Author Topic: Essiac / Flor Essence  (Read 51621 times)

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Essiac / Flor Essence
« on: February 27, 2011, 02:48:15 pm »

I recommend to move this to „frauds“, as Essiac/Flor Essence has been sold as an alleged ndn remedy for several decades already, and still is manufactured and sold by numerous producers.

Essiac resp Flor Essence has been on the nuage and alternative medicine markets since long. Vendors' and promoters' websites usually mention the 'rediscoverer' first received knowledge of Essiac in the 1920ies. As it has been established in these markets for a long time, there are some 416,000 google results in all languages for "Essiac“, and numerable vendors offer it in a surprisingly narrow price segment. However, there seems to be a certain concentration on markets accessible in English and German language.

Essiac is a concoction of eight components which might vary slightly in the different mixes sold; however, the original preparation may have had only four components. The newer name 'Flor Essence' according to some sites seems to have been coined by the 'rediscoverer' of Essiac herself, a Ms Rene Caisse.

The compound is marketed as having been passed on by an Anishnabe medicine man and is therefore said to be an Indian remedy. I did not research any further whether this claim is factual or pure fantasy, although this might give sales a different angle respectively: if it is in fact a traditional remedy, selling it will also qualify as cultural exploitation; if the ndn fad is nothing more than a marketing tool, it will exploit ndn cultures and peoples as something exotic and possessing secret knowledge. The racist connotation is given in both cases.

Wikipedia explains re Essiac:

Essiac or Essiac Tea is a blend of herbs used to make a tea that is believed by some[1] to have cancer-treating properties. Originally used by Native American tribal medicine men, the recipe was rediscovered by a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse, R.N. in 1922, as she was attending to a woman who had claimed to have previously cured her breast cancer with an herbal remedy given to her by a North American Indian shaman in the 1890s. Known as "Nurse Caisse" or "Miss Caisse", Rene named her version of the recipe—her last name spelled backwards.

I would like to draw readers' attention to the racist character of the above phrasing: If the preparation was in traditional use with ndn medicine men, then of course white Ms Caisse was in no position to 'rediscover' it. A more adaquate term in the case as described above will be: she appropriated the recipe.

As wikipedia and numerous vendors' sites point out, the concoction received its present name by the appropriator Ms Caisse who did not come up with any mysterious naming prodecure but simply  spelled her family name backwards. One is tempted to add: in a true racist manner, as for a white supremacist, the backward (backassward?) spelling of a white name seems preferable over establishing the correct term used by the Anishnabe who are said to have used this remedy traditionally. But Caisse, as a true 'discoverer', claimed the right to name what she appropriated. On the other hand, in case the concoction is not traditionally ndn, there is no ndn term for it in the very first place which seems more than likely given the fact that Wikipedia also mentions that three of its four main ingredients are no North American plants:

The Essiac formula is believed to have its roots in native Canadian Ojibwa (Midewiwin) medicine, despite the fact that three of the four ingredients are not native to North America. The basic Essiac formula contains greater burdock root (Arctium lappa), slippery elm inner bark (Ulmus rubra, formerly known as Ulmus fulva), sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and Indian or Turkish rhubarb root (Rheum officinale).[3]

This explanation seems to indicate a different origin of the concoction than the traditional Native American one claimed.

As wikipedia explains further ingredients known to be used in Essiac:

Medline notes there are more than 40 different essiac-like products now sold in North America, Europe, and Australia. One of these alternative preparations contains eight herbs, adding red clover (Trifolium pratense), watercress (Nasturtium officinale), blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus), and kelp (Laminaria digitata) to the original four ingredients. Other preparations add echinacea, black walnut (Juglans nigra) or other ingredients, such as cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa ).[4] Other formulas include variations using common dandelion root, mullein, fenugreek, red root, chamomile, blood root, cinnamon, comfrey, ginseng, golden seal, licorice root, pau d'arco and/or ocotillo. All variations of Essiac utilize the same main four ingredients, in addition to any other added plants.[6]

