I still see it described as Traditional Biosun Hopi Ear Candles on one page, though the title of the workshop doesn't say Hopi any more.
And this.
http://www.thehealinggardencentre.co.uk/page12.htm#HopiHopi Ear Treatment
(Thermal auricular therapy)
The Hopi Prairie-plain red Indians used this ancient therapy many years ago. We use Biosun Hopi ear candles which are linen tubes coated in beeswax & honey, & traditional herbs such as sage & St Johns Wort, camomile & pure essential oils. When placed into the auditory canal of the ear and the end is lite it then works on a chimney principal gently drawing out any impurities (wax). The treatment also includes Reiki treatment to the head, face & neck. It is excellent for congestion & sinusitis, excessive wax - glue ear, post colds/flue, headaches, stress, flyers pressure, divers pressure.
The treatment induces a pleasant feeling of warmth and a re-balance of pressure in the ears, forehead & sinuses.
Hopi Ear treatment £25 (25 mins)
And really, their disclaimer is not accurate either then. They still are making inaccurate claims.