Author Topic: "Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan"  (Read 17226 times)

Offline educatedindian

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"Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan"
« on: August 23, 2005, 04:58:49 pm »
Allegedly an Aztec elder.

His photo, he's obviously mestizo or perhaps even criollo.

His statement on 9-11.

An expo he was at. Am I correct in seeing a mix of curanderos and Nuage quacks in the program list?

Here's parts of the bad google translation of an article he wrote.
The Equinox of Spring in reference to the Tonalpowalli the account of
the days of the Mexihka Town
By Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan *

Using all these references the old Cultures of the World, developed to their Sagradas Constructions using them as marking lots with the purpose of measuring and taking the account of the time more
The calendárico system Tonalpowalli of the Mexihka Town (Azteka) and of its predecessors in the region who now we called Central Plateau
of Mexico, that this in the zone of I rock America, begins with five days of anticipation to the Equinox of Spring.
The ceremonial ones give to beginning with the Nemontemi, five days of uninformed and retrospección to dismiss the year that finishes,
later is the ceremonial one of Yankuik Xiwitl that is the New Year, followed of five days of festividades that culminate with the ceremonial one of the Xiwitiotianitztli, Festividad of the Grass, that is when the Equinox of Spring occurs.
Finishing to our dances and ceremonies to the following Zenith after the Equinox, later complementing these days of dedication with a
social festividad that we called Xillitiotianitztli, the Festividad of Chile, being its main function to finish to the chemical decontamination process that beginning in the Nemontemi, when consuming Chile in great amounts that will allow us to sweat, amusing to us singing, dancing, making as sharp as Chile and as flavorful jokes as the stews that we shared that day.
The ceremony of the chemical decontamination through the socialization and the divertimento that the social relaxation of a celebration gives, to finish the festejos of the beginning of our Calendárico Year....
By this the Years Toxtli, Rabbit, initiate to the dawn, the Akatl Years, Reed, initiate to noon, the Tekpatl Years, Knife of Pedernal, to the dusk and the Kalli Years, House, in the average Night. This
way the adjustment of our calendar is automatic.
The Nemontemi initiates 5,2556 days before the New Year, and the Xiwitiotianitztli spring equinox occurs 5,2556 days later. With a total of 10 days, 12 hours, 16 minutes, 7 seconds, 40 diezmilésimas
of second and 48 diezmilésimas of second.
Those that they are divided in the first stage represent the Feminine Force of the Universe Omeh Tziwatzin and the second stage represents the Masculine Force of the Universe, together they are Omehteotl, the Dual Force of the Universe.
The Nemontemi, the first stage, is the time of the darkness, of the reflection, to watch our interior.
Later the Yankuik Xiwitl, New Year, until the Xiwitiotianitztli, is the Xiuhnemi, the time of the Shining Life, so that it has been the time to wake up to see for outside, to admire the means that surround to us.
Thus the Xilitiotianitztli is the time to share to engrandecer our family yet our Friendship of being we what it surrounds to us, that represents Weweteotl, the Grandísima Force of the Universe that expands in the infinite.
What festejamos it is the Equality, that our father Sun gives us, he is as he initiates our Year, is as he initiates our account, the Powaltonalli....
Reason why our Dance of the Xiwitiotianitztli, in Teotiwakan, this year is to noon of the 21 of March, to the first Solar Zenith, in Mexico, after the Equinox of Spring.
* Carrier of the Word of the Continuous Tetzkatlipoka Tradition. Recognized medico Traditional which it has distributed conferences,
seminaries, factories and courses from 1986, in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Centro and South America. International prize "Martín
de la Cruz" in traditional medicine, A.M.T.A.C. Prize "Obsidian Mirror" of the festival "Nezahualcoyotl 2001", the Texcoco, Edo. Méx. It was the first elect Tlahtoani of Mexico Unit of Anahuac (1999/2001), representing ONG of the Mexihka town.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan"
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2005, 11:45:48 pm »
Research from Bryant on Elena Avila, who was taught by EK.
Nuage fraud who endorses her.