The concoction is and has been sold and propagated as alternative medicine, primarily as a cure for cancer.
According to Medline, based on tradition, some people take essiac tea on occasion for general health purposes, detoxification, or for healing various ailments other than cancer. Some other ailments treated with Essiac include AIDS, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, immune system disorders, stress, depression, Jaundice, burns, chronic cough, liver problems, kidney problems, Lyme disease, blood cleanser, Gout, skin sores/rashes/boils, Hepatitis, toxin elimination, Diabetes, stomach problems/digestion/ulcers and Lupus Erythematosus. NIH's Medline says even less evidence is available for these applications than for cancer.[4]

It must be pointed out that the use of a particular concoction for 'detoxification' can be seen as a marker for its promotion by the alternative medicine scene, as this happens to be a catchword and the necessity of cleansing one's blood or colon, or undergoing a detoxification is stereotypic advice given by many alternative 'healers'.

Most of the above mentioned ailments are rather severe diseases. The use of Essiac can have fatal consequences if patients go off prescribed medications or drop out of chemotherapy, but put their trust in Essiac as a replacement. Fatal consequences also may occur if users replace medication prescribed for diabetes, immune system disorders (of which the later on mentioned Lupus Erythematosus is one) jaundice, liver and kidney diseases, Lyme disease, hepatits, or ulcers.

Consequently, many of the vendors hasten to add respective advice to their websites, informing that the concoction *may not be sold as a medicinal product* and that its consumption will not replace sound medical advice. Despite of this, these sites often promote Essiac for various diseases, and/or publish testimonials of customers claiming it cured them from a particular disease.

In this context, the names of vendors' and promoters' sites are particularly noteworthy, like e.g.:
cancerguide, cancerhelp,, cancure, aidsinfo, cancersalves, medic8, caninecancer.
These are only a few sites and one is easily able to catch the message transported by the names.

Of course there are also numerous sites using the term 'Essiac', like this one:
Perhaps they seem trustworthy for a desperate person seeking last refuges, but citizens of European countries may have second thoughts when visiting their online shop due to this announcement:

„Prices are in Euro dollars“

If they cannot tell the correct term for the EU currency – will they be able to give correct information regarding the items they sell and regarding their alleged effects? Probably not.

Although far and few between, there are also sites providing factual info about Essiac instead of making false promises to persons in serious conditions. A few studies indeed were done trying to establish the effectiveness of Essiac – however, with results promoters and vendors apparently chose to neglect:

Laboratory/Animal/Preclinical Studies
In 1983, the National Cancer Institute tested a liquid sample of Essiac that was provided by the manufacturer after the Canadian Department of National Health and Welfare (Health Protection Branch) requested that it be tested in animals. Reviewed in [3] These studies revealed no anticancer activity in the mouse P388 lymphocytic leukemia tumor system and found lethal toxicity at the highest concentrations of Essiac administered to test animals. It is not known, however, how the concentrations used in these animal tests compare with the concentrations achieved in humans after the consumption of the manufacturer's recommended doses.

Flor Essence
There are conflicting results in the peer-reviewed literature. One study suggests that Flor Essence enhances tumor growth in vitro, a finding that is contradictory to the widely available anecdotal evidence that this product suppresses or inhibits tumor development. [4] Another study suggests that the growth of human breast cancer cells is stimulated through estrogen receptor (ER)–mediated as well as ER–independent mechanisms of action from Flor Essence and Essiac herbal tonics. [5] A third study demonstrated antiproliferative and differentiation-inducing properties in vitro only in high concentrations of Essiac and Flor Essence herbal teas. [6]

The 2004 in vivo study of Flor Essence in a rat model looked at mammary tumor development following administration of the herbal compound. Sprague-Dawley rats (N = 112) were assigned to one of three groups. The control group (n = 35) received water only. The second group (n = 40) received 3% Flor Essence in their drinking water in an attempt to provide a dose equivalent to that recommended in the popular literature. The third group (n = 37) received 6% Flor Essence in their drinking water to investigate the dose-response relationship. Mammary tumors were induced by a 40 mg/kg/bw dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. At 19 weeks, palpable mammary tumor incidence was greater (65% and 59.4%) in both Flor Essence groups compared with controls (51%). Terminal necropsy was performed at age 23 weeks or when tumor burden became too great. Results showed mammary tumor incidence was 82.5% for controls compared with 90% and 97.3%, respectively, for rats consuming 3% and 6% Flor Essence. [4]

