Author Topic: NO LONGER A MATTER OF CONCERN Loren Zephier AKA Chief Golden Eagle Light  (Read 79882 times)

Offline MattOKC

  • Posts: 31
Found on Youtube:
Chief Golden Light Eagle calls for prayers for chemtrails.

I wrote a comment mocking the "Galactic Federation of Light" as a new-age cartoon. My comment was removed, and I was responded to with this:

This is a Traditional Sundance Chief from the Ihanktowan Oyate, the Yankton Sioux. There are traditional alters in the Lakota and Hopi ways that have not lost contact with the Star Elders. Just because you may not understand, be carful insulting traditional elders. The Spirits of this land were Red People. Come to a Sundance or other traditional ceremony and you will see that what you understand is not what is. Because of your disrespectful tone to an Indigenous Elder you have been blocked from making further comments. Truth is outside of your perception and inside your heart.
Alan/ StarKnowledgeTV

I replied thusly:

I am Native, and traditional. I speak my language. My brother is a sun dance priest and my uncle is a holy man, so hold off on your lectures that if I attended a sun dance I might finally understand you new-agers. I was NOT making fun of the man in that video. I am making fun of loony new-age twinkies (seriously, "Galactic Starlight Federation"? What were you THINKING?). Why is it that the new-agers seem to always pick the Sioux, Hopi, and Maya as their favorite tribes to adulterate? Why is it that white new-agers all start talking "hau" and "red road" this-and-that?  (by the way, us "red people" ARE not "WERE", so please update your romantic fantasies about us)

I don't feel the slightest bit surprised that I have been blocked from adding comments. After all, new-agers want to pretend that Indians are whatever kind of goofy fantasies they already imagine, and don't want to hear anything more about it. It would interfere with the wholesale minstrel show of "new-age prophecies" painted up to seem "Indian." Yet when someone else who is Native pokes fun of new-age bastardization of Native traditions, the Native critic is accused of being ignorant. That is typical religious colonization.

We are NOT the hobby fantasies of any "Galactic Starlight Federation" or any other new-age fakery.


Is anyone else familiar with this "Chief Golden Light Eagle" guy? He's obviously Native, but what about the claims of being a sun dance chief, and his affiliation with "StarknowledgeTV" and the "Galactic Federation of Light"? I can't find a single reference to him outside of new-age websites.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 06:28:17 pm by educatedindian »

Offline MrPiz

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Re: "Galactic Federation of Light" and their Sun dance Chief
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2010, 11:29:13 pm »
Well I might be wrong...

It could possibly be, that this has something to do with:

I read the book a couple of years ago and remember it as hilarious.
I took it for comedy.
It wouldnt surprise me much if there are some folks out there who take (or took however) it serious, and then one step leads to another...  you know best.


Mr. Piz
Walk your talk

Offline MrPiz

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Re: "Galactic Federation of Light" and their Sun dance Chief
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2010, 12:00:25 am »

By some further resaerch I found out that I was wrong with my first topic.
THE GALACTIC FOUNDATION OF LIGHT is based upon the book by Sheldan Nidle :

This looks like some kind of offical webpage:

The following is a copy from the article:

What is The Galactic Federation of Light Tuesday, 08 June 2010 08:52 Written by Dennis Whitney    This is one of those topics that I find myself discussing in one way or another, in many articles, blog posts, and radio interviews. But it’s always in bits and pieces, and I’m starting to think, some real context is needed here. A real foundation for who this organization is, now that more and more people are hearing the term ‘GFL’ or Galactic Federation of Light’. So yes, it is definitely time to explore just who ‘they’ are, whether they exist, and why they haven’t stepped in yet, as our planet falls into gross disrepair.

So first, a little back-story of how they came to be. Then, I’ll share my thoughts, my interpretation, and even a few pics. That, along with other supporting documentation and videos for you to do your own further research, and conclude whether or not this all resonates with you. As in, is this YOUR truth? That’s all that matters. But I always recommend listening to ALL you can, and allowing your higher self (or super-consciousness) to filter what works, and what doesn’t for you.

