Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 2185807 times)

Offline nemesis

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2010, 07:17:24 pm »
Also Crowther's website was created and designed by Betsey Lewis of

We are the Rainbow Tribe here to change our planet through truth, love, joy, healing, forgiveness, kindness, and compassion.   Our future is seeded in the coming months with the choices we make NOW.
We must stop the insanity of drilling for oil in the ocean depths, dumping pesticides into rivers which flow to the oceans, polluting our air, our food, slaughtering animals without compassion and killing each other in senseless wars.  If we do not change and make the shift in values by realizing that without Mother Earth we would not be here, then our planet will bring about her own cleansing , balance and order once again.  There is the possibility that many people could leave the planet within a few short hours.  So what is your responsibility?   To honor and love yourself and love earth, the animals, the plant life, and all people--for we are all connected.  Can you imagine oil drillers giving thanks and prayers before drilling for Mother Earth's precious blood--oil?  What a difference life would be if we lived in harmony with our wondrous planet.
My non-fiction book, ANGELS, ALIENS & PROPHECY, will be available May 2011.  The book covers ancient aliens and the evidence that angels and aliens are linked and the prophectic messages they keep telling abductees.  Also, I cover what may have been my own UFO abductions through the years as well as my parents UFO encounter on a lonely road in northwestern Idaho late at night in the 1950s.  In 1985, renowned author & MUFON Investigator, Ann Druffel, hypnotized my mom and me, regressing us to that frightening night in northwestern Idaho.  What we revealed under hypnosis was mind-boggling.    

Enjoy the website and the various information I've posted.  Be sure to check out my Calendar of Events page for current live and archived Rainbow Visions Shows with some very special guests.

 Sending  Love and Light to all,
Betsey Lewis

Talk Radio Host , Author, Psychic & Ghostwriter/Editor


« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 07:19:18 pm by nemesis »

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2010, 01:33:13 pm »

possibly this allegedly Zurich based organisation?

The association aims to promote the CrystalSun practically lived spirituality and the organization and implementation of appropriate events and activities. It is politically, religiously and economically completely independent.

Currently these are the specific activities:

Support and promote the work of Crowther Kiesha - Little Grand Mother
Organizing and conducting seminars with Kiesha Crowther - Little Grand Mother
Support and promote the work and messages of the Ascended Master Lady Rowena
Sponsorship and organization of the WEB SITE (Tribe of Kiesha Crowther - Little Grand Mother) and all activities of this Tribe site - such as text translations
Sponsorship and support of the WEB SITE (an online e-card service, and awareness support to the delight of opening)
Building an online store for media and articles that serve the purpose of the association
Development of the Media - Publishing

This is the European man that also voluntarily made the website after he found the videos. He's putting a lot of time into the website and he's probably paying for the website hosting + domain as well. I am very certain that he is not a conman, he really believes everything Kiesha Crowther says, and apparently felt the need to promote her message by making the website.

Also Crowther's website was created and designed by Betsey Lewis of



This woman has conducted some interviews with Kiesha Crowther through her station. She appears to be very much into new-age stuff and prone to believe a lot. Again, to me it seems like she believes everything Kiesha Crowther says and felt the need to promote her for free.

Kiesha Crowther's videos are often posted on 'alternative news' websites and Facebook. To me it appears like 9 out of 10 people who know about her, found her videos on Youtube or found a link to those videos on such a website. I have never seen advertisements or anything in my country. I don't know about this John Kimmey but i think almost all people who are involved in organizing her events and promotion believe they're on a spiritual mission and contribute for free.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 03:06:38 pm by Crescent »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2010, 05:14:09 pm »

possibly this allegedly Zurich based organisation?

The association aims to promote the CrystalSun practically lived spirituality and the organization and implementation of appropriate events and activities. It is politically, religiously and economically completely independent.

