Author Topic: Sky Tellers - The Myths, The Magic and the Mysteries of the Universe.  (Read 14273 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

  • Posts: 195

May want to move this to another area.. 

I ran across this program over at the Lunar and Planetary InstituteSky Tellers - The Myths, The Magic and the Mysteries of the universe is an exploration of ten stories about the night sky as told by Native American storytellers, descended from different tribes. Some of the stories that they share were told to them by their grandparents, who, in turn, heard them from their grandparents. The science stories are told by Lynn Moroney and Captain John Herrington, the first Native American astronaut in space.  The link to the website at LPI for the DVD is     

About the Story Tellers

Listen to Why Coyote Howls
Why Coyote Howls: A Star Story is retold by Lynn Moroney (Chickasaw). Her version is a blend of tales found in Native American oral narratives. A Wasco version of the tale, “Coyote Places the Stars,” can be found in American Indian Myths and Legends (R. Erdoes and A. Ortiz, editors, 1984, Pantheon Books, New York). Captain John Herrington (Chickasaw) tells the science story. Please note that the Native American story does not have any images other than a starscape, specifically to encourage children to use their imaginations.

From the site:
The SkyTellers package can be ordered from the LPI Online Store. The package contains a video DVD and Resource Guide. While the intended audience is children ages 5–13, SkyTellers has engaged children and adults of all ages. Planetariums, museums, classrooms, libraries, after-school, home-school and family programs all are using and enjoying SkyTellers!

The DVD contains ten traditional Native American stories, each coupled with a science story. The stories explore: Day and Night, Stars, Seasons, Galaxies, Sun, Constellations, Moon Phases, Polaris, Meteors, Solar System

The Native American stories intentionally are presented without any graphics. Program facilitators are encouraged to invite the children to close their eyes and use their imaginations as the starscape moves slowly overhead. The science stories have a few, carefully selected, illustrations to help the children understand the concepts presented. SkyTellers can be played on a DVD player, and projected onto a television screen or through an LCD projector.  The Resource Guide contains activities, games, fun facts, background information, and additional resource suggestions designed to provide the presenter with materials to help the children further explore each SkyTellers' topic. The SkyTellers Web site contains additional materials. For additional information about SkyTellers, please contact:
Or go to to reach the Center for Information and Research Services’ Online Store”

I am an Astronomy educator and am always looking for materials to use in my programs.
I thought this was really good. 


Offline E.P. Grondine

  • Posts: 401
    • Man and Impact in the Americas
Re: Sky Tellers - The Myths, The Magic and the Mysteries of the Universe.
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 02:25:20 am »
The stories would probably be most effective delivered around a campfire with a clear night sky by a person who knows them well.

Thanks for the link, its heartening to see the LPI doing such nice work.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 02:28:15 am by E.P. Grondine »

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 525
Re: Sky Tellers - The Myths, The Magic and the Mysteries of the Universe.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2010, 08:01:13 am »
How utterly wonderful!

I couldn't help but notice the very modest price of the few DVDs that are for sale and the huge amount of free DVDs available

I will keep my eyes and ears open for expensive copied version created by frauds - sadly I feel it is only a matter of time before they start to appear

Offline E.P. Grondine

  • Posts: 401
    • Man and Impact in the Americas
Re: Sky Tellers - The Myths, The Magic and the Mysteries of the Universe.
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 12:42:21 pm »
We paid for this with our tax dollars. It should all be available via you tube for instant viewing, anf for easy educational use.