A nurse in Canada first began to promote Essiac as a cancer treatment in the 1920s. Today, Essiac and Flor Essence may be sold as herbal supplements as long as they do not claim to treat or cure cancer.
In 1922, a breast cancer patient gave the Essiac formula to the nurse and said it had cured her disease. The patient said the formula came from an Ontario Ojibwa Native American medicine man.
In 1934, the nurse opened a cancer clinic in Ontario and gave Essiac to patients free of charge. In 1938, the Royal Cancer Commission of Canada visited the clinic but found little evidence that Essiac was effective. The nurse closed the clinic in 1942 but continued to give Essiac to patients until the late 1970s.

Between 1959 and the late 1970s, the nurse worked with an American doctor to study Essiac in the laboratory and in people and to promote its use. They also created the formula now called Flor Essence. The results of their studies were not reported in any peer-reviewed scientific journals. Most scientific journals have experts who review research reports before they are published, to make sure that the evidence and conclusions are sound. This is called peer review. Studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals are considered to be better evidence.

In 1977, the nurse gave the formula for Essiac to a company in Canada. In 1978, the government of Canada allowed this company to do clinical studies (research studies with people) on the safety and effectiveness of Essiac. In 1982, it withdrew its permission (see Question 6). This company tried to have Essiac approved as a drug by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but did not get approval.

In the 1980s, companies making Essiac-like products began to sell the mixtures as health tonics. Because these companies did not make claims that it would treat or cure certain diseases, Essiac did not come under laws that regulate it as a drug.

5 Have any preclinical (laboratory or animal) studies been conducted using Essiac or Flor Essence?

Research in a laboratory or using animals is done to find out if a drug, procedure, or treatment is likely to be useful in humans. Animal tumor models are used to learn how a cancer may progress and to test new treatments. These preclinical studies are done before any testing in humans is begun. The following laboratory and animal studies of Essiac have been reported:

In the mid 1970s, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City tested dried and liquid samples of Essiac in 8 experiments involving the S–180 mouse sarcoma tumor model (a type of animal model used to study treatment). Researchers found that Essiac did not make the immune system more active and did not act as an anticancer drug.

In the early 1980s, researchers at MSKCC tested Essiac again. They found no anticancer activity after doing 17 studies that used a variety of animal leukemia models and other tumor models.
In 1983, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) tested a liquid sample of Essiac in the mouse P388 lymphocytic leukemia tumor system but found no anticancer activity. Very high doses of Essiac killed the test animals. Scientists, however, do not know how this finding applies to people who take more than the maker's recommended doses of Essiac.

In 2004, a laboratory study at Indiana University-Purdue University reported that Essiac slowed the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Studies of Flor Essence have shown differing results:
Two laboratory studies reported that Flor Essence made tumor cells grow.
Another laboratory study reported that high doses of both Flor Essence and Essiac herbal teas reduced the growth of cancer cells.

A 2004 animal study of Flor Essence found that it increased breast tumor growth in rats.
Laboratory and animal studies have reported on the effects of some of the chemicals found in the different herbs used to make Essiac and Flor Essence. These studies report that certain chemicals may:
Prevent cell damage that can lead to cancer.
Reduce swelling, redness, and pain.
Have an effect on the body similar to the hormone estrogen.
Kill cancer cells.
It is not known if taking Essiac and Flor Essence products can give humans enough of the chemicals that produce these effects.

Have any clinical trials (research studies with people) of Essiac or Flor Essence been conducted?
No results of clinical studies (research studies with people) of Flor Essence have been reported. In addition, no reports of clinical trials of Essiac have been reported in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Brief descriptions of one incomplete clinical trial and one review of reports on cancer patients who took Essiac have been published, however.

In 1978, the Canadian government gave permission to a Canadian company to begin studying Essiac for safety and effectiveness. In 1982, the government withdrew its permission after it found that the company was not keeping all batches of Essiac exactly the same and was not following the proper rules for clinical trials. A review of data from this incomplete study showed no clear evidence of improved survival in cancer patients who took Essiac. Findings also showed that Essiac was not toxic (harmful).

