Author Topic: The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders (CCIE)  (Read 23415 times)

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 36
The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders (CCIE)
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:31:33 pm »
This is a thread to explore issues surrounding The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas , the events which host this gathering, and those involved.

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 36
Re: The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders (CCIE)
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 02:32:32 pm »

Internet sites with information about The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas (CCIE)


Press Release . com

Return of the Ancestors & Earth Day 2009

......It was Adam Yellowbird, Spiritual Guide and the Founder of ICA in Sedona, had the vision of the Return of the Ancestors as he sat with the Elders in a sacred circle on the shores of Lake Titicaca in Peru. This vision was not just his own, but also of the Tribal Elder of Guatemala, Don Alejandro Cerilio Axla Perez. Don Alejandro had spoken of a great gathering of peoples from the Americas. During that time on Lake Titicaca, Adam knew that it was time for this great gathering,.....


Site: Shift of the Ages

"Grand Elder Grandfather Cirilo Perez Oxlaj’s Mayan spirit name is Wakatel Utiw, which means “Wandering Wolf” in his native language. He is regarded as the Voice of the Jungle and the Messenger of the Maya; we also know him as 'Tata' which most affectionately, 'Grandfather' in his native language.  Wandering Wolf is responsible for guiding us through a prophesied evolutionary transition called the Shift of the Ages. He relays not only potent messages filled with hope and promise, but also grave warnings about the changes we must make. He tells us we are living in the time when the ancestors, as well as men and women of wisdom, return to usher in a new era of global harmony and a new phase of human evolution.

Wandering Wolf serves as: leader of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala; Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar; 13th generation Quiche Mayan Spiritual Leader; a founder and Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders & Spiritual Guides of the Americas ; Extraordinary Ambassador in the Guatemalan government representing the indigenous pueblos; and an international lecturer on Mayan culture.

His mathematical provenance extends to the traditional and elegant mathematics of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, which culminates in the Mayan year “Zero,” or approximately 2012 in the Gregorian calendar. Grandfather Cirilo holds the great honor of keeping sacred the teachings, visions, ceremonies and prophecies of the Maya people.

A cogent messenger, Wandering Wolf warns us that we have arrived at a critical crossroads. The message is simple and clear: we must change the way we live NOW. Since we have left the Maya “BelejebBalamTiku,” or “Period of Darkness; Period of the Nine Hells,” Grandfather’s mission includes alerting the world through story and prophecies. In 2005, Wandering Wolf asked producer and filmmaker Steve Copeland to document the sacred saga of the Maya and the ancient prophecies now being fulfilled."

The Shift, 2012 & Prophecy:

......................What I hear, over and over from everywhere, is about the year 2012. There are messengers that come and speak from their heart, like me, and we don't intimidate people. There are other messengers that speak, but there is the money issue behind (them). It is like many people that used to read and read, so then they write lots of books about this because they know it is a big business. And then they are all are talking from the point of view of what the books say and many times they are putting fear into people. But for us, the Mayans, it is only a change of the Sun . . . a change of a cycle of the Sun. it is not the first time this is going to happen nor will it be the last............................................................So for us the time that is coming to us, is a time of change. And for us the Mayas, it is joy and happiness. They are saying in 2012 that this will end. So for us, the Mayans, if it were to happen in 2012, oh, how happy it would be. And our Creator, he will leave seeds from different regions for the future. So you, when that time comes, you will be prepared................................Many people speak about the times that are coming. Some are saying, don't worry we are going to do ceremony, and they call for everyone to bring their crystal skulls, and we are going to do ceremony with the skulls to alleviate what is coming. But it is not going to work. This is something that has to happen. Nobody can stop this. It is a period of the sun that is ending, and it is a cycle that lasts 5,200 years of the Gregorian years. And we know that we are in the last Katun. There are 13 Katuns and we are living at the end of the last one. So this is the time when we don't know exactly if it is going to be 2012 or if it is going to be later on. Because 2012 is a Gregorian date, sometimes it does not coincide with the Mayan calendar............


Awareness Magazine
The Return of the Ancestors Gathering
By Adam Yellowbird

"The Institute for Cultural Awareness will present a historic international multi-cultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage beginning Earth Day weekend, April 18-28, 2009 throughout Northern Arizona. Indigenous elders and future wisdom keepers will represent the voice of Mother Earth. The heart of the gathering will be the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. The intention is to unite and share the invited wisdom keeper’s visions and prophesized ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity.
The goal is to sponsor 72 or more global spiritual/cultural leaders and 28 youth council leaders from around the world....."

.....One Mayan prophecy states, “The time of the 12 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time of the return of our ancestors and the return of the men of wisdom.” “That time is now,” says Grandfather Alejandro Cirilo Oxlaj, President of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala and President of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas......

• Learning the history and the origin of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the America......


Awareness Magazine

............The Flying By family of the Hunkpapa Lakota people adopted Adam Yellowbird when he was 21 years old and since then he has been traveling all around the Americas visiting various spiritual leaders and indigenous elders. Yellowbird went on a vision quest to the San Francisco Peaks and discovered his destiny is to be a bridge and a messenger...........

