Saga, I personally know nothing about volcanoes and the thoughts/ideas that come with origin of these entities..
I only know what I experienced first hand. And from that I can only say that it is wrong to hand over your life, soul,
life force/direction, etc., to something you know nothing about. To me, it is a fallacy. I am the one living here, and I
am the only one who gets to choose what to do, or how to do it. I am the only one who gets to choose where to
go or not go.. and.. I am the only one who gets to choose how to handle life's difficulties, and life's joys. I believe life
is my experience, although, not alive for myself.
In my experience, when guidance has come it does not include the giving up of my soul, it does not include ultimatums
that define what I must accept or believe in order to receive such guidance. The guidance of the good source is at
no cost to the receiver and there is no punishment or reward for denying or accepting the guidance. It is free on all
I've met many people who offer guidance from "beyond" or some such.. yet they have a price attached. So, who are
they reflecting? Can't be the good source.. imo.
New agers, imo, are being misled. I'm not sure what can be done about that.. however, this is a forum that is intended
to preserve the indigenous beliefs from the onslaught of these misled, misguided new agers. Whatever my beliefs, and
experiences, I am here because I believe it's vital for the indigenous to maintain their beliefs, safe. And as un-influenced
as possible. I see the new age thing (and the original religious invasion of the white people) as an attack, based from
the source that I consider them to be guided by.. which is not the "good" source that I know of.
My advice, stay away from all the conspiracy theories and ufo theories and new age gumbo jumbo theories that are
plastered all over the net. Work within and from your own self.