In the early 1980s, the Canadian government reviewed information on 86 cancer patients who had taken Essiac. This was a review of case summaries written by the doctors; the original patient records were not reviewed. The researchers reported that it was not clear if changes in the patients’ conditions were caused by Essiac or something else.

7  Have any side effects or risks been reported from Essiac or Flor Essence?
The only reported side effects caused by Essiac are nausea and vomiting. According to the company making Flor Essence, side effects may include increased bowel movements, frequent urination, swollen glands, skin blemishes, flu-like symptoms, and slight headaches.

Is Essiac or Flor Essence approved by the FDA for use as a cancer treatment in the United States?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved Essiac or Flor Essence to treat cancer or any other medical condition.

Companies sell Essiac and Flor Essence as health tonics or herbal dietary supplements, which the FDA regulates as foods, not drugs. Essiac or Flor Essence would have to be approved by the FDA as a drug for companies to claim that the products treat or prevent a disease.

From all this we learn that Essiac, despite being advertized as a cancer remedy, is far from acting as one, but might even result in causing the growth of tumors already present. This is not exactly what one expects from a mixture sold as a cure for them. On the other hand, Essiac may also cause severe side effects – some vendors'/promoters' sites publish testmonials of customers who describe the above mentioned ones, especially severe cases of diarrhoe, frequent urination, nausea and vomiting, some of the writers even develop all of these side effects (which may cause dehydration – a condition which may rather quickly become life-endangering if consumers do not see a medical doctor about it, especially if they are already suffering from serious conditions like a tumor, or AIDS etc.).

However, these testimonials do not view the side effects as negative or a potential health risk, and these users – apparently stout believers in alternative medicine – will not stop taking it, but rather interprete side effects as evidence that the desired effect (e.g. a 'detoxification' or 'cleansing') has begun and the concoction has started to kick in. With this view of the effects experienced, it is highly to be doubted appropriate medical help will be sought. In the same way, also symptoms not mentioned in the list of side effects are being intrepreted as an indication of the effectiveness of Essiac.

The concoction is sold as a 'health tonic' or 'dietary supplement' on US and European markets. It therefore lacks any registration as a drug, since food and dietary supplements do not need this. As a consequence, advertising Essiac with the claim of the mixture being useful or effective as a remedy for any disease is illegal. Part of such a registration process will be tests to establish whether a product effectively cures any disease, whether it may cause side effects, or whether its healing effects will be restricted to the financial status of its producers and vendors.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 09:35:08 pm »
A lot more on essiac in this thread:

ian bear

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2014, 05:47:13 pm »
Ontario girl can rely on traditional medicine to treat cancer, court rules
In a precedent-setting case, Ontario Court Justice Gethin Edward has ruled that a Brantford girl and aboriginal children like her now have the right to refuse medical treatment in favour of traditional healing.

Surrounded by family, including her mother Sonya, Makayla Sault, 11, spoke at an event in Ohsweken Sunday. Makayla and her family have rejected chemotherapy for her cancer, choosing instead traditional native healing. Another aboriginal girl with the same cancer has won a precedent-setting case in Ontario court to allow her to continue traditional treatment.