..........One Mayan prophecy states, "At the time of the 12 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time of the return of our ancestors and the return of the men of wisdom." "That time is now," says Grandfather Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, President of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala and of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. Grandfather Alejandro will be attending..........

............."During the eleven days of ceremonies, prayers and celebration, nine stone tablets will be brought to the gathering," said Yellowbird. "A new directive will be set in stone by The Elders and youth alike. Using glyphs, symbols and words, this set of guide stones will shine a light on their interconnectedness of all things; inspiring mankind to walk lightly on the earth once more and to leave a legacy for the future generations to come."

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 36
Re: The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders (CCIE)
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 02:33:07 pm »


By Bernard Perona aka Drunvalo Melckizedek


April, 2009

We are happy to present new articles and messages for April issue of Spirit of Ma'at.

The Return Of The Ancestors Gathering in Northern Arizona
April 18th — April 28th, 2009
"....The Institute for Cultural Awareness is busy making the final preparations for the return of the men of wisdom. Elders from all over the world are about to convene, here in Arizona, for the fourth reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. Their intention is to unite and share the invited wisdom keeper's visions,...."

........The Return of the Ancestors Gathering ~ Northern Arizona
Last year Institute for Cultural Awareness sponsored Bridging the Americas — Reuniting the Eagle and Condor Gathering in Peru. During this event, ICA's President, Adam Yellowbird committed to host the Return of the Ancestors Gathering in Northern Arizona in the Spring of 2009. This gathering will also host the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas, a Council formed by Mayan Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "Wandering Wolf"

Yes it's happening! Indigenous elders from all over the world will gather to here in Northern Arizona this spring.......


A 2012 Mayan Prophecy

Instituteforcultural | March 30, 2009

The Institute for Cultural Awareness presents a historic International multicultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage welcoming Indigenous elders and future wisdom keepers representing the voice of Mother Earth, beginning Earth Day weekend, April 18-28, 2009 throughout Northern Arizona. The heart of the gathering will be the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. The intention is to unite and share the invited wisdom keeper's visions and prophesized ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity.


Blog Post;id=25097

The Return of the Ancestors Gathering

Northern Arizona April 18-28, 2009

The Institute for Cultural Awareness presents a historic International multicultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage welcoming Indigenous elders……..

..........How you can help
? Allow us the use of a minimum of 5 acres of land to facilitate the elders and wisdom keepers
? Short term donations of vacation homes and/or retreat centers
? Public use facility - meetings, media, interviews of the elders and wisdom keepers
? Monetary contributions for sponsorship of the elders
? Donate a minimum of 5 Acres of land to the Institute of Cultural Awareness 501C3 to be used as a permanent space for future events
? Creative ideas for land acquisition for Institute of Cultural Awareness
? Volunteer assistance

We will need to have the land by March 15th; if not sooner, the land will have to be prepared with cleaning, clearing and blessings before their arrival. We will place on the land teepees, tents, trash bins and porta-potties, and some vehicles. There will also be controlled fires for cooking and ceremonies. We will need the homes and/or retreat centers by March 25th for preparations.

Donors will receive for their contribution a charity 501(c)3 receipt from the Institute for Cultural Awareness but, more importantly they will have the opportunity to witness an historical event with access to certain ceremonies and events throughout the 11 day pilgrimage.

Sedona/Verde Valley, this is your opportunity to make a difference.
Be an intimate part of the change you would like to see in the world.

Please take a moment to view this video:
(Arizona Future – ICA video by Adam ‘Yellowbird’ DeArmon)


Common Passion . org

About Wakatel Utiw, “Wandering Wolf,” also known as Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj

Maya Grand Elder Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj’s spirit name is Wakatel Utiw, which means “Wandering Wolf” in his native language. He is regarded as the Voice of the Jungle and the Messenger of the Maya. Wandering Wolf is responsible for guiding the world through a prophesied evolutionary transition called the Shift of the Ages. He tells us we are living in the time when the ancestors, as well as men and women of wisdom, return to usher in a new era of global harmony and a new phase of human evolution.

Wandering Wolf serves as: leader of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala; Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar; 13th generation Quiche Mayan Spiritual Leader; a founder and Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders & Spiritual Guides of the Americas;......................

.................At One Peace Live on Nov 7th 2010 Wandering Wolf will be working with the power of the Mayan Staff of Authority. This ancient artifact, passed through generations of Wandering Wolf’s lineage, has an epic story behind it. Wandering Wolf received the Staff of Destiny when he was 16 years old from his father, but did not begin working with it spiritually until about 30 years ago when he became an elder in his tradition. The staff was used in the 1992 ceremony that formed the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas and was passed around to Elders to spiritually support the various unity gatherings throughout the Americas. It has been used to inaugurate two presidents in Central and South America, and is now being employed to activate global enlightenment, peace and harmony through the direct transmission of wisdom at the November 7th event.

To learn more, visit:

Watch Wandering Wolf's Messages:

« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 02:46:52 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 36
Re: The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders (CCIE)
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2011, 02:34:09 pm »

Lightworkers . org

The Fulfilment of the prophecy.......It happening NOW.......
31 March 2008 - 6:40pm |  kallisto Satyam

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj is the head of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala, Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar, a 13th generation Quiche Mayan High Priest, a Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders & Spiritual Guides of the Americas, and an international lecturer on Mayan Culture. He is charged the primary keeper of the teachings, visions, & prophecies of the Mayans.

