Author Topic: "International Spiritual Centre", "Modern Medicine Man" Brendan O'Callaghan  (Read 45335 times)

Offline GB

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Dangerous Cult Like Leader, Claims to Channel "God", "Highest Source" and refers to other Channeled spirit, including North American Native American, From only "highest" spirit, or "Spirit" of highest source.


Teaches, holds workshops,  Cult Leader tendencies/tactics and followers.
Uses a lot of psycho new age babble, and or convince he is the only one that speaks to a "highest spirit".
Known for online abuse, bullying, anyone that questions his "work". (admits being in industry for thirty years)
In his country of Ireland, amongst people in communities, online groups, chat rooms, and websites.

Has brought Black Elk to Ireland.
Teaches his followers Black Elk "teachings" as authentic Native American spirituality to followers via online and in workshops.

Charges for "Spiritual Healing", psychic readings, and workshops to train others to become "Spiritual Healers" in Ireland. Lures vulnerable people via "psychic" readings of lost ones, preys upon females primarily who've lost children or have been abused.

Of particular concern is the fear that victims have of retaliation, which indicates Cult leader, and possible history of sexual and financial abuse of women.
This bullying tactic is encouraged by him and his followers in community (real life) and online.
(further making difficult for victims to come forward, and fearful)
He has twenty years of forming this cult, and self admitted "leader"  there is  a long list of victims and survivors of abuse by him. :(

Discourages people to seek medical help, claiming spiritual healing will heal their physical ailments, also claim can talk to deceased ones to bring healing.
Has done some world traveling, but primarily stays in Ireland.

Book is given as basis of all teachings at paid workshops.
Never claims responsibility for the written content, always refers to others "editing" or "spirit" as source of any changes of his words.

Has been at this since mid 90s.
Oversees FB Groups and an two online websites.

Two FB groups:
Distant/Absent Healing
The later is where he utilizes social media to further build an online presence of Cult Leader, Man who talks to God or highest source of spirit.
Any member who questions outside Brendan's work, is immediately bullied by him and his followers, with pseudo-new age babble, blaming their ego, (never his own) Labels such and other derogatory comments - this behavior by him and followers are carried into other groups by him, his followers and even on personal FB "wall pages".
There are no boundaries for his behavior, a man who claims to be a "spiritual" person and he will stop at nothing to continue his efforts as cult leader

« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 04:58:26 pm by GB »

Offline GB

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Re: Brenda O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2012, 07:55:10 pm »
Typical reply if people question any of his work or writings, he will use  cult leader tactic responses, cleverly worded and claim of him channeling:

(this is "Channeled" by Brendan O'Callaghan after questioned on public FB forum)
Brendan O'Callaghan
Hi Angel, I feel we need to see what this person is trying to tell us. They can only hurt us if we allow them to, and we should never allow them to hurt us more than once. We cannot help them by staying around them. Spirit see intolerance as being a virtue. A person who continuously hurts us is telling us that we shouldn't be with them. If we tell them this, very often they will tell us to go if that's what we feel, so we should remove ourselves. This will allow them to see what they have caused and maybe lead them to seeking help for their behaviour. Like many behavioural patterns the person behaving badly doesn't acknowledge that they are behaving wrongly towards us until we begin to do what their actions are telling us, in this example to move out. We need to be honest with how we feel and stop being foolish and fearful. It is never in our plan to be a victim.
Like · · Follow Post · October 30 at 11:30am


Brendan O'Callaghan

From Spirit.
The line between the good and bad aspects of the human is finer than the finest hair. Watch the human struggle to decide which side they wish to be on. See them test the apparent advantages available to them in their quest, for very often, mis-perceived fulfillment. On the negative side of this fine line they express themselves as controllers of their fellow humans thus avoiding the opportunity to discover the folly of their ways by the reflection of opposition to their actions. They bully their way along the road of development, continuously controlling life and directing it to what they think is the correct goal. These people cannot be Divinely guided as their excursion into the greyness of negativity puts them beyond the reach of true love and also leaves them vulnerable to greater negative influence, endorsing their misinterpretation of the correctness of their incorrect actions.
Like · · Follow Post · October 10 at 8:00am

« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 03:01:40 am by GB »

Offline GB

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Re: Brenda O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2012, 07:55:55 pm »
Book and website links:

Paperback: 126 pages
Publisher: ISM Publications (9 Dec 1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0952103605
ISBN-13: 978-0952103608
Product Dimensions: 23 x 15.6 x 1.6 cm

spiritual healer

Offline GB

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Re: Brenda O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2012, 07:57:13 pm »
here is older website of the "Irish Spiritual Centre"
listed are services, and clinics and other such

« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 01:26:06 am by GB »

Offline GB

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Re: Brenda O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2012, 08:00:07 pm »
Regarding his channeled "Native American" and PIPE CARRIER working with Lakota Alcoholics
(in IRELAND)[/size][/b][/color]
(Screen capture of statement attached below)

Brendan O'Callaghan:there is a process using a polished shield that is placed between the abusive substance and the abused (addict). The idea is to reflect the energy back to where it comes from. This method was explained to me by a Pipe Carrier who is working with Lakota alcoholics and is intent on reviving Native American culture in order to counter all influences that are being brought to bear on the people. The shield would be a mirror that is held, reflective side out, in front of the solar plexus. You ask about the channel, in one of the "Spirit-Teachings from The Highest Source" books the channel introduces itself. I will look and see if I can find it for you. The channel also explains its composition and is Spirit not soul.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 08:09:53 pm by GB »

Offline GB

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Re: Brendan O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2012, 08:27:13 pm »
CHANNELED Native American:
Brendan O'Callaghan

Healing Addictions.

There is an interesting hypothesis regarding the spirituality of everything. Everything that is created is possessed with the mark of its creator. The quality of the creator is infused in us for example. We are told that we are made in Gods image, the mark of our creator. If you prepare for someone with love in your heart that love will be reflected on you when you meet them. If you prepare in a condition of hate then it is as a hateful person that you will be seen by them. All creation has the Creator in it, even down to a stone on a beach, as it was part of creation it is also part of the creator. It has Spirit as the Creator is Spirit.

We, as part of that creation have a certain power of our own. Everybody has equal power as we all have come to this earth for a purpose and therefore must have the power to achieve it. Everything in creation has a role to play in it. Therefore it has a power that is of its own nature. To take that power unto yourself would give you an advantage over others who have been content to accept that their own power is sufficient for their purpose. There are those who do just that taking of power. Take the smoker for instance. In general the originally began smoking so that they would feel more grown up. They prematurely sought the power of adulthood. Their vulnerability left them open to power possessed by the tobacco and they became the victim of that power. The outcome of their actions had the opposite effect, their physical progress was stunted and their capacity to withstand the effect of daily living diminished. They became obsessed by the spirit of the tobacco. To qualify this statement let us look to the origins of the smoking habit that is now so prevalent in our society. Sir Walter Raleigh is reputed to have brought tobacco back from America. He is said to have observed the natives of that country smoking these leaves. What he didn't realise was the significance of what he saw taking place. The Indians knew how powerful the spirit of the weed was and sought the power of that spirit to carry their prayers up to the Great Spirit. To the Indian the tobacco plant, along with all other plants has an important place in creation and thus had the respect for the spirit the tobacco contained. Indians do not get addicted to tobacco.

Alcoholic beverages are not really manufactured for their taste. They are manufactured for their ability to release the drinker from their present state into another condition. There are many degrees of intoxication. The essence of the manufacture is therefore determined by the requirements of the imbiber, to get variously drunk. That is the real spirit of alcohol. The American cannot handle this spirit, it is too powerful for them as is the spirit of tobacco too powerful for us.

[This therefore is the basis for addictions, the ingestion of spirits that are too powerful for us. Very often when a person ventures on their spiritual path these addictions diminish as the spiritual power of the pilgrim increase. Agencies acting against addiction often invoke the power of Spirit to help the addict recover. If we can understand the nature of the addictive substance then we can strengthen ourselves against it. Put it in its place, regain your own power and all will become right again. There are many powerful agencies in the area of hard drugs. In their place these can be useful for mankind when used correctly and contained in the right quantities. It is only when we fail to understand their nature or overindulge that they become our master.