The Federation’s History:

The Galactic Federation of Light, or simply, the Federation of Light, became what it was, about 4 ½ million years ago. There was what could rightfully be described as a Great Galactic Battle, between member councils of each of the galaxies in the multi-verse. So if we picture an array of star systems or galaxies on a piece of paper, there would be a representing faction or council for each of those galaxies. Here in the Milky Way, our ‘town hall’ if you will, is located in the Sirius Star System, known as the Dogstar Sirius (A). This would be the ‘hub’ that oversees the Milky Way Galaxy, and of course earth, as we are part of that system.

So, using this as a visual, we have all of these galaxies and their representatives laid across a flat piece of paper. Each of those galaxies and their members have motherships to patrol their galaxy, or territory. Within those motherships are several different types of recon and scout-type vehicles used for a variety of purposes. More on that later.

So now, we’re not just talking one sheet of paper, which represents the universe, we are talking 6, 7, maybe 8 sheets of paper (stacked an inch apart), each with THEIR own assortment of galaxies, in THEIR own universe! Combined, this is known as the multi-verse. Each, being accessible through portals, wormholes, or rising frequencies. And by their very definition, they become a reality of other dimensions.

Now imagine all of these galaxies, their ships, their councils, all deciding to do battle from dimension to dimension, through technology and altering their vibrations. Just as they do now to cloak themselves. Many interests, little in the way of spiritual awareness, and now we have us a WAR of WARS! Can it really get any bigger than this?

So, each faction starts competing for real estate, power, resources, ideology, and whatever else they can control, as this is nothing less than a free for all. But it is in this moment, and this war, that four of them decide, “This isn’t right. This is not the way it’s supposed to be!” Kind of like today’s politics, no? Republicans and Democrats nastily embattling each other, while an independent organization splinters away from the fray, for the higher good of all. Or in their case, the multi-verse. These four became what can be considered as the Libertarians of the multi-verse! Those four who formed their OWN group included: The Pleiadiens, the Sirians, the Lyrans, and the Andromedans. And they organized to fulfill divine prophecy on the Milky Way Galaxy and earth, sending tons of light and love to our respective ‘constituents’, or galaxies. This, being paramount in the evolution and rising consciousness of all involved.

Why is the Earth So Special?

That core group of (4), is now over 200,000 strong! Many others, it seems, have quite literally ‘seen the light’, and have wisely joined the winning team! This now greatly increases the number of forces that have a POSITIVE, vested interest in this galaxy, and more particularly and personally for us, the earth.
We on earth, are very special in many ways. And the multi-verse understands this. We are of the greatest assortment of life creation ANYWHERE, and of the greatest beauty in the universe, though life obviously flourishes endlessly amongst the Cosmos. We are ‘ God Source’s Petri Dish’. For this reason, we are worth the effort, and worth saving. And we will be at the very heart of the Big Show, come 2012, during the coming Galactic Alignment. All of this, the GFL knows all too well.

An easier way to look at the command structure of the 200,000 member galaxies, is to imagine a corporation.  The entire Galactic Federation of Light is a corporation. That corporation has field offices (galaxies), which then have a management structure (each mothership and crew) assigned to raise the vibration and consciousness of the chosen planetary societies. And earth is a very real priority!

So this effort of raising the consciousness and vibration of the earth and its beings, helps with the coming Ascension into the 5D, in 2012, where we will be most perfectly aligned to the sun during this time!

A Portal to Sirius, Through the Sun!

And THIS is where it gets interesting, as the the sun is apparently a PORTAL to the Sirius Star System (Which has also allowed them quick and direct access to this planet for all of these years), and our ‘home base’ to this galaxy! So are we about to be perfectly aligned, physically and vibrationally to our most protective star system in Sirius, to maybe propel ourselves through a dimensional elevator? Maybe!

But to outline a few more important facts about the Federation. The band of 200,000 is, as mentioned, the Galactic Federation of Light. But each galaxy (like a sports team), has its own identifying name. Ours, based on Sirius(A), is known specifically as the Galactic Federation of Worlds (or the 'Sirian Federation Council'). But they are only one player assisting us, of the total 200,000+ other participating galaxies. So we focus on just the Galactic Federation of Light as whole. It's a team effort, to be sure..

What Type of Beings are They?

