Author Topic: "International Spiritual Centre", "Modern Medicine Man" Brendan O'Callaghan  (Read 45349 times)

Offline ocallaghan

  • Posts: 7
Of course indigenous Irish called their healers medicine men. Where is it ever said that only Native Americans have that title. The healers of every indigenous people are known as such. In western society they are called doctors. I do represent myself and I'm native Irish. I have never claimed to have Native American 'spirits' speaking through me, I don't know where you get that idea. Spirit has no nationality. If you look at and have read the content on The Irish Spiritual Centre website you will see that I do not subscribe to newageism. I see you said you looked but obviously you haven't read. Actually the knot work you mention is not Irish, it is Celtic, one of our early European invaders. Surely redrighthand is not your real name. If you wish to pass comment then surely you have the courage to give your true identity. To you consider yourself Native American? If so how much of you is? You pretend to know me and the Irish culture but I would suggest you know nothing of either me or Ireland unless the Red Hand you refer to is the Red Hand of Ulster, but I wouldn't expect you to know about that either. And I don't preach nor does Spirit.
I wonder why you are communicating like this? Why are you so aggressive with somebody you don't know and have never met, or read by the look of things? What is possessing you? Why do you carry hate? None of these are the qualities of one who is spiritually aware and therefore I don't think you are in any way qualified to discuss spiritual matters. I realise you are not your behaviour but you only present your ignorance and disrespect for a fellow human being in these comments you are making and this doesn't sound like any true Native American that I have ever met. Might I suggest you read my material with an open mind, it is only an hypothesis, not a gospel.

Offline RedRightHand

  • Posts: 177
Of course indigenous Irish called their healers medicine men. Where is it ever said that only Native Americans have that title. The healers of every indigenous people are known as such.


A Bhreandán, conas a dearfá "medicine man" as Sengoidelc?

Offline ocallaghan

  • Posts: 7
Well done, is that Ulster Irish then? Are you ready to move out from behind the Red Right Hand title and tell me who you are? I like how proficient you are in Irish language, far better than me. Perhaps you could tell me what medicine men were referred to in the Irish language. There must always have been those who were healers, surely we weren't that healthy.

Offline ocallaghan

  • Posts: 7
How about 'Fear Leigheas'?

Offline RedRightHand

  • Posts: 177
Starting with an English phrase and then attempting to translate it into Modern Irish is not finding a Native term that means "Medicine Man", and I think you know this.

The point, a Bhreandán, is that neither ancient Irish nor modern Irish healers were called "Medicine Men". It's an English phrase, created by anthropologists who were trying to describe Native peoples (and pretty much always getting it wrong). Every real Indigenous tradition has it's own native terms, in its own native languages, for healers and spiritual leaders.

Imposing outsider English terms, the words of the colonizers, on the Native Americans or the actual Native Irish traditions, only obscures both traditions. Again, I see absolutely nothing Native Irish in what you are teaching. 

Offline ocallaghan

  • Posts: 7
[Long series of insults and personal attacks removed. Consider yourself warned Mr OCallaghan, debate without getting personal or acting chidlish. It hardly shows you to be a spiritual man of you act like a ten year old.]

If you live in Ireland why don't we meet for coffee or a tea and talk this through because [more insults].
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 04:19:31 am by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Three points, all really obvious to just about everyone.

1. Virtually every culture used a term particular to that culture, and most did not translate as medicine man.

2. People may choose their onscreen names as they choose, be public about who they are if they choose. It is incredibly arrogant to demand someone's real name. This is a forum which includes survivors of cult abuse or spiritual exploiters abuse. Many abusers also intimidate or threaten critics, with tactics rangin from violent threats to libel to legal threats (generaly empty but still formidable if you don't have the means to defend yourself in court].

3. And the central issue remains: you claim to be channeling a number of spirits or beings. Yet they each speak and write precisely like you do.

So yes, that does mean you are either deluded or lying, Mr OCallaghan. You've just been talking to yourself for years, either pretending to hear spirits, or imagining it.

Carl Sagan used to wonder why supposed mediums didn't give us a cure for cancer or a formula that would free us from the fossil fuels destroying the planet. Instead we get lots of, to use your word, rubbish. Pseudo spiritual rubbish that, again, sounds like a first year philosophy student.

Tell you what, OCallaghan. You claim to channel a Native spirit. I'd like to hear your fluent Native dialect. We have Lakota and Cherokee speakers in here. We probably could find a speaker for most Native dialects.

And don't pretend the experience happened in English or any other Euro language. Native ceremonies are always done in Native languages because there are subtleties and important concepts that can't be translated precisely. Same with many teachings. If they had important teachings to pass on, it would only be in the original.

