Hey gang,
I have some info on The World Drum that might be of use here. As I understand it, the World Drum is a cross-cultural project with no root or basis in any particular culture. It's intention is to bring people from all walks of life together in the interest of world peace and raising awareness about the need to take better care of the planet. There is no money being made from it either, as far as I can tell. From what I have heard from people who attended the World Drum ceremony that involved John Two-Hawks, was that he made it clear that it was not a Lakota ceremony, but rather a multi-cultural prayer for healing mother earth, or something to that effect. Everything I know about John Two-Hawks leads me to believe that he is authentic. I wondered about him too, at first, but real NDN people I know who know him personally say that he is no new age wannabe, that he knows his ways, and is not in the business of selling ceremonies or any of that stuff we all hate. I do not know anything about "Carol Proudfoot", but I do know that Manataka is a squirrelly deal. They seem to find ways to attach themselves to authentic NDN people. I know someone who saw Pete Catches and John Two-Hawks both in attendance at a Manataka event along with some other legitimate NDNs. I have heard that both Pete and John couldn't believe they got rooked into being there, and that neither of them wants anything to do with Manataka. Somehow Manataka found a way to hook up with the World Drum too I guess. Back to the World Drum, the actual drum was created by a Sami spiritual leader, as I understand it. Anyway, that's all the info I can think of right now. Hope that helps!