The GFL is comprised of roughly 40% humanoid (Kind of look like us), and 60% various other sentient beings, of assorted appearance. These may not look like us at all, maybe even a bit frightening at first. But as sentient beings, they understand to some degree, their place in the cosmic scheme of things. They understand that there is a creator, and that they are not just clueless, spontaneous creations of the universe.

These are also spiritually-enlightened, angelic light beings, incarnated into physical form, to interact and assist us throughout this endeavor. So of the group, most Contactees will be familiar with visitations and messages from the original 4: the Sirians, Andromedans, Lyrans and Pleiadiens. They are our closest allies and protectors in all of this, as the team leaders of the total Federation.

When Will They Intervene?

Seems they just may, as now it's all reaching such a crescendo. All other 2012 theories aside, there seems to be a clear message of ‘quarantine’ upon the earth until that time. The GFL has a law on the books, or what is known as The Prime Directive, not to interfere with the human race, unless a catastrophe strikes, or something (such as a nuke being launched) poses a threat to their world. And it WILL affect their world, as our nuclear detonations in the 40s seemed to rip the fabric of time and space, back in the 40s. No more of that, they say! But after 2012, all bets are off. And the free for all begins again in earnest!

It is because of the current Dark entities now ruling upon the earth, and within our government, that are stealing and plundering all they can, as they rape the earth of its resources and currency, destroy our environment, control our food supply through genetic modification, and also, by producing pharmaceuticals not in our health’s interest, but to attain further power and profit, that an 'intervention' of sorts may now be in the works. This is all very real stuff, and none of it has eluded the Federation, or their plans to deal with it! The idea being, these Light Workers will not allow the insanity now under way on this planet, to go even one step further than is intended. THAT, my Star Ones, is very comforting to me.

For these reasons, we are now finding ourselves to be at the center of another battle of Good vs. Evil. You don’t have to go to the Bible for this. The tension is there. The darkness that surrounds us, and has infiltrated this planet is pretty blatant. And the appearance and presence of larger and more numerous craft in our skies, suggests that the pieces are very much in place. But will they intervene in time, if that is them in our skies above, watching over us?

Well, the time for the conscious evolution of humanity is at hand. We are the Federation’s ‘personal project’. We are their ‘babies’, if you will. So they have continued to help us share the truth of their existence by offering clear sightings of their presence, without instilling fear amongst those that have been deceived of this reality since the days of Roswell and before. They are not here to frighten us. They are here to help us raise our vibrations, and to even escort us off the planet when things might look their worst here. And possibly, while we have such a dimensional ‘travel opportunity’ during our alignment with the sun.

What Must Humanity Do to Ascend?

We must raise our vibrations through positive thought, through caring and assisting our fellow man and teaching them of this reality, and through light and vibration, as is now streaming our way via ET assistance, meditating on our connection to Source, and through intensifying, solar activity. Be sure to read my recent post, “Feeling Strange Lately? The Ascension May Have Begun!” for more on the signs, that we may have very well begun our progression into the 5th dimension!

And finally, we begin to even see how the greatest secrets of our time, such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt, the Sphinx, and the excavation going on under the Giza plateau, are all beginning to bubble to the surface! Here is a nice connection to Sirius, the pyramids, and the beings now assisting us (With photographic evidence, in my opinion):

Known as the sacred Blue Lodge of Sirius, it’s is defended by the race of the ‘Lion people’ who are the settlers on Sirius (A) star system. This is the race of people who descended upon Earth to create and activate the Great Pyramid of Egypt and oversaw the design and architecture of all pyramids on Earth.

Ready for this? Here is a picture of one of these beings, as taken by a Japanese Master, staying at the James Gilliland ECETI ranch in Washington State, May 2010.

The complete story is on my blog:

They were headed by the Atlantean and Egyptian High Priest from Venus – ‘Thoth’, and by the High Priestess ‘Seshat’ who is a descendant of the ‘Feline Beings’, a race also from Sirius (A). The Lion Beings live in the ‘non-physical’ reality that transcends time and space; whereas the Feline Beings are of the physical dimension and live even amongst the human race on Earth. Whilst the Lion Beings were the architect or the blueprint designers of the pyramids, the actual builders were the Feline Beings who physically constructed the Great Pyramid. This is the multi-dimensional perspective of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

What I take from the photo above, is evidence at some level, that corroborates the information being shared by Contactees and channelers. This is clearly a being of some sort. A mutual agreement HAD to be made for this being to lower its vibration enough to be photographed. That suggests communication and a bit of a relationship between the Master and the being. So concluding that this being is of Andromedan descent, as stated by James Gilliland and the Japanese Master, is no longer a stretch. Those points then support the origin and existence of the Galactic Federation of Light upon this planet, whether or not we are aware of the work they are doing.

