Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 2022545 times)

Offline czech

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #870 on: February 06, 2011, 12:36:02 pm »
I believe this has not been reposted here yet from the discussion below Al Carroll's article on Indybay
by "truthseeker":

How can a person committing misrepresentation, fraud and grand larceny be a feel good person with a message. After the show she's laughing at you all the way to the bank. I did some research on Kiesher Crowther. I also researched Al Carroll. I wrote to the Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes. They validated Al Carrol. They distanced themselves from Kiesha Crowther as a fraud.....

Al Carrol is an Apache descendent and community college professor.

We have zero connection to Kiesha Crowther. Her online talks are not based in any kind of authentic knowledge from this tribe, or as far as I can tell, any tribe. The statement that's floating around was first shared on a website called Plastic shamans. I have not been able to trace the exact origin of the statement but I strongly suspect it was given by a member of our community who was so outraged by Kiesha that they took a personal risk in giving a statement they claimed was from our elders. However, the statement is very similar to a statement the elders will soon release, which will be authentic, official and posted on our web site.

I've been contacted by people from Hawaii, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany who appear to have given her great fees to speak. Zero dollars have come to support our language, culture, safety net programs of this reservation. We have no record of the family names she's shared in her many biographical posts. Nothing about her stories feels remotely authentic as pertaining to Salish, Lakota, or general Indian culture or beliefs.

Rob McDonald
Communications Director
Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes
(406)675-2700, ext. 1222
robertmc [at]

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #871 on: February 06, 2011, 01:20:59 pm »
I am really sorry for the Salish. Not only have they been grossly misrepresented, lied about, exploited and used for personal gain by a person who has no connection what so ever to that culture. On top of that they now have to deal with hundreds of inquiries, taking up their precious time normally used for dealing with the every day plight most Native American communities face.

It´s an extremely selfish, greedy and inconsiderate way of making a living.
Especially since she is using not only Native people but also the followers, their trust - their money - their loyalty.

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #872 on: February 06, 2011, 03:42:22 pm »
Kiesha "Little Grandmother" is  the DRIVE THRU OF SPIRITUALITY, get your crystals, Atlantian theories, Aliens,Pyramids,And this week 2 for one crystal skull special and did I say in "FULL REGALIA"

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #873 on: February 06, 2011, 06:33:16 pm »
The site that saved the content of the First Nations Cultural Theft blog also saved an earlier post of mine. I'll repost it below. It was a simple suggestion how Crowther could avoid the protests that seem to be hurting her, both her utter lack of credibility and financially.


Ms. Crowther, and anyone else in her inner circle, if you want to stop the protests against you, it's quite simple:

Drop all claims of being a "shaman" or chosen by any Native elder or elders. Period. All such claims have been proven false and everyone knows it.

Drop all claims of Native ancestry. Even your own family states that you are not and they are not Native.

Drop all use of Native spiritual items, pipes, drums, regalia, feathers, and face paint. Publicly admit you were wrong to use them.

Publicly proclaim what you are is simply a woman with your own message.

Quit relying on phony claims about being Native or chosen by Natives because everyone can see you are not.

Publicly admit and apologize for your previous lies. Then your life can go forward and you can deliver your message in peace.

Pay reparations to all those you have wronged.

Pay back all who want their money back.

Give HALF of all your previous earnings to the people you have wronged the most, the Salish.

Give the money to charities that serve the Salish.

It is wrong for you to live in a luxury home in Santa Fe that cost over $350,000 while making money off of Natives who often go hungry and cold.


Like Sky pointed out, it's interesting that Crowther now has finally dropped completely any claim of Native ancestry in her bio, though she continues the "I was a made a shaman" claim by a supposed mystery elder no one else knows or heard of.

Really, if she were to drop the knockoffs of Native regalia, admit that she's just one individual with a message that was not appointed by anyone but herself, and apologize and pay reparations to the Salish, all the protests would stop.

Offline syl9wil

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #874 on: February 06, 2011, 06:43:55 pm »
I happened upon a presentation of hers in Santa Fe while looking for another event (not a new age one FYI) and decided to check it out. I left after about 1.5 hours with a rather sick at heart feeling and in my intuitive gut realized she was not for real. Her stories about experiences with animals did not add up and were way too outlandish. She started the lecture yesterday with a "negative story" about herself and her assistant being robbed of money, credit cards, driver's license, and her colleague (I think she was some type of organizer) being robbed of her child's private school tuition money that was in her purse. She put a new age spin on the event and waxed philosophical about it, and stated that she would be called out for a police interview. Then she went into her guided meditation and, IMO has a hypnotic/trance like effect, planting seeds of such "love" and "compassion" that when she was allegedly called for the police interview (she claimed to have left her belongings in the kitchen, the event took place in a church) that several people passed the hats for a collection to help. Why would anyone leave that much money for tuition, in a purse, at an event like this? The thing is even I was taken in at first and pitched in, then in hindsight realized, what a con artist! And, she is good at this!