Don Alejandro was sent as a messenger by the Council of Invisible Beings to warn the world that we are at a critical crossroads for the future of our Earth. .........

..................Don Alejandro?s ancestral lineage has passed a very Sacred and powerful Staff down through 13 generations. It is a symbol of authority used to strengthen the organizers of the "International Congress of Indigenous Elders of the Americas." The International Congress is a large Summit of Indigenous Native Elders from around the world dedicated to facilitating the fulfillment of the Eagle and Condor Prophecy. They have met at a string of events that started in the mid 1990?s. The Sacred Staff is used in the preparation and empowerment of the International Congress and these events.

In 1995 the first meeting of the International Congress, organized by Don Alejandro in his home country of Guatemala, over 200 Native elders together in ceremony to release the 'bonded sacred feminine' (suppressed female energy) initiating the fulfillment process of the Eagle and Condor Prophecy. Approximately three years later in the Amazon the Sacred Staff was given to, and used by, the Native Elder responsible for organizing the second Summit. This event attracted over 500 Elders drawing world interest. The Staff was then escorted to New Mexico in 1997 for preparation of a gathering in the North.

In 1999 the Continental gathering of indigenous elders took place in Ojo Caliente, Canoncito and Nambe in New Mexico. At this time Maestro Valentin Mejillones, the self-proclaimed high priest of the 'Aymara Nation' in Bolivia requested to host the next gathering in Bolivia. His request was granted and at almost 7 years later he still hasn?t organized his proposed event. According to Don Alejandro and the Mayan Council, the Staff, for the benefit of humanity, MUST keep moving. It has been unavailable for ceremony. It needs to get to the organizers of the next International Gathering of Elders Immediately!
(from )

You can have a look in


Centers of Light Directory

Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj     

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj is the head of the National Mayan
Council of Elders of Guatemala, Day Keeper of the Mayan
Calendar, a 13th generation Quiche Mayan High Priest, a Grand
Elder of the Continental Council of Elders & Spiritual Guides of the
Americas, and an international lecturer on Mayan Culture.  He is
charged as the primary keeper of the teachings, visions, &
prophecies of the Mayan people.   Don Alejandro has been sent as
a messenger by the Council of Invisible Beings to warn the world
that we are at a critical crossroads for the future of our Earth.
The message is simple and clear: we must change the way we live

- In a groundbreaking move toward national reconciliation and unity among its peoples, the Guatemalan government has formally recognized the Maya and other native cultures in this Central American nation, granting them an official government seat to represent their rights and interests. 13th generation Maya Kiche spiritual leader and head of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, has been chosen by Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom Caballeros as the Ambassador Extraordinary Itinerant of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Guatemala.


Indigenousnewz . blogspot . com

Indigenous News

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
13 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time...
Institute for Cultural Awareness


We Need Your Help!

Mayan prophecy states, "At the time of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time of the Return of our Ancestors and the Return of the Men of Wisdom".


"That time is now", declared 13th generation Mayan High Priest Grandfather Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj. As President of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala and the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas.
Don Alejandro requested elders from around world to bring their prophecies and wisdom to join together as one voice for humanity as we approach "year zero", the end of the Mayan calendar 2012.


The Return of the Ancestors came to northern Arizona in April 2009 with the intention to capture and release their global message of awakening.


After nearly 150 hours of filming, The Institute for Cultural Awareness, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is working to edit and deliver this message in the form of a DVD movie will be accompanied with additional DVDs containing key interviews and presentations from these world wisdom keepers.


You can help us complete this mission to launch
their urgent message by:

1. Ordering a free copy of "Return of the Ancestors, Our Gratitude & Sacred Fire" DVD. Pay only postage and handling.

2. Pre-order "The Movie - Return of the Ancestors" at a discounted price of $24.95 plus shipping and handling. (Anticipated Release Thanksgiving 2009)

3. Sponsor the film as:

    * Eagle/Condor Associate Executive Producer - tax deductible donation of $20,000.
    * Jaguar Associate Executive Producer - tax deductible donation of $15,000.
    * Hawk Associate Executive Producer - tax decuctible donation of $10,000.
    * Hummingbird Associate Executive Producer - tax deductible donation of $5,000.
    * Butterfly Associate Executive Producer - tax deductible donation of $1,000.

4. Request to be notified to receive information about the launch of the Return of the Ancestors Book, a coffee table photo book with additional content and transcribed interviews pulled from the 150 hours of footage and over 8,000 professional photographs.

We send our heart felt thanks for your generous support to give the ancestors a voice.
Adam Yellowbird
Institute for Cultural Awareness
PO Box 1502
Cornville AZ 86325

Yellow Bird is available for teachings, workshops and talks, please contact ICA.

Upcoming Announcement:

Next Reunion of the Continental Counsel of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas in 2010 in Guatemala.