So, to end this summary of the Galactic Federation of Light, we must again address the issue on everyone’s mind. If they are here to help us, and have the technology to help us, why are they not doing it? What are they doing about the Gulf?

Well, there are messages regarding this subject, from some very trusted channelers of various members of the Galactic Federation of Light. And I will post some of them below. But the short answer is, the Prime Directive. They are NOT to intervene, until given the green light to do so, as first agreed upon by the council. It is a very tough love approach, to teach mankind the lessons of their folly. If they were to swoop in on every disaster, no matter how dire, we would likely repeat our selfish and careless ways again, knowing the beings would be here to save us. This would teach us nothing, and would impede our progress as a species. The same can be applied to the reasons we are not given all the secrets behind the beautiful imagery of the crop circles. Humanity must OWN the knowledge, and not just be given the knowledge, if that knowledge is to last, and be passed to future generations.

Ascension and Evacuation

We are all upon this planet, to live a 3D, somewhat restrictive, lower density existence, and to learn the lessons of being human. So until there is a threat of nuclear annihilation, they will not step in. Nukes hold a special amendment in the Prime Directive, as its detonation (such as in the 40’s at Alamogordo and White Sands, NM), will, like I mentioned, literally rip the fabric of time and space on a quantum level. This would no longer be the ‘careless and dumb’ humans’ problem. It is affecting 'the others' in a very BIG way, as in, the other races and civilizations in other dimensions. This is why they are known to disarm missile silos when there is a threat. This is why they never left our skies, once they realized what we had, and that we would use it. This is why we are ‘contained’ and carefully monitored in space. Such weapons are not the way of an advanced, spiritually evolved species. Which is why, all beings upon this planet will NOT ascend. Only those who have learned to co-exist peacefully with other beings, who see the bigger picture, and live a life of service to others, rather than service to self. And, who know how to live in harmony with the earth, rather than contributing and accelerating its destruction. Those are the humans that will move forward, and are ready for Contact, and life in a greater galactic neighborhood.

So right now, we are beginning to feel the effects of human transformation as has never been before! Our bodies are now attuning to the higher frequencies that will be necessary, to lift and survive in the higher dimensions. We are receiving these ‘lifts’ in vibration through solar activity, through our positive emotions, and also through ET assistance.

This is not a free ride, but we are doing well in all of this. The ships that evacuate the personnel off of this planet, need to be sure you are ready for life on a ‘light ship’ and the frequency it holds. They are essentially, offering to meet us half way. We need to work on ourselves during this opportune moment in history. THEN, they will do the rest.

First to be picked up, will be the children, then the Starseeds. Those that have incarnated in this lifetime with many ET attributes and knowledge, to assist in these incredible times, before returning to their home planets, where they existed before life on earth.

And now, there is the evidence. There are many ships in our skies. Thousands, maybe millions, of which only some of those we can now see, due to their vibrations, keeping them in a slightly higher dimension. They will appear en masse, when the exact moment is right. And when humanity is ready for their arrival. Read those channeled excerpts below.

Can We See Any of the Craft Now?

Yes! There is now a very large golden craft, visible on the horizon, from just about any place in the world you now live. And I want you to look for this tonight. This is not Venus, as has been to quickly labeled for some time now. I have been watching it for several years, and it does move. It can become as bright as a golden bulb, and it also does not move in conjunction with the rest of the constellation. It is a ship. There are many of them now. Watch for them.

I myself, seem to have a very personal relationship with the craft near me, as it will actually appear at the exact moment I go outside and begin discussing the subject, such as during a radio interview. It will stay very low above the trees, in my direct line of sight during the whole program. One show went for 2.5 hours. It stayed for 2.5 hours. When I hung up, it dimmed, and rose into the heavens! This, four times in a row, during these shows. And it’s not just me. They know what we are thinking and discussing, and they will be here when the time is right!

