Author Topic: "Doctor" Steven Farmer  (Read 24036 times)

Offline earthw7

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"Doctor" Steven Farmer
« on: February 15, 2012, 10:07:08 pm »
Earth Magic
Dr. Steven Farmer, and "Green" author Chris Prelitz will be hosting this sacred ceremony.  Lakota Medicine Man Warfield Moose will be leading this profound healing experience.  Because this ceremony is so sacred it is important to prepare for it in a way that honors the Spirits who will be helping all those participating to heal and to honor the medicine man, his sacrfice and the Lakota culture.

This event will take place at a private residence in Laguna Beach.  For details please call 1-866-621-0516.  Due to the preparation necessary, pre-registration is required.  Upon registration, sacred instructions will be sent to you in order to begin this powerful healing process.
Registration options:
Sacred Yuwipi Ceremony  $ 200.00  
[changed title]
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 04:30:38 pm by educatedindian »
In Spirit

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Dr Steven Farmer
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 11:46:56 pm »
Moose and Farmer are discussed in this thread:

And Moose is mentioned in this post:

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Dr Steven Farmer
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2012, 05:23:25 pm »
Farmer is involved in one knockoff Nuage twink ceremony or claimed healing practice after another. And is an author.

Apparently Farmer got his "dr" degree from a degree mill and learned the angel therapy bit from his fourth wife Doreen Virtue.

MESSAGES FROM YOUR ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES , 03 03 2011, Awakening Heart, White Rock, BC

 EXPANDING UNITY WITH YOUR ANIMALS , 01 18 2012, Online, Online

 INTRODUCING CHILDREN'S SPIRIT ANIMAL CARDS , 03 01 2012, Awakening Heart, White Rock, BC

 EARTH MAGICĀ® HEALING SESSIONS , 03 02 2012, Awakening Heart, White Rock, BC

 MESSAGES FROM YOUR ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDES , 03 08 2012, The Peace and Wellness Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin

 EARTH MAGICĀ® HEALING SESSIONS , 03 09 2012, The Peace and Wellness Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin

 INTRODUCTION TO THE SHAMANIC JOURNEY , 03 09 2012, The Peace and Wellness Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin

 FINDING AND RECOVERING YOUR POWER ANIMAL , 03 11 2012, Edge Life Iowa Holistic Expo, Des Moines, IA

60 Minute Private Consultation
 A consultation with Dr. Steven Farmer is available through using PayPal. We will contact you to confirm final details of this consultation including the date and time. Please include your name, contact information and time zone in your order. A 60 minute consultation is $200.

90 Minute Private Consultation
 A consultation with Dr. Steven Farmer is available through using PayPal. We will contact you to confirm final details of this consultation including the date and time. Please include your name, contact information and time zone in your order. A 90 minute consultation is $275.

Email Consultations
Email consultations with Dr. Farmer are now available!
Designed to answer a single question and offer you the convenience and privacy of email communication, Dr. Farmer will respond within 72 hours to your inquiry.
To purchase your email consultation, use the paypal button below. You will then be directed to a form which will allow you to submit your question along with your name and email address. A one question email consultation is $50.

INTRODUCING  Children's Spirit Animal Cards

Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guide A Meditation Journey CD

Power Animal Oracle Cards

Power Animals How to Connect with Your Animal Spirit Guide Book & CD

Angel therapy is a type of New Age therapy based on the notion that communicating with angels is the key to healing. Angel therapists believe they facilitate healing by helping their patients get in touch with angels who will guide the patients in the right direction.

Susan Stevenson, a hypnotherapist who practices past life regressive therapy, sees angels everywhere.

My life seems to be teeming with angelic connections, and the momentum is building. Have you noticed this in your own life? Angelic reminders that they are with us- 'whispers' in our ear, 'taps' on the shoulder, brushes of air across your skin or changes in air pressure, 'flutters' from deep inside, glints of light and color- all these gentle hints to pay closer attention to their presence. Think back- have you been paying attention, listening, responding? I know I certainly have been. Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., in her newest book "Angel Therapy", says that this increased activity is directly related to the approaching millennium.

I assume Dr. Virtue (her doctorate is from California Coast University)* is referring to the increased activity of New Age millennial thinkers whose presence is growing, whose momentum is building, and whose profound fluttering continues to slap reason in the face while the candle in the dark gets dimmer and dimmer. Or perhaps Virtue is referring to the ka-ching! sound getting louder and louder as people line up to hear her talk about her imaginary friends that do such extraordinary things as find her a parking place when she's in a hurry.

If you are hoping to cash in on the angel therapy business by getting your own Ph.D. from California Coast University (CCU), you are too late. While the school is accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council, that agency does not accredit doctoral level programs and CCU doesn't offer doctorates any more. Not to worry. Watch this video of Doreen and her fourth husband, Dr. Steven Farmer, who fancies himself a shaman of some sort calls himself an expert in "power animals." (Apparently, the angels have been jerking Dr. Angel around with bad love advice.) You might learn something about how you, too, can get on this bandwagon. Doctor Farmer got his Ph.D. from Madison University, a non-accredited distance learning university located in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Offline snorks

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Re: Dr Steven Farmer
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2012, 05:35:44 pm »
I have a question.  I do have some of Farmer's materials - his cards and books.  Where is the line between appropriation in his materials and his original materials?  

I understand the core shaman appropriation that he does.  The Earth Oracle seems to be more Pagan in its orientation, and more his original material.  Or because he started out as a "shaman" and moved into more original stuff, that he is still an appropriator?  Or is this usual path that many appropriators do - start as "shamans", move away from that, and move into their own thing but still use the "shaman" to get people's attention and  use as a way to guarantee expertise?

I guess it is a slippery slope with Farmer, who does not reject the "shaman" label.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Doctor" Steven Farmer
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2012, 04:30:03 pm »
The spirit guide and power animal stuff are clear knockoffs of Native beliefs, badly distorted and commercialized.
I guess one could say all the angel therapy is a lying distorted version of Christian beliefs but that's not our concern here.

That, plus his involvement in ceremony selling, plus his falsely claiming to be a doctor, are enough to move him to Frauds.