By: Joanna Frketich Hamilton Spectator, Published on Fri Nov 14 2014
Aboriginal children now have the right to refuse medical treatment in favour of traditional healing.
The Friday ruling is about Canada’s Constitution protecting aboriginal rights.
Ontario Court Justice Gethin Edward has now expanded those rights to include traditional healing, saying “there is no question it forms an integral part.”
“This is monumental for our people all across the country, ” said Six Nations Chief Ava Hill. “This is precedent-setting for us.”
First Nations spectators in the standing-room-only Brantford courtroom burst into applause and tears as Edward dismissed an application by McMaster Children’s Hospital to have the girl apprehended by Brant Family and Children’s Services and forced into treatment. That agency had refused to intervene.
“I feel I’ve transcended something bigger than all of us, ” said the girl’s aunt when she phoned the mother to deliver the news. It came down to Edward’s conclusion that the mother’s choice to pursue traditional medicine “is her aboriginal right.”
“This is not an eleventh hour epiphany employed to take her daughter out of the rigours of chemotherapy, ” the judge wrote in his decision. “Rather it is a decision made by a mother, on behalf of a daughter she truly loves, steeped in a practice that has been rooted in their culture from its beginnings.”
“It is this Court’s conclusion therefore, that (the mother’s) decision to pursue traditional medicine for her daughter is her aboriginal right. Further, such a right cannot be qualified as a right only if it is proven to work by employing the western medical paradigm. To do so would be to leave open the opportunity to perpetually erode aboriginal rights.”
“It was the right decision, ” said New Credit Chief Bryan LaForme. “He could not rule any other way. It’s upholding our traditional rights.”
He raised the prospect along with Hill of First Nations creating its own child welfare agency.
“We have a right to look after our own kids, ” said Hill. “We’re not going to let anyone take our kids. This is a big boost for this.”
The chiefs say the girl in this case as well as another aboriginal girl, who refused chemotherapy, are both healthy.
Both girls sought treatment at an alternative health centre that is run by a nutrition counsellor. It promotes a positive attitude, eating a raw-plant-based organic diet and ridding your life of contaminants to heal cancer.
“Eat a raw plant-based organic diet is how we’ve seen thousands and thousands of people reverse stage-four ‘catastrophic’ cancer.”
The girls are getting aboriginal medicine as well. In fact, Koster said that when he visited, the mother “was preparing medicine on the stove.”
“My heart goes out to them” said Koster who was “so proud” to be part of a decision that furthered aboriginal rights.
“I’m glad out of a tragic situation we have certain rights confirmed.”

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2014, 05:52:19 pm »
ian bear, how bout you hop over to the new members forum and introduce yourself.

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2014, 01:45:07 am »
As an herbalist I need to tell you that there is a lot of inaccurate and dangerous information in the article.  Information that could have very detrimental effects.

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2014, 01:54:00 am »
That article talks about First Nations rights.  Period.  Not about essiac.


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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2014, 02:16:02 am »
AnonymousNovember 23, 2014 at 11:35 AM

Thanks AIM for posting the truth about Essiac. You might want to inform the folks at NAFPS that Essiac is not a fraud, neither is the origin of it, nor is it a fake cancer cure. Cate Crow

The blog post was written in 2010 and Cate just now got around to responding to it--but that has to do with NAFPS obviously. 

I was wondering who was behind the blog that ian bear gave the link to.  It seems to have been started in 2008 by someone named Two Feathers.  He talks like a typical new-ager.

Becoming Aware

Oki Niksokowa – (All my relatives)

Welcome to this blog of a traditional Native American.

I have created this blog with the sole purpose of dispelling the ignorance of EGO in our world! I know even though my intent is pure and directed towards finding the Truth in life, that even these comments are generated via the EGO of the self. Given that knowledge I will attempt to keep personal opinion at bay and try to convey Truth as Creator directs it vs. my own mind.

Some of you may ask “how do I know which is which”? That is the question of the ages and needs addressing if I am to be perceived as believable. There is a very thin line between self evoked thought and what is coming from external sources and in the beginning, unless you’re a very unusual case, one will not be able to discern the difference.

The way to get to a place of discernment normally takes many years of meditation, enhanced awareness, and knowledge of the processes of Ego. When one practices to become Aware, one places much value on alone time without the input of other people like yourself. You spend many hours in Nature, in public places and simply processing life on an everyday basis. The basic requirement is the knowledge that your Ego is fighting for control and your willingness to be patient with your Ego but also to be in control of it so that it does not interfere with what you are accomplishing. Something like parenting a small child.

Once you gain control over these process’s you begin to notice an awareness that has been part of your unconscious all the time, but has been covered up by your need for attention and basic survival. The wonderful thing about gaining control over your Ego is that as you progress you find you need these basic inputs and dependencies less and less. As you develop there comes an awareness of outside communication seemingly from no-where within the realm of your understanding but there just the same. Some of you will become aware of this communication via various bodily stimuli something like my own which is a mild tickling in my left ear. When this happens you know something is trying to get your attention.

Then you become aware of two inputs to your awareness. Yours which is valid and very wise, but also from another source which under normal circumstances comes from and I simplify here, Creator. I will get into the concept of Creator in another post but I do not want to confuse the central issue here and that is how to begin to discern the difference between internal and external communication and knowing the Truth of the two which work in tandem!