As a final, personal note, I had a discussion with my own guides. Again, see if this resonates as your Truth as well. They told me that the craft was in fact of Sirian descent. It was present for the coming ‘evacuation’ and that many, many of us would be taken off planet during the time of greatest unrest. And that this particular ship was 4 miles across (a city-size), and 600 miles up in the atmosphere. It had a crew of 76 manning it. Interesting.

You’ll find in the snippets below, describing a very similar description of the larger motherships. These ships will also house ‘football field-sized ships, which will actually be the ones to pick us up, and bring us to the mothership, which can hold millions. And there are smaller scout-type craft as well, such as small discs that continue to monitor our planet and finish other tasks. These are sometimes remote controlled and unmanned.

Hope that helped
Sincerly Mr PIZ 

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Offline MrPiz

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Re: "Galactic Federation of Light" and their Sun dance Chief
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2010, 12:42:38 am »
About the Chief Golden Light Eagle
This should be him, he´s called "standing elk" as well:

Standing Elk/ Golden Eagle's Bio

My most precious Mother Beautiful Sundance Woman named me Loren Zephier

My most precious Father Chief Black Spotted Horse  named me Azuya Mani (Scout)

The Elk Nations named me Hehaka Nazin (Standing Elk)

The Heyoka Nation call me Hehaka Oyate Oyasin (All Elk Nation)

Tunkasila Hehaka Sapa (Black Elk) named me Mani Ota (Walks With many)

The Eagle Nations said that I would be known as Wambdi Zizi (The Golden Eagle) in the future.

Standing Elk is a member of the Ihunktowan Dakota Nation.  His blood line is Lakota, Dakota, Nakota and French.  He is one of seven Sundance Chiefs for the Yankton Sioux Sungdeska Sapa  Tiospaye. 

He co-authored four books titled, "MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN", "ANPAO WICAHPI WICOHAN", IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN", and "CAN WAKAN WICOHAN".  The MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN manual was inducted into the Smithsonian Institution during a formal ceremony on September 26, 1999 and the manual was also donated to the A.R.E. Library on September 22, 2002.

Notice To The Elders Of Turtle Island
Standing Elk, February 1996


My name is Standing Elk of the Yankton Sioux Reservation and this is my formal apology to all the elders of Turtle Island and I accept full responsibility for my words and actions in the future concerning the spiritual knowledge we are about to share with the people of the Americas and the world. My actions and words are none other than my own based upon the spiritual teachings of the Tunkasila and the spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations. If any Elder of the Red Nation feels that I am wrong in my actions or in any verbal statement, please feel free to correct me according to the Laws of the Kit Fox Society, that we as spiritual human beings have chosen to live by. "If it be necessary to punish a child do so in such a way that will improve his spirit or mind, but do not lay a hand on him for you may damage the possession of the Great Spirit, his gift of life to you."

As a Red Nation we have lived through dreams and vision of our Spiritual Tunkasila and we have always chose not to stray beyond our limits of the power of our spirit. My personal dream has directed me to contact certain Ikce Wicasa that will greatly increase the spiritual awareness that is to be shared with our brothers of the four directions. Through my personal contacts, some medicine men have agreed that it is time because of the closeness and the fulfillment of prophecies that are vital for our existence as a human race. This sharing of dreams and vision of the Tunkasila will strengthen the foundation of Nations that are sincerely interested in being that element that will be the foundation of the "thousand years of peace."

My hand is open to all those Elders of the Turtle Island who wish to share their message, dream and vision with the people of the world, for I cannot do it alone. Through our teachings, we know that not one individual holds the knowledge and mysteries of life, we were all given a piece of the puzzle. We are all a part of the Sacred Hoop that needs to be mended and we must make a humble effort in this task, if the seventh generation, our grandchildren and unborn are to survive this next awareness. My life was molded around the teachings of the Tunkasila that you have instilled in our spirit as children, and my spirit has directed me in this effort to help our brothers and sisters of the four directions and I have already chosen not to fail the Tunkasila.

Mitakuye Oyasin - Hehaka Inazin (Standing Elk)
He´s colecting donations. Looking for $15,000

!!!!You really have to check out his web page!!!

sincerly Mr. Piz

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Galactic Federation of Light-Indian in the Machine
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2010, 02:45:54 pm »
I have concerns about this group and specifically I will offer you this link:

I am assuming that you are also seeking to expose the fraud/abuses of First Nation or Indigenous individuals as well.  