So let's hear your flawless Native language skills. And no running to a dictionary or translation software.

If you can't, then we know your experience was either your delusion or your deliberate hoax.

Offline RedRightHand

  • Posts: 177
[Long series of insults and personal attacks removed. Consider yourself warned Mr OCallaghan, debate without getting personal or acting chidlish. It hardly shows you to be a spiritual man of you act like a ten year old.] 

« Last Edit: Today at 04:19:31 AM by educatedindian »

Well, I did like the bit where he admitted he only understands English. I guess his "Indigenous Irish" spirits also speak English-only. His attempt to do an Irish translation was, indeed, a machine translation. Guess his Spirits require him to use Google Translate.

I also like the part where he asked us to tell him what ancient, native Irish healers were called in the native languages. Guess what, Mr. Ó Callaghan, we're not here to teach you how to be a more convincing fraud.

Offline ocallaghan

  • Posts: 7
How can an invitation to meet for coffee be considered an insult? How can anything I have said be considered an insult? I am sorry if that is how I came across to you as I certainly would never wish to insult anyone. I would be interested to know who hosts this group and where you are. I would also like to know who I am talking to. I would think that is basic good manners. I don't believe in debate but I do believe in discussion. I also believe we must stand by what we say and act with respect and responsibility. I'm beginning to think this group is very biased and judgemental. It would appear it is ok to criticise but not to defend. Please tell me I'm wrong. I have no love for new age fake plastic shamans either.
I have never claimed to be channelling Native American Spirits, I fail to understand where you get that from. Of course it sounds just like me. It is obvious you don't know the first thing about Spirit communication but must only be aware of the questionable performances by questionable psychics. Our native language is mainly English so even in religion the mass is now conducted in English so everyone can understand. I do not conduct ceremonies of any form. I do not attempt to replicate the sacred ways of others. I do try to lead a spiritual life as best I know.
I can understand that there are many who have been abused and damaged by new age practitioners but I can assure you so have I. I still will never yield to the bully nor hide my head I will always use my name and be open and honest. I do not play games.
My work is respected by those who come in contact with it, and those who receive benefit from it. I have harmed no one but have healed thousands.
I cannot understand why you try and be an authority on a subject you appear to know so little about and to criticise so vehemently someone you know nothing about, even though someone has gone to the bother of posting so much. Who ever you are I feel sorry that you are apparently suffering so much and will pray that you get some comfort. One day we will all know all, but only to that moment, then there is the future to unfold.
You have no need to hide from me, I hold no malice towards you. I enjoy talking about my work and sharing it with you and others. I have no secrets. I seek no label. Because I listen to Spirit I share what I hear and because I listen they 'talk' with me. Spirit has no language other than symbols and happenings. It could be said they impress on my thoughts and I express those impressions with words, my words. From your earlier dialogue it would appear that you are so taken with your own agenda that you might find it difficult to understand where I am coming from. This isn't meant to insult your intelligence in any way. I used to be an engineer and saw the world from that perspective and now I see it entirely differently. I used to enjoy debate but now I see it as pointless. I have met Native American Holy Men, Elders and had wonderful discussions about indigenous spirituality. We never debated we always shared and parted good friends, each respecting the other. I respect you, who ever you are. I respect all this group also and the intent that goes with it. It doesn't matter whether you agree with me or not, I can only speak my truth I cannot govern how you hear it. God bless you all.
I told you I don't speak Irish and yes I went to a translation program probably like yourself. I don't know why you would think I'm a fraud. You have no basis to suggest this only a hurt mind and an overinflated ego.

Offline GB

  • Posts: 22
O'Callaghan needs help remembering: :o
I have never claimed to be channelling Native American Spirits, I fail to understand where you get that from.
I have never claimed to have Native American 'spirits' speaking through me, I don't know where you get that idea.
Because I listen to Spirit I share what I hear and because I listen they 'talk' with me.

Brendan O'Callaghan admitting channeled Indian:

educated indian asked a valid question, and everyone would like to see evidence of above, so to determine if above channeled by Brendan O'Callaghan is legimate: So let's hear your flawless Native language skills. And no running to a dictionary or translation software.

If you can't, then we know your experience was either your delusion or your deliberate hoax.

(Waiting for O'Callaghan reply, to verify his genuine, authentic channeled Native American experience.)

As for abusive tactics, judging, labels, etc (typical of cult leader to retain power and control)  these quotes should help to quickly understand this is NOT a man of any sort of spirit, but a delusional creep/hoax  who has gotten away with this for many many years. Bullies,manipulates, to seek control, and claim as spiritual, talking to only the highest source or "God".