Currently these are the specific activities:

Support and promote the work of Crowther Kiesha - Little Grand Mother
Organizing and conducting seminars with Kiesha Crowther - Little Grand Mother
Support and promote the work and messages of the Ascended Master Lady Rowena
Sponsorship and organization of the WEB SITE (Tribe of Kiesha Crowther - Little Grand Mother) and all activities of this Tribe site - such as text translations
Sponsorship and support of the WEB SITE (an online e-card service, and awareness support to the delight of opening)
Building an online store for media and articles that serve the purpose of the association
Development of the Media - Publishing

This is the European man that also voluntarily made the website after he found the videos. He's putting a lot of time into the website and he's probably paying for the website hosting + domain as well. I am very certain that he is not a conman, he really believes everything Kiesha Crowther says, and apparently felt the need to promote her message by making the website.

Thanks for the clarification Crescent.  

It sounds as though you know this man personally, is that right?

If your impression of him is right may also be exploited by the newage people on the other very bizarre websites that he created regarding "ascended masters"

Whois suggests that his name is Veetkam W. Rentsch

There is a page about him here on a website devoted to followers of Osho

He appears to be the same person who is an Osho influenced therapist mentioned earlier in this thread.

IMO it is entirely possible that someone who was taken in by the whole Osho thing could also be vulnerable to being exploited by others.  

Many of the original orange people were worked like slaves, in fact they were effectively enslaved, at the Big Muddy site in Oregon.  Cults have a long and ignoble tradition of exploiting member as slaves or just as unpaid labour.  There can be a thin line between voluntary work for the good of the community and enslavement.

I do wonder whether the Keisha Crowther and Ascended Masters people have some connection other than that this man does web design and promotional work for both.  Both are quite upfront and cheeky about soliciting donations, but that is hardly a surprising thing in the newage world.    I will give this some further thought.

Also Crowther's website was created and designed by Betsey Lewis of



This woman has conducted some interviews with Kiesha Crowther through her station. She appears to be very much into new-age stuff and prone to believe a lot. Again, to me it seems like she believes everything Kiesha Crowther says and felt the need to promote her for free.

Kiesha Crowther's videos are often posted on alternative news websites and the like. For example the conspiracy/new-age/pseudoscience news website has posted her videos a couple times. To me it appears like 9 out of 10 people who know about her, found her videos on Youtube or found a link to those videos on such a website. I have never seen advertisements or anything in my country. I don't know about this John Kimmey but i think almost all people who are involved in organizing her events and promotion believe they're on a spiritual mission and contribute for free.

If this is so, and it sounds credible to me, then it still begs the question of whether she has created this alone by exploiting others or whether she is backed by some other organisation or individual.  

Offline Ashla

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2010, 01:50:44 pm »
Kiesha Crowther has spoken in her own videos about how the "elders of the Salish" tribe, are the ones who made her "shaman over the Salish tribe". Those are her words, not mine. No one in the Flathead knows of this woman. I have spent some time asking and I even got a few laughs. She has also laid claim to Sioux, as so many white new age peddlers do. I recorded the youtube video's on my little camera and took copies to some of the elders here, and they watched them and were disgusted, truly. So here's my advice to anyone looking to verify her claims to Salish and Sioux, call the tribal office and ask them about her and her mother. We can't even verify the mother, as she has not given a name so that anyone can trace her lineage.

So if no one Salish up here knows who Kiesha Crowther, "shaman over the Salish tribe", then tell me who is Kiesha? She is a con artist, like so many others who have come before her. For example, the white woman Lynn Andrews who has written multiple books laying claim to teachings from women who don't exist, then charging grandiose amounts of money to take women to Joshua Tree and teach them shamanism. Kiesha has probably seen how well a white woman can do for herself if she can convince people that she's been annointed by someone important.

Kiesha seems to have alot of people in other countries fooled. Read through the youtube commentary, which is mostly made up by those living outside of the U.S. Most new age peddlers and pretenders like to don their regalia and tour foreign countries playing ndn, because the people are so starved for their indian experience they will pay precious money to get it. This whole thing has sickened me. You cannot stop a con artist in another country, where she has paying fools that believe in her.

