Author Topic: Hiden Abenaki Tribes in VT  (Read 36864 times)

Offline LittleOldMan

  • Posts: 138
Re: Hiden Abenaki Tribes in VT
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2010, 06:56:52 pm »
Even if all the genealogical data is accurate as to descent the one major problem that all State Tribes seemingly have in common is a requirement  that a consistent geological community has existed since precolonial times.  I am not talking one hundred miles diameter rather ten to twenty miles.  Also a consistent cultural identity with cultural mores and traditions intact.  Example the Poarch Band of the Creek Tribe of Atmore Al. had to prove that their community had been there prior to removal and that they were who and what they were.  It might be worth investigating if the NAACP or the ACLU may be interested in taking it on.  With respect to all "LittleOldMan'
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Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Hiden Abenaki Tribes in VT
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2010, 08:07:09 pm »
Even if all the genealogical data is accurate as to descent the one major problem that all State Tribes seemingly have in common is a requirement  that a consistent geological community has existed since precolonial times.  I am not talking one hundred miles diameter rather ten to twenty miles.

The problem with this is that historically the groups of Peoples considered to be Abenaki were mobile communities.  They used the rivers essentially as highways even in post-colonial times.  I can't remember the year exactly but sometime in the 1800's, 1830ish, maybe later, individuals presumed to be Abenaki traveled the Connecticut River out my way to sell baskets.

One thing that people don't realize is that the Abenaki Confederacy did not come into existence until after 1670 and then only in response to continuous wars with the Iroquois and English colonists.

Offline Diana

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Re: Hiden Abenaki Tribes in VT
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2010, 01:36:23 am »
I don't believe there are any state recognized tribes in Vermont or any state recognized abenaki anywhere. I could be wrong, but I checked the NCAI website and there are none listed.

Lim lemtsh,


Offline karen mica

  • Posts: 34
Re: Hiden Abenaki Tribes in VT
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2010, 05:59:32 am »
I really want to thank everyone for your attention and your thoughts here.
I suppose whatever is to happen, will happen soon and that will be the end of it.
At least I will know that we tried to fight this, even if we loose, we will still have that.

Maybe Penobscot could have intervened or at least made a protest, since they are now Federally Recognized in Maine and they are the only Abenaki in the U.S that are recognized right now, as far as I know.  But it seems that they ( or at least one claiming to be of them ) is all for urging my chiefs to just throw me out of the band, and go along with this whole farce, is recommending making peace with everybody, and just going along with it all.

I know that some Odanak people have tried, written letters of protest and some have even made public statements, and I am very grateful for that, though it has not been enough to stop this from actually least they did something.

You have the faby`s fraudulent history ALL written by the same guy...I don`t even know what to call him anymore...then you have the majority ( 6 out of 9 ) members of the commission composed of the Fraudulent Faby`s "bands"... who get to hand over the fraudulent histories written by one of their own alliance a review committee which will include the "whatever he is dude"... that wrote those absurd histories in the first place!

Now, do you suppose that he is going to look at them and say, oh this isn`t right?

Of course NOT, because the guy wrote them all himself and will approve them all himself !!!!!
I`m ready to just throw my hands up into the air and walk away from this whole thing.
They have set themselves up to become Vermont`s "recognized Abenaki people" and they have the States blessing and approval to carry out this fraud.
Looks like they`ll win, no matter what we do and I have no idea how much it would cost, or where we would ever find the money to fight this legally anyway.