Author Topic: Yamassee Nation of Allendale SC/Yamasee Indian Tribe of Seminoles  (Read 187018 times)

Offline Cat

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There was a woman posting on a thread on FB about how she now has a CARD and everyone can kiss her ass. Stating things like the Muskogee are from Virginia and Florida. The more she wrote the stranger it got.

This site is a bad deal. They are not Federally Recognized. They say they are Federally "acknowledged" because they have had correspondence with the Gov. HUH?

In order to (pay) get a card with them all you need is a signed affidavit stating that you have an ancestor somewhere in your family.

I tried to talk to the woman and tell her she was being fleeced but she did not want to hear one bit about it and said I was a BQ nazi.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 08:54:33 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2012, 08:54:59 pm »
There's another bunch calling themselves Yamassee in quite a bit of trouble with the IRS. It's a splinter of the dangerous Nuwaubian cult.

All three seem to be outfits preying Blacks with stories of NDN ancestry. Just like the Nuwaubians, all the faux Muslim or Egyptian names are a dead give away.

This bunch has been around a grand total of 15 months.

What's interesting is that the wikipedia page on them, obviously written by a member or supporter, lists many different leaders, and it's only three months old. Curious how they have multiple grand chiefs, directors, prime ministers, ambassadors, and shamans.

T'chobiy Miki (Principle/Grand Chief) Sekhu Hidden Eagle Thunderbird Gentle> Deputy Chief (Miki) Joseph Black Wing Falcon Curtis> Department of the Interior Prime Minister "Rawsheed" Stone Coyote Patton> Chief Clan Mother Grand Matron Brenda Red Crow Thunderbird Webb> Shaman Ray Spotted owl Ellis> Chief Minister Saliym Waller> Chief Marshal Aaron Black Bear Holmes> Associate Grand Matron Lucinda Watson> Tribal Council Chairman Fahiym Howling Wolf Spirit Conner-El> Tribal Director Saja Peaceful Dove York>
 More Names Available on their Official Website
Tribal Council
Fayhim "Howling Spirit Wolf" Conner - Tribal Chairman (PHL,PA)
Brenda Red Crow Thunderbird Webb - Clan Mother/Grand Matriarch /Chief (Tampa, FL)
Marquitta Running Hawk Gentle - Clan Matron (Tampa, Fl)
Saliym Waller - Tribal Minister (PHL ,PA)
Aaron Black Bear Holmes - Chief Marshal (ATL, GA)
Al " Golden Owl" Bey, Esq - (Chief Justice) (CA)
Rawsheed Stone Coyote Patton - Prime Minister of the Department of the Interior (Los Angeles, Ca)
Lucinda Wright - Assc Grand Matriarch-(GA)
Joseph Black Wing Falcon Curtis - Deputy/Vice Chief ( Miki) (Norwalk, Ca )
Chief Akil Ali / Ambassador/ Tribal Elder ( Ypsilanti, Mi)
Rex Brown Hawk Vidrio - Associate Chief Diplomatic Liason (Iroquois Ambassador)
Clerk of Court EVG Muhammad Bey
Sekhu Hidden Eagle Thunderbird Gentle - Principle / Grand Chief (Miki)(Maco)(Mico)


Here's another page of theirs where they claim to be officially recognized by the SC state govt...because they got the key to the city given them by Charleston SC.

Chief's FB here.

One of their leaders, Rasheed Patton, is listed here prior to his getting a twinkie name, when he opened a healthfood store. What's of interest is he listed as his spiritual teacher Jihad Curtis.

This may be ominous. One of their leaders is a professional casino consultant.

A lot of their genealogies are listed here.

One gives his family history here.
....Chief  Sekhu Hidden Eagle is one of those descendants, of Yamasee that family has still worn the name “Gentle” after the wars! After an interview with Chief Sekhu (Hidden Eagle Thunderbird) Gentle, he lays out a brief history of his family tree!
Sekhu is the Son of Col. Geronimo Gentle, Who is the Son of  Willie Gentle Sr.
Chief Sekhu mother is Brenda  Wright Mitchell  (Of the Wrights in Northern Florida & southern Georgia.
Geronimo’s mother is Katherine Simmons of the Seminole .
Their family lineage of 4 generations , from the Gentle’s, to the Sneads, & more makes Chief
Sekhu recall how deep his family lineage is...
Stories his grandmother told them,  stories past down to her on the Seminole ( Her Side) & Yamassee (Gentle Side)...

