Mr. Deloria made these comments to me in a classroom setting with Professor Dan Wildcat at Haskell seven years ago when I brought
the book on the Mowas and the Demaillie treaty book set that Professor Deloria also worked on. I also had a one hour listening session
as Professors Donald Fixico, Dan Wildcat, and Vine Deloria, Jr. spoke at a table in the Holidome Lounge in Lawrence, KS after a conference
I attended. Have you read They Say The Wind is Red? Professor Deloria wrote the forward for that book as I previously stated.
My book is being edited currently. I have it on PDF form currently. All 75,396 words of it. I also found a story on the PBS We Shall
Remain website dealing with the Calcedeaver Choctaw School and the language revitalization program. So far, I've referenced the
late Vine Deloria, Jr, and PBS. You would think that these people and entities would want to distance themselves from frauds.
After all, Mr. Deloria didn't mince words about new agers and frauds, did he? PBS dealt with the Nipmuc Community in Massachusetts
concerning a segment on Metacomet and the Wampanoags. Both of these entities have high standards. The Mowas and other
state tribes are so fake that Mr. Deloria and PBS don't want to deal with them right? There is no sarcasm here...not at all.