You can pay 350 dollars a head to go see the shaman herself in NYC and participate in a soul retrieval!!
Here are some pics of her at a recent dog and pony show:
She actually passes herself off as a ligitimate spokesperson for curanderismo at a conference in Washington, appearing before actual native spokespersons (who I don't know how traditional or legitimate any of them are, actually):
Avila pulls the wool over their eyes at UTEP and apparantly she did it earlier in Havana, Cuba, or all places, where they actually gave her some kind of award:

Here she is flitting off to Spain to wow the neo-shamanists there. She apparantly has found the mother lode by melding her brand of curanderismo with new age shamanism, and she does so quite shamelessly.

It looks like she is indeed a staple of New Age websites where they sell books and link to other New Age websites - like here, for instance, where some New Agers in New Zealand apparantly see her as an Aztec Shaman, thus putting her on par with another stalwart of Newagerism who appears on the same page, Starhawk, the ex-Jewish-turned-Celt author:
Here, she apparently changes hats and becomes part and parcel to Catholic lore, probably unbeknowsnt to her pagan friends, because I doubt of Starhawk would approve of this sort of thing!

One really gets the impression that the typical New Age dillettente today really sees Castaneda as the true spokesman for "Toltec" shamanism, of the "orthodox" variety, and that Avila is like a natural part of his pantheon.
Here is what one really "astute" critic has to say, as he sniffs at the work of some guy whom he finds to be a cheap spinoff of the Great Castaneda:
*** Compared to the Dan Juan's teachings in the books of Carlos Castaneda, there is something bizarre about Theun Mares's books. Not that they aren't interesting, but, not to overlook the obvious, he does seem terribly full of himself and self-important. His mystifying self-myth is a hoot, to put it most politely. Then, I don't see how all that twaddle by Mme. Blavatsky got into his books unless her ghost also wanted to get into the act. That aside, some of the Toltec teachings are, in fact, in these books of Mares, and one can derive some benefit from reading them, as the information is arranged as a neat inventory. However, the non-inventory of Castaneda's books, I feel, is far more to the point. It was not meant to memorize all the Toltec material like a grocery list. Something smells peculiar about Mares: his books read somehow like neo-fascist "warrior" cult material. For true Toltec Technology, read Castaneda, Ken Eaglefeather, Florinda Donner-Grau and Taisha Abelar. Victor Sanchez has something very good to offer, and the two books attributed to the man called Tomas are also very good. To go one step further, of you are really interested in Toltec ways, it will also be to your advantage to study the Aztec calendar. There is profound wisdom therein. Also it is to your advantage to find out about Mexican Curanderismo. I will recommend a book called "The Woman Who Glows in the Dark" by Elena Avila. You can learn something very important in that book. Mares is a strange one; interesting but strange. Something is severly warped.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan"
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2005, 11:58:30 pm »
More from Bryant:

