Author Topic: Andrew Soliz  (Read 105678 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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Andrew Soliz
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:32:31 pm »
He is supposed to be Pueblo/Mayan, "adopted Lakota" and a "ceremonial leader" as well as a Pipecarrier and sundancer. Anyone know of him? He is doing sweats and stuff and has web pages.


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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2011, 12:47:58 am »
Asking for money!  >:(

Here is where he asked for part on this website I just found:

Sacred Ways in St Croix:
February 8th- 22nd 2009

Spending time with Ceremonial Leader Andrew Soliz could very well alter the way you look at the sun, the stars, and the canvas that is your life. Tatankamani (Walking Buffalo), a Pipe Carrier, Sun Dancer, and Healer, carries the traditional teachings of Native American people with wisdom, compassion and concern for the tiospaye that is his human family.

By listening deeply and with compassion, Andrew guides people to bring forth their own unique healing powers. He holds sacred space with his gentle strength and integrity providing an opportunity for healing and to celebrate the spirit in each of us.

Sessions are one hour long. The exchange is on a sliding scale of $100.00-$150.00. Space is limited so please call to book a time that works for you.

Website here:
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 05:37:34 pm by ValSu »


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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 12:50:35 am »

this is another of their contact pages. In part it says:

"Andrew Soliz's Experience

Founder / President
Sacred Ways
Nonprofit; 1-10 employees; Alternative Medicine industry
March 2003 – Present (8 years 2 months)

Sacred Ways is dedicated to promoting growth and healing thru traditional Native American teachings and ceremonies."

Here is a Facebook with same name. Is this same person you are asking about?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 12:53:40 am by ValSu »


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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 12:53:01 am »
Is this a story of the same guy by chance?

Soliz guilty of manslaughter in Morton woman's hit-and-run death
Published: Thursday, February 11, 2010


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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2011, 01:01:41 am »
Here are more links with same name although not sure if same person you are asking about since I never heard of him.

Andrew Soliz - Sacred Ways, Native American Teachings

Another site,
which has some event described, in part:

"We are please to finally bring our dream to reality by beginning our Native American programs. We just completed building our first sweat lodge in late Sep. 08, followed by its blessing and a private sweat lodge ceremony with some close friends. Our goal is to promote growth and healing through traditional Native American teachings and ceremonies. Offering alternative education to youth, adults and families, by exploring human nature to develop a strong positive self-image.

Sacred Ways…
Our ceremony’s master will be Andrew Soliz who has been performing sweat lodge ceremonies for people from all over the world.
He often travels and attends different tribal pow-wows, and has been blessed by many tribal chiefs for his gift and dedication to his work.
Sacred Ways brings together teachers, leaders and other like-minded individuals to share wisdom and promote racial harmony in a safe, nurturing environment founded on integrity.
The circle is strong and full of medicine. Sacred Ways is based on integrity and upholding the traditional ways."

This is all the time I have for now. Maybe others will have heard of this individual and have more to share in regards to information.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2011, 01:12:49 pm »
Is this a story of the same guy by chance?

Soliz guilty of manslaughter in Morton woman's hit-and-run death
Published: Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lubbock is in north Texas, quite some distance from the LA area where he's based. Very likely just two people with the same name.

All the other links listed seem to be him. He repeatedly says he is Latino and "of Native American descent." No tribe is ever named and no sign he even knows what tribe he may be descended from. I didn't see Pueblo or Mayan listed. Someone who actually was likely would be more specific, eg Laguna Pueblo, Quiche Maya, etc.

But what's really infuriating is that NPR interviewed him and described him as a medicine man among the Lakota. I don't see any sign of Soliz ever mentioning who he alleges trained him.

He does go to Virgin Islands pretty regularly on youth outreach programs, so it's a bit of a mixed picture. VI is one of the most crime ridden parts of the US.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2011, 04:17:41 pm »
Oh wow....this guy.

He's got another site teamed with a woman named Carrie Woodburn.  I'm just speculating, but she may be his real evidence to back that up....just a hunch. 

It's called Alchemy of the Heart

On it you'll find links to products and services being sold.  Some of them directly linked to Andrew and definitely outrageous in their audaciousness as well as the price.  Here's some examples:

Medicine bags and a "session" with Andrew.  Prices range from $1200-$1800

Limited Edition Buffalo Elk Bags ($385-$598) and a generic "Medicine Bag" $65

As a side note.  The skill required to make these bags is something we teach 2nd graders who turn out bags of similar quality to those displayed.  The pictures show factory tanned leather leaving behind any notion that he cures the hides himself.

Advertised sweat lodges.   There is no fee listed, however a request for donations does follow.

As well as a series of retreats at high class resorts (with high class fees) that offer "Native American Ceremony" as one of the things you'll experience.

The site also says he has childrens books coming out in the fall of this year (2011) as well as being "featured" in a documentary called "Discover the Gift".
"A ceremonialist who serves through traditional Native American ceremonies, including spirit callings, sweat lodges, and more, Andrew Soliz is also the founder and president of the non-profit organization, Sacred Ways that works with youth, adults, families, and at-risk populations, to promote growth and healing through these teachings and rituals. He is Pipe Carrier of the Lakota Nation. (Where's the face palm pic?)

Here's the youtube channel for the site (I haven't watched the videos yet, can't comment on the content, but from the pictures these mostly seem to involve Carrie)

My impression....a high paid self help guru (once again) using Native American spirituality as a selling point.  Fortunately, his prices range so high his following seems rather miniscule and he markets himself internally in the corporate self-help business model (i.e. James Ray).  But still, the lack of detail in any of his information leads me to believe that he probably doesn't have a leg to stand on as far as his "Native credentials" go.  If you have nothing to don't hide anything.


Offline Superdog

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2011, 08:09:50 pm »
Just a follow up.  I read on one of the pages that he Sundances every year in South Dakota and has for the past 7 years.  No names of whose Sundance it is or what reservation, but it explains all the Lakota adoption credentials he keeps putting out there.  But I defer to earthw's post about adoption rites and from that info would say he's representing Lakota spirituality and selling it with no right to really do so. 

But if he does go every year....chances are he's known somewhere in Lakota territory so it would be interesting to see what those folks would say about him.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2011, 05:33:24 pm »
Soliz and Woodburn both emailed me. Woodburn insisted he's well known and respected, but also used some goofy Nuage defenses. Soliz was more forthcoming with some information, but there's quite a few contradictions. I asked him to follow up but haven't heard back since.

In order, emails are from Woodburn, Soliz, and my response.



I see you have some speculation on your site about Andrew Soliz – might I suggest you contact him directly to inquire about his lineage and discern out of “experience” his authenticity vs. posting speculative theory on your site.  He is a seven year Sundancer in South Dakota, well known by many on the pine ridge reservation, including the medicine men.  I find it ironic the stand you seemingly take for outing “fraud” yet with no basis from experience vs. theory.  Hmm…..

Carrie Woodburn


To whomever this concerns,

I am Andrew Soliz and I was recently shown your web site. I am shocked, disappointed and upset at your claims and comments. In principal your website could help many people who are victims of fraudulent people who misrepresent themselves and prey on peoples vulnerability. However you really need to do your research before you post claims against people.

I am presenting myself to you here and now to ask any questions you have about my background, integrity and how I came to be allowed to run ceremony and do the work I do.
I am a mix blood. On my fathers side I am Mayan and mexican. On my mothers side I am Acoma Pueblo and spanish. Five years ago I was adopted by Darlene Cross. Her husband was Vernal Cross, a very well respected Medicine Man from Kyle South Dakota. Their son and my brother is Michael Cross, a very well respected Medicine Man in his own right who has been recognized by the tribe. Everything I do is with their permission. My cousin Thomas Alvarez is a member of AIM.

I do not charge for ceremony and never have. When I am involved with retreats there are costs involved with food and lodging that must be covered. There is never a charge for ceremony and we have always been clear about that. I have never claimed to be a Medicine Man or Shaman and i never will. Furthermore your claims that traditional's don't use websites is not true. David Swallow, Nathan Chasing Horse, Orville Looking Horse, Leonard Crow Dog and others all have web sites. You yourself have a web site.