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 36
Re: The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders (CCIE)
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2011, 02:35:13 pm »

Journeytotheheart . org

Maestro Valentin Mejillones Acarapi
Bolivia represents the message of the Condor: Consejo del Saber Qulla, Council of Knowledge in El Alto La Paz Bolivia, the high Place of Peace, Tiwanaku. His name means One thousand Ants. The Aymara culture is a pre-Incan unbroken lineage that has preserved ceremonial earth care taking at the sun portal Tiwanaku. He is a member of the Spiritual Elders Council of South America. They have just become unified with the Continental Congress of Indigenous Elders of the Americas. This was all set into motion by Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, Maya Quiche of Guatemala. Maestro Valentin is an agriculturalist and keeper of the wisdom of plant foods and herbal medicines. He is an artisan in the art of stone carving amulets. He is in pursuit of sending a message to all communities to learn from their Comovision. He does divination with coco leaves. He is very involved with his community in a political manner. They have had to fight for water and natural gas rights with their government.

FLORDEMAYO - Nicaragua/Honduras
Flordemayo grew up on the border and is the youngest of 15 children. Her father was a local healer and her mother was a midwife and healer. In 1960, Flordemayo, her mother and several of her siblings moved to New York City. Her father had passed away and the political climate was getting dangerous. She is a curandero espiritu, spiritual healer and medical intuitive. She learned the art of "curandismo" in the traditional way; she was taught by her mother who learned from her mother. She has studied alternative healing with western and Native American teacher and continues her training with Don Aljandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, a respected spiritual leader and head of the Quiche Maya Council of Elders. She is recognized as a priestess by the Maya and is President of The Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, a non-profit organization designed to unite native people from many traditions and bring their message to a global audience. She has been a featured speaker on curanderismo at conferences on traditional medicine around the world. She conducts traditional Mayan healing ceremonies, practicing "Los Oxlahuntiku" or The Path of the 13 Sacred Centres, healing with sacred breath, the sacred herbal baths, Mayan invisible surgery and absent or distant healing. She considers her Mayan heritage to be the keystone of her work. The sacred Mayan prophecies have stated, "A time will come when the eagle of the north shall meet with the condor of the south. At this time, all the tribes will join together and form a Gathering of Elders. In these gatherings the elders will share their traditions and medicines with each other. When the elders have gathered, they will then disburse to share this ancient knowledge and wisdom with all of humanity". This prophecy has come to pass. She currently resides in New Mexico with her husband Marshall Hall. They have a son and daughter and several grandchildren.

Tata Cirilo Perez Oxlaj
His Maya name is Wakatel Utiw/Wandering Wolf in English, is a traditional Maya Quiche Elder, a medicine man, astrologer, astronomer,ecologist, medium and spiritual guide, among other things. His knowledge has been directly passed on to him orally from generation to generation. He is the 13th generation in his lineage since recording started. He never went to school, but has lectured in different well known universities in the United States and Europe He has traveled extensively around the world bringing the Prophecies, Messages of Peace for the world, speaking in behalf of the environment. Tata Cirilo Perez Oxlaj is the Head of the Guatemala National Council of Elders Mayas Xincas and Garifunas,25 Ethnic groups. He is also the Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Continent. His name, Wakatel Utiw was given to him by the Celestial Voices making him at the same time "The voice of the jungle and messenger of the Mayas."

Ove works with several organizations dedicated to teaching and re-weaving the traditions of both ancient and modern Nordic peoples with other multi-indigenous cultures. He coordinates Nordic and international cross-cultural peace projects, teaches workshops and gives presentations in the United States in cooperation with many educational programs and organizations including the World Council of Elders , Naropa Institute and Green Triangle-Eagle Bridge and WHEY (World Healers' Exchange and Youth Alliance) Projects. He travels widely throughout Europe, Mexico and North America to re-establish and share the traditions of the people of the North Circle. He is a musician, community peace leader, "spaamand" (seer/diviner) and healer. He is currently working to build "rainbow bridges" connecting the multi-indigenous wisdom teachings of Northern Europe with those of Central, North and South America. He currently is the emissary of North Circle Traditions for the World Council of Elders.

A similar sounding organisation:


World Council of Elders

By Celinda Reynolds Kaelin ©2004
In 1873, a nine-year-old Lakota (Sioux) boy experienced a powerful vision near the top of Pikes Peak.....

How You Can Help We are gathering the necessary resources for the International Sundance including travel expenses for the international Elders and drum groups; ceremonial supplies for the Sundancers; and tools, building supplies and equipment to house and feed the participants. Your financial support for this unique and important ceremony is greatly appreciated. Remember, the International Sundance is all about community support, and every little bit helps!

You can make a tax-deductible contribution either online via PayPal, or by mailing your check to World Council of Elders.

You also can contribute frequent flyer air miles that will allow international Elders to participate and share their teachings and sacred ceremonies.

Mailing address:  World Council of Elders, PO Box 7915, Boulder, CO  80306
If you have any questions or would like to help out, please contact us at:

Woody Vaspra, International Sundance Chief  & World Council of Elders President

Catie Johnson, World Council of Elders Executive Director


THE SHIFT OF THE AGES - Movie Treatment – PDF

      ……………….. Don Alejandro has asked Producer and Filmmaker Steve Copeland to document his life’s story, the sacred saga of Maya creation, & ancient prophecies that are being fulfilled at this very moment. The Maya have a very timely message for us!  

