, you know....if youre not it aint your beeswax

either way he could be indian, maybe even pueblo or yaqui.......but i DOUBT it as he doesnt seem to know anything about either tribe................and what he sells is MISINFORMATION

i hope you have alot of german readers here that will put a stop to this guy

oh.....and yes i know he is elderly.....but once you start misrepresenting my people and trying to make a fast buck off of what MY ancestors shed blood for and died trying to preserve.....well then fuck him......he lost any kind of respect as any kind of "elder"

and is it just me or does every twinkie have to add some kind of sundance experience to their resume of lies in order to gain credibility in europe?.......i have all my sicangu friends asking questions including one very well known sundance chief.......NO ONE ever heard of this guy....even here in the denver indian community......where he surely would be known for being involved in ceremony, powwow, activism, indian education ect (if he was truly legit)

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2013, 05:16:25 pm »
looks like he been at this for some time then

He's been at it since 1990 according to the ads and articles I found. This may also explain why he is not known in the ndn community in Denver. Or you probably should speak to persons who already lived in Denver during the 1980ies. But I doubt he even identified as of descent back then.

2nd he claims we brought these ways from siberia? NONE of our creation stories.....or from any ndn tribes for that matter mention siberia.........pueblo culture....whether you speak tewa, tiwa, towa, keresan, zuni or hopi all believe we sprung from the ground or waters, led out of the darkness by the translates a little different but noting i would be willing to speak of anymore.....if youre pueblo, you know....if youre not it aint your beeswax

Actually, what he said is that peoples first migrated from Central/Eastern Europe to Siberia, then moved on to the Americas... :harumph:
Of course this may be a sales pitch he developed in Europe over the years to make his garbage more appealing to a Euro audience. However, it is also against all scientific theories of how and when humans settled the continents.

oh.....and yes i know he is elderly.....but once you start misrepresenting my people and trying to make a fast buck off of what MY ancestors shed blood for and died trying to preserve.....well then fuck him......he lost any kind of respect as any kind of "elder"

What I learned here is: many of us get old, few get to be elders  ;) .

and is it just me or does every twinkie have to add some kind of sundance experience to their resume of lies in order to gain credibility in europe?.......i have all my sicangu friends asking questions including one very well known sundance chief.......NO ONE ever heard of this guy....even here in the denver indian community......where he surely would be known for being involved in ceremony, powwow, activism, indian education ect (if he was truly legit)

He may well be a PODIA, given his Spanish family name his ancestors may have migrated or be part of the Hispanic population in the Southwest.
The sundance/vision quest etc bit is just a sales pitch - giving people something they know for "Indian". Of course it also makes him look somewhat legit to the Nuage scene here.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 09:54:40 pm by Ingeborg »

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2013, 06:44:02 pm »
i lived thru the denver indian community since i was born up into the present......i am 44yrs old...and yes everyone else i asked been here for yrs also......NOT A SINGLE PERSON heard of him

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2013, 06:59:08 pm »
i found as many of his contacts as i could through pictures and gave every email i sent a link to this entry

i also invited them to register and ask questions that we can answer best to our knowledge or comfort about tribe specific ways so they can compare to the frauds

i was met with some hostility, but i bet they read this entry

we should do that with everyone we discuss....hit them close to home, invite them to ask questions......

and i took the liberty of emailing ysleta del sur to see what they think of mr villarael's exploits in europe and even invited them to register if they wanted to make an official statement  :D

i think statements from tribal govts will go much further with twinkies......i would love all 564 USA tribes as well as all other tribes on western hemisphere read this and jump on statements accordingly after research

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2014, 04:50:40 am »
first of all did you listen to that horris sounding "song" he was warbling....that is NOT a pueblo song nor is it in tiwa language....THATS FOR SURE

and why is he wearing plains style women's moccasins?

and i managed to locate a close friend of his who shakes his head and was shocked to see old timer who still subs for denver public schools

i guess joe is a would-be teacher who bounced around the district because he couldnt hold it together at any particular school....and had no control of the kids or any classroom management

he was also mr la raza chicano power in his denver days...always claiming to be some important cog in the wheels of progress but everyone thought he was a phony.....and NEVER identified as indian...EVER....he was all about mexican pride......basically here at home he is a NOBODY who made up his own family history (hell....why not he makes up tribal history) i guess he loves being mr important in germany......what a joke

he is disrespecting MY people and selling misinformation......i hope the spirits get him good

i hope we have some people here in the oldenburg germany area that can spread the word on this asshole

ha....even his own friends think he is a joke and clown on him......i would hate to be joe standing ego

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2014, 05:27:27 pm »
ok, worked with the old timer again last week who knew him. the old guy is a retired teacher from Denver Public Schools. looks like mr villarael was NOT some esteemed teacher but spent most of his tenure a substitute because he couldnt get his accreditation in order

like i mentioned before villareal did not even identify as indian but as mexican during the time. i also heard that he made up that he was in the front lines of alot of "la raza" brown beret protests that no one remembers him even being at

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Joseph Villareal AKA Standing Eagle
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2014, 07:20:19 pm »
ok.....i contacted Ruth May Johnson at

i told her months ago that Standing EGO is a fraud. i sent numerous emails that she either ignored....or demanded that i prove that i wasnt a fraud. she still defends him and still goes forward with seminars and workshops

i am not the one doing false ceremonies, singing false songs and wearing women's moccasins or lying about my background making up history as i go along so i can sell seminars

i declare RUTH MAY JOHNSON as ENEMY of the pueblo people, enemy of the Denver Indian Community and enemy of ME

i hope any yaqui members here also denounce standing eagles lies