Author Topic: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]  (Read 40391 times)

Offline RedRightHand

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In reading the Raven Kaldera thread, a recent post led me to some pages created and maintained by Virginia Carper.

Virginia Carper
September 29, 2012 at 8:24 pm

Hello came by way of House of Vines. I was one of the posters at the fraud site – yes I am outing myself. I am the Snorks person. I walked into a trap set by someone who later I found out is in some sort of grudge match. I wanted a discussion on shamanism and what is and it isn’t. And there were concepts in RK’s books (Yes I purchased 6 of them, and slowly read each one.), that I wanted to explore further as to what was what. I had been taken in by a false shaman early on, and wanted further clarification. I did not want a discussion on that so and so eats puppies for breakfast.

I have to wonder WHY a long-term member of this Forum presents as critical on this board while darting off and ingratiating herself to the subject of the inquiry elsewhere and pretty simultaneously.  This strikes me as bizarre and inappropriate. >:(

I have to ask this as well. If people join the forum and lie to the group about their motives, is that a reason to remove their posting access?

I went to the URL and followed the links. And Google turned up some other things. I am shocked by what I found:

Blogger profile:

"Virginia Carper (Sacred Animal Master Teacher) is, also, a Reiki Master of various Dolphin Energies, Ma'heo'o Reiki Master Teacher, and an ordained Minster of the Universal Life Church. She offers workshops and on-line courses on “Animal Teachers”, as well as individual consultations on discovering your animal totems and working with your pets."

Knowing what "Maheo" means to the tribe these new agers stole it from, I am disgusted by this.

""Ma’heo’o Reiki is a broad term that includes healing beliefs and practices of hundreds of indigenous tribes of North America as well as tribal cultures from around the world."

And go to their registered "masters" page...

"62. Virginia Carper email: in Northern Virginia & Washington D.C. web: " 

And on Carper's page itself:

"Ma'heo'o, a Cheyenne word, means Great Spirit, Great Creator or Great Mystery. This system of energy combines the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively promote and activate healing. Through the use of healing light and color, Ma’heo’o Reiki promotes calming, peace and relaxation.

"This system combines the gentleness of Reiki with the raw power of the Earth elements. This unique style of Reiki beautifully combines the healing energy of Reiki with the ancient wisdom of the Native American peoples. Ma'heo'o Reiki was created by Rev. Sheryl “Rain” Carter, and employs symbols derived from the Native American Peoples and Mother Earth.

"In Native American spirituality, the Great Spirit is manifested in all things. When an Indian Doctor heals someone, they first ask the Great Spirit to help in the healing. Meanwhile, Reiki is the application of Universal Life Force Energy. The healing energy of Reiki is transferred by one person to another. In Ma’heo’o Reiki, I become connected to Mother Earth. As I channel her energy, I become attuned to the Great Spirit. Through my hands, you will feel the flowing of energy as you are united with the Spirit.

"For in-person healing, I charge $65 dollars; distance (internet) healing is $40 including a before and after consultation.

"In person: $65
    (includes a before and after consultation)

"Distance (internet, mail): $40
    (includes a before and after consultation)

"Explore Native American Spirituality Further
    Abenaki (Native Americans of New England) Traditional Beliefs
    Cherokee Moons and Ceremonies
    The Sacred Pipe
    The Sweat Lodge
    What is Smudging?"

 all those are links to pages like this:

"When I start a session, I smudge the room to make an offering, and to purify the room. I keep the sage in a medicine pouch. When I am ready to burn it, I place the sage in an abalone shell. After getting the fire going, I fan the embers with a feather to spread the smoke. I leave a window cracked open to allow the spirits to leave. I sage the room, starting in the East, moving South, West, North, and East again.

"Smudging can be done by anyone. All you need a fireproof bowl and sage. Light the sage and fan the smoking embers. Let the smoke drift over you and feel yourself opening up to the Spirit."

She is selling all kinds of  pretendian "services':

"Totem Readings ... We accept American Express, MasterCard, VISA, and Discover. ... 7 guides (a written report on each, and their place on your Medicine Wheel): $200"

"For the empowerment, I will give you a meditation to prepare you to meet the animal. To ready you to receive their energies, I will give you instructions before the empowerment. Afterwards, then I channel the animal’s energies into a crystal for you to keep. When you are ready, we will discuss the next steps for you.

"Animal Empowerment (includes before and after consultations, meditation, and crystal): $60; online Empowerment: $40 (includes before and after consultations, meditation, and crystal)"

"Riding the Medicine Wheel
(Open to all students.)

"People come to the Medicine Wheel seeking a connection with the Spiritual Worlds. In riding the Medicine Wheel, they receive guidance, balance, and new insights. With the Wheel, they travel through the worlds of time and space. Receive the wisdom of the Directions, and be guided through the Great Round of Time. Learn to construct your own Medicine Wheel. E-mail Course From Virginia Carper, series of 10 lessons, $50, includes 32 page workbook."

Offline Phillip63

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2012, 07:29:04 pm »
Busted, snorks.

I'd grin evilly--but this is just a sad spectacle both for you and for this place you've been part of for so long.

"Acts of injustice done. Between the setting and the rising sun. In history lie like bones, each one."

