Author Topic: RESOLVED-NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN, the Late Craig Carpenter  (Read 36648 times)

Offline educatedindian

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vikinglady03" <>  Add to Address Book
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 14:36:36 -0000
Subject: [nafps] Re: A question of moral ? (Craig Carpenter)

Hi Nick!

I came across Mr. Carpenter´s name last March when he was booking all  over Sweden and Europe. We were asked to book him but I got a
*little* suspicious when it said "Hopi spokesman" so I phoned Hopi Tribal Council....and yeah, I got to know everything about him.

He had lectures booked up all over Europe but for some reason he never did turn up. We just heard there had been a bomb scare at Vegas´Airport so he couldn´t come....(??!)

Since then I heard from Sioux City that they had him over for a workshop. Also "Bifrost" here in Sweden, which is a club up north affiliated to the "Navajo-pipecarrier-Elder-guy" I have talked about.

Check out Bifrost´s photo site: ( all the frauds in one place!! )

I THINK this was last summer but I am not 100%. He does turn up here on and off, he has got friends in a village up north who bring him over. I don´t know who they are, though....I´ll see what I can find out.

I´ll come back to you whenever I found out something more !

--- In, "misternick03" <m9522301@q...> wrote:
>  They work with people like Craig Carpenter (
> > a Mohawk "Hopi spokesman" who is making big money in Europe) and > with > > Robert Larkin.
> Hello Anneka,
> Mr Carpenter is still on the Hopi's most annoying people list. As > part of my research I have been trying to track down and list the > activities of the most persistent offenders, but have been unable
to > catch up with Craig Carpenter. Do you have any further info on what > he is up to and where?
> Would be very grateful for any assistance, either post here or > contact me directly,
> Cheers.
> love Nick

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Craig Carpenter
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2005, 11:22:29 am »
vikinglady03" <>  Add to Address Book
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2003 17:05:51 -0000
Subject: [nafps] Craig Carpenter (Nick)

Found it....!

These are the people that are in contact with Craig Carpenter.

....he has apparantly not been here since 2002, though. (Half way down on that site )

This is all the information I have for now - anything else that comes up, I´ll let you know!

Take care!

Offline 180IQ

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Re: Craig Carpenter
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 05:38:58 am »
I had some contact with this guy, and his then-girlfriend, when I was at Hopi. So I'll tell what I know of him. He was not raised as a Mohawk and was (I say was, because I believe he died awhile back) not more than half-ndn if that much. He grew up in the same place I did - SE Michigan. He was married oodles of times (at least eight); the last I heard from him, about 10-12 years ago, he had just married a very young German lady and was living in a trailer park in northern California.

For many years he called the Hoopa Valley reservation in N. Cal. his home, and he traveled alot. I don't think he ever held what you'd call a normal job, he just bummed around. He came to Hopi a few times while I was there and camped in a tent with his girlfriend on Titus' farm. The thing I remember most about him is how much and how fast he talked. I've never heard anyone speak as rapidly as he did. He was constantly telling long-winded stories about "bigfoot" and UFOs and such, and about things he did in his travels and all the people he'd met.

One thing he did right was respond to an urgent call for help in discouraging RLS from going through with some of the dumb-ass events he tried to make happen at Hopi. One time he drove a very long distance to do this, and people were grateful to him. But I lost all respect for him after learning how he treated his girlfriend, Sharon, after she came down with Lyme disease. I spent many hours on the phone with her, listening to incredible accounts of his extreme cruelty. The woman nearly died thanks to him.

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« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2009, 03:27:36 pm »
I received the following message about Carpenter.


Message to all as regards Craig Carpenter:

Mr. Carpenter died almost four years ago of prostrate cancer. I first met him in 1964 at a Traditional Indian Land and Life Committee at Harry Hay's (the founder of the modern Gay movement in the United States and his lover John Burnside's Kaleidescope factory in Los Angeles.) He did, very faithfully carry messages of for many old Hopis and reprinted and distributed, free of charge, many of those old Hopi statements and letters. So he was a Hopi messenger of sorts, although it was not an official title in any way. It is tragically true that later in  his life he suffered from very severe mental illness, with a multiple personality disorder, and it drove all his old friends away. He died alone and penniless on an Indian reservation in Nevada. He was cremated and his remains were taken to  Hopi and scattered (without the permission of village elders) on second mesa.

Gary Morris


It seems appropriate that Archives is where we post on those who are no longer a matter of concern, such as those who have passed on.

But I should mention two final points:
The "Traditional Indian Land" group is nothing of the sort. It's entirely white-run, mostly by Nuagers and others who were convinced they knew what was best for Hopi.
And it seems even Carpenter's final wish was to show disregard for any wishes of Hopi elders.

I'm sure most will wish he finds peace in death he did not have in life, and also that he learns in the afterlife what he never learned in this life, to respect others by leaving them alone when asked and not to presume to speak for them.