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 10:47:28 pm »
That's not even a real Wikipedia article. It looks like someone went against policy and used their user page to post a bunch of stuff that would never stay in the mainspace. I assume this in an attempt to get around the fact that there are probably no reliable or verifiable sources (by WP standards) to indicate notability of this club.

(If the person who set that up on their user page is reading this, don't blame me for your article and heritage club not meeting the criteria. I didn't set the policies.)

ETA: This looks to be the real article on the history of the tribes in that region: 

The user who posted that stuff in their userspace can technically keep it if they are improving it to bring it up to WP standards, but given the situation with the club they're promoting, I don't think that's possible. If they're just using it to park a fake article, it won't stay up.

Also, if you look at the discussion about some of the edits that were attempted on the real article, here you will see that some of the attempted changes (that didn't stand) sound reminiscent of some of what we've seen in the videos from Elwin Green Gillum, aka "Queen Chief Warhorse"
« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 08:36:54 pm by Defend the Sacred »

Offline Cat

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 12:27:12 am »
I am trying to figure out how many members are in their club... nowhere that I can find on their site states how many... at $54 a pop..its adds up. This is a travesty. Thanks for the other info. Al.

Here are some things she was told by the "tribal chairperson" and her thinking as a result. I edited her
name out as I dont see it as pertinent to the thread.

*****Name edited

Woopie!! I finally got my tribal id today.. now the tribal card nazis can offically pucker up and pick a cheek to kiss. I am a Yamassee Muskogee Nation member. Bird Clan

Thursday, May 24 at 5:32pm via mobile · · 1Reply
***** Now I don't have to worry bout my sons status in the future. Or any of my decendents.

Thursday, May 24 at 5:33pm via mobile · · 1Reply
*****That's why I worked so hard on it. So my baby can sink his roots down and know where he belongs. The tribal chairperson called me personally. We share the same family surname. Her husbands last name is the same as my ggrandmother

Thursday, May 24 at 5:36pm · Reply
***** Apparently our roots are very deep.. all this time I didn't know

Thursday, May 24 at 5:36pm via mobile · · 1Reply
***** Yes. They originally were in virginia,west virginia area

Thursday, May 24 at 5:37pm via mobile · · 1Reply
***** But relocated to florida later on. We are a confederacy. We have creeks, choctaw, seminoles all together

Thursday, May 24 at 5:38pm · Reply
*****The Yamassee war in 1715 was very bloody. Many small nations joined together to fight. Thus the confederacy was formed. Check out there website.

Cat Carnes 10:11am May 26
***** are you aware that this is not a federally recognized tribe... and where did you get the idea that the Muskogee people came from Virginia? I sure hope you did not pay for this card!

***** 10:49am May 26
I got the idea from the tribal chair person herself. Check out the Yamassee Nation on the internet. They are federally reconized. Thanks for the warm positive words..

***** 10:52am May 26
I am pretty sure that the chairperson knows the history of the Nation. Also the Yamassee war in 1715. Several treatys were signed and also we have a goverment to goverment relationship. Please cat don't start with the tribal card nazism. I'm not trying to hear it. Stop trying to ruin my happiness

Cat Carnes 10:54am May 26
I am not trying to ruin anything just stating some facts...did you pay for that card? Actually believe it or not I care enough to post...

***** 10:59am May 26
Well maybe u should argue that point with the tribal council not me. And maybe u should google the Yamassee nation and read our history. Just because its not planted in oklahoma doesn't mean anything. I was waiting to see which one of my friends were gonna start this BS about my card.. I knew it was coming. OMG can u just let me be??

***** 11:01am May 26
Also Cat since its not your nation then its not your problem.

Cat Carnes 11:03am May 26
*****... its not a Nation... its fakin bacon!! I am trying to discuss with you not fight with you you are the one getting upset.... You are being duped darlin...

Cat Carnes 11:03am May 26
and no legitimate nation CHARGES for a card....

***** 11:03am May 26
We have been around before colombus.we are very old so don't start the whole this is a club crap. The tribe has been well documented and has a long history. Oh wait.. maybe cause were mixed natives then were not excepted by some tribal card nazis.