……….....Don Alejandro has been sent as a messenger by the Council of Invisible Beings to warn the world that we are at a critical crossroads for the future of our Earth. The message is simple and clear: we must change the way we live NOW”. [29]

Steve Copeland: the Director of the Shift of the Ages project says

      “What I have gathered from interviews with indigenous elders is that we are in the midst of a transition that was predicted eons ago….…..


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mayanism is a term used to refer to a non-codified eclectic collection of New Age beliefs, influenced in part by Pre-Columbian Maya mythology and some folk beliefs of the modern Maya peoples. Adherents of this belief system are not to be confused with Mayanists, scholars who research the historical Maya civilization.

Indigenous promoters

A growing number of individuals of indigenous or reportedly indigenous Maya ancestry have emerged as advocates and supporters of Mayanism. These include César Mena Toto (also known as Hunbatz Men) and the K'iche' spiritual guide Alejandro Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj (also known as "Wandering Wolf"). These individuals identify themselves as traditional shamans, but do also interact with, and refer to modern New Age phenomenal beliefs as in the lost continent of Atlantis, reverence for crystal skulls, and mediumship of extraterrestrial entities such as the Pleiadeans.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 02:50:50 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 36
Re: The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders (CCIE)
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2011, 02:36:17 pm »

Posts related to the CCIE, the ‘Return of the Ancestors’ event hosted by the ICA/Adam ‘Yellowbird’ DeArmon

I know adam, he came to visit ol man Joe Flying Bye
Joe has been dead a few years now, now he claim
to have been adopted by him.
Claiming he is some kind of medicine man NOT

I remember this guy yellowbird he is the one who came to Standing Rock in the 1980s early 90s and Joe Flying By help him and after Joe died he had his picture on his site then started these earth dances.


Unreturn of the Ancestors
Submitted by twoclouds on 1 May 2009 - 9:58pm.

This conference was a mess with organization and a dishonor to Elders that did attend !!! If this is the way we treat our Elders God Help us ! ……….

Tons of people showed up at Hopi for the Eagle Condor Dance, and there was no one from ICU or Return of the Ancestors there or no communication with the organisors of the group as to where to meet…………….. Nothing Posted on Return of Ancestors Website telling people it was canceled ………..Many people turned up at Hopi with little money left because they paid it to ICU for the event at $125 a day, and yet no event……………..

The Hopi were very open and welcome to all of us who showed up and didn’t know what else to do………………………….basically what was said is that ICU did not follow protocal for such medicine meetings at Hopi, and if they would of been approached in a timely manner they would not have a problem with meeting the Maya and other Elders to do such good medicine. …………………..there were a few Hopi that showed up for this dance but it was not condoned by the …………….The Hopi said the sandstorm had come to cleanse Hopi from all the negative energy ………………..

The Hopi Elder said he was very open to meeting the Maya Elders at Hopi, but the Maya had not approached the Hopi Elders themselves and the organization of ICU fell flat on follow through with protocals while attempting to put this event together so the Hopi said NO. Although ICU was still charging people money as far as "donations" and full price tickets for the event advertised when they knew it was canceled a month prior…………..

The Hopi were very open and wonderful to the ones that had come expecting this wonderful event to happen………….. I found my answers in the Hopi visit with Elders there, not in the ICU event !

I also want to say I am sorry to the Elders that had to buy their own blankets in Flagstaff Stores because they were not provided with good lodging or food during this event and were sleeping outside on the ground. My money for this event was suppose to go for the housing and food for the Elders..They were sleeping on the ground in dirt some of the nights, many had to go to the local store in Flagstaff and buy warmer bedding because they were cold ! I am sorry this was so disorganized to dishonor my ancestors this way !!! It makes my heart sad, but my prayers are that you received blessings from other areas for all the good work that you do !!!

Obviously the money was used for other things? Only those in charge can answer those questions and need to be accountable for what did and did not happen ! I don't know...but I am sorry the Elders were dishonored in this way, and some of the Maya Elders were going away sick on their way to meet with other Elders in Alaska....My prayers for wellness, and prayers for you safe journey.

There were some good moments at this conference, how could there not be when so many Elders had so much to offer. What I am getting at is, this was not the prophecy as stated in the advertisement……………


User ID: 670259
Re: Update for The Return Of The Ancestors Gathering

I am glad to hear that some of you felt this event was a wonderful experience. I have traveled through Mexico, Guatemala and Bolivia with the Elder's on other occassions and never in my life have I experienced such a deceptive, misleading and unrelational journey. I have also traveled with Don Alejandro through Guatemala. While things do happen to change the course of an event, which is to be expected when traveling in 'spirit time', this is the first time that any organization has promoted an event and received payment for days that they knew well in advance were NOT going to happen…………….

At Hopi, we learned the truth of what had happened and it is not what has been described here. Adam Yellowbird's first contact at Hopi was a woman who runs a gift shop at the Cultural Center!!! He did NOT have personal contacts until he went seeking them...although he advertised all the mumbo jumbo about the Hopi Wisdom Keeper's sharing with the group well in advance to contacting them. Had he gone through the appropriate channels, the Hopi would have participated, but the whole idea of the creation of NEW tablets was pure fabrication from the get-go.

