Author Topic: Miguel Ruiz  (Read 44857 times)

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Miguel Ruiz
« on: February 21, 2011, 02:36:09 am »
I know he's fake, but I haven't seen anyone create a thread about him on the forum except in references in other threads.

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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2011, 02:26:15 pm »
Part of it might be that there's just not a whole lot to him. He's basically a Mexican author claiming to be "Toltec." And he uses that claim to sell cheesy books with incredibly cheesy simplistic ideas that anyone could write up in two minutes, his "Four Agreements."

Well, the Toltecs have been gone for eight centuries and there's not the slightest relation between what they were, what they believed and practiced, and Ruiz's cornball ideas. Basically he's believed by people too ignorant of history and too careless to do a two minute google search to find that out.

The Rise of an Empire
The Toltec Empire appeared in the Central Mexico area in the 10th century AD, when they established their central city of Tula. It is believed that the Toltecs were refugees from the northern Teotihuac?n culture and migrated after its fall in 700 AD.

Little is known directly about the Toltecs because the Aztecs plundered the Tula ruins for building materials for their nearby capital, destroying most of the historical evidence that remained. Much of what we know about the Toltecs comes from legends carried on about them by later cultures.

The Toltec Empire was the first of the extreme militaristic cultures in the region that used their might to dominate their neighbors, a trend associated with the later cultures in the region, especially the Aztecs....

Religion and Legend
Religion in the Toltec Empire was dominated by two major deities. The first, Quetzalcoatl, is shown as a plumed serpent. This deity of learning, culture, philosophy, fertility, holiness and gentility was absorbed from earlier cultures in the area. His rival was Tezcatlipoca, the smoked mirror, known for his warlike nature and tyranny....

The Toltec Empire lasted until the 12th century, when it was destroyed by the Chitimecs and other attacking groups. The Toltec people were absorbed by the conquerors and in the south they became assimilated with the Maya, subordinates to the people they once conquered.

Offline frenzy

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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 12:33:58 am »
I thought he was being funny or ironic in calling himself a Toltec. He could have just as easily said any other tribe. I bet he is kicking himself after he googled Toltec for himself.

Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2011, 03:43:07 pm »
 precisely because the toltecs are centuries gone, with just the name and some archeological traces, a profiteer can use them and project fantasies onto them, without their protest.  a living nation can respond and protest this kind of usage; a deceased people cannot.   ` i am sad to report that at a lot of 12 step meetings such as alcoholics anonymous and others based on that, i meet people who recommend ruiz's book as well as other fantasy based stuff.  the strange thing is the willingness to accept useful advice when exotically packaged, yet not find any appeal in texts from ones own traditions, texts one can rightfully use without having to exploit or misrepresent first nation tribes.

Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2011, 11:28:09 pm »
well, for many people where they hurt is with/from the conventional .. their hurt tells them the conventional doesn't work.. so they look for something outside the conventional of their lives.. even if it has the same message that they are blind to from their conventional lives..

for some reason, (is it human nature?) people have a need to be somebody and to be tapped in, or tuned in.. to somehow be "important". This desire traps them endlessly in the profiteer's hand.
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Offline Freija

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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2011, 07:50:31 am »
well, for many people where they hurt is with/from the conventional .. their hurt tells them the conventional doesn't work.. so they look for something outside the conventional of their lives.. even if it has the same message that they are blind to from their conventional lives..

for some reason, (is it human nature?) people have a need to be somebody and to be tapped in, or tuned in.. to somehow be "important". This desire traps them endlessly in the profiteer's hand.

Exactly. I´m just having an ongoing discussion regarding articles about Natives in a New Age magazine. The editor is telling me how important it is to free yourself from all feelings of suspicion. I argue that reasonable suspicion protects you, it´s an important survival instinct. She says I am wrong (and sends me articles on how to become a better person full of love  :o

But this made it very obvious how New Age followers blindly believe any "guru", since critical thinking and conclusions based on previous learnings are "bad" and not permitted. Scary!

Offline nemesis

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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2011, 06:58:47 pm »
well, for many people where they hurt is with/from the conventional .. their hurt tells them the conventional doesn't work.. so they look for something outside the conventional of their lives.. even if it has the same message that they are blind to from their conventional lives..

for some reason, (is it human nature?) people have a need to be somebody and to be tapped in, or tuned in.. to somehow be "important". This desire traps them endlessly in the profiteer's hand.