From what I understand there are many folks who say they are "lightworkers"/healers who are a part of the galactic federation of light.

 Others say anyone involved with it are false lightworkers.  

I have never been attracted to it, yet I found that there were some pages of seeming lightworkers  that were a part of it and so I no longer visit their pages.  

I would like to know what you all think and know about this.  Yes, it is a "way out there" group.  

« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 02:50:56 pm by do.ordonot.thereisnotry »

Offline Ramona1

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Re: "Galactic Federation of Light" and their Sun dance Chief
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2010, 04:06:57 pm »
About the Chief Golden Light Eagle
This should be him, he´s called "standing elk" as well:

Standing Elk/ Golden Eagle's Bio

My most precious Mother Beautiful Sundance Woman named me Loren Zephier

My most precious Father Chief Black Spotted Horse  named me Azuya Mani (Scout)

The Elk Nations named me Hehaka Nazin (Standing Elk)

The Heyoka Nation call me Hehaka Oyate Oyasin (All Elk Nation)

Tunkasila Hehaka Sapa (Black Elk) named me Mani Ota (Walks With many)

The Eagle Nations said that I would be known as Wambdi Zizi (The Golden Eagle) in the future.

Standing Elk is a member of the Ihunktowan Dakota Nation.  His blood line is Lakota, Dakota, Nakota and French.  He is one of seven Sundance Chiefs for the Yankton Sioux Sungdeska Sapa  Tiospaye. 

He co-authored four books titled, "MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN", "ANPAO WICAHPI WICOHAN", IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN", and "CAN WAKAN WICOHAN".  The MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN manual was inducted into the Smithsonian Institution during a formal ceremony on September 26, 1999 and the manual was also donated to the A.R.E. Library on September 22, 2002.

Notice To The Elders Of Turtle Island
Standing Elk, February 1996


My name is Standing Elk of the Yankton Sioux Reservation and this is my formal apology to all the elders of Turtle Island and I accept full responsibility for my words and actions in the future concerning the spiritual knowledge we are about to share with the people of the Americas and the world. My actions and words are none other than my own based upon the spiritual teachings of the Tunkasila and the spiritual knowledge of the Star Nations. If any Elder of the Red Nation feels that I am wrong in my actions or in any verbal statement, please feel free to correct me according to the Laws of the Kit Fox Society, that we as spiritual human beings have chosen to live by. "If it be necessary to punish a child do so in such a way that will improve his spirit or mind, but do not lay a hand on him for you may damage the possession of the Great Spirit, his gift of life to you."

As a Red Nation we have lived through dreams and vision of our Spiritual Tunkasila and we have always chose not to stray beyond our limits of the power of our spirit. My personal dream has directed me to contact certain Ikce Wicasa that will greatly increase the spiritual awareness that is to be shared with our brothers of the four directions. Through my personal contacts, some medicine men have agreed that it is time because of the closeness and the fulfillment of prophecies that are vital for our existence as a human race. This sharing of dreams and vision of the Tunkasila will strengthen the foundation of Nations that are sincerely interested in being that element that will be the foundation of the "thousand years of peace."

My hand is open to all those Elders of the Turtle Island who wish to share their message, dream and vision with the people of the world, for I cannot do it alone. Through our teachings, we know that not one individual holds the knowledge and mysteries of life, we were all given a piece of the puzzle. We are all a part of the Sacred Hoop that needs to be mended and we must make a humble effort in this task, if the seventh generation, our grandchildren and unborn are to survive this next awareness. My life was molded around the teachings of the Tunkasila that you have instilled in our spirit as children, and my spirit has directed me in this effort to help our brothers and sisters of the four directions and I have already chosen not to fail the Tunkasila.

