Trish, Sky, you're absolutely right.
This is the point were I wanted to go.
You have received the names that the dominant culture (by the guns) have forced you to "wear".
Also, your languages had been persecuted to the point that you cannot enter a cafe and ask for it in your ancestors language.
This is sad.
The same occurs in my homeland with catalan language and catalan name (educated, remember that Pere it is not french, but catalan, meaning Peter, and that Cabra is my surname meaning Cappra... no more mockering, please... is it educatedindian your name?).
I have posted these questions because you mock of my (bad)english while you are using too a stranger language. It is my opinion that you should ask to recover the normal and common use of your languages and names. Is it an indian name Russell Means or Big Foot? no, it is not, and this is sad (with absolutely ALL my respect to Russell Means and to the Chief Big Foot).
I agree too with educated and the posting at: My friend is peruvian native speaking fluid quechua and sometimes it is very difficult to translate directly phrases, concepts, ideas, feelings.. even words. Why, then, you mock of my bad english when I try to translate catalan to english? The construction of phrases and ideas is VERY VERY different. We use to talk using what we call "frases fetes" (done phrases) that has no meaning alone, by within the context.
It's just a matter of respect.
I will be happy the day when your native languages will be easy to listen in the street, in the U.S. news, in the schools...
Fortunately, you are still alive to recompose what the genocide has tried to end.
With respect,