So far, from what I understand, Kiesha used to live in Colorado. She was married and had two children. She left her husband and her babies to go off into the world and play white lady shaman. Let me make this clear, she abandoned those children. They no longer have their mother because she has told the people there in Co that "this is her mission and her calling". If that story of the owl is truth, then she should have seen that the owl was telling her to stay home and do not abandon her family this way.

She's charging people for these "spiritual teachings" that she has read every where else on the internet or in books. Read a Lynn Andrews book. She copies the woman's style. I would not be surprised at all to find that Kiesha was a student of Lynn Andrews. You can google Lynn and see what exorbitant amounts of money she charges to teach women how to be a white pretender. It's sad. You can't make someone ndn. You cannot steal from the culture and lie, and twist it to fit what you want to teach others.

Kiesha has literally stolen her titles, and has fabricated her story about becoming shaman over the Salish tribe.

I say the woman is in need of prayers. Any woman who would desert her childen to come into the world to live a lie is not waking in truth and must have some serious problems going on. She's lost touch with who she is, and has clung to a lie to feel better in her life.

I have no desire to bash her but I will stand up and say that stealing from the Salish and claiming to be made a shaman is dead wrong, and she will have to account for those lies eventually. What will Kiesha do should the elders show up to one of the seminars she charges for to ask her of her claims?

I see that Kiesha has closed off her facebook from the public eye and now you must friend her in order to read there. She probably feels closed in on, as I am certain she has read this forum and knows that people are catching on to her.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2010, 01:53:16 pm »

So far, from what I understand, Kiesha used to live in Colorado. She was married and had two children. She left her husband and her babies to go off into the world and play white lady shaman. Let me make this clear, she abandoned those children. They no longer have their mother because she has told the people there in Co that "this is her mission and her calling". If that story of the owl is truth, then she should have seen that the owl was telling her to stay home and do not abandon her family this way....

I say the woman is in need of prayers. Any woman who would desert her childen to come into the world to live a lie is not waking in truth and must have some serious problems going on. She's lost touch with who she is, and has clung to a lie to feel better in her life....

This to me seems a clear sign of mental illness, of needing professional mental health help. It's like a person claiming to be Napoleon and going off to convince the world he's their emperor, leaving their family behind.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2010, 04:03:58 pm »

This to me seems a clear sign of mental illness, of needing professional mental health help. It's like a person claiming to be Napoleon and going off to convince the world he's their emperor, leaving their family behind.

The really sad thing is that thousands of people actually believe this fantasy. 

I think it it probably true that sometimes people become cult leaders because large groups of people want them to be cult leaders and that the psychopathy of the leader neatly pigeon-holes into the needs of the masses.

While it is useful to be curious about Crowther and to seek answers as to how she got where she is, it is equally important to wonder about the motives of the many people who idealise her.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2010, 04:34:28 pm »
Well, I tend to think it's that the world is in such a sad shape that people are literally clawing to find something that is better.. I think people flock to ndn's because it is perceived they have better moral standards in how to treat other human beings along with having a better connection to Earth and Spirit.  People think this.. and so want it because honestly.. today's world is so brutal and cold, intolerant and hateful.  I think this is also the basis for the New Age... however, all those 'new age' philosophies are just mind food, meaning, there is no foundation underneath .. and if you ever have the opportunity to have a conflict with a new ager.. they just turn on you.. so.. so much for their 'new age' mind set that isn't real.. 

but this is off topic... sorry.. just replying to nemesis
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2010, 04:43:26 pm »
I am passing on the information and it is finding its way to organisers over here, booking Kiesha.
But the sad thing - pretty much like Nemesis says - is that people do not care!!

No matter how much evidence you give them for this woman being a fraud, they continue to worship her.
I try to explain the harm it does to genuine Ndn communities, giving people here some kind of fantasyimage of Native Americans.
Noone cares....

The bottom line is: this kind of movement attracts people who want to satisfy their own needs of being special, the chosen ones. No matter if it is on behalf of other people OR if it is all based on lies. There have been numerous mentally disturbed leaders around leading the masses over a cliff....