Oh boy! Here we see that Avila's gurus are the "only authorized" spokepersons for the Aztec/Toltec people. Beware of frauds! If one of them comes knocking at your door, take the stance of a devout Catholic being vistited by Jehovah's Witnesses and tell them that you are only interested in what "Tzen" has to say!
**"A Special Evening with a Renowned Aztec Healer
March 27
You are invited to join Tzen for a special evening comprised of an ancient Mexihka (Aztec) healing ceremony and an introduction to the centuries old Aztec/Toltec knowledge of the Tetzkatlipoka (black smokey mirror) tradition. This tradition promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance and contains knowledge of medicine, warrior and sacred dance, the calendar system, agriculture, and systems of government and commerce. Tzen is one of only two instructors who are authorized to teach these healings and ceremonies, encompassing methods developed by the (Aztec/Toltec) people, outside of Mexico. You may bring offerings to the ceremony, such as flowers, fruit, sage, sweetgrass, copal, candles, chocolate, or stones to be shared or taken home. Come learn about this sophisticated healing philosophy of the Toltec and Aztec sages, and understand why it has only recently been made available to the world at large. Cost is $30.
Tzenwaxolokuauhtli Tzatzoehetzin ("Tzen") is a Mexhika (Aztec) physician and Guardian of the Tetzkatlipoka tradition, a philosophy of consciousness and a form of healing that has been passed down through Aztec families for almost 500 years. Chosen and trained as a healer since childhood, he heads the Mexihka medicine council as Pahtemaxtianitl (the Carrier of the Medicine System). Tzen was interviewed for Elena Avila's book Woman Who Glows in the Dark. He divides his time between infrequent visits to the U. S. and his core work of bringing traditional ceremonies and healing knowledge to many communities throughout Mexico. We welcome him on his first visit to Rowe."**
Brooke Medicine Eagle really like Elena! She even says so..........
"Woman Who Glows in the Dark
by Elena Avila - I recently met Elena, and loved her and what she shares about her curanderismo path of healing. Get this book now at { link that credit's Brooke's account}"
Here is Brooke -
Go vote for my review on Amazon!
I am not sure if she is connected to this fraud:
"don" Miguel Angel Ruiz, the self-styled "Toltec" shaman.
This might seem to imply that:
" Amari Magdalena, Founder of the Institute for Shamanic Synthesis lived in New Mexico between 1990 and 1993. During her stay she had the privilege of working with a Toltec Nagual, don Miguel Angel Ruiz; Elena Avila a Mestizo Curandera; and Garthenia E'star a Celtic/Cherokee Shaman. In 1996, Amari founded the Institute for Shamanic Synthesis to provide tools for achieving inner and outer peace. Institute for Shamanic Synthesis course materials represent a cross-cultural composite of Magdalena's studies, readings and intuitive guidance. "

Offline kgirl_7

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Re: "Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan"
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2005, 07:11:47 pm »
Yeah sounds like a fraud to me, but you shouldn't judge people based on their pictures. I saw you did that on the Taino thread a while back. What is white, black, or indian here is not necessarily white, black, or indian outside of the United States. That's the same for mestizo and criollo (or creole) too. Racial categories are not the same so it would be better to judge whether a  person is a fraud or not based on their actions.

I would say this guy is a fraud though.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: "Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan"
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2005, 06:00:23 pm »
kgirl, you have it backwards. Up here he might be considered NDN if he is, in fact, mestizo. But not down there. Latin Americans have a very different view about race and who is considered Indian.

What I did was say how he would be regarded in Mexico, where no one would call him an Indian. Most mixedbloods (including me) aren't considered Indian down there.

There is a small movement of upper class largely criollo people who play at being Indian and take on Aztec names, and I suspect he's part of it, or influenced by it. The actual Nahuas tend to have Hispanicized names and be devout Catholics.

And as for the Tainos, there it gets even more different from up here. There's been a movement  in Dom Rep for decades of Blacks who deny their Black ancestry and claim to be NDN, led by the late dictator Trujillo who reclassified over 90% of everybody from mulatto to "Indian". There are a few villages in the interior who've kept traditions going, but most would be Tainos in the maybe have some ancestry (and just as often don't).

Offline kgirl_7

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Re: "Ehekateotl Kuauhtlinxan"
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2005, 05:40:33 am »
No, i don't have it backwards. While generally yes, mixedbloods are considered mestizo it doesn't always go that way.  I'm not saying he'd be easily accepted but if he had family and tribal connections he probably would be accepted. Plus Latin America is a broad geographic area.  I've seen Miskito Indians that would be classified as "black" here but in Nicaragua/Honduras are called Indian.

I am well aware of Trujillos racial categories of "indio", indio medio, indio claro etc. And yes there are some that kept the traditions. Most likely those people look black to Americans, but that's not to say they aren't Taino.

I'm mixedblood too, in fact i don't look Indian at all I look black but I am always accepted whether it be by a Kalinago, Lokono, Warao, Makushi...etc. But here in the United States I'm black. In Mexico they probably would see me as black.  But I am Kalinago, i know my culture, i know my traditions. So I would hope that if ever I had to speak about being Kalinago, or Kalinago culture or tradition, someone won't put my picture up on this website and say, "Hmmm, well she doesn't *look* Indian, so she must be a fraud." Get what I'm saying? I'm not trying to be mean or snotty about it, really i'm not.