Delusional behavior for any human to consider they only have or receive such information, and very Cult like. Especially given his proud claim of doing this "work" for 30 years.
I have been working in the area of spirituality for over thirty years.

Any person who questions Brendan O'Callaghan work or writings will be met with the following statements and have been for many many years:

You have no need to hide from me, I hold no malice towards you.
What a wonderful representation of my work by a sad deluded psychopath.
Of course indigenous Irish called their healers medicine men. Where is it ever said that only Native Americans have that title.
None of these are the qualities of one who is spiritually aware and therefore I don't think you are in any way qualified to discuss spiritual matters.
To you consider yourself Native American? If so how much of you is? You pretend to know me and the Irish culture but I would suggest you know nothing of either me or Ireland
I do not charge for my service to Spirit but I do look for payment
I never advertise my work but rely on Spirit to guide those who need me to me. I don't make any claims. I do not criticise others. I do not teach dogma.
If you live in Ireland why don't we meet for coffee or a tea and talk this through because [more insults].
What is possessing you?

Fishing for information so he can further lead his followers into believing his "Channeled" sources:
Are you ready to move out from behind the Red Right Hand title and tell me who you are? I like how proficient you are in Irish language, far better than me. Perhaps you could tell me what medicine men were referred to in the Irish language.

Very arrogant of O'Callaghan (typical Cult Tactic):
Surely redrighthand is not your real name. If you wish to pass comment then surely you have the courage to give your true identity. To you consider yourself Native American? If so how much of you is? You pretend to know me and the Irish culture but I would suggest you know nothing of either me or Ireland/quote]
None of these are the qualities of one who is spiritually aware and therefore I don't think you are in any way qualified to discuss spiritual matters./quote]
I see you said you looked but obviously you haven't read.
From your earlier dialogue it would appear that you are so taken with your own agenda that you might find it difficult to understand where I am coming from. This isn't meant to insult your intelligence in any way.

Might I suggest you read my material with an open mind, it is only an hypothesis, not a gospel.
I have harmed no one but have healed thousands.
I don't know why you would think I'm a fraud.
I respect you, who ever you are. I respect all this group also and the intent that goes with it. It doesn't matter whether you agree with me or not, I can only speak my truth I cannot govern how you hear it. God bless you all.
It could be said they impress on my thoughts and I express those impressions with words, my words. From your earlier dialogue it would appear that you are so taken with your own agenda that you might find it difficult to understand where I am coming from. This isn't meant to insult your intelligence in any way.
I can understand that there are many who have been abused and damaged by new age practitioners but I can assure you so have I

It would appear it is ok to criticise but not to defend.
I enjoy talking about my work and sharing it with you and others.I enjoy talking about my work and sharing it with you and others.
Of course it sounds just like me. It is obvious you don't know the first thing about Spirit communication but must only be aware of the questionable performances by questionable psychics.
It doesn't matter whether you agree with me or not, I can only speak my truth I cannot govern how you hear it. God bless you all.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 10:57:03 pm by GB »

Offline GB

  • Posts: 22
Of note, O'Callaghan mentioned a few times for people to "Read" his writings and work on new website "" He failed to mention that one has to become a "member" to gain access to such high messages and work of "God" and "Spirit of Highest Source".
Apparently this need for registration stems from being viewed as "attacked" by others, or by people questioning the validity of Brendan and abusive character, otherwise this type of work would never require such.
(indicative of trouble in the past, of anyone questioning or calling out Brendan O'Callaghan behavior or cult tactics)

We cannot accept abuse of any kind in the Forums or on the ISC Web site, This is a place of “Spiritual” discussion and everyone must respect each other at all times. Any abuse will be addressed by our administrators, As this is an International website available Globally, we would ask people to be conscious of other Cultural Traditions, Race, Creed, Abilities, Dis-Abilities, Religions etc and treat all mankind with respect.

Please feel free to contact admin via the email address below if you have concerns or issues in relation to this.

LINK TO BRENDAN O'CALLAGHAN WRITINGS on new website (which require registration first)

Titles of  Brendan's "Writings" on website:
"Condensations of Spiritual Wisdom"
"Teachings From The Highest Source"
"Impressions At Rennes Le Chateau"
"Angels, We Are No Angels"

Services on Website include: "Spiritual Healing" and "Spiritual Readings", Shops include Crystals, Psychics,  Tarot and books to purchase.  Workshops to become trained Spiritual Healer, "reader".
(Pull down "Services Menu Tab")

Events Page features trained followers of O'Callaghan, and are encouraged to promote his workshops on any level possible.