Yellowbird was called on many occassions by the Hopi Elder's, but phone calls to the right people were NOT returned.
During the event itself, the Elder's called and asked to speak to Don Alejandro in order to work something out. Apparently the message was never passed on to Tata, as I know he would have spoken to them personally.

And how was everyone supposed to find out about the day that ICA decided to have a "picnic"? A picnic that each of us paid $85 for and we were still asked to bring a dish to pass??? Many did not know where the group was at on that day………….

………….Yellowbird, a self-proclaimed "visionary" needs to come clean about his intentions or the event needs to be investigated by the authorities so nothing like this will ever happen again.

…….what Yellowbird and ICA created was a "New Age" egoic creation that was deceptive from the beginning. I am not a life-negative person. I only ask that the truth be revealed and that everyone open their eyes to see and feel it. Much more was going on than met the eye and that was very painful to feel as it unfolded.

Many Blessings, Sharalynel


CONTACT: Harold Joseph

PHONE: 928-734-3132

DATE: April 17, 2009

Hopi Tribal Council Will Not Authorize Gathering on Hopi Land

On April 9, 2009, the Hopi Tribal Council adopted Council Resolution H- 027 –2009, refusing to authorize the use of Hopi land for an event known as “The Gathering of the Ancestors” sponsored by the Institute for Cultural Awareness of Cornville, Arizona. Sponsors of the event have invited people from around the world to attend this gathering. According to advertising put out by the Institute, the event has been scheduled to take place on the Hopi Reservation on April 25 and 26, 2009. The Council Resolution was sponsored by the villages of Shungopavi, Mishongnovi, and Sipaulovi, through their respective religious leaders, who strongly object to the event being held on Hopi sacred lands because the traditional Hopi leadership believes the event is contrary to, and will violate Hopi teachings and the sanctity of the Hopi way of life. The Religious leaders asked the Hopi Tribal Council to exercise its responsibilities under the Hopi Constitution to protect Hopi religion, tradition, and ceremonies from harm.

In considering whether to grant the Tribe’s consent for holding the event on Hopi lands, the Council found that the event’s sponsors lacked specific plans to address the public safety issues, including crowd control and traffic congestion, health and sanitation that always accompany such large gatherings. In addition, the Council found that the event has not been sanctioned by the Hopi villages or by the Hopi Tribal government and that the Institute had not applied for nor been granted any permits required to hold this event on the Hopi reservation. Based on these finding, the Hopi Tribal Council expressed its opposition to the holding of this non-sanctioned event on Hopi land and stated that the Tribe will not grant its consent to holding the event on Hopi land.

This resolution will be found here.

According to the Tribal Council representative Dale Sinquah, “We understand that different groups have different philosophies and right to practice those philosophies. We accept these differences as declared by the ICA. Unfortunately, ICA’s philosophy does not mesh with our traditional ancestral Hopi ways and we do not feel that a gathering of this type would be in the best interest of the Hopi people to be held on Hopi lands. We cannot sanction this event on our sacred ancestral land.”

According to Mary A. Felter, CAO, “We welcome the public to learn more about Hopi culture to allow for better understanding of our ways of life. We wish nothing but peace and goodwill for everyone and everything.”

For further information please contact:

Harold Joseph, Staff Assistant

Hopi Tribe


Offline Spandex~Atom

  • Posts: 36
Re: The Continental Council of Indigenous Elders (CCIE)
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2011, 02:37:29 pm »
A collection of posts from the thread about Kiesha Crowther, who claims recognition from the CCIE (ordered with earliest posts first):

A search on "Continental Council of Indigenous Elders" turns up a number of websites. Looking through them now.

There's a number of promotional posts for a Gathering held last summer

The Return of the Ancestors Gathering
Northern Arizona April 18-28, 2009

The Institute for Cultural Awareness presents a historic International multicultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage welcoming Indigenous elders and future wisdom keepers representing the voice of Mother Earth, beginning Earth Day weekend, April 18-28, 2009 throughout Northern Arizona. The heart of the gathering will be the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. The intention is to unite and share the invited wisdom keeper's visions and prophesized ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity.

The Earth Works for Humanity site also advertises a "Vision Quest Camp" which links to a page that mentions the old Eagle and Condor thing.

This page has some videos:
Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird is one of the speakers. We have a thread on him here: 
A search on the main page will turn up multiple threads where he is mentioned.

They chose the more photogenic participants for the poster:

Clicking around on their sites, I'm struck by how often a link will lead to a page with a totally different name for the event and the group. I have to admit, it brings to mind groups that create many different "front groups" to spread out the accountability for finances and other legalities. I could be wrong, but this just looks like so many of the scams we've seen where some non-Indigenous person drafts a combination of outright frauds and confused elderly people to form a "council" that pretends to be something it is not.

ETA: A writeup about the planned event by DeArmon. Very nuagey in tone:

Site for their "Return of the Ancestors" event:

As the text there is excerpted from a letter to... Adam Yellowbird, I'm thinking he may be the main organizer behind this. I don't know DeArmon's contact info, but this is the contact info for "Return of the Ancestors"

Phone: 928-852-0112
Snail Mail: Return of the Ancestors P.O. Box 1502 Cornville, AZ 86325

I don't know anything about the forum, but there's an interesting thread about Crowther, DeArmon, and others associated with this group here:

Here's more on DeArmon's role in the gathering

"We are living in a pivotal time in the history of humanity," states Adam Yellowbird, head of the Institute for Cultural Awareness (ICA). "The world has awaited a renewed life's plan. Now we look towards our grand elders and wisdom keepers' Cosmovision for specific instructions and guidance towards reconnection to the natural laws. The seen and unseen from the past, present and future unfold. Destiny brings us all to this point in time. The men and women of wisdom have returned. History and Her story are unfolding in front of our very own eyes."