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2012, 07:45:58 pm »
WTF, Snorks?!

In your second post here, you admitted you knew it was wrong to do what you are doing:

I think the problem lies in that this particular individual is claiming something that he does to be of a particular tradition.  Because it is Indian, it is special.  Therefore there is a premium placed on his stone casting.  Which means he can charge a fee to non-Indians who think that this particular stone casting is traditional.

The arugment lies in that the folks on this board who are Cherokee say that his stone casting in not in their traditions.  Therefore when he does it, he cannot say it is.  But if it is ordinary stone casting or divination, then it is not as worth as much as an 'Indian' one.  It cannot be marketed as well.

For example, I teach people about animals and folklore.  Since it is not specific to the going rage of New Agers (finding your guides, etc), it is not as high in demand.  My marketing efforts on my workshops have to be more creative and tailored to each customer group. 

It would be much easier for me to say I teach Animal Totems and their place on the Indian Medicine Wheel.  That way I would have an automatic group to sell to and could charge premium prices.  I wouldn't have to spend so much time trying to research and reach customers.

So, what, did you just come here to lie to the NDNs and assume everyone was too stupid to ever find out that you are exactly the sort of person we try to stop? This is cultural genocide. It is racist for you to do this. By your own admission you are  "an ordinary white person" selling fake Cheyenne Reiki and Medicine Wheel, pipe, inipi, etc advice to the people who come to Neopagan gatherings. Holy crap. 

Just look at the crap you have on your site:

Anything to say for yourself before you're banned?

Like with the recent situation with Saskia, we have had other frauds and fraud-promoters join the site and pretend to be reformed. Then we find stuff like this. Board members and other readers, be aware of this. We have seen people try to befriend some of our members with one motive in mind: to try to steal Indigenous Knowledge, and to try to learn to better pass as pretendians, selling their stolen fragments to other white people. We pretty much let anyone who is not a spammer join here, including frauds who are given a chance to explain themselves. But maybe we need to be more diligent.

P.S. - The awful "Celtic Shamanism" stuff you are posting is also offensive and contributing to cultural genocide.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 04:21:00 pm by Yells At Pretendians »

Offline snorks

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2012, 09:25:36 pm »
I thought I took those sites down or at least decommissioned them.  I don't do that any more.

Offline snorks

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2012, 09:38:43 pm »
I deleted the innerjourneys website since I do not do that any more, and changed my blogger profile.

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2012, 09:42:23 pm »
You posted here that you knew it was wrong in 2006. And that website has a copyright date of 2010.

As recently as today you had on your blogger profile that you were willing to sell fake Cheyenne ways.

The appalling pretendian Reiki page where you maintain a listing was Updated Thursday, May 17, 2012
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 10:10:03 pm by Kathryn »

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2012, 10:17:06 pm »

"Virginia - Shaman Healers
ANIMAL Teachers Enterprises - Springfield, VA
(west of Washington DC)
Revised: 09/06/12"

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2012, 11:49:37 pm »
I don't do that any more.

Do what? Sell "Medicine Wheel Totem Readings", all major credit cards accepted? The site is up and linked to from your public Facebook pages, as of a few minutes ago. You go to Pagan gatherings and display a sign advertising the site, and did so this past weekend. Screencap attached.

Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2012, 01:24:46 am »
oh. wow. the funkman pages are gone i get a 404 and a blank page. and the listing on the shamanlinks in virginia is gone too.

but really, anyone can hide if they want to. use a different name, have a friend and be in their site after all on that 'animal teaching enterprises' site.. i still can't find the link that shows her name on it..

geez. that's pretty low snorks. how will you prove you don't do this anymore? just curious how you can prove it.
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Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2012, 01:42:18 am »
oh. wow. the funkman pages are gone i get a 404 and a blank page. and the listing on the shamanlinks in virginia is gone too.

The Shamanlinks listing is still there. It's under "ANIMAL Teachers Enterprises". Screencap attached.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2012, 01:52:40 am »
Her name is on this page:

And on this page:
"Riding the Medicine Wheel ... E-mail Course From Virginia Carper, series of 10 lessons, $50"

And on her public Facebook page, she lists it as her website. Screencaps attached.

edited to add additional screencap and link
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 10:13:32 pm by Kathryn »

Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2012, 02:54:08 am »
ah. I see it there, and I see her books on that site. That's the only place I see her name is on the books page. But no other books, so obviously, this is all her own site and not a site with a bunch of people.

as for the Virginia listing, if you click on it it's a 404.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2012, 03:12:58 am »

as for the Virginia listing, if you click on it it's a 404. is still up as of right now, and there's a screencap of it above.

Archived version of page linked from it:

Re: Virginia Carper - Animal Teachers Enterprises - "Ma'heo'o Reiki" [sic]
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2012, 05:31:17 am »
don't know Kathryn, yes, I see it in the list but when I click on the "animal" link, I get 404.

Doesn't really matter, as I'm not sure how anyone can believe "snorks" isn't still doing this stuff.. how could she ever prove she isn't especially with that link on her FB page, and her photo's on FB of her "vending" although, it says it's not been updated for a year, that still means it was in 2011.

Just sad, creepy, and anguishing all at the same time.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet