Author Topic: Do I have this right?  (Read 65655 times)


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Re: Do I have this right?
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2012, 04:31:17 pm »
Thank you, so much everyone.  Kathyrn has just told me that many people want me to leave this forum.  As usual, I don't know what my crime was, so I'll just go (if I can figure out how to end my membership).


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Re: Do I have this right?
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2012, 04:34:22 pm »
Hi critter!  I'm sorry to write this message here.  The screen kept saying the private message wasn't going through.

Thanks for being so kind.  That makes me feel much better.

So I'm going to just step down peacefully.  This forum is making me physically sick anyway.  Life will be a lot easier.

I WAS looking forward to answering your post.  I liked your analogy of seeing just a mirror instead of what's real.

Thanks again for your kind message.


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Re: Do I have this right?
« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2012, 05:41:28 pm »
In answer to your question about my brain injury - unfortunately for me, it is most public, since I have seizures a lot.  That makes me fair game for con artists and other "shameons" who want to "heal" me for a price.  This board has helped a lot in steering away from those folks and focus on what is 'doable' such as seeing my MD, etc.

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Re: Do I have this right?
« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2012, 05:56:49 pm »
I might sometime need to persuade some Ho Chunks that I’ve never met to take a certain unusual action.  If they’re suspicious, I could find myself needing to explain...

Right. I think that's pretty clear.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Do I have this right?
« Reply #49 on: August 21, 2019, 12:39:11 am »
A very confusing thread. If anyone wonders what happened further, a new topic started the next day, and that thread is still, in many ways, a very interesting read: [APOLOGIES]

I will quote two posts, the last one has references to three other relevant threads:

As some of you may or not know that Gwaewael person has been banned. Because of her racist, insulting and abhorrent behavior she was politely asked to leave and mechanisms have been put in place so she cannot re-register or come back in any capacity. I for one am finally breathing a sigh of relief. But the real reason I'm posting is my utter disgust at all the white people who rallied around that batcrap crazy white woman. I am outraged at your behavior and some of you who haven't even posted here in a couple of years were encouraging that heinous white devil to not go away after she spewed her racist diatribes and had childish melt downs. I won't name names but you know who you are. You callous and entitled white people owe all the Indians on this forum an official apology. I hope all you white people take a long look at your actions these past few days and really think about how you have hurt the Indians on this forum.


I am bumping this thread and am going to link to it from the "How to be an Ally" post as I think it's instructive.

This was pretty much the last thread in what some of us have come to call, The NAFPS Race War of 2012. It took place over a few threads, most of them linked below. While it was stressful and exasperating, I think we also had some good discussion of white privilege, along with some illustrative examples. Here's how it started:

Member Intros - Gwaewael -

The word "Indian" is much maligned. -

Do I have this right? -