One of the major challenges in this enhanced awareness is the need for peer approval. The more you need this, the less you will be able to perceive truth. Why? Because contrary to what has been taught you is that each human being is living a version of a lie constructed from their very complex experience of life! All life experience is understood via the lie of external and internal input. One of your purpose’s of living is to gravitate towards separating the personal lie of your experience from the Truth of your experience. Once you GET this, you understand some of that age old question of “Why was I born, what is the purpose of all of this suffering that I have been going through?” In short you need to become less and less reliant on external approval and more aware that within you is the ability to provide your own solace and love that you need.

I will leave this here as I know this is a lot to understand and I will try answer your questions the best I can without my own Ego interfering with your Truth!

Waatowa' pistoto,
Two Feathers - Kainaiwa


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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2014, 02:32:12 am »
AnonymousNovember 23, 2014 at 11:35 AM

Thanks AIM for posting the truth about Essiac. You might want to inform the folks at NAFPS that Essiac is not a fraud, neither is the origin of it, nor is it a fake cancer cure. Cate Crow

The blog post was written in 2010 and Cate just now got around to responding to it--but that has to do with NAFPS obviously. 

I was wondering who was behind the blog that ian bear gave the link to.  It seems to have been started in 2008 by someone named Two Feathers.  He talks like a typical new-ager.

Becoming Aware

Oki Niksokowa – (All my relatives)

Welcome to this blog of a traditional Native American.

I have created this blog with the sole purpose of dispelling the ignorance of EGO in our world! I know even though my intent is pure and directed towards finding the Truth in life, that even these comments are generated via the EGO of the self. Given that knowledge I will attempt to keep personal opinion at bay and try to convey Truth as Creator directs it vs. my own mind.

Some of you may ask “how do I know which is which”? That is the question of the ages and needs addressing if I am to be perceived as believable. There is a very thin line between self evoked thought and what is coming from external sources and in the beginning, unless you’re a very unusual case, one will not be able to discern the difference.

The way to get to a place of discernment normally takes many years of meditation, enhanced awareness, and knowledge of the processes of Ego. When one practices to become Aware, one places much value on alone time without the input of other people like yourself. You spend many hours in Nature, in public places and simply processing life on an everyday basis. The basic requirement is the knowledge that your Ego is fighting for control and your willingness to be patient with your Ego but also to be in control of it so that it does not interfere with what you are accomplishing. Something like parenting a small child.

Once you gain control over these process’s you begin to notice an awareness that has been part of your unconscious all the time, but has been covered up by your need for attention and basic survival. The wonderful thing about gaining control over your Ego is that as you progress you find you need these basic inputs and dependencies less and less. As you develop there comes an awareness of outside communication seemingly from no-where within the realm of your understanding but there just the same. Some of you will become aware of this communication via various bodily stimuli something like my own which is a mild tickling in my left ear. When this happens you know something is trying to get your attention.

Then you become aware of two inputs to your awareness. Yours which is valid and very wise, but also from another source which under normal circumstances comes from and I simplify here, Creator. I will get into the concept of Creator in another post but I do not want to confuse the central issue here and that is how to begin to discern the difference between internal and external communication and knowing the Truth of the two which work in tandem!

One of the major challenges in this enhanced awareness is the need for peer approval. The more you need this, the less you will be able to perceive truth. Why? Because contrary to what has been taught you is that each human being is living a version of a lie constructed from their very complex experience of life! All life experience is understood via the lie of external and internal input. One of your purpose’s of living is to gravitate towards separating the personal lie of your experience from the Truth of your experience. Once you GET this, you understand some of that age old question of “Why was I born, what is the purpose of all of this suffering that I have been going through?” In short you need to become less and less reliant on external approval and more aware that within you is the ability to provide your own solace and love that you need.

I will leave this here as I know this is a lot to understand and I will try answer your questions the best I can without my own Ego interfering with your Truth!

