Author Topic: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN Kenny Frost  (Read 51024 times)

Offline ironhead

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« on: June 21, 2005, 10:14:54 pm »
Has any out there heard of someone called Kenny Frost. I have heard some bad reports about him. I want to know what his M.O. is. I also know/heard, he is victimizing natives, esp. females. (sexual favors).
Any assistance will be honored.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2025, 02:35:27 am by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kenny Frost
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2005, 08:22:01 am »
He´s running for Ute tribal chairman.
"Kenny Frost, 50, actually has played the role of an Indian in several Hollywood and television movies. His wide-ranging resume also includes stints with the tribe's natural resources division and as director of tribal education. An expert on the repatriation of American Indian grave sites, he often visits area schools, lecturing about tribal history and culture. Frost has no formal political experience."

Offline ironhead

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Re: Kenny Frost
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2005, 09:05:03 pm »
Friends, WADO,
for the report.

Arthur Medicine Eagle

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Re: Kenny Frost
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2005, 12:54:35 pm »
 Kenny Frost is a good man.

Offline Indijnus1

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Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2005, 08:34:25 pm »
Now I know I had seen a thread with all sorts of info about this dingaling and his nastiness...where did it go?  I need some info about him.  Someone I know has just been chatting with him alot and that man is smooth I tell ya, smooth.
I was at the AIM protest in Denver this past Columbush weekend and saw him but I didn't approach him to talk to him or anything.  I know him from vairous places on the internet and stuff. Anyway, anything that can be given to me or re-posted would be very helpful.



Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2005, 09:10:10 pm »
First, if you want info on him, you could ask him. Plus, it would have been better to place this in "REsearch Needed." Putting his name in here is like saying he is a fraud. I don't believe he is, BTW. Kenny Frost is known to my husband's niece. He is a Ute, a sundancer and more. She also said he is very arrogant, but ya know, that ain't a crime.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2005, 09:15:03 pm »;action=display;num=1119392094;start=0#

If you look near the top of the board you'll find "Search".

Most of what we found out or knew about Frost was positive. Some of what he's said or done I don't agree with, like this.

But that doesn't make him a fraud.

Is there something else going on? Usually a request like this should go under Research Needed, unless they're doing something that's a sure tip off like selling ceremonies or claiming to be a reincarnated Crazy Horse.

Offline Indijnus1

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2005, 10:19:14 pm »
I did a search using his name but nothing showed up.  I apologize for posting here instead of research section.

Offline ironhead

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2005, 10:45:30 pm »
Greetings native friends;
This is the second time that I have saw an inquiry of Mr. Frost. I myself wrote one some months ago, and I was told the he was alright. But, my friends, if there is yet another question about his integrety, than might be we should consider the reason or reasons why. So you say that he is sort of arrogant. I understand that at one time he was running for the chairmanship of the Ute Nation. If this man is leadership quality, than I question the quality of that quality. There is no room for arrogancy in a good leader. (at least in my opinion)
Because of this continuing doubt, I think he should be checked into further.

Offline Indijnus1

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2005, 04:54:04 am »
This is what I know and what I saw with my own eyes not too long ago.  IF he is indeed a sundancer and all the wonderful things that people here are claiming, then why was he enjoying his Bud light at a bar and after in a party in a hotel room.  I personally talked to him about that and he didn't deny it.  Now I don't know your teachings but where I come from that is not something a medicine man does, or someone who carries pipe, etc.  I do know of a woman, a very close friend for years, who he did some things to her that I would consider bad medicine.  Dream walking, sending nightmares, things on that order. He has a not so good history with women dealings is what I have come to learn.
When I had originally posted this thread, I wanted to know to what extent he is claiming any status with his tribe if any as far as being "medicine man" or some highly respected tribal member.
If this should have been posted on another area, how does one move it then and I will do that if necessary.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2005, 03:05:01 pm »
Moving a topic can only be done by an administrator. I'll go ahead and do that.

Some time before you joined us, we had a long discussion with our members who are not Native, pointing out Sundancers are not necessarily automatically good people. Some break their obligations or dance only for their own egos sake or to impress others. Some outright frauds, like Manny "Two Feathers", put the fact they've danced in the past on display as alleged proof they are super spirchul.

What you describe to me sounds like someone whose a mix of good and bad, in other words a fallible human being who didn't do what he was supposed to as a Sundancer. The use of medicine to harm somebody is far more serious, at least to me.

I haven't seen any signs so far of him claiming to be a medicine man, or any ceremony selling or building a little cult. So far by your account he's definitely done wrong, but he's not a fraud or exploiter like Harley Reagan for example.

Offline ironhead

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2005, 03:25:54 pm »
Greetings native friends;
I believe there needs to be a clearifacation here. I personally have no vendettas against Mr. Frost. Let me catagorize my history on this subject.
1 I heard from trusted source that Mr. Frost was acting in a dis-honerable manner with a native woman.
2 I posted my inquiry at this site to find out if there were other reports, (this was only natural)
3 I was told by a senior member here that he, Mr. Frost was O.K.
4 I came back to do other research here, later, and low and behold, I saw yet another inquiry about, Mr. Frost.
5 Since this picked my curiousity, I made my latest comment about the subject in question.
6 I was told by a senior member here, once again, that Mr. Frost is on the arrogant side, but that's all, and that's not a crime.
7  I was also told by that senior member, that I Ironhead, was after "his integrety", (I presume Mr. Frost's)
8  Let me say that I, Ironhead, once again, do not consider arrogancy, A GOOD TRAIT OF LEADERSHIP. This opinion is not a crime either. This has been an observation, and NOT an accusation on my part.
9  Now that this has been "cleared up", let us go back to the business of uncovering fakes again.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2005, 04:15:33 pm »
AS I am on a list with Mr. Frost, I took the liberty of emailing him with a link to the thread. His reply was that he did not care to respond, people will say what they want and, most important, that he has NEVER claimed to be a medicine man.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2005, 04:19:08 pm »
Oh, and indijinus? Your statement of "Where I come from" implies you are not from Mr. Frost's tribe. WE are not all the same in our beliefs. Maybe you or I don't think a person who carries a pipe should drink. But if it's ok with that person's tribe, it is not up to us. Myself, I would rather worry about the obvious frauds. The ones who sell ceremony, who claim fraudulent teachings, who have no tribal knowledge.

Lawrence Sampson

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Re: Need info on Kenny Frost
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2005, 01:34:51 am »
I've met Kenny Frost, and while I cannot say that I know him extremely well, I've always seen and heard good things about him. He is considered a traditional, a sundancer, an activist, and educator. I know he gives a lot of his time and money to Indian causes. Doesn't make him a saint or better or worse than anyone, thats just what I know.