glen beck and sarah palin are terrorists, assaulting the very notions of Patriotism and Freedom that the United States was built on, with the foundation they learned from the Haudonasaunee Confederacy. No one will be able to convince me against my belief that their and the Tea Party intentions are the subtlest and most insidious form of Racism against our African-American President, where the world has acknowledged him with a Nobel Peace Prize, but in his own Country, these people told their constituents to pull their kids out of school because the President was going to address the Public Schools.
Now about your time-line. i am wondering how recent events here in Mi'kma'kik fit in. As i related before the Midewiwin Grandmothers were here, and also i understand time was spent in discussion of the Time-line. Mi'kmaw Oral Tradition dictates that the Great Exodus of the Seventh Fire Journey, took place around 1100ad. The Midewiwin say they know exactly; in their Oral Tradition it was 23 generations ago, around 1050ad. Your fellow community member Basil could tell you more. They will be back, as they expressed an interest into coming to Eskasoni for their next gathering as they are most interested in the Prophecy that was given to the Mi'kmaq in 1250ad and how it lead to the Sacred Treaty-Making Protocol that lead up to the Treaty of 1752; which the Supreme Court of Canada has affirmed as being the only Treaty valid that does not include a transfer of Title to the British Crown. We Mi'kmaq are the only Indigenous Nation in the world where a Supreme Court has ruled that each member has the entrenched right to make a moderate living off the resources that are now controlled and invested in the Crown; including all the Territory of NS, NB, PEI, Gaspe, and NFLD. i will hopefully be present in the next Unification Gathering and will bring up what ive learned from you Patrick, as i find the Time-Line one of the most important facets of our combined Peoples History, as i find your Time-Line fascinating as well.