Waatowa' pistoto,
Two Feathers - Kainaiwa

More on Two Feathers:

Two Feathers has studied in many areas of spirituality with main interests being indigenous peoples ways. His main focus is the Red Path of the American Indian and is a member of the American Indian Movement (AIM). His studies include the HUNA Religion (indigenous to Hawaii), Druidic culture and practices, Buddhism, Hinduism and South American Indian culture. He is a practitioner of Zen and studies Kung-Fu. He is also a drummer and follower of the African/American drumming movement.

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2014, 05:12:48 pm »;_ylt=AsV.sUA2EQVBzuCRajWHHyIcssB_;_ylu=X3oDMTE2ZHJrMTRiBG1pdAMEcG9zAzIEc2VjA01lZGlhQkNhcm91c2VsTWl4ZWRMUENB;_ylg=X3oDMTBhdnVpNmo3BGxhbmcDZW4tQ0E-;_ylv=3

One of the children who sought treatment at this facility has relapsed.

Ontario girl can rely on traditional medicine to treat cancer, court rules
In a precedent-setting case, Ontario Court Justice Gethin Edward has ruled that a Brantford girl and aboriginal children like her now have the right to refuse medical treatment in favour of traditional healing.

Surrounded by family, including her mother Sonya, Makayla Sault, 11, spoke at an event in Ohsweken Sunday. Makayla and her family have rejected chemotherapy for her cancer, choosing instead traditional native healing. Another aboriginal girl with the same cancer has won a precedent-setting case in Ontario court to allow her to continue traditional treatment.

By: Joanna Frketich Hamilton Spectator, Published on Fri Nov 14 2014
Aboriginal children now have the right to refuse medical treatment in favour of traditional healing.
The Friday ruling is about Canada’s Constitution protecting aboriginal rights.
Ontario Court Justice Gethin Edward has now expanded those rights to include traditional healing, saying “there is no question it forms an integral part.”
“This is monumental for our people all across the country, ” said Six Nations Chief Ava Hill. “This is precedent-setting for us.”
First Nations spectators in the standing-room-only Brantford courtroom burst into applause and tears as Edward dismissed an application by McMaster Children’s Hospital to have the girl apprehended by Brant Family and Children’s Services and forced into treatment. That agency had refused to intervene.
“I feel I’ve transcended something bigger than all of us, ” said the girl’s aunt when she phoned the mother to deliver the news. It came down to Edward’s conclusion that the mother’s choice to pursue traditional medicine “is her aboriginal right.”
“This is not an eleventh hour epiphany employed to take her daughter out of the rigours of chemotherapy, ” the judge wrote in his decision. “Rather it is a decision made by a mother, on behalf of a daughter she truly loves, steeped in a practice that has been rooted in their culture from its beginnings.”
“It is this Court’s conclusion therefore, that (the mother’s) decision to pursue traditional medicine for her daughter is her aboriginal right. Further, such a right cannot be qualified as a right only if it is proven to work by employing the western medical paradigm. To do so would be to leave open the opportunity to perpetually erode aboriginal rights.”
“It was the right decision, ” said New Credit Chief Bryan LaForme. “He could not rule any other way. It’s upholding our traditional rights.”
He raised the prospect along with Hill of First Nations creating its own child welfare agency.
“We have a right to look after our own kids, ” said Hill. “We’re not going to let anyone take our kids. This is a big boost for this.”
The chiefs say the girl in this case as well as another aboriginal girl, who refused chemotherapy, are both healthy.
Both girls sought treatment at an alternative health centre that is run by a nutrition counsellor. It promotes a positive attitude, eating a raw-plant-based organic diet and ridding your life of contaminants to heal cancer.
“Eat a raw plant-based organic diet is how we’ve seen thousands and thousands of people reverse stage-four ‘catastrophic’ cancer.”
The girls are getting aboriginal medicine as well. In fact, Koster said that when he visited, the mother “was preparing medicine on the stove.”
“My heart goes out to them” said Koster who was “so proud” to be part of a decision that furthered aboriginal rights.
“I’m glad out of a tragic situation we have certain rights confirmed.”

