Author Topic: 60's Scoop Frauds - BEWARE!  (Read 8017 times)

Offline OneRed

  • Posts: 27
60's Scoop Frauds - BEWARE!
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:27:08 pm »
Before I begin, I just want to state for the record, that the Indian status of these ladies is not known - one of which is currently in this forum being researched and the other 2 ... nobody knows at this point. They all claim to be 60's scoop kids and filing lawsuits, as there are a few provincial law suits going on with regards to this matter here in Canada. In the last few weeks there was a 60's scoop journey that was to take place with some traveling and attendance at different locations for "healing" amongst the 60's scoop kids. The initiator of this event was Linda Thaler, several members were invited to attend and just before take off, there were several people asked not to attend due to Linda's "judgement's" - one person we are already familiar with - Linda Lou Flewin and her cohort - Heather Wahweaye aka Heather Graham aka the person I believe and others believe to be Amber on this forum, trying to validate Linda's story of being indian. A little war broke out as per usual when things are done with wrong intentions (I call this Indian karma) amongst the 3 of them and all hell broke loose during the event. A few members of the group came to me seeking advice, as there were a lot of harassment and accusations being flung around and in not so many words, it is of my opinion and of others, that GENUINE 60's scoop kids were basically being revictimized.

One of the Elders, whom is a former chief was accused practicing bad medicine - his family came forward on his behalf to deny such accusations and stated their case quite clearly. Another was accused of stealing - although I am told this was not the case, Linda was just creating drama. However, I do believe from the information that I was given - that there was an inclination that Linda was not Indian and that some members were trying to find her paper work to see if she was what she claimed to be - adopted, 60's scoop kid. Also during said events, Linda LF and Heather were apparently seeking their revenge for being discluded, they were however, harassing group members and flinging accusations at genuine 60's scoop kids .. not being Indian and the usual nonsense. Making plans to disrupt the group events etc. etc. It was all pretty ugly.

It is to my knowledge from a very reliable source, that Linda Thaler is a paid consultant to agencies and attorney's in where she gets paid to give  information about 60's scoop kids - two separate people have made this claim, stating that she asked them to partake in giving information and in exchange they would receive monetary compensation for doing so - both of these people said no. It is also to my understanding that someone has offered to do a documentary with Linda, in where she will be sharing information about the recent journey and other 60's scoop kids stories. Don't know if she will be getting paid to do that or not.

All 3 ladies have been, to the best of my knowledge asking for donations for their "cause", how much they have received is not known.

This morning, I was contacted by AIM Ontario to inform me of their issued warning about all 3 ladies .. which can be found here: