Some of his varied heritage claims:
his Native American ancestry
Ceremonial Man
Sun Dancer, Pipe Carrier, Artist and healer
Resident Andrew Soliz, an Acoma Pueblo American Indian, is a sun dancer and comes from a line of medicine men.
archived copy of 2014 article
Soliz, a descendant of the pueblo-dwelling Acoma American Indians and Mayan ancestry, was officially adopted into two Lakota families seven years ago.
a member of the Lakota Nation
I am a sun dancer and a pipe carrier. I am Pueblo and Mayan, adopted into the Lakota Nation.
i am pueblo (also southern ute and chicano)
so if he came from a line of medicine men that would be a pueblo cultural appointment.....why doesnt he practice pueblo medicine ways and serve his people in silence the right way because everyone knows our ways are very private? why would he be a sundancer and pipe carrier for another tribe if he came from such a respected background???
you can say i am an "adopted lakota" too as they all call me kola, and consider me their oyate/tiopsaye and i have 2 lakota exes...they invite me to sweat and to is the difference....i would NEVER assume the rights to take thier culture to non-indians.....and when i am invited to sweat/ceremony i always acknowledge i am there as a guest....lets say it again.....GUEST!!!!! never overstep your boundaries
but what do i know? im just a powwow ndn who never got too involved with the actual "religious" side .....i mean i do love my ceremony ndn friends and my protest ndn friends but they are not nearly as fun as my powwow ndn friends
but i do know one thing......those ceremony ndnz (either real of fake) sure do love them some white women which always seem to be in abundance and eat up all the "wisdom" from some "medicine man" sitting crosslegged on some mesa being all spiritual n shit over some plain common powwow ndn who helps elders to their cars and helps with tables and chairs before/after event and giving rides to fellow ndnz on the bus and sponsoring school programs and sponsoring powwow specials (i like sponsoring tiny tots or plain clothes fancy dance for fun) or sell frybread for Indian Education or hang posters and all that......and part of my world is sometimes cooking or helping make things or donate when someone passes that i may not have even known/met but they are in my community or related to someone in my community,,,,,THAT'S what it means to be an NDN....back to first sentence.....exploiting willing women is a recurring theme here
this rant was meant for whoever stumbles here and is enamored by all the hocus-pocus coming from these native or native passing people.......check their background and if you still want....if you want to waste your time and money that bad to feel native i suggest you book a weeklong trip to sedona or something
sorry for the rant.....kinda