I'm Red Haircrow, of Chiricahua Apache and Cherokee descent, a poet and writer who currently lives in Berlin, Germany. I am also a private chef and former law enforcement officer who is completing a degree in Psychology. I am as active in native affairs as I can be from this location though I have served in elected positions before, but I came across this site when I was researching someone for an interview I would like to include in an article I'm writing for Indian Country online magazine. The article is about the obsession Germans have had with American Indians both past and present, and what some of the negative consequences are and what we can do about the situation. Hopefully, anyway.
Well, I have my website listed someplace, on my profile or something, and I often write about native life, traditions and such as I've lived it. I hope I can be helpful here, and I certainly hope to learn also. Anyone is always welcome to contact me, whether here or through my website. I must say I was really pleased to find this site as I've had a couple of German friends who've been taken in by fakers, and I really feel strongly about respectful and real understanding about the people instead of misinformation and apathy.
Best wishes all...