Mitakuye Oyasin - Hehaka Inazin (Standing Elk)
He´s colecting donations. Looking for $15,000

!!!!You really have to check out his web page!!!

sincerly Mr. Piz

Another group also is supporting him out here in PA. To much fluff bunny bliz new age sounding stuff to me

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Galactic Federation of Light, Golden Eagle, Indian in the Machine
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2010, 06:49:35 pm »

11:11 Star Knowledge Conference
Honoring the Mound Builders of all Tribes

Location: Serpent Mound
Woodland Altars - Peebles, Ohio

Thursday - Sunday, Nov. 11 - 14, 2010

Day Pass - $40

[ed note - accommodations cost extra, and they're also asking for donations]

Speakers  / Presenters
Chief Golden Light Eagle - Sundance / Hereditary Chief of the Ihunktowan Oyate

Here's another video. It looks like a few videos are linked from the website.

"Invitation from the Elders":

"11:11 Star Knowledge Gathering Nov. 11, 2010 Serpent Mounds, Ohio"
"The Star Family is meeting to share knowledge at the Serpent Mound in Ohio on November 11, 2010."

6:00 – 8:00 – Sunrise Ceremonies – Chief Spotted Eagle
9:00 –  9:50 – Tacanupa Yuwakanpi Itancan  – Ihunktowan Sundance Chief - As an artist it has been a great honor to illustrate the manuscript, Maka Wicahpi Wicohan. As an artist it is the ultimate dream to use one’s God-given talent to apply to a project that will impact the entire planet in a positive, loving and Spiritual manner. Maka Wicahpi Wicohan was a project that catapulted Sherwyn into a new dimension of seeing. That experience has helped him to stand before his own people with a great sense of pride and respect of where he came from, where he is today and what the future holds for him still. Spiritually, he knows that in his life’s work he does not stand alone.

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Re: Galactic Federation of Light, Golden Eagle, Indian in the Machine
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2010, 07:01:10 pm »
Found lots more on YouTube. Looks like they're based out of Sedona, at least part of the time:

"Star Family in Sedona
The Star Family Gathered in Sedona, August, 2010"

Offline nemesis

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Re: Galactic Federation of Light, Golden Eagle, Indian in the Machine
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2010, 07:36:18 pm »

Star elders?

I believe we are in Bearcloud territory here.

As google will demonstrate  ;)

Here's a deluded, weird video to prove it
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 07:45:33 pm by nemesis »

Offline Freija

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Standing Elk / Golden Eagle
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2010, 01:16:36 pm »

Had an inquiry about this guy.
Can anyone shed some light on who he is?
Or rather - is he what he says he is?

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Re: Standing Elk / Golden Eagle
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2010, 03:25:52 pm »

He mentions his real life name is Loren Zephier – and he already is mentioned at NAFPS:

In his link section you will find lots of BS like links to astrology/astrologers' sites.
And links to quack sites, or sites promoting quacks. E.g. Hulda Clark who allegedly knows how to cure cancer. What they fail to mention, however, is that Clark meanwhile died of cancer herself. Clark strongly advised her 'patients' against chemotherapy. She also sold a so-called 'zapper', an electric device which she claimed to electrocute pathogens to keep users healthy.
Just browsing the list, I found another link to a site promoting „channeled visionary healing art“.

He further links to a so-called Abundance Bank which aims at „transforming the financial systems in the world from those based on fear to ones based on love“.

Another link is to the website of Rev. Elizabeth 'Lelie' Carroll who e.g. sells Healing Touch sessions and 'AM Wands'.

The link list is a crude mix of astrology sites, quack sites, 'alternative' healing, UFOs, etc.

And what is this business about alleged star knowledge conferences and a Rev. Jean Holmes?

When you open the section „Star Messenges“, there is a mix of actual or alleged L/D/Nakota spirituality mixed with lots of other ideas, like „Masters of Egypt“. This opens another article which starts:

We Masters of Egypt are Star Beings from Orion. We are the craftsmen which have indeed opened the Cosmic Portals to allow these Sacred Star Symbols to come unto you.  We may be known as the Brothers of the Nile.
            During ancient times and up to present, there have been many difficulties for the human Spirit to come into physical form.  Such difficulties are seen today through the abnormalities of birth.  When there are deformities in the children, be it physical, emotional or mental, this is because the Spirit has not properly landed within the very physical form of that individual.
            This Universal Law of Symmetry is a power which may be invoked to assist souls which are coming in: to fully integrate into their bodies, to fully integrate into their heart, to fully integrate into their mind. 
            You may call upon the Masters of Egypt, our Brotherhood of the Nile, to assist in this process.  For we have many circles that focus upon birthing in the Star Children.
            For those who are already here in physical form, and who are seeking their enlightenment, let it first be known that in ancient times that enlightenment was a gift of birth.  It was a bestowal of Creator that began from the very conception of each individual.  Therefore, this is to say that everyone was enlightened.  Everyone had their crystal connection with Spirit, remembering their lives before and also their lives yet to come, remembering the Sacred Tree of Life with no questions as to who they are, why they are and how to serve. 
            The problems first began during the Atlantean and Lemurian times.   This was mostly because the creative abilities of human being at those times got beyond their wisdom.  This same type of behavior is being seen today in modern technology.

