Crossingham contacted us. Here are the emails between us, first her, then us, etc.
I notice that I am unable to join your forum because you have blocked me. Please remove my email address from your site as this is an infringement.
You also have several errors:
1) that I offered a workshop based on H. Storm's teachings -- I never, ever have. never will. ever. I have merely read his book and enjoyed it, nothing more.
2) that I reported on some Australians being taught Crow ceremonies (I assume he meant that they were taught by Joe & Josephine Crowshoe!) Not the case as this article was written in 1988 and this couple claim to be with the Crowshoes in 1989 -- a full year or so after this article was printed. It was printed in Windspeaker Newspaper based in Edmonton. I was a staff reporter on this newspaper at the time. I do not know the couple in question...never met them...probably never will.
3) My book is about me, and my experiences. I do not claim it to be an anthology of Indian teachings. I did have these experiences during my tenure at Windspeaker Newspaper, owned at the time by Bert Crowfoot. Please check their archieves and you will see many stories written by myself.
4) I have studied in all schools, but I don't say I am a master of all schools. I am still a student, as are we all. I do not offer "native American style" teachings, and never will.
I therefore humbly request that you remove the errors and distortions asap.
thanks, Lesley crossingham
Ms Crossingham,
I am an admin at NAFPS. I am unable to find any record of you signing up for membership. If you would like to try to again I will gladly approve an account for you.
Ms. Crossingham,
There is not one single lie nor disortion in any of the information written about you.
There are clearly some deliberate misreadings by you of what was actually written, as well as some falsehoods from you.
There was no effort to keep you out of NAFPS. None of the admins were ever aware you tried to join.
We in fact welcome all further information that may clear up these matters. Many others who have been written about on the site have also joined to give their side, and we welcome your joining and posting.
Numbers below are in answer to those to your own in your email.
1. We have an account of someone who took part, along with others, in a course you gave on the imposter H Storm's fraudulent version of Cheyenne teachings. We also reported there's no other evidence of the course now.
2. You made here a series of assumptions there that we never made.
3. Again, you assumed things said about you that never were.
4. And again, you assumed things were said about you that never were. It is rather ludicrous you claiming to have been trained in "all" schools. It's also incredibly ludicrous you claiming to be a master teacher on your own site, and now backtracking on that claim in your email.
We made no errors. You did.
It's rather telling that you do not object to the two matters we most strongly objected to about you: that you give totem readings, a New Age distortion of Native traditions about spirit guides, and that what you teach is largely a confused hodgepodge of many traditions.
Again, you are free to give your side when you post on the site.
Al Carroll, moderator