Exactly. I´m just having an ongoing discussion regarding articles about Natives in a New Age magazine. The editor is telling me how important it is to free yourself from all feelings of suspicion. I argue that reasonable suspicion protects you, it´s an important survival instinct. She says I am wrong (and sends me articles on how to become a better person full of love  :o

But this made it very obvious how New Age followers blindly believe any "guru", since critical thinking and conclusions based on previous learnings are "bad" and not permitted. Scary!

I can so relate to this.

I've had some very scary conversations with newagers myself recently.

I hear stuff along the lines of "I am a beacon of positivity and I will not allow negative thoughts to penetrate my aura!". 

Which is all fine and lovely as long as you don't need to be aware of anything or anyone dangerous. 

It seems to be so easy to dupe otherwise intelligent people with this newage speak,  it truly is terrifying. 

Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2011, 10:33:12 pm »

I've had some very scary conversations with newagers myself recently.

I hear stuff along the lines of "I am a beacon of positivity and I will not allow negative thoughts to penetrate my aura!". 

Which is all fine and lovely as long as you don't need to be aware of anything or anyone dangerous. 

It seems to be so easy to dupe otherwise intelligent people with this newage speak,  it truly is terrifying. 

It's terrifying to think how many people raise children, and then how many of those children have an unfulfilled
need to feel loved, special, accepted.. purposeful and feel meaning in their life.. that is just a really sad thing.

People talking about not allowing negative to penetrate their aura's,  are fools who think that with their
imaginations they can keep bad things from happening to them..
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2012, 04:19:48 am »
Nooooo! Caca!!! I bought one of his books, dammit!  I'm such a sucker!  Never could complete it though.  I'd read a few of the repetitive pages and would fall asleep, every time. :D

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2012, 02:45:24 pm »
Nooooo! Caca!!! I bought one of his books, dammit!  I'm such a sucker!  Never could complete it though.  I'd read a few of the repetitive pages and would fall asleep, every time. :D

Luckily for me, it was in the library. It was in the wrong section in the library though; it was in the Native American section.

Offline Xochi

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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2018, 09:01:08 pm »
Members of Ruiz family is now claiming don Miguel Ruiz is reincarnation of Yogananda, the Avatar who created Self Realisation Fellowship. Taking original stories from Teotihuacans original people were not enough, now the familia is staking claim on India sages by stories that cannot be proved either way. Now retreats in India and more brain washing & cheating. Even Teal Swan, Nuager is claiming to be Shirdi Sai Baba, who is Ruiz sons’ Indian guru. I’ve had enough of this capitalizing on the sacred ways. People with empty sad hearts looking to get filled up but end up getting filled with so much bullshit. My apologies if this offends anyone.

Offline Xochi

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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2018, 05:09:39 am »
Thank you. It was given word of mouth and someone shared there was a social media post that came out this summer. This story could have been alive for a long time in clan but now it has got some fresh air with apprentice family player letting the cat out of the bag to a lot of online friends.  I’m not sure what everyone’s direct experience of him has been here but he has attacked psychically (entering dreams) on many past occasions I got to hear about whenever someone has/or attempts to speak out on him n family or to anyone who has used in the past any teachings publicly associated with his madre Sarita. He has blocked those attempts as madre Sarita had her own students from the san Diego area/barrio where she did curendera healings. This may be why you don’t hear much outside the circle because what he’s implanted and has convinced his apprentices of his powers not to cross him. He got some shady brother too involved from the past. There are those women abused who love him, and though they have been hurt by him they still publicly show mad love for him. You know that abuser syndrome was alive and well in the early. I have had several confide with me on this. But since he has new heart of a twenty year old, not sure how strong he is in this sorcery mess now. I’m cautious to reveal any close links publicly not wanting to bring hurt on anyone confiding in me and am a bit nervous  putting myself on the line too much beyond sharing the disrespectful whacked out claim of theirs. Hope you can respect that. Maybe it will plant a seed for anyone to reconsider the honor of this Ruiz imaginative show of stories taken from various past authors and wisdomkeepers to fit the theme they want to draw u$ in on.

While I can’t share the word for word email sent from the inner circle I can corroborate it with his own written published words but not exactly saying the name of the monk Yogananda as the recent claim was referred to. (Btw what helps his story if any is that Yogananda passed in year Miguel was born, 1952.)

In his early 1997 book ‘Beyond Fear’ page 20 he mentions a Deja vu experience when he was a Hindu monk wearing an orange robe:

“Miguel entered this experience just as the monk said to himself, “I am going to be born in Mexico to a family who will teach me the knowledge of Teotihuacan.” In 1952, a few months after this monk died, Miguel Angel Ruiz was born.” 