And then there is the „Four Doors of Metatron“....
Nuff said.

Oh, and one more: at the start page, there are two videos promoting a „Star Knowledge Conference“ scheduled for November 11, 11:11. Date and time are aptly chosen... - November 11, 11:11 happens to be the 'official' start of the carnival season here.

The video section has a video promoting extremist right conspiration theoretician David Icke... and many videos on UFO garbage, crop circles, the Hopi message etc. There is a section with several videos with Sherwyn Zephier (family business?), another one with 'Sundance Chief Walking Bear' who is said to be Chahta, Uqualla (one is titled 'Uqualla speaks from Sedona') who is an alleged Havasupai elder, and someone by the name of Grey Eagle, another alleged Chahta Sundance Chief, speaking on Ets, Star People, etc.

Offline Freija

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Re: Standing Elk / Golden Eagle
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2010, 04:11:36 pm »
Thank you, Ingeborg. I should have entered his real name in the Search section....duuhh..!

These kind of guys remind me of the IKEA concept (sorry, I am very patriotic...LOL).
"We offer UFO:s, ancient Egyptian teachings, cropcircles, buddhism, star messages, indigo children, cosmic portals, shamanism, chacta, tarotcards and why not try a real Ndn vision quest -  but have some cheap Swedish meatballs before you starve yourself! Get everything down in the trolley, take it home, put it together´ve got yourself a bookshelf eternal enlightning."

Sorry, being very sarcastic today. I beg your pardon! :)

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 36
Re: Standing Elk / Golden Eagle
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2010, 02:48:15 am »
Here is a page about the Star Knowledge Conference he spoke at,
as related by Mr. Richard Boylan, Ph.D. from his site - "The UFO-Star Visitors-Star Kids/Star Seeds website of Dr. Richard Boylan:A disinformation-free, professionally-researched, factual information site on UFOs (starcraft), contact by Star Visitors, the new Star Kids and adult Star Seeds, on Star Nations, and on the Star Kids Project." On this site  (his site: )there is a NATIVE AMERICAN ELDERS SECTION:

The page about the conference that Standing Elk spoke at:

"Standing Elk, Lakota Keeper of the Six-Pointed Star Nation Altar, in his opening remarks noted that Medicine Men have the ability to communicate with the spiritual entities of Mother Earth, such as the Eagle, the Deer, the Coyote and the Star Nations."


Offline Freija

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Re: Standing Elk / Golden Eagle
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2010, 09:14:11 am »
Thanks for the info, Spandex  :)

Offline tahcha_sapa

  • Posts: 29
Re:Re: Galactic Federation of Light, Golden Eagle, Indian in the Machine
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2012, 12:31:11 am »
I was going to reply to this particular post when this notice appeared above it: "Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days. Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic."
So, not knowing what to do, I thought I'd start a new post with my reply.
Is anyone else familiar with this "Chief Golden Light Eagle" guy? He's obviously Native, but what about the claims of being a sun dance chief, and his affiliation with "StarknowledgeTV" and the "Galactic Federation of Light"? I can't find a single reference to him outside of new-age websites.
Chief Golden Eagle Light aka Chief Standing Elk is really Loren Zephier.  Loren Zephier is from the Yankton rez.  Although he may possess a CDIB (Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood) this document may be his license to steal.  It may protect him from prosecution by legal authorities and he may know this.  It would be helpful, though, if the enrolled tribal members who are legitimately (but unethically) fleecing the willing sheep who come to them -- in the name of "traditional indian religion" -- are not provided uncritical support from helpful sites such as this one.
Keep up the good work NAFPS!