I am still curious of how Kiesha "rose to fame" this fast although I guess it´s just a matter of making some websites, promotionmaterial, and then contacting the fraudmagnetorganisations over here in Europe. I think it is pretty easy, actually....

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2010, 04:47:15 pm »
I think people flock to ndn's because it is perceived they have better moral standards in how to treat other human beings along with having a better connection to Earth and Spirit.

In Crowther's case, and in many we see on here, the non-NDN seekers have ridiculous fantasies about NDNs based on newage books and hollywood stereotypes. If they even attempt to interact with real NDNs, they usually find they don't want the reality of whole, complex people, living in whole, complex communities... and even "worse", communities that have standards and protocols that conflict with their fantasies of being able to buy access to "teachings" and ceremonies. I think usually the non-NDN seekers are so racist they don't even try to meet real NDNs. I think they are overjoyed when an obviously white person comes along and claims to have the goods they want to buy. I think they willingly buy into the delusion that the white person is NDN because otherwise they would have to face their racism, their selfishness, their consumerism. But buying into the delusion gives them a way to avoid responsibility, accountability, and the harsh reality that if they tried to get these things from an actual, authorized NDN ceremonial leader, they would be told, "No."

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2010, 04:53:41 pm »
I agree wholly Kathryn and Freija.. it is a multi-layered problem.

I think Kiesha rose fast because she started on Youtube with free videos.  And MANY of the needy-vulnerable who succumb to such fantasies cannot afford the high prices.. so anything they can find for free is going to be spread fast among many.  Once it starts spreading fast.. someone else with profit in mind is going to pick it up and start making money.. so I am not surprised she is being now sought by those who put on these shows for a buck..

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2010, 05:17:18 pm »

This is the European man that also voluntarily made the website after he found the videos. He's putting a lot of time into the website and he's probably paying for the website hosting + domain as well. I am very certain that he is not a conman, he really believes everything Kiesha Crowther says, and apparently felt the need to promote her message by making the website.

Thanks for the clarification Crescent. 

It sounds as though you know this man personally, is that right?

Nope, i've never met him in real life, but i had some email and forum conversations with him.


So far, from what I understand, Kiesha used to live in Colorado. She was married and had two children. She left her husband and her babies to go off into the world and play white lady shaman. Let me make this clear, she abandoned those children. They no longer have their mother because she has told the people there in Co that "this is her mission and her calling". If that story of the owl is truth, then she should have seen that the owl was telling her to stay home and do not abandon her family this way.

I have to say that this is not the case, i recall Kiesha made a Facebook post a few months ago where she mentions her kids, here it is:

Kiesha Crowther  I was on my way with my two children to a friends house to have dinner and we actually drove threw the image of the rainbow right in front of us on the highway.. Ive never saw anything like it before.. the kids were so excited that they couldn't even speak lol.. it was so beautiful.. mother nature sure is amazing isnt she?
01 August at 20:24

I do not know if she is living with her husband and children but apparently she has at least not abandoned her children.


I am passing on the information and it is finding its way to organisers over here, booking Kiesha.
But the sad thing - pretty much like Nemesis says - is that people do not care!!

No matter how much evidence you give them for this woman being a fraud, they continue to worship her.

Very true... free speech is also not promoted at the forums on Several people have posted questions to Kiesha Crowther's claims including me and these topics got either deleted if they contained important facts, or locked if innocent questions had been asked. No one was able to provide proof of her claims by the way.


In Crowther's case, and in many we see on here, the non-NDN seekers have ridiculous fantasies about NDNs based on newage books and hollywood stereotypes. If they even attempt to interact with real NDNs, they usually find they don't want the reality of whole, complex people, living in whole, complex communities... and even "worse", communities that have standards and protocols that conflict with their fantasies of being able to buy access to "teachings" and ceremonies. I think usually the non-NDN seekers are so racist they don't even try to meet real NDNs. I think they are overjoyed when an obviously white person comes along and claims to have the goods they want to buy. I think they willingly buy into the delusion that the white person is NDN because otherwise they would have to face their racism, their selfishness, their consumerism. But buying into the delusion gives them a way to avoid responsibility, accountability, and the harsh reality that if they tried to get these things from an actual, authorized NDN ceremonial leader, they would be told, "No."