Note the advertising rates and fees and complexity of International Spiritual Centre
(true spirit never charges such nor would ever promote such)
"Packages and Advertising Provided"

For an extra fee, they offer this:
ADD ON Advertising:

We also offer “Targeted” Page specific side Advertisements in the form of Animated Gifs Animated adverts relevant to the specific page and specifically designed. We can offer these on any page running in weekly, monthly slots,
We can also add an advert such as this for a the “Home Page” running  in slots of one week at a time only. We can also offer these adverts to “Randomise” so that the adverts change several times during the day. We will offer scrolling adverts on the Home page only that scroll across the screen, just under the menu. This would obviously be a “Prime” position.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 11:25:07 pm by GB »

Offline educatedindian

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1. I would be interested to know who hosts this group and where you are. I would also like to know who I am talking to.

2. I have never claimed to be channelling Native American Spirits, I fail to understand where you get that from.

3. Of course it sounds just like me. It is obvious you don't know the first thing about Spirit communication but must only be aware of the questionable performances by questionable psychics.

4. I have harmed no one but have healed thousands.

5. Spirit has no language other than symbols and happenings. It could be said they impress on my thoughts and I express those impressions with words, my words.

6. I have met Native American Holy Men, Elders and had wonderful discussions about indigenous spirituality.

1. If you weren't so lazy you could have read the Intro page or any of the Intros of our members.

2. Clearly a lie, and one you were caught in. Your own website says different.

3. And there's that condescending, insulting, oh so superior manner. And you did so at least a dozen times in your post. This time I'll leave it for all to see, since it punctures your pseudo spiritual front.

It's obvious you don't know the first thing about spirit communication from traditional spiritual leaders. Yes, of course they use language. Any Native tradition is communicated by a Native language. Anything else is so much gibberish.

4. Of course you've harmed people. When you spout racist stereotypes about Natives and tobacco spirits and alcohol spirits, you harm people. When you exploit or give false hope, you harm people.

So let's see you submit your claim of helping people to scientists. Show me medical researchers who verify your claims.

5. That is gibberish of the worst sort. Of course spirits communicate with words. It's amazing how you know so little, except how to take money, how to be a pay to pray exploiter.

6. Name them. I would bet some of them are the very frauds we've exposed or debunked in here.
And clearly you never told them the stereotypes you hold. Clearly you didn't learn much about genuine Native traditions.


Offline ocallaghan

  • Posts: 7
They say the abused often become the abuser. I see now where you are coming from, you are abusing me and my work. I was a friend of Thomas Banyacya and Wallace Black Elk and Grace Spotted Eagle. You are a disgrace and if you are Native American your people would be ashamed of your behaviour. I'm sure you will edit this to suit yourself as you have edited every thing that I have communicated. You are obviously delusional and suffering from negative influences. You are incapable of discussion and choose to criticise from a position of obscurity. I do not need to defend my work. I do not need to defend myself. You are showing yourself to be in deep psychosis and your hate for everything but yourself is palpable. You are grossly ignorant and disrespectful to the Native American and all indigenous people. I find it hard to see you as anything but a white wannabe and possibly working for a government organisation to discredit the good work of those who honestly offer themselves into the service of God. You don't need others to discredit you, you do this for yourself. God bless you with some wisdom, a little will go a long way. If anyone would like to know me just look at my work.

Offline GB

  • Posts: 22
I'm sure you will edit this to suit yourself as you have edited every thing that I have communicated.
O'Callaghan, None of your "writing" has been edited by anyone, it has all been direct sentences, quotes from your replies, your writings. (this indicates paranoia).

You are a disgrace and if you are Native American your people would be ashamed of your behaviour.
You are grossly ignorant and disrespectful to the Native American and all people.

Your  comments above clearly show you are no man of spirit, never have been, nor capable.

You are aware that you have left a long trail and history of abusing people in your own country of Ireland?
And that your many victims and survivors are INCREDIBLY fearful because of your retaliation tactics. All symptoms of abuse by you, and a very clear "red flag" of dangerous Cult leader.

Your victims and survivors have faced retaliation in their communities in Ireland.  Not to mention the disclaimer of "accepting no abuse" on your website, is clear that this is a pattern of yours. You obviously feel it is okay to abuse everyone or anyone else.

