A heads-up for folks in areas that want to support Idle No More, but that may not have large NDN populations. We have seen some non-Natives, and some pretendians, trying to colonize Idle No More.
Please forgive my redundancy if you've seen me post this stuff elsewhere, but...
One thing that some of the non-Natives have been misinterpreting (not with this statement in particular, but with the concept of "Indigenous" in general). Arvol wrote:
"Every human being has had Ancestors in their lineage that understood their umbilical cord to the Earth, understanding the need to always protect and thank her. Therefore, all Humanity has to re-connect to their own Indigenous Roots of their lineage - to heal their connection and responsibility with Mother Earth and become a united voice."
I have always found this to be a beautiful and inspiring statement, ever since Paula first spoke it to me. But lately we have come across some
appropriators and exploiters misinterpreting the idea of Indigenous roots, thinking that "roots" means that they are also Indigenous people (NDNs), or that they can choose to *become* Indigenous (through stealing ceremonies from NDNs). Some of these appropriators and ceremony-sellers have come in through the "Occupy"/"Decolonize movement. So, just making a note here for anyone else who gets odd reactions from non-Natives when they share this, or if they see shameons posting it in places and misrepresenting what Arvol is saying.
Going back to our Indigenous roots means taking the challenge of learning the languages, ways and ceremonies of our own ancestors, not stealing ceremonies or identities or terminology from Native people.
Here's a post from the Idle No More founders on advice for non-Native allies:
http://idlenomore.tumblr.com/post/38705071010/im-non-indigenous-how-can-i-participate-in-idle-noIf you want to do a local action, or join a local group, find out what Native people in the area are doing - in most cases they have already organized groups. For the most part, so far things are overwhelmingly Indigenous at the demos. But we actually *are* seeing a bit of a problem with non-Natives wanting to form and lead Idle No More groups (in some cases, they are misrepresenting themselves as Native and forming a group where there is already a Native one). While I'm seeing that respectful support is very appreciated, we need to make sure this is truly solidarity and not appropriation. For instance, if people are doing a solidarity action that does not involve Native spiritual leaders, for them to pray and sing in the ways of *their own* culture, not imitate the ways of NDN people or try to use their sacred songs or ceremonies (including smudging). Non-natives, if you go to an action and find that pretendians are appropriating, stand up to them and say something. NDNs in my area have already had to do some creative re-scheduling, and making networking for events private, in order to avoid being colonized.