The Flying By family of the Hunkpapa Lakota people adopted Adam Yellowbird when he was 21 years old and since then he has been traveling all around the Americas visiting various spiritual leaders and indigenous elders. Yellowbird went on a vision quest to the San Francisco Peaks and discovered his destiny is to be a bridge and a messenger.

The most phenomenal event in the world is happening beginning Earth Day weekend, April 18-28, 2009 throughout Northern Arizona. ICA is presenting The Return of the Ancestors Gathering. It is an historic, international, multicultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage welcoming over 72 indigenous elders and future wisdom keepers, representing the voice of Mother Earth.

Its first pilgrimage stop is in Sedona, Arizona. Opening ceremonies will begin at 9 a.m. on the 18th. There will be ceremonies held for our Mother Earth and for all of humanity. "Please join with the Elders throughout these days with your prayers and intentions," Yellowbird requested, "we are inviting the world to join together with one voice, one prayer and one Heart energy for peace, unity, the healing of our Mother Earth and for the healing of our ancestral memories.

There will be Elders and the Future Wisdom Keepers... the children, shamans and spiritual leaders of indigenous people of the world will come together to create a new life plan. Yellowbird explained, "a new calibration of the Earth will be shaped to help with the Healing of Ancestral Memory of past wounds, wars and cultural differences."

Apparently another director of this "council" is Bernard Perona AKA Drunvalo Melchizedek. We have a thread on him in "frauds", and a search turns him up in many threads:

from his website:
Last year Institute for Cultural Awareness sponsored Bridging the Americas — Reuniting the Eagle and Condor Gathering in Peru. During this event, ICA's President, Adam Yellowbird committed to host the Return of the Ancestors Gathering in Northern Arizona in the Spring of 2009. This gathering will also host the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas, a Council formed by Mayan Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "Wandering Wolf".

.......3. This so called Continental Council of Indigenous Elders is nothing of the sort. It's a fraudulent organization, run by and for frauds. This is them:

It's Adam DeArmon AKA "Adam Yellowbird's" organization. He's an exploiter and white imposter selling phony ceremonies out of Sedona. We hav threads on him in here. If Krowther thinks he or the others in that group are genuine, then she is very easily fooled.

A young man contacted me some time ago because DeArmon was offering free trips to any elderly Native in his coimmunity in Alaska who would go. He signed his grandpa up because he thought it'd be a chance for him to travel, then backed away once I explained it al to him. Basically DeArmon is using elderly Natives as window dressing. They're not elders at all........

Here is the 'Urgent Message' - "Response to Misinformation" that is on Ms. Crowther's, Tribe of Many Colors web page.
 (dead link, this page and message is no longer available)

........Who Are This Council, and Do They Really Exist?
Kiesha receives direction and guidance about the crystal ceremonies she needs to conduct on the planet, as well as other spiritual matters, from the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders, and from her own spirit guides. This Council does exist, whether or not they have an organization signified by a web site, nonprofit status, membership roster, charter and mission statement.   If you look for them on the web you will find little. These are some of the wisest and most evolved elders from indigenous peoples all over the planet; they do not use the internet; they meet sometimes in the physical and sometimes on the etheric levels; yet they are real people, some of them well-known and powerful spiritual figures in the world. Again, we realize that for a skeptic this will not be sufficient proof and anything less than a membership roster will not convince them that this Council exists, nor that they are doing work of global and cosmic significance, however mysterious it appears. While skepticism can be healthy, and transparency is necessary on the societal  level of religion, culture and politics, there are nonetheless many spiritual and cosmic good works underway by individuals and groups of individuals that cannot be made known to the internet masses—it would thwart what they are trying to do, and the “under the radar” nature of much that is happening and needs to happen on the planet right now. If Kiesha could reveal who is on this Council, (at least those she knows of and has spoken with), she would—but that is not her place to do so. If they decide to make themselves known, they will. Even she does not know all of those who are on this Council, and how exactly they meet, communicate and work. But she is guided by elders on this Council who communicate with her, sometimes through a translator, and also etherically, and she has been told that she is one of 12 “wisdom-keepers” who have been taught similar things by the ancestors and Mother Earth since they were children, and who have a special role to play on the planet at this time. ............

Ok, we can at least put together a much more real picture of the Council of Continental Elders.  Just as educated alluded to, there's a bit of a mistranslation of that particular title, it's not completely off, but not completely correct either....just seems to have mainstreamed among them or among people that have anything to do with Adam DeArmon's Institute for Cultural Awareness. 

So here we go.  Following Spiral Walks link I came on the same info.:

"Return of the Ancestors: Global Wisdom Keepers Coming to Northern Arizona
(April 18-28, 2009)
Friday, April 3rd, 2009

The Institute for Cultural Awareness presents a historic International multicultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage welcoming Indigenous elders and future wisdom keepers representing the voice of Mother Earth, beginning Earth Day weekend, April 18-28, 2009 throughout Northern Arizona.