The whole thing smacked of phoniness - her assistant did not even seem surprised by any of this (the donation). There are no police reports in the paper that reference this. I came home and researched her and came across this forum. Just want to let others know about this scam and, feel sad about the vulnerability and lack of discernment among the participants.

Offline czech

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #875 on: February 06, 2011, 07:15:38 pm »
that several people passed the hats for a collection to help. Why would anyone leave that much money for tuition, in a purse, at an event like this? The thing is even I was taken in at first and pitched in, then in hindsight realized, what a con artist! And, she is good at this!

The whole thing smacked of phoniness - her assistant did not even seem surprised by any of this (the donation). There are no police reports in the paper that reference this. I came home and researched her and came across this forum. Just want to let others know about this scam and, feel sad about the vulnerability and lack of discernment among the participants.

That is pathetic. Sorry you lost some of your money to this scam. Thank you for the firsthand experience!
Welcome to the forum.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #876 on: February 06, 2011, 07:59:15 pm »
...And the discussion here about her has mostly died. Probably the reason why all the "tribers" are overflowingly happy, there's of course nothing wrong in their actions without constant reminders about it...

I know that discussions have slowed down but rest assured there are things happening in the backround!

It's strange anyone would think things are quieter. This thread is the most active and most read thread the forum has ever had. It is the fifth ranked source of information on Crowther on the net. A thread begun by another nafps member on another cultwatch site is number four. Reposts of the article I wrote are numbers three and six. And that's with a search with Crowther's name alone, not counting the google suggestions of Kiesha Crowther fraud and Kiesha Crowther fake, ranked number three and four in their suggestions.

In fact more people seem to come here for information on her than her own forum. I was surprised to see just how inactive it is. They don't even have one fifth of the membership of nafps, not that many threads, and most threads fairly short.

Crowther and her people spend much if not most of their time trying to do damage control. They make one statement after another, have to continually censor or bar people from their own forums, and send out a constant stream of legal threats.

And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? :o ::) It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.

Yes, truly more evidence of their belief in peace, love, and light.  ;D

But if anyone wishes there to be more activity against Crowther, we're certainly all for it. Let me suggest:

1. Keep reposting my article in other places. And anyone going to make comments at the indybay site, don't waste time trying to defend me. I mean I appreciate the thought and the support. But keep the focus on Crowther and her lies and abuse. And it's not like any of the internet bashing or rumor spreading has ever hurt me. I'm a successful professor and author, with lots of good recognition and awards, working with lots of good people.

2. Spread the message elsewhere. Let all cheer Mtkoan for his rescue of the blog. What he did can be done by others. Let's use the same tactic that critics of Scientology use, starting lots of mirror sites.

Let me also suggest that those who have been harmed by Crowther start their own blogs and relate their experiences. It's as simple as going to and signing up. If the Kieshame-on bunch want to shut down critics, that will take a lot of effort and money. Hurting them in the pocketbook is where they will feel it.

3. Also what will hurt them in the pocketbook is getting her ceremony selling gigs canceled. There is an upcoming gathering in Palm Springs. Everyone, write the owners and to the organizers, and urge them to pull their support for a fraud speaking there. Make your emails polite and cordial of course.

4. For those who are in or near southern California, if her ceremony selling isn't canceled, show up in personn to protest. Hand out flyers, esp flyers with the Salish elders statement. Try to get media to show up to cover the protest so that the first real media exposure she gets is negative.

5. Also for hitting her in the pocketbook, contact the IRS and urge them to do an audit. It's very suspicious how she went from going bankrupt several years in a row to suddenly being able to afford to live in a very luxurious home.
Here's how to do it:,,id=106778,00.html

Any other suggestions?

Offline czech

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #877 on: February 06, 2011, 08:27:28 pm »

And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? :o ::) It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.

Yes, truly more evidence of their belief in peace, love, and light.  ;D

Considering this information, and the post before this by syl9wil, I don't think the whole Kiesha business can get any more absurd!

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #878 on: February 06, 2011, 08:51:33 pm »
lmao.. a curse? really?  lmao again.. that's all i can do at this point.. laugh.

that is not just absurd, it's insane. and her followers ? they think this is good
loving compassionate healing as opposed to negative?  guess if they *really*
believe then they'll be too scared to leave now. or KC will put a curse on them

well, a bunch of projects just came my way.. this is really good news.. if that's
her curse, please curse me again soon!

what freakcakes.  ;D
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #879 on: February 06, 2011, 09:38:14 pm »
on a more serious note, the fact that KC & Co. believe they can actually
put a curse on people, and the fact that they have stated they have done
so.. it speaks then, that they are willing to kill those who oppose them.

on that note, on that mentality of killing/harming those who oppose them,
this then becomes a very dangerous cult.

i hope KC followers read this and get it that, these folks have now turned
from just providing false claims to obtain money, to actually trying to
harm if not kill those who oppose them.  this is not a good thing, even if
it is stated in as ridiculous a way as a 'curse', they HAVE now stated their
intentions of harming/killing people who oppose them.

