Author Topic: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders  (Read 305040 times)

Offline Sparks

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2016, 09:56:01 pm »

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #31 on: June 15, 2016, 08:32:20 pm »


NAFPS Forum Member True Identity is Carmen Kwasny

Chairwoman of The Native American Assocation of Germany

Carmen Kwasny IS Useing three  Identitys in this NAFPS Forum

Carmen Kwasny  is NAFPS Forum Member   Ingeborg

NAFPS Member Ingeborg is None other then Carmen Kwasny
Ingeborg True Identity Carmen Kwasny is hideing under the fake Identity useing 3 NAFPS profiles
Online americanindianmovement

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle


Carmen Kwasny Native American Association of Germany

Is  Writeing Under  A  fake identity In the Blog Psiram

NAFPS Forum member Carmen Kwasny Native American Association of Germany is The author of Blog Psiram

NAFPS Forum Member True Identity is Carmen Kwasny is none other then

She useing Her fake  identitys in these Blogs to Destroy Native American PEOPLE

NAFPS Member Ingeborg is None other then Carmen Kwasny
Ingeborg True Identity Carmen Kwasny is hideing under the fake Identity useing 3 NAFPS profiles
ridiculous disinformation deleted. This was yet another jervis sockpuppet.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #32 on: June 15, 2016, 10:14:01 pm »

NAFPS Member Ingeborg is None other then Carmen Kwasny
Ingeborg True Identity Carmen Kwasny is hideing under the fake Identity useing 3 NAFPS profiles

Nope, her real name is Ingeborg. She is known to some of us. Try again.

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #33 on: June 15, 2016, 10:27:54 pm »
Try again.

But perhaps our good friend Wee Willie Jervis should be posting under a different nick then... It is a bit naughty for him to pose as "American Indian Movement", isn't it? But at least he chose a thread : "Imposters Posting Online as NAPS, Other Activists, or Elders" - he's been posing and faking since years now.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2016, 01:19:33 am »
Wm Jervis has been banned yet again. Even more clumsy impersonation than usual. Listed his name as Indianer Tours, IP from Europe.

Jervis, you do realize some of us have met Ingeborg in person? Obviously not.

Offline theredhairedcrow

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2016, 10:08:12 am »
A new one has cropped up for what we believe if William Jervis, because of a phrase used to describe this new alias, but its one he's used before. "He who knows". He is using an old photo of an actual Lakota person and in other places like YouTube, video footage to promote himself but also to attack Carmen Kwasny and the NAAoG.

Here's one thread on the "Stop Misuse of Native Spirituality and Ceremonies" group, by alias Sowanla Weiß. Where "he" and an accomplice of sorts are trying the same tactics.

"Don't let the sun step over you."--Apache saying, Eva Tulene-Watt

Offline theredhairedcrow

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #36 on: June 21, 2016, 11:14:41 am »
New Update: William Jervis, aka "Firewalker", aka "Medicine Turtle" is also now using the identity and photo of "Eye Tuwe Slo Waya" ("He Who Knows").They are claiming to be an elder.  It is a duplicate of the "Sowanla Weiss" Facebook profile I posted about yesterday. However, according to a comment on the website of William Jervis' and Sabine Böhler's "Academy", this Lakota elder passed away in 2013.

There is clear evidence based on threats and harassment we've by the NAAoG and at the Stop Misuse group on Facebook that Jervis is using this fake identity to defame the association. Currently he is setting up new websites and channels on YouTube. There he uses excerpts from videos of Eye Tuwe Slo Waya uploaded six years ago to make it sound like this "Lakota elder" is criticizing the association. There is also manipulation in one video where the association is accused of destroying a tour and that a German woman owns him 500 Dollars. Some of the videos have the NAAOG association's name in the title and/or in the text.
"Don't let the sun step over you."--Apache saying, Eva Tulene-Watt

Offline Chairwoman, NAAoG

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2016, 01:10:37 pm »
I am Carmen Kwasny and this is my profile on NAFPS and yes, I am chairperson of the Native American Association of Germany e.V. who provides a meeting point for Native Americans in Europe and is also an education information center for Europeans, but I AM NOT Ingeborg.