***** 11:07am May 26
Whatever... I am happy and no ones going to start ruining my joy.. I call them joy killers..

***** 11:06am May 26
Wow... happy Saturday lol.. ppl just seem to enjoy spoiling my day. I don't care bout the BIA. The goverment can't tell who's who and what's what.. don't tell me u believe what they say..

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 01:42:08 pm »
I'm trying to remember which of the links I saw it at...I think one of them claimed they had 300 or so members. X54 that's over 16,200 bucks they've scammed.

That wiki bit, the fact that so many leaders have changed in such a short time, that points to possible turmoil or jockeying for positions.

Cat, you might try showing her a list of fed recognized tribes so she could see for herself the Yamassee are not on it. Their "recognition" is just getting a member getting govt letters in a child custody case. And if recognition doesn't matter to them why are they trumpeting a phony claim of it?

Any actual Yamassee ancestry people likely wound up among the Seminole two centuries ago.

Offline Cat

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2012, 02:14:20 pm »
Al, I did point her to the BIA website to see for herself, it seems she did not want to hear anything I had to say, sadly.
I had hoped to reach her but she refused to believe me, at that point all I could do was come here to post about the group and what they are doing.

There are so many groups like this out there that is is unsettling and a lot of naive people being taken advantage of.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2012, 03:24:21 pm »
I'm trying to remember which of the links I saw it at...I think one of them claimed they had 300 or so members. X54 that's over 16,200 bucks they've scammed.

The person who tried to rewrite the real Wikpedia article (about the real Yamasee) to make it about their heritage club inserted the population figure of 333. As the real article is about the people who were absorbed into other tribes and ceased to exist as a unique culture or language group, this attempt to hijack the article was reverted by people who know the actual history.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2012, 05:21:52 pm »
In reading through the materials put out by this group and the Nuwaubians, I have to concur that this "Yamassee Nation" group, and Elwin Gillum's group (, are probably connected to the Nuwaubians in some way, whether as colleagues, fronts or splinter groups. Some of the materials for all three (or four) groups read like they were written by the same person. It's not just the similar content, lingo and agenda; some of the stylistic quirks (hand) are the same. This could be explained by schisms and plagiarism, or it could point to the same hand or hands behind them all.

Some of the researchers talking about these groups on Wikipedia have noticed these overlaps as well. When one of them asked a member of this new "Yamassee Nation" if they were connected to the Nuwaubians, the YN member vehemently denied it and said, by asking the question, the person was trying to slander them.

Searching the forum will bring up many threads on the Nuwaubians. Here are two:

United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors: Georgia Sect Dwindles With Leader Jailed   
Former Nuwaubian Writes Expose
« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 08:37:19 pm by Defend the Sacred »

Offline tribalbyheart

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2012, 11:57:11 am »
There was a woman posting on a thread on FB about how she now has a CARD and everyone can kiss her ass. Stating things like the Muskogee are from Virginia and Florida. The more she wrote the stranger it got.

This site is a bad deal. They are not Federally Recognized. They say they are Federally "acknowledged" because they have had correspondence with the Gov. HUH?

In order to (pay) get a card with them all you need is a signed affidavit stating that you have an ancestor somewhere in your family.

I tried to talk to the woman and tell her she was being fleeced but she did not want to hear one bit about it and said I was a BQ nazi.

My Question, which is confusing is as I read your statements, you said there was women posting! So YOU Did not Know her and If not, why would you take such an Interest in her posting? But at looking at the Post you put up shows that you do know her or she YOU, as the conversation shows, personal comments as a dialogue of previous conversation!
Makes me say hmmmm....

Secondly her paying for her tribal card, was a problem because? YOU  Yourself are you apart of a Tribe? And IF SO, is that is not what your Tribe do? Or are you a part of the B.I.A. and a Authority on this matter?
I am just boggled by your CONCERN and Interest!
I am curious to OBVIOUS discontent, for her happiness to be apart of her Tribe!

I have contacted several Tribes that are LEGITIMATE , And they say the Yamassee People according to historical records are their ancient family and were black. There are also 100's of Books, that prove that statement to be true in Google books, that COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PUT OUT BY THESE PEOPLE TO SUPPORT THEIR CLAIM. As you yourself after research also is BLACK from your Facebook picture!

