Author Topic: Kara Kincannon/White Buffalo Calf Woman ?  (Read 8806 times)


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Kara Kincannon/White Buffalo Calf Woman ?
« on: September 08, 2005, 07:17:09 am »
I was originally doing some research on these people and the links led me to the "DivineTune-Up" and "DrLight" stuff.  

BTW....I have a lot of research stuff and would be willing to do some more for you if you need "wo-man" hours!  If you feel that any of the groups and people I post here are more than likely fraud or whatever, let me know and I'll go to work on them.  No point in wasting my time tho if you already know about them.  I just need an opinion and if you think it's worth the time to track it all down.  I am disabled so spending time at the computer is not a problem for me!

Message from White Buffalo Calf Woman  




The call number is:   1- 641-297-7200
Pin number is:  123067#
AHO!  It is so!  September 1, 2005, we held a Council Fire of the Grandmother Clan of the  Blue Star Nation, received by Kara Kincannon, combining Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma - it was very uplifting and filled with joy!  

White Buffalo Calf Woman  speaks to all Rainbow Warriors.  She said that we are extremely capable and are here for a breakthrough which began on that day!

Judy Hogge of Montana has arranged to have the recording of this free event for your benefit.  Everyone will have the opportunity to listen!  Those on the call were Kara and Wilder Kincannon, Pat and Jim Watson and Lois Lenz.

This will occur tomorrow, Wednesday, September 7 at 6:45 PM Mountain Time, 7:45 Central Time, etc.  Kara will do an introduction before the hour, and the recording will last approximately 1 hour.   Please share.

Kara has requested that I post this on her website:
Anyone wishing to send a  love offering can access PayPal on the website or cash or money order may  be sent  to:

Kara Kincannon
16790 CR 46.0
Aguilar CO  81020

related links:

Offline ravenhair

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Re: Kara Kincannon/White Buffalo Calf Woman ?
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2005, 09:30:06 pm »
White buffalo calf woman!!!!!What a disgrace to all nations for any one to call them selfs that is defenetly a fraud with out a doubt.The medicine calf woman was the sacred pipe carrier who brought "us" lakota,dakota,nakota nation
the pipe we were the first and only tribe to have the very first pipe brought to us by this sacred woman.White buffalo calf woman my ass where do these people gat all this bs.........
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by ravenhair »

Sky Davis

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Re: Kara Kincannon/White Buffalo Calf Woman ?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2005, 01:46:23 am »
Paula and Arvol have addressed this woman before.  I'll give her a call and let her know the woman is still active.