So far I used this profile to start only two threads within five years. One was posted to inform about a film review and the other one was neccessary to inform the public about William Jervis, alias "Firewalker" using our association's name to promote his own activities and that's mainly selling Native American ceremonies. Back then we did not mention his name.

Due to recent events, the Native American Association of Germany e.V. (NAAoG e.V.)  would like to emphasis that our activities promote a cultural exchange and we therefore cooperate with Native Americans from various nations.

NAAoG does not, however, cooperate with sellers of indigenous spirituality and indigenous ceremonies - not in the past, not presently, nor will we do so in future. NAAoG rejects such practice and does not support such persons in any way.

Presently, such a seller of indigenous spirituality has uploaded a video on YouTube in which he criticizes NAAoG for not supporting Native Americans in preserving their culture and spirituality. He says in his video: "I welcome the opportunity to speak with a crowd of people hosted by the Native American Association of Germany...". It is absolutely sure that the Native American Association of Germany e.V. will not host an event like that. The NAAoG e.V. will never cooperate with this person.

Furthermore, this person has published an e-mail address which may give viewers the impression this was an official contact to NAAoG. This is not the case, the e-mail address in question is operated by said person.

We at NAAoG distance ourselves from such schemes.

The official e-mail addresses for contacting the Native American Association of Germany can be found on our website under "Contact Adresses"

Carmen Kwasny, Chairwoman,
Native American Association of Germany e.V.

Now Jervis is doing this all over again and after calling himself "Turtle Winds" in between, he switched tp "Medicine Turtle" and is now using the identity of the reportedly deceised "Eye Tuwe Slo Waya". And this time he is trying to defame the Native American Association of Germany by spreading flat out lies. At the same time he tries to convince people to believe that I'm Ingeborg and that I'm posting articles on NAFPS, Psiram and Esowatch. This is not true.

Besides that thread about Jervis using the associations identity to promote his business I started only one more thread and that's this one:

"Documentary" Movie about Cynthia Ann Parker Aired by Privately Owned German Television Station Receives Sharp Criticism

The Native American Association of Germany published a film review that is casting a light on the movie scenes and commentaries that led to sharp criticism and controversial discussions in German forums and internet communities. Here is the link to the film review (in English and German):

Offline Chairwoman, NAAoG

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2016, 01:55:44 pm »
William Jervis created a website on Google that has our association's name as the title. He also included a photo of "Eye Tuwe Slow Waya" and then posted this underneath:


Der traditionelle Oglala Sioux (Lakota) EYE TUWE SLO WAYA - HE WHO KNOWS - ER, DER ES WEIß, entstammt einer alten Lakotafamilie und wurde im Jahre 1928 auf Pine Ridge geboren.

Native American Association of Germany

Has been attacking the Lakota projects for over 10 years

Carmen Kwasny of Native American Association of Germany has been building

secret profiles   Anonymously POSTING AND MAKING FAKE ACCOUNTS IN psiram


Carmen Kwasny of Native American Association of Germany   


Carmen Kwasny  Anonymously WRITES UNDER THE NAME


Ingeborg   IS  A   Anonymous FAKE ACCOUNT OF THE Native American Association of Germany

Carmen Kwasny of Native American Association of Germany  USING HER FAKE Anonymous PROFILES  HAS BEEN BUSY WRITING BAD ARTICLES AND HIS


Here is the link:

And he did it in a similiar way on the website "Complaints Board":

native American association of Germany is running an online scam to spread lies using a fake name on a website called new fraud age
Ingeborg the author is native American association of Germany
they also publish on another website that is illegal in Germany psiram

The Native American Association of Germany is making fake accounts
to destroy American Indians
Carmen Kwasny is actively fighting native Americans who practice their religious faiths outside of the united states . and even posting openly on facebook...

And he is also using his fake "Eye Tuwe Slow Waya" identity to post this wrong information as comments under threads about NAFPS:

These are only two quotes. He is posting more and more every day constantly creating new fake accounts.

Native American Association of Germany is now a part of New Age Frauds & Plastic Shaman Website
and there using the psiram

psiram and now working with each other
currently Native American Association of Germany making fake accounts and profiles
and there
Native American Association of Germany is fake accounts in psiram and newagefraud
Ingeborg is a fake active name there using on new age frauds

Offline Chairwoman, NAAoG

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2016, 03:10:12 pm »
Here is another example of Jervis using the identity of reportedly deceised "Eye Tuwe Slow Waya". This also shows how he is trying to make people believe that he is a Lakota now.

outright lies,” even “spiritual genocide
The Native American Association of Germany outright lies,” even “spiritual genocide
Germany is a country where spiritual and religious rights are protected by laws
I'm a Lakota elder from the pine ridge reservation
The Native American Association of Germany is attaching my son because of his religious faith
Eye Tuwe Slo Waya
what The Native American Association of Germany is doing is not permitted under the german constitution
and against human rights.

targeting Native American spirituality is not allow under the law

And Jervis also created this website on and again it has our association's name as the title and headline. It's difficult to read, so I devided it into sections and dropped the middle part:

The Native American Association of Germany background information Hate and Lies of NAFPS

The Native American Association of Germany is using it fake identity to write lies
The Hate and Lies of NAFPS is really well know

The Native American Association of Germany on facebook sides with The Hate and Lies of NAFPS reprint of the truth The Hate and Lies of NAFPS (New Age Frauds and Plastic Shaman) author: Paul Brunton Recent accusations of hate speech have been levelled at the website New Age Frauds and Plastic Shaman (NAFPS).
The NAFPS hate site is hosted by ...

Then Jervis posted the article by Paul Brunton.

...Posting on the NAFPS hate site itself is not recommended. The above mentioned administrators of the forum are known for deleting, and altering posts, and creating online profiles using the identities of those who question their actions. It is recommended that complaints regarding the conduct of the NAFPS hate site and Mr Carroll be directed to staff at Northern Virginia Community College.

And then he added his comment he had posted already underneath the article under "view discussion from this article.

Fraud Hunter NAFPS Native American Association of Germany 21.Jun.2016 08:33 EYE TUWE SLO WAYA link Native American Association of Germany previously attacked LAKOTA ELDER EYE TUWE SLO WAYA A PINE RIDGE ELDER BORN IN 1929 IN SOUTH DAKOTA. RECENTLY THEY HAVE ATTACKED THE RED CLOUD FAMILY AND THEY CURRENTLY OUR attacked MY SON MEDICINE TURTLE New Age Frauds & Plastic Shaman Website IS DIRECTLY BREWING A WAR AGAINST THE LAKOTA PEOPLE MEDICINE TURTLE IS MY SON AND HE BEING attacked Oglala (Lakota) EYE TUWE SLO WAYA - HE WHO KNOWS WE Oglala OUR A PEACE LOVEING PEOPLE MY SON MEDICINE TURTLE IS Adopted by Hunkapi and he my Tiyóspaye The Seven Sacred Rites of the Lakota form the spiritual foundation of that Nation For the Lakota Sioux, there are seven Sacred Rites which are observed i took medicine turtle for my son he learned and study the lakota ways and is a accepted member of my family Tiyóspaye under Lakota seven Sacred Rites medicine turtle is lakota I gave my full permission to medicine turtle to do Lakota seven Sacred Rites and he has my full permission to do sweatlodge has he recived the proper training by me. Native American Association of Germany has no business to tell the Oglala Sioux (Lakota what we must do or can not do. my son is cherokee medicine turtle he is adopted to me a Oglala Sioux (Lakota adopted under are sacred ways of the Oglala for years New Age Frauds & Plastic Shaman Website and Native American Association of Germany has been writeing trash in these sites and there a user of the site Psiram a very illegal site like NAFPS.. EYE TUWE SLO WAYA Oglala Sioux (Lakota) PINE RIDGE SOUTH DAKOTA http://

Here is the link to the website he set up on

Offline educatedindian

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2016, 12:24:43 pm »
It's a violation of Facebook's terms to impersonate others. Everyone, please take a few moment to contact FB and get these phony profiles reported and removed.