Who are you to be question anyone? For many years I volunteered my time in San Quentin prison, youth camps and local jails. I have created programs in youth detention centers in the Virgin Islands and countless other wonderful causes. I don't go around touting this because I do it from my heart. The traditional ways of our people can and do help all of mankind and should be shared. You don't know me and your careless speculations are unfounded. I invite you to come and do ceremony or sit and pray with me. Look into my eyes and heart and see who I am.

I encourage you to spend your time in more productive ways. Native people don't need to be attacking each other. We have been oppressed long enough by others. Feel free to contact me to get your facts straight. I have nothing to hide.


Andrew Soliz


Mr. Soliz,
Responses are within the email to make it clearer what is being responded to. See comments marked >>>.

--- On Fri, 5/13/11, Andrew Soliz wrote:

To whomever this concerns,

I am Andrew Soliz and I was recently shown your web site. I am shocked, disappointed and upset at your claims and comments. In principal your website could help many people who are victims of fraudulent people who misrepresent themselves and prey on peoples vulnerability. However you really need to do your research before you post claims against people.
>>>All our research comes directly from what your own sites posted online.

I am presenting myself to you here and now to ask any questions you have about my background, integrity and how I came to be allowed to run ceremony and do the work I do.
I am a mix blood. On my fathers side I am Mayan and mexican. On my mothers side I am Acoma Pueblo and spanish.
>>>Which Mayan people? There are nearly two dozen separate Mayan peoples and cultures. It is our experience that "Mayan" is most often said by Mexicans with a vague understanding of their Indian heritage.
>>>Why is someone of Mayan and Pueblo ancestry doing what purports to be Lakota ceremony? Why not Mayan or Pueblo traditions? Are Acoma Pueblo elders aware of what you do?
 Five years ago I was adopted by Darlene Cross. Her husband was Vernal Cross, a very well respected Medicine Man from Kyle South Dakota.
>>>Vernal Cross's family has in fact issued a public statement that Vernal did NOT authorize anyone to teach, esp not in his name, and that anyone doing so is fraudulent. There are six specific individuals they name as frauds using his name. You are not among them.
>>>However, the statement comes directly from Darlene Cross herself: How do you explain this?
Their son and my brother is Michael Cross, a very well respected Medicine Man in his own right who has been recognized by the tribe. Everything I do is with their permission. My cousin Thomas Alvarez is a member of AIM.

I do not charge for ceremony and never have. When I am involved with retreats there are costs involved with food and lodging that must be covered. There is never a charge for ceremony and we have always been clear about that.
>>>Your own website repeatedly lists prices for ceremony. It lists you charging up to 1800 dollars a session. This includes "ceremony" at expensive tourist resorts in both Bali and the Caribbean.
I have never claimed to be a Medicine Man or Shaman and i never will. Furthermore your claims that traditional's don't use websites is not true. David Swallow, Nathan Chasing Horse, Orville Looking Horse, Leonard Crow Dog and others all have web sites. You yourself have a web site.
>>>We have never made that claim. We state truthfully that no medicine people would put up a website to sell ceremony as you have done.

Who are you to be question anyone?
>>>Who we are is all over our website, if you'd bothered to look.
 For many years I volunteered my time in San Quentin prison, youth camps and local jails. I have created programs in youth detention centers in the Virgin Islands and countless other wonderful causes. I don't go around touting this because I do it from my heart.
>>>Again, if you had bothered to actually look, you'd see we also point to some good you have done and describe you as a "mixed picture," someone who is doing wrong but also doing right sometimes.
The traditional ways of our people can and do help all of mankind and should be shared.
>>>Nearly all Natives disagree with you. "Sharing" Native traditions makes little sense stripped of their tribal context, dilutes, them, distorts them, and harms them.
You don't know me and your careless speculations are unfounded. I invite you to come and do ceremony or sit and pray with me. Look into my eyes and heart and see who I am.

I encourage you to spend your time in more productive ways.
>>>There is nothing more productive than protecting sacred traditions from harm, and people, both Native and non-Native, from pay to pray ceremony.
Native people don't need to be attacking each other. We have been oppressed long enough by others. Feel free to contact me to get your facts straight. I have nothing to hide.


Andrew Soliz
>>>You are welcome as well to come to the forum and state your position. Or if you wish we can post your statement here. We always welcome all further information to get at the truth of these matters.

Offline Rod Ciferri

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2011, 12:51:20 am »
I know Andrew Soliz. He has sacrificed himself to help a lot of people.  He is a pipe carrier and has been a sundancer on the Cross ranch in Kyle, South Dakota, Pine Ridge reservation.  I know because I was there.  Regardless of Andrew's credentials/anscestory, etc., he helps all beings.  He facilitates healing and loves his Lakota brothers and sisters.  Mitakuye Oyasin.

“Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more then I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one mother and one father, and I saw that it was holy.” (Black Elk Speaks, as told to John G. Neihardt, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1961.)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2011, 05:30:18 pm »
Hello Mr. Ciferri, and welcome.

As you can see by looking above in this thread, we've long noted that Mr. Soliz is a mixed picture, does some good but also does things that are harmful and wrong.

You could perhaps help by trying to clear up some of the difficult questions about him. We asked him why he claims Vernal Cross authorized him to do ceremonies and says he is adopted into the Cross family when the Cross family, including the widow Darlene Cross, specifically say Vernal Cross did not authorize anyone to carry on in his name.

Mr. Soliz never answered. Perhaps you would have more luck asking than we have.

Offline Rod Ciferri

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2011, 08:35:41 pm »
Dear educatedindian:

First, thank you for welcoming me.  May my words here only lead to peace, understanding and harmony. 

I wrote a long thoughtful response to your post.  When I hit the post button, I got the message that my session was timed out and I lost everthing I wrote. 

Perhaps the spirits have indicated that it's best I should just shut up.  Anything you may hear from me is just a second hand account from your perspective in any event.

I have only this to add: 

From my perspective, what initially seems like harm often later turns into miraculous healing.  In my humble opinion, the spirits work from their own timetable. 

Also, I am grateful you have taken time and deliberation in considering the works of Andrew Soliz.  I continue to have a positive opinion of Andrew Soliz and those of his Lakota brothers and sisters with whom he associates. 

With humility, gratitude and respect,

Rod Ciferri

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2011, 02:03:29 pm »
I can't help but notice that basically your answer is no answer at all, avoiding the question. Cliches about "hate" that have nothing to do with Soliz are not an answer.

All I asked was if you could ask Soliz about what Darlene Cross says. And any answer from you would be a firsthand account.

Offline Johnnie

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2011, 03:40:57 pm »
I lived in the Santa Barbara area for many years and got to know a lot of the people there, including those who go in and out of the Ojai area, a hotbed of New Age style traditions.  As Ed. Indian points out, the source of our spirituality is tribal ways and one has to wonder what it is exactly Mr. Soliz is teaching in his retreats and other workshops.  Truth is there is a market for tribal ways and there are those who will pay dearly for the privilege of participation.  However, is it Maya?  Lakota?  And if it is Lakota that Mr. Soliz is selling then how is it with all the problems among the Lakota you are not there doing your "healing?"  Unemployment, substance abuse, PTSD, could all be addressed by working with the Lakota people on these issues.  In short, who needs the "ceremonies" you conduct?  White folks willing to pay through the nose?  Or Indian people who are the source of these alleged "ways" you teach?  I read the materials on your website and while there is no overt "pay to pray" pitch, it is clear that money is exchanged.  You are making a living doing these ceremonies.  While I believe it is within the bounds of common decency to financially support spiritual leaders, it should be those who are ministering to their own people.  My question always is; if you believe you are versed well enough in these tribal ways, why are you not among your own people?  In the case of Mr. Soliz, his own people, whomever he might claim them to be, are nowhere near Ojai.

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2011, 03:52:05 pm »
From my perspective, what initially seems like harm often later turns into miraculous healing.

Could you explain what you mean by this?