I also went to their site and saw their attempt to put out a Official statement, saying they are not tied to anyone, like the Nuwaubians or that Sanders Guy whom has by the way put up another site, trying to steal their name, to promote his own agenda and another TAX scheme with his track record.

Also there seems to be an oversite , because these people make claim to be of Miccosuki, as their chief is related to Sam Jones of the Seminole war, and has census documents online as Proof, which has not been denied by the Seminole, and actually confirmed on the / faq page, if you can piece the puzzle together.

What i have seen on these type blogs is in accurate obvious and blatant discontent for anything associated with Yamassee, every since Dwight York a.k.a Malachi said he was Yamassee,and even he added MOORS to his title, which would allow you to know where his point of view is from. And given the fact of congressional records, which can not be falsified, Proves as FACT and Stated as FACTS these people were african and or negro however you would like to describe them.

As to their Right to charge for petition $54 which is nothing compared to what these other FAKE UCC groups are charging Like AT-SIK-HATA, and Black Hawk etc... which charges people up to $250 to $500, i think is fair being they get NO assistance from the government.

Also 300 x $54 is $16,200 (OOOOOH So MUCH MONEY ) A family of Four better yet a Family of One person can hardly survive off that, in today's economy, so that statement is So bias, and Truly Shows anyone reading you have a hard on for this Group of people, and Obviously BIAS. Did they Decline your Petition to Join? because your claim to Ripping people Off is hardly Valid, given my statements above.

AND THE more I investigated these people, they are the Only Ones, holding Public POW WOWS, Dressed in Regalia, With a real Language not Arabic, and have taken the Time to at least put in place Child Welfare laws etc....
NOW Someone like you would tear down the attempt of "Black" people finally trying to do what is right, (SMH).

And build up a Momentum, against them with BAD Information and a One sided view!

Oh yeah by the way the Key they received was not From Charleston, it was from Allendale. Either someone can not read, or Tried to tell a lie, very slickly, as I went to their post, and it was Clearly Allendale.

I am very Concerned for this world, with people whom attack others like this, where is the Fraud,as I see NONE. By the Way Catherine CAT Carnes, read the Declaration of Indigenous Rights, and how they have the ability to create a Economy, and self govern, without people like you trying to take that ability away against all NDN. (F.Y.I. they did something no one else of these BLACK ORGS have find it here :   :-\

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2012, 03:09:52 pm »

My Question, which is confusing is as I read your statements, you said there was women posting! So YOU Did not Know her and If not, why would you take such an Interest in her posting? But at looking at the Post you put up shows that you do know her or she YOU, as the conversation shows, personal comments as a dialogue of previous conversation!
Makes me say hmmmm....

1) Secondly her paying for her tribal card, was a problem because? YOU  Yourself are you apart of a Tribe? And IF SO, is that is not what your Tribe do? Or are you a part of the B.I.A. and a Authority on this matter?
I am just boggled by your CONCERN and Interest!
I am curious to OBVIOUS discontent, for her happiness to be apart of her Tribe!

2) I have contacted several Tribes that are LEGITIMATE , And they say the Yamassee People according to historical records are their ancient family and were black. There are also 100's of Books, that prove that statement to be true in Google books, that COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PUT OUT BY THESE PEOPLE TO SUPPORT THEIR CLAIM. As you yourself after research also is BLACK from your Facebook picture!

3) I also went to their site and saw their attempt to put out a Official statement, saying they are not tied to anyone, like the Nuwaubians or that Sanders Guy whom has by the way put up another site, trying to steal their name, to promote his own agenda and another TAX scheme with his track record.

4) Also there seems to be an oversite , because these people make claim to be of Miccosuki, as their chief is related to Sam Jones of the Seminole war, and has census documents online as Proof, which has not been denied by the Seminole, and actually confirmed on the / faq page, if you can piece the puzzle together.

5) What i have seen on these type blogs is in accurate obvious and blatant discontent for anything associated with Yamassee, every since Dwight York a.k.a Malachi said he was Yamassee,and even he added MOORS to his title, which would allow you to know where his point of view is from. And given the fact of congressional records, which can not be falsified, Proves as FACT and Stated as FACTS these people were african and or negro however you would like to describe them.

6) As to their Right to charge for petition $54 which is nothing compared to what these other FAKE UCC groups are charging Like AT-SIK-HATA, and Black Hawk etc... which charges people up to $250 to $500, i think is fair being they get NO assistance from the government.