If you have not gotten out of this cult... get out now!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 09:40:54 pm by critter - a white non-ndn person »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Superdog

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #880 on: February 07, 2011, 12:13:34 am »
And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? :o ::) It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.

Yes, truly more evidence of their belief in peace, love, and light.

It's hardly a credible claim...however if they are engaging in that sort of behavior, let's just say it's another can of worms they're opening that they obviously don't have a clue about.  If they were really going to engage in a dark process of cursing someone, they would probably wanna know that when you reveal who placed the curse then you run the risk of having it returned on you....

But anyway, like I said I don't have any belief in the credibility of that claim (just check the source...this is the camp that makes a living off false claims) and it's definitely a bizarre one.  One that, with some common sense, should even raise the suspicion of even the most ardent follower. 

Hoping you post that one...if for anything the entertainment purpose, but for the purpose of the board just more evidence coming right from the source of the hypocrisy of Crowther and her business associates.


Offline Superdog

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #881 on: February 07, 2011, 12:20:47 am »
She started the lecture yesterday with a "negative story" about herself and her assistant being robbed of money, credit cards, driver's license, and her colleague (I think she was some type of organizer) being robbed of her child's private school tuition money that was in her purse. She put a new age spin on the event and waxed philosophical about it, and stated that she would be called out for a police interview. Then she went into her guided meditation and, IMO has a hypnotic/trance like effect, planting seeds of such "love" and "compassion" that when she was allegedly called for the police interview (she claimed to have left her belongings in the kitchen, the event took place in a church) that several people passed the hats for a collection to help. Why would anyone leave that much money for tuition, in a purse, at an event like this? The thing is even I was taken in at first and pitched in, then in hindsight realized, what a con artist! And, she is good at this!

You got that right.  An obvious con.  The timing...everything WREAKS of it.  Not to mention, after expenses, the Santa Fe event is going to bring in over $20,000....(costs of tickets to the event x the number of people - the cost of the venue....all posted on Crowther's own pages as well as Santa Fe venue).  You have every right to ask for your donation back...doubt that will get you anywhwere, but it would be interesting to see what kind of fish story they'd send your way if you did.


Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #882 on: February 07, 2011, 01:24:32 am »
And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? :o ::) It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.

Yes, truly more evidence of their belief in peace, love, and light.

It's hardly a credible claim...however if they are engaging in that sort of behavior, let's just say it's another can of worms they're opening that they obviously don't have a clue about.  If they were really going to engage in a dark process of cursing someone, they would probably wanna know that when you reveal who placed the curse then you run the risk of having it returned on you....

But anyway, like I said I don't have any belief in the credibility of that claim (just check the source...this is the camp that makes a living off false claims) and it's definitely a bizarre one.  One that, with some common sense, should even raise the suspicion of even the most ardent follower. 

Hoping you post that one...if for anything the entertainment purpose, but for the purpose of the board just more evidence coming right from the source of the hypocrisy of Crowther and her business associates.


although i don't believe they can put a curse on anyone, it's a stupid claim..
the fact remains that it is in their mind to harm people who oppose them.. or
they wouldn't be saying such a thing.

and that to me, is dangerous. next thing they'll have armed guards around
the room while she gives her talks.. of course, they'll say it's for her protection
against various threats she has received.. when it is she who is making violent
threats against others..

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline mtkoan

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #883 on: February 07, 2011, 04:23:31 am »
I took down the mirror.  I thought about it a lot more, and I don't think its my place to interfere with all this.  I personally do think she's told some lies, and I hope the Salish sort out their concerns.

But even so, I don't want to get caught up in accusations, etc.  I read this and took it to my own heart:

I feel real bad for anyone that's by damaged by Kiesha's behavior, but since its not me personally, I'm bowing out.

Good luck ya'll.

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #884 on: February 07, 2011, 11:43:05 am »
And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? ... It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.

Yes, truly more evidence of their belief in peace, love, and light.

Personal message?

Anyway, if we are going to get in the art of magical thinking, and they have done a curse... well, let's just say that Everything you put out there will get back at you... Of course most of the people who get into her talks are the kind who want to believe in magic, so in that way this is easily put into self fulfilling prophecy, otherwise I can see no evidence that she could work any sort of magic, so wouldn't be too nervous about curses. But indeed, it IS a big sign of people not being anywhere near of "light and love" not to mention peace or morals, to say something like that. And yes, it is bit worrying too. How far will people go in spreading their "truth"...

These people seems to be enjoying any way they can get attention or money... by reading what there's been written in new posts...

But if anyone wishes there to be more activity against Crowther, we're certainly all for it.....

I have text in my blog with the links in here and some other sources. She seems to be googled quite a lot with the words "fraud", "lies", "fake" etc.

And why I was wondering why this forum is so quiet, there was many quiet days after some of the pages were gone. :) I didn't think that the conversation has died out completely. :)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 12:23:00 pm by Saga »