Author Topic: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"  (Read 51064 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« on: August 06, 2005, 09:00:24 pm »
Deborah Keleman" <>  Add to Address Book
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 22:08:54 -0000
OOPS, forgot this bit of vomit:

My name is Don Two Eagles WaterHawk, I am a Tsalagi/Mesquakie native american residing in Florida, USA. The drum that Spirit has chosen
for me to walk with, is a Sengali Warrior Djembe. This drum has become my best friend, my teacher, my church, my door to the spirit world. I am 47 years old, at 40, my life changed when Iunderstood
what the drums were saying and what they could do. They are made of the flesh from trees. These beings, ( we call them, then Standing Ones), Are creatures of spirit, they live in two worlds, the trunks and branches reaching out to our Sky Father, feeling, flowing in the air currents, enjoying the vastness of their lands, and then the roots, the other half of this magnificant being, stretching down into our mother the earth. the skin of the animal is our connection as roamers of this planet, walking our lessons, speaking our truth, and
it is placed on thisancestoral standing one to be given a voice that we could hear and speak. A voice to drum healing, love, desire, spirit. it is a voice to open the door to the other side so when one goes shining, one goes with a clean walk, gently and with pure heart. This church, this tribe, this community is growing, with a strength
unmatched with any previous clan,tribe or community. With that, also comes the responsibility of the drum. and the circle that we speak
with. Wah Do, Four Winds to my brother and sister

--- In, "Deborah Keleman" <deborahross@e...> wrote:
> He was at a festival, which charged money - see this link>
> and this link: (in here is also a photo of the sweat lodge)
>  This is what was charged:
> Festival at Summerland - FESTIVAL AT SUMMERLAND ...a pagan festival > in Bonita Springs, (SouthWest Florida) February 7-10 Website > Pricing: $35 registration before Jan.
15th, > $45 after Kids 12 and under free with paid adult Day rates- $15 each > day paid daily $15 Merchant Fees $40 Meal Tickets (8 meals) E-mail
> He does say he is native american - see this link  
> He asked for money for an operation - see this link:
> (he states he is an American Native teacher)
> Funny, though, he bought his house the same year this site went up, > asking for $$)
> Need I say more??
> Thank you,
> Deborah
> --- In, treasurehunterdad <no_reply@y...>
> wrote:> > Where on his site is he selling anything that is Native American
or > > Indian?  It all looks like Wicca stuff to me or pagan stuff and unless he is giving some kind of Indian religious ceremony for > > profit, I don't think what he is doing is against the law or
> against > > anything Indian.  On his site he claims to have Indian descent.  
He doens't say he is a full blood and I couldn't find anything Indian > > for sale.
> > Katie

> > --- In, "Owl" <dusky_owl@y...> wrote:> > >
> > > Hello Mchael.. would you see  this guy is
> down here in SW FL and we've been contacting various groups to see what can be done.  He claims relation to various groups including
Cherokee and we've contacted the various nations and of course we get laughter...
> > > But what can be done about neutralizing these phony people???  
> now he has a book out on drumming....  he is in with the pagan community here big time.  Go here and really gag;;    
> > > Owl
> > > --- In, "Michael Two Horses" <twohorse@u...> wrote: Probably more like "Don 'Two Pigeons' Wateronthebrain"
> > > > mt
> > > > --- In, "Deborah Keleman" deborahross@e...> wrote:
> > > > > Thank you, thank you. I just found this list and joined,  thank goodness. I have been reading up on "plastic shamans" and just wanted  to know if anyone has heard of this person, also, here are some of his links: Your reply is greatly appreciated. He is:
Don "Two Eagles" Waterhawk is a Native American of Tsalagi/Mesquakie heritage (Cherokee), and a Wolf Clan and Red Feather Clan member.
He has been a student of Native American and Eastern spiritual ways for over 20 years, and
is an artist and creator of spiritual tools.
He also has a site called "waterhawk Creations". Has anyone heard of this "plastic Shaman". He is now in SW Fl, via Ohio and Kansas (last I heard) and he's hanging around the SW FL pagans spewing his fakeness.
Thank you,