Also 300 x $54 is $16,200 (OOOOOH So MUCH MONEY ) A family of Four better yet a Family of One person can hardly survive off that, in today's economy, so that statement is So bias, and Truly Shows anyone reading you have a hard on for this Group of people, and Obviously BIAS. Did they Decline your Petition to Join? because your claim to Ripping people Off is hardly Valid, given my statements above.

7) AND THE more I investigated these people, they are the Only Ones, holding Public POW WOWS, Dressed in Regalia, With a real Language not Arabic, and have taken the Time to at least put in place Child Welfare laws etc....
NOW Someone like you would tear down the attempt of "Black" people finally trying to do what is right, (SMH).

And build up a Momentum, against them with BAD Information and a One sided view!

Oh yeah by the way the Key they received was not From Charleston, it was from Allendale. Either someone can not read, or Tried to tell a lie, very slickly, as I went to their post, and it was Clearly Allendale.

8 ) I am very Concerned for this world, with people whom attack others like this, where is the Fraud,as I see NONE. By the Way Catherine CAT Carnes, read the Declaration of Indigenous Rights, and how they have the ability to create a Economy, and self govern, without people like you trying to take that ability away against all NDN. (F.Y.I. they did something no one else of these BLACK ORGS have find it here :   :-\

TBH refers to herself as a Yamassee ambassador.

TBH, I'm not Cat, but I'd like to respond.

I'm honestly glad you came here, and hope you can help us clear some things up.

I added numbers in to your post so it will be clearer what I'm referring to.

1) Paying for a "tribal" card is a problem because only frauds do that. That cheats people who are or believe they are Native, but don't know enough about the culture to realize that no actual Native tribe does that.

If you had bothered to read Who We Are, you would see we are Native people and our supporters who are concerned about fraudulent groups or individuals passing themselves off as Native healers, leaders, or tribes.

Several members are in tribal leadership, but most of us are just ordinary concerned people trying to do what is right and keep peoppe from being harmed, no different than helping people in need any other way.

2) Which tribes did you contact? Which books back up what you or the "Yamassee" say? I honestly would like to know.

3) Sanders is someone I definitely think we shoud investigate, and expose him if he is harming people. What can you tell us about him?

4) I did not see the docs you're referring to on the Seminole page that suppor what you say. Just the opposite, that page doesn't mention Yamassee, and says most Black Seminoles left for OK, and says people with distance ancestry can't be part of the tribe.

5) This is not a blog. It is a forum, made up of people who know their cultures. It also includes activists and academic researchers like myself.
There are some Native tribes with people of mixed Black/Native ancestry, including the Seminole. Any Yamassee likely became part of the Seminole 200 years ago.

6) At Sik Hata and Black Hawk both sound like people we should also investigate. Please tell us what you know.

7) Why do so many members of your group have Arabic, Muslim, or Egyptian names then?

8 ) That doc is a list of groups that petitioned the BIA to be recognized, or filed an intent to.
It says the Yamassee are based in FL, not LA. Which is it?
How is it that a group claiming to be a tribe does not have a land base? How is it that they have officials scattered across the country?

Again, glad you are here, and hope you can answer these questions. I especially hope you can help us investigate those other groups that look to be harmful.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2012, 05:16:39 pm »
I agree with "no we do not Pay for a "tribal" card". I am enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
No one pays for emrollment unless it is some kind of club?
I would like to know which tribes did you contact?
We do not have any history that you are talking about i can trace our history for 2000 years.
I am a tribal historian and keep the recorsd for my nation.

I also would like more information on this Sanders?
So very strange

In Spirit

Offline Cat

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2012, 05:53:24 pm »
1. My Question, which is confusing is as I read your statements, you said there was women posting! So YOU Did not Know her and If not, why would you take such an Interest in her posting? But at looking at the Post you put up shows that you do know her or she YOU, as the conversation shows, personal comments as a dialogue of previous conversation!
Makes me say hmmmm....

2. Secondly her paying for her tribal card, was a problem because? YOU  Yourself are you apart of a Tribe? And IF SO, is that is not what your Tribe do? Or are you a part of the B.I.A. and a Authority on this matter?
I am just boggled by your CONCERN and Interest!
I am curious to OBVIOUS discontent, for her happiness to be apart of her Tribe!