Sorry but i think you're exaggerating here. I'm very much against racism and i had no such fantasies of NDNs living their every day lives like this. I just didn't know much about Native American spirituality and this seemed like some sort of authentic spiritual gathering. All this talk about how Kiesha Crowther was made shaman for the Sioux/Salish, names that i had heard before, made it sound convincing. The thought didn't occur to me that people would make these credentials up, and that they could get away with it and post these videos on Youtube without getting criticized (when i found her videos about half a year ago, i did a search on message boards like this one and i could find no one debunking her claims at the time). And as she said that she had a white father and a Salish mother, i just thought that she got more of her father's looks.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 03:23:44 am by Kathryn »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2010, 05:42:37 pm »
Hi Crescent, I said that in my opinion "many" seekers have these racist fantasies. "Many", not "all".  If it doesn't apply to you, please don't take it personally :-)

I am glad you are here helping us do research, and helping alert others to what goes on in Crowther's groups. I am glad you saw through Crowther's lies and came here to find out more and also to help others know what's going on over there. Your information is very helpful and I intended no offense to you. I apologize if you thought I was criticizing you personally.

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2010, 07:34:02 pm »
Hi Crescent, I said that in my opinion "many" seekers have these racist fantasies. "Many", not "all".  If it doesn't apply to you, please don't take it personally :-)

I am glad you are here helping us do research, and helping alert others to what goes on in Crowther's groups. I am glad you saw through Crowther's lies and came here to find out more and also to help others know what's going on over there. Your information is very helpful and I intended no offense to you. I apologize if you thought I was criticizing you personally.

It's ok, i didn't think you were criticizing me personally, it's just that many of these people who are watching her videos are really nice people, often they have been through a lot and are looking for some way to make sense of it all. I think many of them got taken in by these claims of tribal recognition as well. Though of course many haven't looked for criticism, especially the ones that have 'joined the club' recently (as it's easy to find criticism now). But i don't understand how that makes them racist.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 02:58:25 am by Kathryn »

Offline nemesis

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2010, 05:14:07 pm »
Hi Crescent, I said that in my opinion "many" seekers have these racist fantasies. "Many", not "all".  If it doesn't apply to you, please don't take it personally :-)

I am glad you are here helping us do research, and helping alert others to what goes on in Crowther's groups. I am glad you saw through Crowther's lies and came here to find out more and also to help others know what's going on over there. Your information is very helpful and I intended no offense to you. I apologize if you thought I was criticizing you personally.

It's ok, i didn't think you were criticizing me personally, it's just that many of these people who are watching her videos are really nice people, often they have been through a lot and are looking for some way to make sense of it all. I think many of them got taken in by these claims of tribal recognition as well. Though of course many haven't looked for criticism, especially the ones that have 'joined the club' recently (as it's easy to find criticism now). But i don't understand how that makes them racist.

I suppose it depends on how you define racism doesn't it?

IMO racism is not restricted to people in pointy white hats who burn crosses in people's gardens or any of the more obvious forms of racism.

Some of the most destructive and hurtful types of racism are relatively subtle, unconscious and commonly held projections, endorsed by the dominating culture.

Just for example, the "noble savage" and the closely related "magical negro", stereotypes relate to both idealised and denigrated elements of the white collective unconscious that are commonly projected onto NDNs and Africans respectively.

One of the most hurtful aspects of these projections is that - possibly due to the idealised elements of the projections and also their unconscious nature - white people are usually oblivious to the racism inherent in them.   

People often feel extremely defensive about this when challenged IME.  This is possibly because, as well as all the other things it can be, racism is often considered to be the worst thing that a person can be accused of.

Just sharing some thoughts.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 03:17:44 am by Kathryn »

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2010, 05:55:46 pm »
Well said, Nemesis!
Unless we acknowledge the racist views/stereotypes we base our perceptions on, we can not take the first step to change them.