Offline PLH

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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2005, 03:32:08 pm »
...that is just horse shit...people like him need to fry...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2005, 05:21:37 pm »
Trisha Rose Jacobs" <>  
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 17:02:49 -0000
Subject: [nafps_again] Re: Dance of Life pt. 2

--- In, cavedweller66 <no_reply@y...>
> Here is something I found online regarding the Dance of Life. > Tsalagi Dance of Life - by Margaret Button & Arthur Button:> "Tsalagi" is the true name of the Cherokee people. The Dance is said> to be between 2,000 - 3,000 years old. The Dance has been taught by> Don Two Eagles Waterhawk, a Native American of the Cherokee/Tsalagi
> Nation for several years. He has graciously given us permission to> present it here at EtheraCon. The Dance is a meditative experience that honors Mother Earth, Father Sky and the Four Directions. It will give the "dancer" some insights into areas of one's life that are not> quite centered, and it is also a very mild form of exercise. Minimum
> age to participate - 13. Wear loose comfortable clothing.
> This is becoming interesting.

Tsalagi is not the true name of the Cherokee. And I think , to be perfectly honest, that anyone essentially selling ceremony (as Don and his wife do) and who claims to know that a specific tradition is 2,000 to 3,000 years old  is actually quite a liar. I'm not trying to offend anyone here by saying that, that is just my opinion.
Also while Down Two Eagles Waterhawk says he is of the "Cherokee Nation" he aint exactly forthcoming it seems as to which branch of the Cherokee Nation he belongs to. Is he EBC, UKB, CNO? Or is he an non-enrolled trying to sound like
he is enrolled for the purposes gaining legitimacy for his business?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2005, 05:27:22 pm »
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 18:01:58 -0000
Subject: [nafps_again] Re: Dance of Life (Trish)

Sorry, dweller, but Nuage people taking Eastern beliefs and dressing them up as Native goes all the way back to Castaneda, who dressed up Tai Chi as "magical passes" supposedly from ancient Mexico.

When Waterhawk told you it was "like Tai Chi" he basically stumbled and practically admitted where he stole it from. I'm hard pressed to name even one single Native ceremony or ritual that has any
resemblance to anything practiced in Asia, unless you want to get extremely general and include, for example, prayer or fasting.

Trish, you're gonna love this. (Or maybe it'll sicken you.) Seems this is one of those dance-around-nekkid ceremonies.

Waterhawk also claims it's "centered around the lessons of the owl". I don't know about Cherokees, but traditions like the Apaches regard the owl as an omen of bad luck or disaster.

More reasons to get PO'd at Waterhawk: he says it's mixed together with "German traditions". So is that pagan, viking, Asastru, what?

It also seems Waterhawk learned this dance from the oldtime fraud Ywahoo. Sorry dweller, she's another one that passes off Buddhist practices as Native. She also runs a fake "Cherokee tribe" up in
(believe it or not) Vermont.

Rob Schmidt also has it listed on his site in an article "Why Natives Mistrust Pagans" along with many other pseudo NDN rituals. Almost half seem to be claiming to be Cherokee rituals.

And a site called Choqosh also sells this, right next to "for spiritual warriors in a hurray." Have you heard of this bunch before?
--- In, cavedweller66 <no_reply@y...>
> Greetings all, Got a question. Has anyone ever heard of the Tsalagi > Dance of Life? Is it a true Tsalagi tradition? If so, is it permissable to teach it to non-tribal peoples? It's supposed to be> similar to Tai-Chi. Thanks.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2005, 05:29:19 pm »
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 18:01:58 -0000
Subject: [nafps_again] Re: Dance of Life (Trish)

Sorry, dweller, but Nuage people taking Eastern beliefs and dressing them up as Native goes all the way back to Castaneda, who dressed up Tai Chi as "magical passes" supposedly from ancient Mexico.

