Author Topic: Divine TuneUp  (Read 9540 times)


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Divine TuneUp
« on: September 08, 2005, 07:07:46 am »
[words enclosed in brackets are my own]

Get a "DIVINE TUNE-UP"  Our work can help your awakening process!  :
Advanced Multi-Dimensional Healing and Light/SoulBody Work,

[and for only  $90 you, too, can get a]

"Divine Tune-Up"  or the ["2 for" special]...

Awakening-Healing Special of $150 includes a Divine Tune-Up and an Astrology Reading.

[Of course they also recommend these Healthy Products...which they just happen to sell....and make a lot of claims for....wondering about that.  Pages and pages of the stuff.]

Our advanced Healing techniques include ..... Brain Repatterning

[I'll just bet it does! ]

If you would like Clarity and Guidance on  'What is going on in your life?'
along with having your body and life Healed and Transformed call Astro-Jan.
Jan Carter is an excellent intuitive Astrologer and Channel.  She can channel the Pleiadians or Hathors along with your Astrology Reading if you request it, Guiding and Coaching you in your awakening process.   'A Physician without knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a Physician.' - Hippocrates
She can look Overall, or focus on Career, Relationships, Spiritual Path or whatever, helping you See the Bigger picture and perspective.  You can ask questions.  A full one hour Reading includes an audio tape and your birth chart, a love offering of  $75 is a suggested Donation.

* Specials  Very fun, Healing, Enlightening and Life Changing!  
Full one hour Healing and one hour Reading $150 is suggested as a love offering.

Four full one hour Healings and one Reading for Maximum benefit, a $ 300 love offering is suggested, an incredible deal.  Many unique printed Astrology Reports are available for generally $25 mailed or $19 emailed.