3. I have contacted several Tribes that are LEGITIMATE , And they say the Yamassee People according to historical records are their ancient family and were black. There are also 100's of Books, that prove that statement to be true in Google books, that COULD NOT HAVE BEEN PUT OUT BY THESE PEOPLE TO SUPPORT THEIR CLAIM. As you yourself after research also is BLACK from your Facebook picture! [/quote]

I only know her from a group, I did not put her name on here because it is not relevant to the post. The interest you mention is because she was getting involved with a fake group and I was trying to help her to see that. There is NO legitimate Nation that charges for a card. Period. That from the get go says SCAM. Also I am not black, not one bit, so your research is seriously flawed along with your reasoning in your post. Hint, I do not live in South Carolina.

Offline tribalbyheart

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Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2012, 05:35:03 am »
I agree with "no we do not Pay for a "tribal" card". I am enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
No one pays for emrollment unless it is some kind of club?
I would like to know which tribes did you contact?
We do not have any history that you are talking about i can trace our history for 2000 years.
I am a tribal historian and keep the recorsd for my nation.

I also would like more information on this Sanders?
So very strange

Firstly let me Thank Educated for the response and openness to real dialogue in matters like this, as my Only issue is fairness in the matter, as a Seminole myself!
Let me clear up, that I have no clue to why there are Arabic or Muslim names in their tribe, but can give or "ASSUME" like most do in forums, that these people have religious freedom, and  is the basic foundation for all!
I do know someone will probably dispute that and see it the way they want!

Most natives here in the states still carry Christian names like John, Sue, Timothy and the likes, but we do not criticize them, for using the Eurpoean Conquers names, and yes I feel we are conquered if we use their name in stead of Traditional names, in our Traditional Tongue as our ancestors before us once did.

We all have to admit times have changed, but is it reason, to immediately feel something is WRONG or Fake about a Tribe "NO", as I then say QUESTION all of the Tribal Councils with Americanized or British given Names, instead of Traditional Tongue names

 I think educated Tribes People on this forum should get that point!

But and example also is there is plenty of their council with normal names, and I have even seen on FB, they have Pale, and Redmen apart who have Full blooded ancestors such as**** Ramos and **** Sena that claims Hopi, so this as I have paid attention and researched all day to make sure I was on point, makes me feel like this is not connected to any Hate group, muslim group or the likes, now make sure before I move on WE ALL take on the above statements made first! He without European SIN cast the first stone...
They promote, being Multi Ethnic, and it is shown, where as the Nuwaubians and Sanders, And the AT-Sik-Hata all claim (MOORS) only!

THE Statement from the "The Standing Rock Sioux member" Why would you have history that says anything except what and whom you encountered in your Tribes documents if Your tribe never dealt with this Group of Natives?
That's a confusing statement and no disrespect is meant by it!


Tribal ID payments are only done by FRAUD GROUPS here is the quote and no#1 outlined, and thank you for outlining these for me
"1) Paying for a "tribal" card is a problem because only frauds do that. That cheats people who are or believe they are Native, but don't know enough about the culture to realize that no actual Native tribe does that."

***My only reply is to that somebody need to tell the Blackfeet Tribe That they a FRAUD GROUP***
"Tribal ID Fees

Enrolled Member: $10.00 (receipt required)
Enrolled Member (65) years and older: No Charge"

And I hope no one says that is only one example, as the statement implies NO LEGITIMATE TRIBE CHARGES, and I think the amount does not matter, there is obviously a charge which is why, I asked early, is that what "CAT" tribes do?

Oh and someone needs to tell the Oneida nation also!

"Identification Cards

Picture ID Card

A picture Tribal Identification Card can be issued to any, currently enrolled Tribal Member (no age requirements). The Tribal Member must be present to be issued this card and must provide another form of picture ID. ex. Driver's License

Cost: $3.50 for persons under 55 years
Cost: $1.50 for persons age 55 and over

For children who are under the age of 18, a parent must be present with a picture ID.  For children who are not able to sign their name, parent must print the child's name and sign initials. "

****Oh Yeah and The Choctaw****

***The SIOUX**** Your Band or Tribe might want to contact the other Sioux and tell them, they are FRAUDULENT because they are Charging:

Tribal ID’s are taken here within our office daily 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday

Documents needed will be, your Social Security Card, so a copy can be made for your file, marriage license or divorce decree to update current name

Tribal ID’s cost $5.00"


Now I Ask why are these people targeted, for charging for their Tribal ID cards?
And you should add this entire group on that list of Frauds and Fakes, matter of fact lets contact them and tell them they are frauds because they do what "Some" Other tribes do not!

