Author Topic: Medicine Wheel Teachings & the Twelve Steps, with Jim Frank ( PENNSYLVANNIA)  (Read 20022 times)

Offline ComesWithFire

  • Posts: 39

Does anyone know anything about this guy?
his name is Jim Frank (James Michael Aloysius Frank, M.A.) and I believe he lives in Malvern, Pennsylvania
His website
Medicine Wheel Teachings & theTwelve Steps, with Jim Frank

Six Thrusday Evenings starting March 18, 2010 from 7 to 9:30 PM at Dibello Yoga Studio at 31 Plank Avenue #304, Paoli, PA 19301

  Registration fee  - $175 at the door ($150 if paid in full by 3/18/2010).  - first come-first served, space is limited so don't delay.

also it seems he has his own sweat lodge
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
his claim to fame classes
of coarse now he can charge to teach you

Offline ComesWithFire

  • Posts: 39
This is just a couple of things from his website................he even mentions things about women that should be kept private and only amoung the women. I cannot even mention it on here but if you look at the Sweat Lodge questions and answers section and read down to the part where it mentions when women should or should not be allowed to come you will see what I mean.
About Money:  I like to work with individuals in two hour sessions and my fee is based at fifty dollars per hour.  I know that money is often a problem so I am happy to allow forgiveness if someone thinks they have trouble paying.  I have enough right now and sometimes the people who need the most help don't have much money to spare.  So, pay when you can - my price, your terms.  Just make sure you don't fall into the trap of being a victim of poverty.  It seems like some folks sometimes hold the belief "you only get what you pay for,"  and when they reverse that they don't value what they get for free.   The Universe is a lot more generous then that.  Sweat lodges are by donation, talk to me for a suggestion.
How much does it cost? : Money is a problem, isn't it?   The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is our prayer and you can't buy it at any cost.  But people do need to make a contribution and while we appreciate offers of firewood, blankets and such, money is what seems best. We open our home and  there are expenses.  We put out a basket at the pot luck and donations are anonymous.  Donations are used to cover expenses.  If each person attending contributed $20 the lodge would be self sustaining.  It does not feel respectful if someone comes to the sweat lodge and only donates money if they have any "left over."
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies

Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
I've heard about this sweat lodge. Usually, when having a conversation about Indian issues with someone, I get: "there's a sweatlodge in Malvern, have you ever been there? My usual reply is: no, I'm not Indian, and even if I was, my ancestors were Cherokee and Delaware, not Plains, it would not be a part of my tradition. It amazes me how many people I bump into know about this lodge and have attended at least once. It's disheartening the misinformation out there.

Reading this gentleman's bio tells one a lot. He's a real spiritual grazer .... even if I was inclined to attend a sweat lodge - which I am not - it would not be this one. Jack of all trades, master of none. Not someone I would go anywhere near for spiritual guidance. Looks like he has bounced from one Spiritual flavor of the month to another.  

Rick Ross has a huge thread on Byron Katie. Scary stuff.,12906

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
look at the pictures
plastic liner , produces Poisson when heated
he is going to be shut down

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
The recent reports actually show that the plastics and tarps used on the roof of the brainwashing tent...uh sweat-lodge, were intentional to create an air-tight seal, for oxygen deprivation to create a false euphoria in people, which they would mistake for a "higher consciousness" and attribute to the Guru.

Because James Ray on other occasions blabs about avoiding toxic "poisons" in the environment, usually to market a cleansing product of course. (one that is probably toxic itself).

Meanwhile, they deliberately cover the overheated brainwashing tent with plastic/tarps.
Technically, the possible toxins from the heated plastic are the least of ones worries, as that might give you lung cancers decades in the future.

Its the severe oxygen deprivation which is far more dangerous.
Organ damage.
Brain damage.

Talk about "toxins", when you get severely dehydrated and overheated, you are damaging your liver and kidneys, which actually filter toxins. So damaging those organs is the most toxic thing you can do. You can die from that.

And what about the people who were "only" injured, and may have suffered some organ damage, and some possible brain damage from the severe oxygen deprivation and over-heating?
What about them in the years ahead? What about their health problems from organ damage?