Then he continues to say he went there and performed a ritual death to sever connection with the country & free himself (yup) and put down India saying its time was slower. Teo was more advanced.

Ok fast forward -

Here’s India retreats. I pray I’m not just causing a stir and end up promoting for them in the end. That would be sad.

Links to their event pages past and present showing India retreats. They go to stop at Yogananda place in first trip but don’t publicly reveal the claim. On the down low they mention ‘Avatar’ like Yogananda was suppose to be.

“We will land in Mumbai and then head to Shirdi to receive the blessing of the powerful saint, Shirdi Sai Baba. From there we'll travel to sacred Rishikesh where Mother Ganga and Father Shiva come together in divine communion and then to Kolkata for the blessings of Paramahamsa Yogananda and Kali Ma in Dakshrineswar, the home of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
Cost: $4060 per person”

And upcoming one in January

“Mother India, the womb of our planet, holds energies stored in Her earth and temples by spiritual giants for those ready for this awakening.
What is said about Mother India is that it is the only place on earth where an Avatar can take birth. Throughout the ages, sacred rituals have been upheld and it is on this unbroken line of Light, the Avatars enter. We are going for a pure energy experience visiting temples, purifying ourselves in the Ganges and walking on the earth where Saints have walked, lived and died. Using ancient meditation and mantra systems, we’ll open ourselves to the channels of Light that are stored in that highly-charged land of India.”

Just to show you how narcissistic these claims are saying theyre reincarnations of great sages who can’t speak up for themselves directly -

Teal Swan -

I will do some research on any Yogananda material I can find to see what he mentioned about past lives or any predictions. If I find anything more that contradicts Ruiz family claim, I will share.

Hope this helps.

Offline Xochi

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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2018, 06:46:54 am »

Ruiz was born in body conscious (unlike the avatar he claims to be). He was brought up in his healer mom’s world to think, ‘magical’ and in his own written word, he had a car accident with an out of body experience. “From then on, his inner visions accelerated.” He has made up stories ambitiously of encounters with teacher in the desert(similar to Castenada) & being a Toltec. He was still learning about ‘dreaming’ and the experience of the stars one night perceiving each other shows body consciousness.

You can never go back to a former/lower consciousness! Stating himself as Yogananda, an Avatar who has full memory & awareness from birth and beyond, contradicts his whole story line.

In his early book explaining Toltecs the info is bs filled with nuage talk. Quetzalcoatl was not a person or twin brother but by the grandfathers it was considered the star of Venus that shows up twice. So that’s where we get calling each other cuate (my brother/my buddy). And he ain’t no Eagle knight, don’t swallow that bs. The victors who wrote the story wrote in favor of their own agenda just like he does also.

Please don’t fall for his & his families personal stories. While he has helped many become more successful in the world and more free to do as they please (focused on service of self than service of others), he is not a true guru for the soul and most definitely not a Paramahansa Yogananda yo.  And so if he has such a big ego to claim and flatter himself with this & program his family, apprentices & readers with it, he has the ego still alive to make up stories of his own legacy and take advantage of wisdomkeepers words and lived experiences with their teokallis, to make men Gods. His imagination is great no doubt to have the blessings to touch many people as a writer and hypnotize them to do his will. He has/had some powers of clever sorcery for him and his family. But all that fades as soon as they balance out with the egos doing. Time is up.

Please forgive any words that may offend. Even I wish Ruiz family and all of us peace. Just enough is enough with deceiving and taking advantage of people and the sacred ways.

Read on to see proof that he is NOT an avatar or Yogananda:


Did some digging and found an interesting site and thread of talk about Paramahansa Yogananda, (the monk with orange robe Ruiz mentioned & recent email). Their own reps would have inside details on Yoganandas’ predictions by SRF Swami/Brother Anandamoy.