Do not underestimate the innocence of any part of nature. Remember all of nature has a function, a part to play Make sure you know this.

If you come to work with the healing of addictions you will find what I have said useful. The only healing for addictions must come from within the addict themselves in that they must regain their own power and understand the imbalance that they had created in attempting to have more power than they actually needed for this life. They had miscalculated the perfection of their own creator who knew the correct degree of power that was needed for their evolvement through this life.
Unlike · · Unfollow Post · October 8 at 6:28pm
.............and 11 others like this.

when questioned if this was "Channelled"  Brendan O'Callaghan reply: (see screen capture evidence, written by Brendan, note the excusing responsibility of such writing to "Spirit" or others)
Brendan O'Callaghan:This writing is mostly channeled. It was[u] edited by someone who was not too concerned about spirituality[/u]
and tried to change the context in many cases. They had some 'fun' with Spirit not allowing some of the changes and reverting the script back to the original text when the editor wasn't around. The editor said they would never edit a channeled book again! The American reference refers to the Native American and there is a similarity with the Travelling community in Ireland who also have a low tolerance to the influence of alcohol[/i]
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 08:03:17 pm by GB »

Offline GB

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Re: Brendan O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2012, 08:32:15 pm »
PDF docs of Brendan O'Callaghan teachings and writings of "Spirit from Highest Source" (the channeling he claims is of highest source spirit)

Offline GB

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Re: Brendan O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2012, 08:33:36 pm »

Irish Spiritual Centre
Centre for Spiritual Studies and Practices

(Founded 1984)

Services and Times
Spiritual Healing Clinics

Times available by appointment by phoning 00353 (0)87 750 9915

Spiritual healing is the original energy healing therapy and is complementary to conventional medical treatment.
Spiritual healing can be validated by Aura Photography.

 Spiritual Development

This meditation is guided by experienced facilitators No previous meditation experience necessary.For more information please phone 00353 (0)87 750 9915 

Spiritual Readings 

Spiritual Readings (Clairevoyance) available by appointment. For appointment please phone 00353 (0)87 750 9915

Courses on Spiritual Development and  Spiritual Healing available
For more information please phone 00353 (0)87 750 9915

Electronic mail General Information:  Webmaster: "

« Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 06:09:17 pm by GB »

Offline GB

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Re: Brendan O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2012, 08:52:47 pm »
Irish Spiritual Centre
Centre for Spiritual Studies and Practices

(Founded 1984)

"Services and Times
Spiritual Healing Clinics                    
Times available by appointment by phoning 00353 (0)87 750 9915
Spiritual healing is the original energy healing therapy and is complementary to conventional medical treatment.
Spiritual healing can be validated by Aura Photography.
Spiritual Development
This meditation is guided by experienced facilitators No previous meditation experience necessary. For more information please phone 00353 (0)87 750 9915 
Spiritual Readings 
Spiritual Readings (Clairevoyance) available by appointment.For appointment please phone 00353 (0)87 750 9915

Courses on Spiritual Development and  Spiritual Healing available
For more information please phone 00353 (0)87 750 9915 Telephone 00353 (0)87 750 9915

Brendan O’Callaghan

I got involved in the area of spiritual development by a strange set of circumstances. I was living my life in a very ordinary way. I was born in Ireland, raised in Ireland, left Ireland to work in England, got married, came back to Ireland, got divorced, nearly had a nervous breakdown, and thought a good spirit was Gordon’s Gin. I used to drink it by the pint so as to avoid getting into rounds of drink. Three pints was enough any evening. As I said I was living a very ordinary life.

One morning in my office I was sitting at my desk reading the paper. The phone rang. I answered it and it was a call for a colleague who had not yet arrived to work. I took a message and wrote down the callers name and number on a piece of paper. I returned to reading the paper.

I became aware that though my right was perfectly relaxed, I was still holding the pen and the pen was making marks on the paper that I had taken down the name and number on. I couldn’t see how the pen hadn’t fallen from my grip as my hand appeared so relaxed. My hand wasn’t exerting any pressure on the pen yet it was making a squiggle on the paper. I made sure my whole arm was relaxed and yet the movement

My curiosity increased. I wondered what was going on. My intuition began to work. I thought that maybe it was a spirit trying to communicate. Don’t ask me where I got that idea from. So I invited the Spirit to try using my hand. More squiggles happened. Then my intuition suggested that this Spirit might never have used a pen or might not have written for some time. Maybe it hadn’t used an arm before.

So I decided to write the alphabet out in long hand to see what would happen and straight away the pen moved to the side of the page and wrote “Webbcallmewithwellwishes (Webb/call/me/with/well/wishes)” this writing was continuous and the Ts weren’t crossed nor the Is dotted.

The pen never left the paper. I mentally raised the question, “Who are you”, to which I got the reply “Iamaspirit (I/am/a/spirit). My next question was for some reason, “What were you when you were last here” and the reply came back fast, “iwasasoldier (I/was/a/soldier). “In whose army” I asked and the reply was slow this time. The pen went to the bottom left hand corner of the page and in very small writing the word “Cromwell” appeared.

So this was my introduction to Spirit communication. Of course I couldn’t wait to get down to the pub and show the lads what had happened. At first they tested the communication by getting Webb to answer questions that they had in mind. And he did. I didn’t have my customary three pints of Gin and Tonic that night nor any night since.

The next day I set about trying to find Webb’s grave. He had told me that when he realised a bloody a war Cromwell was conducting he decided to leave the army. He had been conscripted anyway. He felt he couldn’t go home to England and was afraid to stay in Ireland in case either side caught him so for safety sake he joined the Sarsfield contingent.

He claims that he was trying to teach the Irish the way Cromwell fought and was an advocate for bloodless warfare such as spiking the guns in Limerick. He gave me dates to check out his story and it is interesting, and another story how that worked out. I got a friend to drive me around. I had a note pad on my lap writing Webb’s instructions. Turn left, turn right and so on until he would write stop.

The writing was totally automatic, requiring neither thought on my part nor any control of my hand except by Webb. We came across many graveyards all very old. Some you could not see because they were so overgrown and uncared for. Many had graves dating to Webb’s time but here was no sign of Webb’s.

Eventually I found myself in a church ground but there were no graves to be seen. Suddenly a very heavy shower of hailstones happened causing me to take shelter in the doorway of the church. Such was the intensity of the shower that the hailstones drifted almost up to my knees. As soon as the shower stopped we ran for the car. We were soaking wet. We headed straight home. I was angry with Webb for having led me on such a wild goose chase.

As soon as I changed into dry cloths I picked up the notepad determined to give Webb a piece of my mind. I told him I couldn’t understand if he were a good spirit why he should lie to me. He explained they were only little lies and it was important that we maintain contact. So that this could happen he found it necessary to humour me by doing his best to show me graveyards, which he did. He told me the message he carried was much more important than where his mortal remains might lie. I felt mildly chastised but no longer angry. So started my journey into the world of spirit and spirituality, a journey to find the “Light within”

Previous "Student" of Brendan O'Callaghan:
10.31.1997 -
.." ``The earth energies are different at these times. To an extent I was sceptical about whether there was actually any truth to this, but I've discovered that the amount of spiritual activity reported leading up to Samhain and Ceit Samhain goes up by six times,'' says Sandra.

And it is not just the Celts who get supernatural stirrings at this time of year. Cultures all over the world have rituals and festivals at the end of October/beginning of November, says Sandra. The Mexicans have the Fiesta de los Muertos a carnival of the dead, just like Samhain while Indians celebrate Divali, a Hindu holiday, on November 2.
The traditional way to mark Divali is to light candles and kerosene oil lamps, similar to the old Irish custom of keeping a candle in the window at Hallowe'en to guide any lost souls.
With such worldwide unanimity about the significance of these dates, it is hardly surprising that Christianity jumped on the bandwagon. Catherine Lenehan, who describes herself as a seer and clairvoyant, explains it was a case of the ancient church saying ``if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.'' Early Christians knew, she says, that they couldn't suppress a festival that was so powerfully embedded in the community's psyche, so they decided to take it over.
Catherine explains that the Celts had a fascination with circles, believing that life was a circle, as was the cycle of years. Accordingly, they divided each year into four parts the seasons and had a festival for each. Samhain ``symbolised the fruitfulness of the harvest, the dark nights, and a time of withdrawal and renewal,'' she says.
"... Lorraine's business card features the mysterious prefix N.F.S.H., which she tells me stands for the National Federation of Spiritual Healers. She points out that, amongst other things, this requires a two-year period of training in Lorraine's case under the guidance of Brendan O'Callaghan at the Irish Spiritual Centre and helps a potential customer know that he or she is not in the hands of a charlatan.

Lorraine says she is there ``to take the hocus pocus out'' of her brand of spirituality."

Claims himself as a "Counselor" (dealing with a mentally ill person):

Sept 26, 2011

"...God how I hated the downside of madness, the self inflicted loneliness, while surrounded by love, the self rejection of love on offer, seeing the pain of rejection in your lovers eyes and not being able to respond to that pain.
God how I hated it, my hate was really for myself, the pain of madness impossible to express.
So I fell foul of the pill for every ill crowd, nearly killed me, attempted suicide when I was on my heaviest doses of a mix of ten different drugs a day, four different diagnoses, they really didn’t have a clue, psychiatry.
So I ran as far as I could away from psychiatry, I studied me; learned about me, with great help and love from
my then councillor Brendan O’Callaghan."
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 09:22:10 pm by GB »

Offline GB

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Re: Brendan O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2012, 01:20:16 am »
Fees and Workshops to train people to become "Spiritual Healers"
(they are listed in Euros) some require to attend a previous workshop in order to attend another.

Materials and literature are handed out as well encouraged to purchase the "Modern Medicine Man" written by Brendan O'Callaghan

Offline GB

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Re: Brendan O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2012, 02:14:39 am »
Known YouTube Videos of Brendan O'Callaghan "teachings of highest source" for people to learn spiritual healing. (these are paid workshops, advertised throughout Ireland)

Published on Jul 27, 2012 Part One - "Spirit is - The Ultimate Healer" With Brendan O'Callaghan. Extracts from the recent Workshop which is part of a series of workshops By Brendan O'Callaghan. This series is on "Spiritual Healing".These "Clips" are put here on to YouTube to give people who were not able to attend a flavour of the content of these workshops.

Part Two:Published on Jul 29, 2012
Extracts from the Recent Spiritual Healing Workshop

Part Three:Published on Aug 1, 2012
This is the third extract of extract of (Four) from a Two part Series of Workshops By Brendan O'Callaghan.These two Workshops are on Spiritual Healing "Spirit Is, The Ultimate Healer".

Part Four:Published on Aug 1, 2012

This is the Fourth and final extract of (Four) from a Two part Series of Workshops By Brendan O'Callaghan.These two Workshops are on Spiritual Healing "Spirit Is, The Ultimate Healer".
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 09:36:49 pm by GB »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Brendan O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2012, 09:44:49 pm »
Callaghan's writings are a confused mess. He claims to be receiving sometimes from spirits, sometimes from God, sometimes from something higher than God, and sometimes from NDN spirits.

And yet all of these sound exactly like Callaghan himself, written like him use the exact same phrases of very vague Nuage ideas.

We're supposed to believe writing this bad and ineloquent came from God or enlightended spirits...No very wise being would sound like a first year philosophy major trying too hard to be "profound"... or have so much trouble using basic grammar. ;D
"At this stage there are no new Spirits being created even though some might opine that there are. God was one. God is still one but at this moments is awaiting you and I and so many other aspects to reunite with Him again. I use the term Him out of lack of vocabulary to address God otherwise."

"If you feel that you have made a complete mess of your earth life then this is as valuable and having made a complete success of it. Either way you succeed. If you make a complete mess and don’t realise it, this is only because you haven’t finished making the mess yet."

"Jesus thought the way. He never suggested that he was going to carry you on his back. He helped people with their difficulties but could never depower the benefit of their individual experiences by releasing them from the responsibilities."

Offline GB

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Re: Brendan O' Callaghan "Modern Medicine Man", "Irish Spiritual Center", "Ir
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2012, 06:11:44 pm »
Is now calling themselves "International" Spiritual Centre

A Spiritual Centre is God’s place. One’s input into the Centre is to service the physical side of living, and to be a channel for God. As in healing etc. the channel is important and sacred. So with the Centre – the channel provided by those who work in the Centre is important and sacred.

"We provide these in order to encourage some people who may not normally come across “Spiritual Services” in their daily lives.
The site is of a Spiritual nature and ethos, though we provide mostly Spiritual services, we do provide some services that are not neccessarily considered Spiritual.
We provide these in order to encourage some people who may not normally come across “Spiritual Services” in their daily lives."

“A Spiritual Centre is God’s place. One’s input into the Centre is to service the physical side of living, and to be a channel for God. As in healing etc. the channel is important and sacred. So with the Centre – the channel provided by those who work in the Centre is important and sacred."

"We cannot accept abuse of any kind in the Forums or on the ISC Web site, This is a place of “Spiritual” discussion and everyone must respect each other at all times. Any abuse will be addressed by our administrators, As this is an International website available Globally"

“The greatest fear is ignorance.
The greatest gift is release from fear.
Wisdom is that gift.
Reject wisdom and remain fearfully ignorant
Accept wisdom and become truly free”.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 05:45:20 pm by GB »

Offline ocallaghan

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What a wonderful representation of my work by a sad deluded psychopath. The person who placed all these posts sought to gain power through my work and when they weren't successful tried to denounce it. I have been working in the area of spirituality for over thirty years. I do not consider myself an Elder, maybe an older. I do not consider myself a leader but a co-searcher. I do not consider myself a Native American but I do acknowledge my roots as being indigenous Irish. I do not consider myself a teacher but I do share my experiences. I do not charge for my service to Spirit but I do look for payment for the facilities I myself have to pay for such as rent and electricity and the phone, the number of which was kindly given above. If some one needs healing but can't afford it we provide it free. We use Facebook to provide a forum for spiritual discussion and another for free Distant Spiritual Healing.
I am on this forum in my own name. I do not hide behind some false name or false initials. In my thirty years of practice I have met many Native Americans and have canvassed extensively for Native American rights. I have great respect for all indigenous people and great sadness for the suffering they have had to endure at the hands of the colonials. We Irish have similarly suffered at the hands of our neighbours with over 600 years of suppression and genocide. We have lost our indigenous spirituality and had it replaced by religion. We now are seeking to bring it back and look to the Native American to help us find our spirituality, not by adopting theirs but by using it as a platform for discovering ours. I respect all your traditions and hold them sacred. I do not condone the practices of those who come to Ireland as representatives of Native American ways, demeaning the sacred ceremony by turning it into a performance. All that this NAFPS stands for is based on exposing these 'plastic' showmen. I do not encourage shamanic practices as I see so many so called shaman' becoming a sham.
I appreciate this as my right to reply. My work will stand any scrutiny that is honestly carried out. I never advertise my work but rely on Spirit to guide those who need me to me. I don't make any claims. I do not criticise others. I do not teach dogma.
Finally I would like to point out that the person who levelled these accusations at me and my work has posed as Native American but when asked in what way could they make this claim ignored the question. They have sought to misrepresent the Native American by suggesting that they were in communication with the Elders and were passing on their knowledge. Some of this 'knowledge' was very inaccurate and mostly used to try and gain a position within the groups so that they could peddle their brand of indigenous ways and so they could sell some books and a course they had devised. They asked to use the International Spiritual Centre website to sell courses on addictions with the idea that they could make big money and also at the same time claimed to have no money yet could afford to publish their books. They also thought they could publish my books and when they didn't get their way have mounted this campaign to denegrade my work. My books are available on Facebook free to download.
I stand by my work as I stand by Spirit. I leave it to you the reader of this post to decide for yourself what is right or wrong.

Offline RedRightHand

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I do not consider myself a Native American but I do acknowledge my roots as being indigenous Irish.

Then why do you call yourself a "Medicine Man"? No "indigenous Irish" ever called themselves that. Why do you claim to represent Native people in your "channelled" preaching? Do you really believe Native American spirits are speaking through you? Can you see why actual Native people might be offended by this?

I looked at your websites. You put knotwork on them, but that's the only "Irish" thing I could see. Newage is not "indigenous Irish". It is one of the things that destroys actual Irish traditions.