The authorities said they took samples of all the materials from the roof and structure for testing. And they are checking to find the instructions for the sweat-dome.

This can be the cost of not exercising critical thinking with knowledge of how LGAT seminars operate. With critical thinking, some wackjob Guru tells you to get into his crude overheated brainwashing tent, but first you go and inspect it, inside and out.

You see its designed to create an air-tight seal, so you tell the Guru to open some holes in the roof to create a draft. He says no.
Then you say if he does not make the structure safe with ventilation, you are calling the fire department from 911.
Oh that's right, the Guru has taken your phone.

Then you go to one of the Guru's goon staffers, and tell them to give you your phone in 10 seconds. Or even better, you pull your phone out of your pocket, as you kept your phone and ID, as you don't hand stuff like that over to LGAT guru's.
Then you walk to the lodge and call the fire department from 911, that some aggressive Guru is pushing 60 people into a fire-trap and unsafe building structure.
They get there quick, and shut the thing down.

Or if there is not time for that, you tear the structure down yourself, or rip 5 holes through the roof.

With training in wilderness survival, critical thinking, and LGAT seminars, you can spot what the Guru is doing in minutes, and take action to stop it.
Many cults will try to physically stand in people's way to coerce them and try to stop them from leaving.

But with proper knowledge and training, you can tell the Guru to get out of your way in 5 seconds, or he will be charged.
Of course, this is why Guru's, spend months breaking down people's will, starving them, lack of sleep, and building up false trust, so they can then have more leverage over the victim.
They also kick out people who stand up to them, and try to groom their followers to do whatever the Guru tells them to do.
That's why they call it Mind-Control.

The public needs about 1000x more training in these areas.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2009 05:16AM by The Anticult.

I don't know what to say.  I started replying a few times now.  The guy isn't.  That's all that can really be said. And if people are actually believing this guy is .. that is just really sad, and shows clearly that people are very lost.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Rick Ross has a huge thread on Byron Katie. Scary stuff.,12906

Rick Ross moved here, and you can search to find all the information about Byron Katie:

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
The recent reports actually show […]

That whole post is Copy & Paste (with no source given) from here:,77450,77845

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
I awakened this topic because Jim Frank (AKA James Michael Aloysius Frank) is still active.

His old site is still there, but no updates since 2016: &

Right now he recruits from here:

Medicine Wheel Wisdom and the 12 Steps
Six Tuesdays on Zoom begining September 13, 2022, from 7:30 to 9PM

Disciple of Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, Byron Katie, and Joseph Rael AKA Beautiful Painted Arrow. My boldings in quotes below:

Who is Jim Frank?
[…] With the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, he trained in core shamanism with Michael Harner and soul retrieval with Sandra Ingerman.
[…] In 2003 he attended the School for The Work with Byron Katie in Brussels, Belgium and in 2004 he staffed at the School in Stamford CT.  He is skilled in facilitating The Work and has maintain his relationship with The Work by regular attendance to Katie's New Year's Cleanse. In recent years he has traveled to Peru to deepen his connection to indigenous peoples and visiting with his friends in Cusco.
[…] Since 1991, Jim has followed the Red Way as taught by Joseph Rael, aka, Beautiful Painted Arrow, with whom he apprenticed as a ceremonial leader.  He leads his local community in ceremony since 1995 Within his larger spiritual community he is recognized as a valued elder and continues to lead ceremony and teach workshops.

More about his Byron Katie connection:

YouTube channel (four videos right now)

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1483
Re: Medicine Wheel Teachings & the Twelve Steps, with Jim Frank (PENNSYLVANIA)
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2022, 03:38:02 pm »
The recent reports actually show […]
That whole post is Copy & Paste (with no source given) from here:,77450,77845

I forgot to add that it's all from 2009 and about "James Ray, Mankind Project, plastic sweat lodge = brainwashing tent" — and rather belongs in this thread:
[James Arthur Ray - Angel Valley Resort DeathSweat in Sedona: 3 dead, 20 injured]

To be fair, that long quote must be disregarded when discussing Jim Frank's Sweath Lodge activities.