When Waterhawk told you it was "like Tai Chi" he basically stumbled and practically admitted where he stole it from. I'm hard pressed to name even one single Native ceremony or ritual that has any
resemblance to anything practiced in Asia, unless you want to get extremely general and include, for example, prayer or fasting.

Trish, you're gonna love this. (Or maybe it'll sicken you.) Seems this is one of those dance-around-nekkid ceremonies.

Waterhawk also claims it's "centered around the lessons of the owl". I don't know about Cherokees, but traditions like the Apaches regard the owl as an omen of bad luck or disaster.

More reasons to get PO'd at Waterhawk: he says it's mixed together with "German traditions". So is that pagan, viking, Asastru, what?

It also seems Waterhawk learned this dance from the oldtime fraud Ywahoo. Sorry dweller, she's another one that passes off Buddhist practices as Native. She also runs a fake "Cherokee tribe" up in
(believe it or not) Vermont.

Rob Schmidt also has it listed on his site in an article "Why Natives Mistrust Pagans" along with many other pseudo NDN rituals. Almost half seem to be claiming to be Cherokee rituals.

And a site called Choqosh also sells this, right next to "for spiritual warriors in a hurray." Have you heard of this bunch before?
--- In, cavedweller66 <no_reply@y...>
> Greetings all, Got a question. Has anyone ever heard of the Tsalagi > Dance of Life? Is it a true Tsalagi tradition? If so, is it permissable to teach it to non-tribal peoples? It's supposed to be> similar to Tai-Chi. Thanks.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2005, 05:58:56 pm »
debbieredbear2000" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 23:44:14 -0000
Subject: [nafps_again] Re:Chicken Hawk Re: Sweats

Ummm, Owl, women on their moontime do not usually sweat. Not because of the judeo-christian crap about uncleanliness, but because most of
the people I have met believe that this time is the woman's power time. That power can upset the balance in ceremony. I was also taught that my body is doing it's own ceremony so why would I need another one? My body's own isn't good enough?

--- In, "Owl" <dusky_owl@y...> wrote:
> It was  specifically stated that women on their menses were > absolutely not allowed in the sweat put on by the Waterhawk  (I call
> him Chicken Hawk)  I heard one of the event coordinators state "he > could not handle that"  hmmm  I guess he/they viewed it as being
> dirty as in gross -that that happens occasionally to women.  I guess > only the beautiful people were allowed in that sweat by Waterhawk.  
> >gag< >gag< >spit< >gag<    I don't think anything will change in a > yrs time  LOLL  once a sham allways a sham.
> Owl
> --- In, cavedweller66 <no_reply@y...>
> wrote:
> > "No nekked people anywhere, it is a modest camp, and even though > men > > and women do sweat together, they are all covered."
> > Judi
> > Conditions do vary Judi,however the Sweat Lodge Ceremony I was > > referring to by Waterhawk clearly stated that EVERYONE (men and
> > women) must enter the lodge completely naked so that their > spiritual > > self would be more receptive to Grandfather.This was over a year
> ago > > so maybe things have changed.  CD66


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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2006, 07:01:29 pm »
Is this guy dangerous? I live by him and he is a real creep, troublemaker and pain in the ass. And quite frankly, he scares me.

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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2006, 02:32:19 pm »
Since you're new, you didn't realize these are the archives, for old posts and not for new questions.

We've had reports of Cakerice and his inner circle being threatening or abusive to critics. It's best to be safe, take precautions. There are other threads on him, just use the search function at top.

If you can, could you tell us more about your experience in a new thread? Or contact us by private email if you're worried about threats.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2007, 11:38:34 pm »
Oh barf:

YouTube - Spirit Drumming- Don Waterhawk pt 1 In this short we hear Don Two Eagles Waterhawk talk about drumming. Don is a respected elder and teacher in the Neo-Pagan community and co-author of Sacred ... - 66k - Cached - Similar pages

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Re: Don Cakerice AKA "Waterhawk"
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2014, 09:22:21 pm »