Messages through devotee/ seekers on Yogananda (referred as He/Guruji) 

‘According to what He himself has said, we would have to wait another 170 or so years for this. This is, what Br. Anandamoy once told, when I was present.’ (user name SK 17):

‘I can confirm that as well. It was at a SRF retreat I seem to recall in: Virginia Front Royal.’ (user name Lotuspath)’

‘Guruji said he would be reborn some 250 years after his mahasamadhi. In that life he will be a yogi wandering the river banks and mountains of India, calling to him those disciples who are meant to be with him then.’ (User name khitomer)


Yogananda’s own written words -

“My incarnation is voluntary. I have finished my schooling, but I don’t want to go back to God until others have been freed. As long as there will be a brother weeping by the wayside I shall come to wipe away his tears and take him with me to God.” 
(Journey to Self Realization)

“In my own experience, I find my mortal memory fading away; the divine consciousness of my eternal omnipresent soul nature has become predominant. In this consciousness all knowledge and perception comes to me, not through mental processes or memory, but as intuitive experiences. Memory reproduces in the consciousness those experiences that are past and forgotten. We do not need a memory for that which is happening now.”

“ though the pure consciousness of the soul maintains a continuity of remembrance from one life to another, the BODY-IDENTIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS does not.”

(Divine Romance)

“I have made a mansion of light for thee in heaven and therein you and I will dwell with just a few others before we merge in the infinite. We should be able to materialize and be in our earthly form in heaven whenever we want to do so. The glory of Heaven few know. It is definite to those to whom it’s revealed. It is the kingdom of various lights, and garland’s of lights, just behind matter, where the divine ones come out of the infinite or go back from the earth to love and play with God in many forms of saints. This is a very secret knowledge known to few.  You and I will meet Lahiri Mahasaya first, then Babaji, then Guru Swami Sri Yukteswarji. This is a prophecy to your soul to be enacted when we will shed our mortal coil.”

“I have NO AMBITIONS for myself not even a little for the work or from my own glory but I’m very very ambitious to satisfy the wishes of the Masters and to work the wishes of God. They overwhelmingly put their desires in my mind so that I can do that at most in this short span of life.”

(Letters to Rajarsi Janakananda) < his spiritual cuate


To Miguel Ruiz & family -

Example of an Avatar

Stories of Mukunda

‘True Episodes of the Boyhood of the Great Master Paramahansa Yogananda’

‘Even as a child Mukunda had the wisdom of a sage. Many times in his search for a guru, he would visit some wildly acclaimed  saint only to find, to his disappointment, that the saint was more ready to learn from him then to teach him. 

One day, while Mukunda was still in his teens, he heard of a holy man who was regarded by his disciples as an avatar, or divine incarnation, one who is born into this world without any taint of delusion.  Mukunda went reverently to visit him.

The holy man however was not quite so holy as his disciples imagined. Instead of ignoring their flattery, he had at first been pleased by it, then in time had come to endorse their unseasoned view. Mukundas’ humble prostration (floor bowing) before him pleased him further still. The holy man decided to improve on the good impression he was making. Tilting his head back, narrowing his eyes into an expression of world detachment, and speaking in resonant tones, he declared grandly:

“I am God!”

Mukunda sat upright astonished.  Boastfulness from a saint?! He felt repelled, indignantly he exclaimed “You don’t say so!”

A surprised frown puckered the man’s brow, then he flushed;  anger at this young man’s impertinence distorted his countenance. This was hardly the countenance of an avatar.

 Rising to his feet he produced a small mirror from his pocket, holding it up to the man’s wrathful gaze, he said,  “Look at that. Do you call that God? is it not the God I am seeking!”  Turning on his heel, he strode from the room.

For a moment a stunned silence lingered behind him. Then:

“Stop!” came the plea, urgently. “Wait a minute!” running after Mukunda, the man bowed humbly before him. “I want to thank you,” he cried with childlike love in his eyes.  You have awakened me from a great delusion. How can I express my gratitude?”

Smiled at him warmly you are a great soul else you would not have taken my censure so humbly. But,”” he continued, reproachfully,  “you must never again say that you are God. The wave isn’t the ocean.  The ocean, rather has become it’s waves. We are all but waves dancing on the ocean of God’s light. How could a human body and personality confine that infinite one? He is everywhere! Never again claim to be God. Say rather, ‘the Infinite ocean has become also this little wave.’ Spoken with realization your claim will be just and true.”


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Re: Miguel Ruiz
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2019, 11:54:56 pm »
Well, the Toltecs have been gone for eight centuries and there's not the slightest relation between what they were, what they believed and practiced, and Ruiz's cornball ideas. Basically he's believed by people too ignorant of history and too careless to do a two minute google search to find that out.

Good thing you quoted from there. Only three weeks later the site was discontinued:

Thank you very much for visiting the EMuseum at Minnesota State University, Mankato. The EMuseum is no longer in service as of March 15, 2011. If you would like information about Minnesota State University, Mankato, please go to