Author Topic: Cynthia Hart-Button Sacred World Peace Church and Alliance Mission Statement  (Read 12170 times)

Offline flyaway

  • Posts: 81
  • "Your mind is your strongest weapon"
Has anyone heard of this group "Church"

I have had several people come to me with this WOmen named Cynthia Hart-Button. I have heard some of the insane things she has been doing. And she claims to be adopted into the Lakota. That does not make you a medicine women. When you are adopted in all that means is you have more family. Just because you are adopted i...n doesn't give you the right the set up altars or claim to have powers and say we gave it to you. I think i am going to pay this women a visit. Why is it every other race is benifiting off our culture but our own people!!!
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Sacred World Peace Church and Alliance Mission Statement
The primary purpose of the SACRED WORLD PEACE ALLIANCE and CHURCH is to promote and create an environment of education for the understanding and development of true peace among all people, animals, flowers, trees, rocks, birds, all things of this Earth. To educate that we are all in this together, t...
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Offline flyaway

  • Posts: 81
  • "Your mind is your strongest weapon"
Staff Director :

Chapel : Rev Cynthia Hart- Button
 Cynthia claims to have been adopted by the lakota but there is no record of this and the Lakota are saying she is calling herself a medicine woman when in fact she is not. She has not been taught by any KNOWN true Lakota.
If you will notice her memnbership for one in her church is $150. Her teachings are not that of the Lakota but a mix of new age and BS.

 Cynthia’s Native American knowledge is carried on through her work as a facilitator of medicine wheel ceremonies, sweat lodges and fire walks. She has been a participant in the Sundance and other sacred ceremonies. Cynthia has been an ordained minister for 20 years. She has studied with many great teachers and masters from many parts of the world. Her constant quest is to grow and to serve.
I am the founder and president of Scared World Peace Church & Alliance. My mission is to help bring peace to this earth through communication and hands on experience. The Alliance was formed in order to support all types of green projects, and new forms of energy and communications. We are providing opportunities for young people who want to learn and to be involved in green projects of all types. We are also providing sanctuary for the White Buffalo, and providing educational programs regarding wild life, and raising funds to help replenish Earth’s endangered species.
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001


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« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 05:07:40 am by ValSu »