Author Topic: Are any of these familiar?  (Read 40696 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Are any of these familiar?
« on: July 03, 2005, 05:05:14 pm »
Leo gave me a list NANAI compiled of people they suspected of being frauds operating in Europe. Leaving out the ones that are familar:

Max and John Bear
Martin High Bear
Sonny Hale
Jim Hoffman
Oliver Eastman
Devere Eastman
Rev. John Crazy Horse
Joe Tiona
Crazy Bear
Ron Williams AKA Pine Bear
Two Crows
Diane Battung
Ellie Mae Tao
Bill Turtle
Kachinas Kutenai
Robert Wilson
Hal Grey Eagle
Elaine Hubbard AKA Gentle Earth Woman
Phyllis Maloney AKA Water Woman

Espe for the first part of the list many seem to be actual Lakota judging by then last names. Maybe Lakota who are not frauds but did questionalbe things?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2005, 05:06:46 pm »
"John Crazy Horse"
"...on another thread I held back from identifying the location of the "rainbow sundance" I went to in South Dakota (as I have nicknamed it). Since the cat is out of the bag I will say it was at Crow Dog's. Archie was there, and a few others (I will not name) as camp leaders. I was assigned to stay at the camp of this John "Crazy Horse." The whole experience was surreal. His camp was mostly white folks. There was so much bickering amongst each other going on....led mostly by this self-appointed one. I could not bring myself to sweat with them while I was there...and I chose to leave before the dancing commenced. I jsut couldn't understand how the NDN's there would invite all this in. There was one of the camp leaders who seemed saddened by it all, too...but he was there nonetheless."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2005, 05:17:06 pm »
Diane Battung AKA Sea Dancer, one of Swiftdick's people.
A Metis Road Woman on a shamanic path, Lyn began Native American shamanistic studies with Diane Battung, Ph.D. (Sea Dancer) in 1982.  Lyn met Sea Dancer's teacher, Thunder Strikes, for the first time on a spiritual group tour of the Yucatan sponsored by Joan Halifax and the Ojai Foundation. After completing her "Night On the Mountain of Fear" ceremony in Chichen Itza under the supervision of Thunder Strikes, she made the decision to continue her studies with him.

She's also on two pages in German and another in Italian. Check out the graphics, it's pretty funny.


Offline vikinglady

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2005, 08:17:57 pm »
If you are looking into guys in Europe, maybe I could add this guy - Reuben Silverbird.
He lives in Austria but seems to be very wellknown, so I guess someone has an opinion of him? Is he OK?

He was in contact with me since he wanted to contribute for "They call us Indians". We had a lot of email exchange but when I sent him the list of writers, I never heard from him again...(whatever that means).


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2005, 07:21:31 am »
He used to be a musician and acotr, but now wants to set up his Indian village in Germany to sell ceremonies, based on a plan he worked out with Sun Bear.
In 1988 I was talking to Sun Bear who was calling me from somewhere in the west coast. We were discussing a dream we both shared....He asked that we meet in Upstate New Yark to plan our working strategy. I drove to meet him in the Catskill Mountains, the place we had in mind for the Indian Village Retreat I knew well. I had worked all over the Catskills: from The Concord Hotel to Jennie's Grossingers Hotel and every Bungalow Colony in between. I knew the area like the back of my hand. I also knew it was perfect timing for buying a bungalow colony in the Catskills. The younger generation of the people who had made it a haven for so many years got tired of it and had started to move to other areas, and when the government gave Atlantic City the go ahead for gambling, those that had hopes for the same in the Catskills were disillusioned and started their final evacuation, and the area became financially depressed. At that point a place could be bought for a song, which is what I had done so successfully with my singing/musical group during the peak of the memorable Jewish epoch. Sun Bear's conversation was in a form of a proposition to start this place in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate New York.

It was to be a Retreat for Seminars, Vision Quests, Meditation, Sweat Lodges, Spiritual and general knowledge of Native American Culture. We talked at length about different life experiences. He told me of his reception in Germany because of his books, to which I asked "Why not open this retreat in Germany?" He replied: "That's too easy. The hard task is in America." We planned another meeting upon his return from Germany and it never came about because he passed on before we could meet again.... One day while in Orlando, Florida playing Chief Powatan in "Spirit of Pocahontas", a call came in from an agent offering to go to Europe to a place called Indian Village. Immediately it brought back the memory of Sun Bear, and our Indian Village Retreat. I knew I had to come and see what it was all about. I found the spirituality of the Village, on opening day non-existent, but then the management did not mean it to be a spiritual place at all. It could have been possible. It was built on an old property that was alive with ancient spirit energy, but it was a matter of management. They thought of it as a commercial venture, and that was the difference between their concept and the one Sun Bear and I had in mind. I became Ambassador to the place and learned much from the experience, but I knew all along that it could never survive, from the initial opening day fanfare. I still think that if presented properly it will become unique in Europe, where I believe the followers of Karl May's countless German speaking Apache Winnetous, are anxious to hear about real, true and honest Native American Spiritual energy today."

Sells seminars in Europe also for 95 euro.

Sells sweats for 220 euro.

Silverbird also claims to be Nedhni Apache from Sonora". No such thing, as far as I can tell he's the only one on the planet claiming to be Nedhni. And the Ämbassador of Peace" bit is for the Indian village."

He also recieved an award from a conference run by the Moonies.

Offline mysticknt

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2005, 11:48:55 am »
there a guy in the UK going by the name Ady Two Crows
not sure if it the right guy or not but ady is connected to Grizzly Walking Thunder who in turn is connected to Wa-Na-Nee-Che (Lakota/Ojibwa)
plus a few more slowly compiling a list

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2005, 06:24:10 am »
"Grizzly" claims to be an animal reader. I get this mental picture of him trying to part the fur of a bear to look for letters...and the bear getting annoyed and swatting him.

"Kokopely"? He's using Hopi beliefs but I don't think they have too many bears on Hopiland.

I have no idea what he means by "Red and Black Pipe Bearer". And Im not too surprised he did his own version of a famous racist photo, End of the Trail.

Offline kosowith

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2005, 10:20:48 pm »
I had started to do a search on this list when I was there - but ran out of time before coming back to the US - My personal favorite was - Kachinas Kutenai - (and I didn't even know the Kutenai had Kachinas)  Seems kinda like setting up a new-age confessional and calling yourself - Most Holy Father Yawah Steinmetz.  But on the good side - If you bring a friend for confession you can get two absolutions for the price of one.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2005, 08:48:10 am »
The name made me laugh too. KK claims to be Apache, but uses holy figures from one belief as a name and a tribe from a thousand miles away as another. Like calling yourself Wakantanka Seneca and claiming to be Cherokee. I found a few sites that mention her, mostly as someone Nuage authors point to as a feminist icon to model yourself on. She doesnt have a website or a business that I can tell and does her altmed thing after having a near death experience. She reminds me of Red Elk, an eccentric being used by Nuagers IMO.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2005, 05:09:15 pm »
Martin High Bear was very respected Lakota man who ran the AIM sundance at Mt. Hood. After his first wife died, a woman named Rose moved in with him to take care of him. At the time of his death, she claimed they were married but many doubt that. She claims to be Athabascan but that is doubted too.

jim tree

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Re: Are any of these familiar?
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2005, 05:15:15 pm »
I second the info on Martin Highbear. He passed just around a year ago and is well respected as a sundance leader in Montana