Author Topic: Can you imagine 500 Nations giving glory to God?  (Read 7522 times)

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Can you imagine 500 Nations giving glory to God?
« on: October 18, 2011, 03:01:26 am »
Ways to Get Involved and Become an Agent of Blessing!! You, too, can be an integral part in the ministry of CHIEF!

Ray Sparklingeyes shares about the importance of prayer

Dear Mis-guided Elder, I am wondering how your site can continue to propagate detrimental colonialist belief systems to first Nation peoples. Do the people who keep this site really believe they will be accepted into white society if they pray hard enough, if you act white enough? If they do then I ask, after so long a time why is it that First Nation people have so little, education, Jobs, opportunity and so forth? It’s not because you haven’t been praying for it that’s obvious. Simply put, it’s because you don’t care to actually take a critical look at Christianity, and neo-colonialism, and Euro-centrism. Maybe you Christians should look hard at the Institutionalised bigotry supported through the church, educational system and every other colonialist institution over the past 100 – 1000 years. The practices which you embrace have brought more subjugation, pain and suffering than arguably any other religion in the modern world. This site should really be called “With out Honour, With out Knowledge, With out Thinking, Without True Freedom”. Who ever maintains this site should be ashamed, as they are truly ignorant. Being christian, old or a philosopher does not make you an elder in the First Nation sense.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 03:03:54 am by dabosijigwokush »