You purposely seek out vulnerable people (women primarily, those who have lost children or loved ones, poor health, etc) and abuse them by pretending to be "psychic" to contact their loved ones, then further them into your twisted mind of teachings, delusional writings, claiming you only channel the highest spirit, god.
This is a control tactic common of Cult Leader abusers. Promoting your insane writings and delusional self,  as "Spiritual Healer" from "Irish Spiritual Center" to label or status of  "International Spiritual Centre". (from Ireland to the WORLD) is incredibly dangerous, and speaks loudly and clearly of what you are, a phony that will stop at nothing to pull more innocent people into your Cult, nor stop at abusing them. You see nothing wrong with such, therefore are indeed delusional. (PROVE your healing, show the evidence... provide the channeled Native American language if you are so "authentic")

This disturbed behavior is no different than a priest hiding behind the curtain of "God" and molesting young children.
You have molested vulnerable people, in your country by taking advantage of them, thinking your some sort of "Spiritual Leader", "Spiritual Healer", man who talks to "God" or "Highest Source".

You have openly admitted ownership of the writings and your work, and being paid. Only documents that indeed you are the leader and monster behind this, seeing nothing at all wrong with your "work".
Never taking personal responsibility or owning up to your sickness of taking advantage of vulnerable people.

It is false to think you can train anyone to be a "Spriritual Healer and one can do such by taking your workshops for payment.
You actively continue to promote these, and have "members/followers"advertise, writings, including your published book,"Modern Medicine Man", throughout communities in Ireland, and online.

Anyone who questions the authenticity of your writings, or ethics, is met by delusional angry replies, bullied, retaliated, followed by clear paranoid statements documented above, or telling followers there are "Campaigns against you and them" further causing distress to your followers, victims and survivors.
This is not a person of "spiritual" ways or means, not to mention your lack of evidence.

Thirty years is a lengthy career, because of your long history, it is my belief that you are the most dangerous type of predator there is in the field of "Spiritual" charlatans.

Do not mistake silence, as meaning no one is watching or advocating for the victims and survivors of your "work".

*post edited 11.19.12, original saved by member who takes sole responsibility for.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 05:27:18 pm by GB »

Offline GB

  • Posts: 22
Helpful Information and links for victims of O'Callaghan:

Identifying the Predator: Spiritual, Financial, and Sexual Abusers

There are common traits, common behaviors in human predators of all kinds. Spiritual scammers often operate the same way and use the same methods as other types of criminal con artists, batterers, and rapists. These different kinds of abuse often blend into each other.

A liar doesn’t just tell falsehoods/lies to strangers or only in certain situations. A liar routinely lies to everyone. In the same way, a spiritual fraud is not just a spiritual liar. He or she will always lie about other things as well.

Understanding these patterns of deceit among abusers and rapists gives us direct insight into the patterns of spiritual frauds. The following points are offered specifically about the patterns of physical abusers but the parallels to spiritual exploiters should be clear. The aim of this post is to help people in spotting frauds before they can do harm, and to help those who have been harmed find help.

1.   Abusers are charming and tend to be very skilled at social manipulation.
2.   They are skilled liars. They will also declare they are very honest and honorable but their actual actions will show otherwise.
3.   They are in control of their actions, not out-of-control. They do not harm everyone they meet. They are very careful to abuse people they feel confident they can get away with harming, such as wives/girlfriends, children, “apprentices,” or those they are “instructing” ceremonially. Substance abuse may increase their aggression but you should never accept being high/drunk as an excuse for their actions. They are far more in control of their actions than they let on and they also harm their victims when sober.
4.   They blame others for their behavior. “The abuser shifts responsibility for his actions away from himself and onto others, a shift that allows him to justify his abuse because the other person supposedly "caused" his behavior.” The fact is, abusing another person is a choice. It is the fault of no one but the abuser.
5.   While “friends” and acquaintances will be subjected to manipulation, lies and sometimes emotional abuse, usually only the abuser’s intimate partners and immediate family will see the monstrous side of them. Abusers are very invested in their public image, and will use acquaintances to lie for them and/or pass on their lies in their defense. They will spend a great deal of time lying to non-intimate “friends” to lay a false trail of misdirection and alibis. On the internet and in long-distance phone calls, it is particularly easy for abusers to construct a good front for their online friends who may never meet them in person.
6.   Abusers specialize in finding out your vulnerabilities. In the beginning they will tell you how special you are. They will encourage you to confess your fears and vulnerabilities, and they will make a good show of being vulnerable themselves (even though it is just an act and built on lies). They do this to make you emotionally dependent on them, and so later they can use these things to harm and manipulate you.
7.   They will seem too good to be true. And they are.

There is a common misconception that predators and abusers are easy to spot, that they display obvious signs of their predatory nature. While there are warning signs to look out for (linked below), predators have carefully tailored their disguises through their years of abusing others and getting away with it.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 01:45:05 am by GB »