It's also really bizarre Jervis decided to post the complaints on the complaint board for India. I doubt many will see them, and even fewer people from India will know what they're about. But they're still TOS violations we should all take a few moments to report and get removed.

Ingeborg, has Jervis broken any German laws  by this?   

Offline Chairwoman, NAAoG

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2016, 05:40:05 pm »
Here is a list of fake profiles William Jervis set up on Facebook in order to cause confusion and to defame me and the Native American Association of Germany e.V. For one of them he is using our association's logo, because it also can be seen when we post as our campaign website "Stop Misuse of Native American Spirituality and Ceremonies".

After the fake accounts and websites he had set up on FB using our association's name, were all deleted by FB several weeks ago, Jervis is setting up fake accounts under the name "Carmen Kwasny" now and that's my name. Somebody called me this morning and asked me why I was posting on his website and that's how we found out. That fake profile with our association's logo as a profile photo has more than 300 "friends" on the list and most of them are men from foreign countries and  trying to figure out how Jervis managed it to get all of these contacts, I found out that he joined a Tantra group and another goup that is for those who are obviously looking for sex partners. In addition he visited mainly "sweat lodge" and new age websites and clicked on "Like" and then he added websites of Native American projects, associations, magazines etc.. Some of them know me. After doing all of this he posted links to Tantra and other sex sites and videos.

So, here is the link to this fake profile on Facebook:

We took screenshots of everything and I had called the police a couple of days agao already and asked for advice and it looks like after this we will have enough material to repost William Jervis to the police.

Here are two more fake profiles he set up misusing my name:

So, now the question is how can you tell which are my websites and profiles and which are the fake ones on Facebook?
I have my profiles and websites since many years now and I'm not interested in Tantra practices and I'm not in sex groups and I'm not visiting dozens of sweat lodge, new age, shamanism and whatever else pages and click on "Like". So, if anybody finds another profile that looks strange and has a big mixture of text excerpts from our campaign/educational website "Stop Misuse of Native American Spirituality and Ceremonies", our association's website and Tantra videos, links to new age websites etc. then please, send me the link.

Carmen Kwasny

Offline Sparks

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #42 on: June 30, 2016, 06:43:04 pm »
It's also really bizarre Jervis decided to post the complaints on the complaint board for India.

The official name is "Indian Complaint Board Forum".

I guess he believed he had come to a site for Native Americans.

Offline Sparks

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #43 on: June 30, 2016, 07:05:14 pm »
All this month's posts (June, 2016) in this ALERT-thread also relate to this other thread:  (William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle)

Offline Sparks

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Re: ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders
« Reply #44 on: June 30, 2016, 07:50:37 pm »
It's a violation of Facebook's terms to impersonate others. Everyone, please take a few moment to contact FB and get these phony profiles reported and removed.

So I did that, and this is Facebook's response. My emphasis in text. What more can one do? Explain to them that the profile impersonates a deceased person, if that is the case? (Is it?)

Your report
You anonymously reported Eye Tuwe Slo Waya for pretending to be someone they're not.
Thanks for your feedback
Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the profile you reported for pretending to be someone they're not and found it doesn't violate our Community Standards.
Please let us know if you see anything else that concerns you. If you want us to look at something specific on a profile, be sure to report the content (ex: photo), not the entire profile. We want to keep Facebook safe and welcoming for everyone.