I went back to the website of the American Indian Heritage Supporter Center and noticed there is a
Johnny Two Hawks operating in the Eureka Springs, Arkansas area. It has to be the same person.
http://www.aihsc.info/ARMO_fraud.htm"Individuals Operating In Arkansas:
The following individuals, who either live in Arkansas or travel to the state for various events, are suspected to either exploit, misappropriate, or otherwise mislead the public on their backgrounds or qualifications. Not included in this list are the numerous officers and officials of the suspect "tribes" and organizations found in the state. It is advised that before you have any dealings or associations with these individuals, check their claims carefully and in depth.
Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier (Travels nationwide, has been associated with Manataka)
Dennis Black Hawk (Hoffman) (Cherokee Village, AR area)
Johnny "Two Hawks" Hill (Eureka Springs, AR area)
"Chief" Robert Woableza LaBatte (Travels nationwide, has been associated with Manataka events)
Warren Big Eagle (Travels nationwide, attends New Age fairs, has been associated with Manataka events)
Lyman Weasel Bear (Has been associated with Manataka, but scammed them on a “Sundance”)
Mary "Thunder Woman" Grimes (Operates out of Texas)
“Grand Chief” Robert Grimes (Son of Mary Grimes, Fox, AR)
“First Lady” Starr DaVee Grimes (Wife of Robert Grimes, Fox, AR)
“Sparky Shooting Star” (Works out of South Amherst, MA)
Suzanne Day (Fox, AR)
Rick "Wind Call-er" Porea (Little Rock, AR) (Associated with the fake Ocali Nation and Manataka)
Erick Gonzalez, AKA Omeakaehekatl (Fake Mayan priest, travels nationwide, associated with Manataka)
Anita Mimms-Ganglauf (North Little Rock, AR)
Valerie Goetz (Bigelow, AR)
S.D. Youngwolf (Winslow, AR)
Jim "Two Feathers" May (Eureka Springs, AR, associates with John Two Hawks)"