The heart of the gathering will be the 4th reunion of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. The intention is to unite and share the invited wisdom keeper’s visions and prophesized ceremonies for peace and harmony for Mother Earth and all humanity."

You can see here there's a much longer title...."Continental Council of Indigenous Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas."  It's their 4th gathering.  The other three gatherings are explained by following the "Institute for Cultural Awareness" link in the text on that page....and they have everything to do with Don Alejandro (for anyone reading...understand I am not saying anything derogatory about fact, I have a lot of respect for him and I find it a shame that some of the people he's coming in contact with here are using him as a means to establish legitimacy as Crowther and DeArmon do...which is completely unfair to Don Alejandro).

So onto the "Institute for Cultural Awareness" link.  It contains a more detailed description of the history of the first three gatherings. 

Its in a written message from Don Alejandro and reads:

"Message from Mayan Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj

It is my greatest pleasure to know that 8, almost 9 years later the next Gathering of Indigenous Elders is about to take place in Arizona. Based on the Mayan Prophecies, several years ago, I had the vision to do these gatherings; and so, in 1995, with the help of Creator, I organized the First of these gatherings here in Guatemala, in the Center, the Land of the Quetzal. Like our Mayan Prophecy says: “Those of the Center may unite the Eagle of the North with the Condor of the South, we will meet, for we are one like the fingers of the hand.” Two years later, in 1997, the Second gathering of Indigenous Elders was held in South America, Bogota and the Amazon jungle in Colombia, the Land of the Condor. Two years later, in 1999, the Third one in North America, New Mexico, USA, the land of the Eagle. We joined Americas!

After the Third gathering, the Sacred Staff that had helped us join the three Americas was gone and the gatherings stopped. Eight years of stagnation followed. But now the Sacred Staff is back, the movement has returned. Now we want to reach all corners of the world. All those who come to participate in this gathering will be Messengers of the Prophecies, Messengers of Peace, Warriors to save our Mother Earth and all those who inhabit her: brother animals, trees, all living beings and the world of the stone people. Together we can do it. Together we can bring peace."


So the "Continental Council of Indigenous Elders" is in reality Don Alejandro's "Gathering of Indigenous Elders".  It's not necessarily a council although they could be thought of as one. 

The Return of the Ancestors gathering that the Institute for Cultural Awareness put on last year included, as just a part of the whole thing, the 4th Gathering of Indigenous Elders...or in the other ICA's/Crowther et al's terminology....the 4th meeting of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders.  It's one in the same.

The ICA is Adam Dearmon's institute...the Return of the Ancestors link includes welcome messages from Don Alejandro as well as Drunvalo, Kiesha defends them all in her written statements.  The pieces all fit.

So her "recognition" as a shaman by the Continental Council of Indigenous elders becomes more dubious as the council, does not have the authority to speak for all indigenous peoples as a "council".  They gather as individuals with a strong admirable communal spiritual purpose, but just because someone who believes in their work is presented to them AS a shaman and these people believe not any sort of real recognition.  Especially if they've been lied to in the first place.  I would venture her idea of "recognition" by them is a much romanticized version of reality just as the "selection by the elders at 8 years old" story was romanticized as well.


……..Plot thickens. Found this:
 which seems to be more or less the idea behind the continental council and what Don Alejandro believes he is doing... with "Adam Yellowbird". Who was this Adam Yellowbird again? Except The Institute for Cultural Awareness "founder" or what ever and the man who is behind the Return or the Ancestors thing... And when did he decide that it is ok to mix up all the new age crap into this thing that, as Don Alejandro describes it, sounds quite nice. Since at least for me it sounds like preserving the earth and not wait for ufo's and the "world's end" message here seems to be more related on how we treat the earth and that we should prepare better for catastrophies that sun activity might bring along or something. Only my view on it tho. :)


Adam DeArmon AKA Adam Yellowbird :   

A search on the main page will turn up multiple threads where he is mentioned.

What I found on the "council":


The way it is described it's pretty plain that no such Council exists other than as the name of a gathering that is occasionally held by Adam 'Yellowbird' DeArmon et al.

When it gets complicated, simplify and you'll have the truth... My view in this:
Simply put, I think that the "council" is something put up by DeArmon and maybe Drunvalo to catch big bucks and to gain credibility to it, they use Don Alejandro now as the image of the whole thing. I think, by looking the video I posted earlier (the one where Don Alejandro talks), that he believed that this "Yellowbird" was doing the right thing calling the elders of north and south together and think that the message that is being spread is the message he talks about too and not this new age crap that has been mixed into it.

This view because I still have image that Don Alejandro is more or less grounded, but I haven't watched his stuff much, so I am not sure about it... I still think that he is being used to make big money without seeing much of it himself, might be wrong ofc.

Whatever it was is appears to be part of the "Institute for Cultural Awareness" what a name....

and was in 2009

Found this link with info on Don Alejandro and Adam Yellowbird, etc.  Am posting here because I did not see it from a search on the site.  Scroll down for info from 2008

« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:46:11 am by Kathryn »