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2014, 08:42:53 pm »;_ylt=AsV.sUA2EQVBzuCRajWHHyIcssB_;_ylu=X3oDMTE2ZHJrMTRiBG1pdAMEcG9zAzIEc2VjA01lZGlhQkNhcm91c2VsTWl4ZWRMUENB;_ylg=X3oDMTBhdnVpNmo3BGxhbmcDZW4tQ0E-;_ylv=3
Both girls sought treatment at an alternative health centre that is run by a nutrition counsellor. It promotes a positive attitude, eating a raw-plant-based organic diet and ridding your life of contaminants to heal cancer.
“Eat a raw plant-based organic diet is how we’ve seen thousands and thousands of people reverse stage-four ‘catastrophic’ cancer.”

"Raw plant-based diets" are not traditional, especially when that is code for "raw vegan." They are the opposite of what our ancestors who lived in cold climates ate.  While many of us support traditional organic foods, and eating lots of local, seasonal fruits and vegetables, those diets need to include animal proteins and animal fats. Most vegetable nutrients cannot be absorbed unless they are cooked and combined with easily-absorbed fat. Giving that diet to someone with cancer is cruel.

Alternative medicine research has shown for decades now that vegan diets just make people with cancer sicker. It is not traditional, it's hippie/nuage experiments that have been shown to harm people, not help them. It's really tragic when people manage to convince an Indigenous person, family or community that these nuage fads will cure them. It's false hope and will lessen the quality of life, as well as lifespan, of their loved ones. And I say this as someone who's seen lots of people try these treatments, and what it did to them, as well as read the research.

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2014, 01:51:00 am »
Ian,  the clinic that Makayla is being sued by former employees because it has scammed people.  Doesn't that bother you even a little bit?  I'm not sure what this has to do with Essiac, to the best of my knowledge that clinic doesn't use it. 

ian bear

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2014, 02:02:23 pm »
not about clinic to show makayla is well did not relapse. family use traditional medicine Ongwehowe Onohgwatri:yo  not chemo. makayla is csncer free today. essiac come from traditional medicine and work to if prepare right

ian bear

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2014, 02:20:21 pm »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2014, 04:22:12 pm »
„Ian Bear“ keeps abusing the forum to post adivertisement for his favourite quack method.
He has posted numerous promotional links, copy&pasted material with no source mentioned, mixed with some conspiracy theory garbage etc. I believe his contributions here could do with some – errrm: 'weeding'...

Even Wikipedia is very definite about "Essiac" being a quack method without any trace of evidence:  . There are several users keeping an eye on the article, so that attempts to hijack it to promote charlatanery get reverted fast.

The Wiki article also clearly points out that "Essiac" is no indigenous remedy:

There is no evidence that Essiac is a Native American or First Nations remedy, and there are multiple factors that indicate the formula is not from any Native American culture. Several of the plants in the mixture (burdock, sheep sorrel, indian rhubarb and turkey rhubarb) are not indigenous to the Americas, and were not growing in the wilds of Northern Ontario during the time Caisse began prescribing this tea.

These facts speak for themselves.
„Essiac“, provided in several varieties whose ingredients may differ, does not have any indigenous origin or background, and this means that inventors/vendors use the alleged origin as a sales pitch.

It is likewise important that its efficacy has never been proven, no matter which disease the concoction is promoted for. Quite to the contrary:

However, the company was unable to show any efficacy of essiac against cancer. Repeated laboratory tests showed that essiac failed to slow tumor growth and, in large doses, killed test animals. In a number of studies, essiac actually increased the rate of cancer growth.

„Essiac“ is no approved remedy:
As a result, both the U.S. and Canadian governments refused to approve essiac as a medical treatment. Essiac was instead marketed by Essiac Products Inc. and others as a dietary supplement, subject to much looser regulation and not required to show any proof of effectiveness.

I'm not certain about US resp Canadian legal provisions, but within EU, declaring a product a „dietary supplement“ means it may not be promoted using health claims, and those who do commit an offence.

BTW, the most recent „Essiac“ promoter over at WP making himself a nuisance with repeated unfounded claims about the tea was one „Mr Bill Truth“. He happened to have been banned from contributing to this WP article on November 24, 2014. Our „Essiac“ promoter „ian bear“ registered November 23, 2014. Any connection?

The talk section of „Mr Bill Truth's“ user site is also quite interesting:
He also contributed to other CAM methods.