Next Subject Seminole Tribe Link and Quote:
Taken from :

Q: What were the Seminoles before they came to Florida?
A: The core of the Seminole people did not "come" to Florida. This is, and was, their home. In the 1770s, English speakers encountered them for the first time and decided to call them Seminoles, but the Indians continue to know and remember that they were Yuchi or Yamasee or Tequesta or Abalachi.......or any of the hundreds of tribes that had lived and hunted all over the Florida peninsula for thousands of years before the coming of the English or the Spaniards. Further details on this process of historical 'transformation' are available in the answers to the other questions in this section, and in other pages on this Website. Take your time and read them carefully. Seminole history is rich and exciting and comple

***Now let us look carefully at a Yuchi since they were the closest relative to the Yamassee and actually have images not taken out of history books!

Chief "Kipahalgwa"  link :

And more recent descendants in 1909:

I do not see any fair skin or even close to Pale faces here either!

Now lets View my Ancestors, in whom I spoke with and asked this question whom are the Yamassee, at the Reservation today!
I asked also why do our picture depict in the museum " Black people" and not those of our color?

Answer: Grandfather said "Those were the children of the yamachee, and my grandfather told me a story when i was a boy, he said never forget, how our brother saved us, just one child, who was what they call black today! The little boy spoke our language but still foreign in certain words of our tongue, to us, but he say, words we did under stand, to the best of his mind. He said go, city boom, and my grandfather said they go, and after they leave the city, they saw it blow up. The white man had dynamite they had ran through the town we were walking, and blew it up. that little boy saved us!"

 My grandfather also is married to my grandmother whom is Seminole, but she is creek seminole and speak  with my grandfather, but he speak the old language, and he spoke it to me, and he said she do not understand this language because, she is creek, and the spainards changed her people tongue, he talked about conflict etc,,, and said things for me not to repeat, but he said something important, that they are our people "Yamassee"
 So that supports the congressional records as, my family is and example of breeding out!

Coming to  a Close:  Black hawk is now trying again affiliate himself with the Yamassee Nation by buying a website that simulate theirs, and steal the glory: he did have a site recently called but it shut down quickly, I think the Yamassee Nation people had something to do with that, and NO he has been active since 2006 as the recent website shows, AND I KNOW THIS GUY IS A FRAUD... Even the Nuwaubians stay clear of this guy! Link:

People houses being taken :;zqmazqsu5o5o09qrt

Even these guys:
Continental Moorish EMPIRE

And as far as At-Sik-hata (lol) just google the Name and this comes up, these guys were under Derrick H. Sanders and Split:

So as you ALL see, the Yamassee nation are not doing anything close to what these guys are doing, and seem to stay away from any kind of association, and or Tatics these other crazy folks even try! They have come off as Honorable, and self sustaining without the assistance from the government, as I can show you from our tribal experience and others what working with them do as far as Gov-TO-GOV.

Again, I do not promote just I have REALLY Done a Unbias outlook on the options, and they even have attended our Festivals...These other guys, do not care about anything but money! ***SORRY FOR LONG DRAWN OUT OUTLINE, AND YES I KNOW I DID NOT TOUCH ON EVERY ISSUE, BUT HAVE NO PROBLEM DOING SO IN ANOTHER POST, IT JUST GOT LONG WITH THE BASIC TOPICS*** ;D

Re: Yamassee Nation of Florida/Yamasee Muscogee Nation
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2012, 05:58:03 am »
ID cards are optional are they not? It says any enrolled member can purchase one. Reading this, I believe there is some confusion over paying to be enrolled and paying to have an ID card, which is optional and not having an ID card doesn't mean a person is not enrolled. But if you are enrolled, you can buy an ID card if you want. Whereas the lady in this thread purchased "membership" into a "tribe", purchased "enrollment".

That's the way I'm reading it.

Didn't mean to interrupt, as this is far beyond any thing I know about, but just thought I'd say how I'm reading this.
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