Author Topic: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke  (Read 23751 times)

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« on: February 27, 2013, 06:35:43 am »

Oh boy, "Ancient Aliens", the new package for "NuAge" nonsense.


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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2013, 03:51:54 pm »
Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University, has dedicated her life and career to working with indigenous populations. She has been adopted and given traditional names by three Northern Plains tribes including the Blackfeet (Woman with Great Knowledge), the Northern Cheyenne (Walks all Woman) and the Lakota Sioux  (Woman who Helps People).

While retired from academia, she continues to work as a consultant to American Indian tribes and  indigenous communities worldwide and is currently working on a second volume of work about the indigenous people of Mexico and the Star People.


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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 04:06:56 pm »
In the past she ran "World's Indigenous Women's Foundation":

"If you consider our struggle a part of your own survival, then you are welcome here."

This site was founded by Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, an American Indian author, university administrator/professor and an advocate/activist for the rights of indigenous women world-wide. You are invited to examine this site, contribute articles and testimony, and review the news related to indigenous women and women in third world countries. Men of goodwill, committed to the struggle of indigenous women, are invited to interact and collaborate with us in an effort to implement a global agenda for the rights of women of all ages throughout the world.

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, 6/30/99

This from 2005 archived copy of

She's asked directly if she is NDN here, she replies that she is but "not a full blood".

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 06:01:45 pm »
Her former name was Ardy Bowker. She did some notable respected work on education, studying dropouts. Professor Emeritus is commonly the title given to a retired professor with a long career at one institution.

It's odd that she always says NDN but never which tribe, and even odder that she would make a point of claiming adoption by three different tribes. (For newcomers and outsiders, it's long established that tribes don't adopt, only individuals and families.)

Her UFO book seems to be mostly NDNs today describing UFO encounters, not oral traditions about star people as the book title suggests. And really, should it be a surprise that NDNs are not exempt from the UFO phenomena.

If Clarke really wanted NDN accounts of aliens to gain credibility for the study of UFOs, I can't think of a worser way to go about it. What you'd want to do is bring these accounts to the attention of scholars, historians, physicists, psychoanalysts. The last thing you'd do is go to UFO conferences. That is, unless your aim was to make money as a speaker, or receive the acclaim of UFO devotees.

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2013, 12:01:36 am »
For me from what I know now, her prior work on UFO encounters and her understanding of them in Lakota terms is a matter between her and the Lakota elders, though I would like to read more research.

What is really worrisome to me is her taking on Mayan materials without talking to Maya elders. And I am very worried that she will be sharing her understanding of Hopi, Navaho, and Zuni traditions in the same manner.


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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2013, 01:46:00 am »
Past bio:

Clarke, Ardy

Dr. Ardy Bowker is an associate professor of educational leadership and the director for Bilingual/Multicultural Education at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. She is currently working on a novel entitled After the Spirit is Gone. Dr. Bowker, of Eastern Cherokee heritage, and her husband, Lakota Sioux artist Louis Bowker, live in Belgrade, Montana.


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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2013, 02:28:51 am »
In 2006 Ardy Clarke on a genealogy message board asked for help researching a grandmother born in Kentucky.

I am trying to prove that she was a Cherokee Indian.

It was my great grandfather that was Indian. I do not know about my great grandmother. Grandma always talked about her father.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 01:32:16 pm by Epiphany »


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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2013, 02:31:52 pm »
So it looks like Ardy Clarke grew up hearing stories that she had NDN heritage through a grandmother, specifically through that grandmother's father. Clarke in 2006 posted about this on genealogy forums, didn't yet know names of many ancestors, and believed the family stories were true.

That branch of her family can be looked over via census, they are listed as white in 1910 & 1920. They aren't on the 1924 Baker Roll.

Wonder where the Sixkiller came from. One of Ardy Clarke's  past interviewers commented that she obviously was NDN because of that middle name.

She has been adopted and given traditional names by three Northern Plains tribes including the Blackfeet (Woman with Great Knowledge), the Northern Cheyenne (Walks all Woman) and the Lakota Sioux  (Woman who Helps People).

Adoption Ceremonies:

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2013, 05:51:27 pm »
Wonder where the Sixkiller came from

(Raises hand) I know I know!! In the early 1970's, there was a quarterback on the University of Washington football team named Sonny Sixkiller. He was a fullblood from CNO, but raised in Ashland Oregon. Sonny is still around. He never made it big in football, but he is on my tv every night telling me why I should visit the Seven Cedars Casino and golf course.;) SIxkiller, apparently isn't that uncommon a name in Oklahoma. Well, if you are CNO. I went to the UW when he played. But never met him as he only hung with the jocks.

Offline Diana

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2013, 07:30:50 pm »
Wasn't there someone here on NAFPS with the last name of Sixkiller?? I could be worng.  ???

Offline UpaCrick

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2013, 02:00:59 pm »
What an Insult to Sam Sixkiller, the first Lawman of the indian nation and of Oklahoma and the rest of us.

Offline UpaCrick

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2013, 08:43:57 pm »
Correction, not Indian nation, but Indian territory,

Sam Sixkiller (1842–December 24, 1886) was a prominent Native American leader during the American Civil War and the postbellum period.

Sixkiller was born in the Going Snake district of the Cherokee Nation in Indian Territory—now Adair County, Oklahoma. He served on both sides during the Civil War, offering his support to the Confederacy as a private in the 1st Cherokee Cavalry before switching allegiance to the Union and serving with his father at Fort Gibson in an artillery battery.

Following the war, he became the first captain of the Indian Police, providing police services for the lands of all five tribes. He was also a Deputy U.S. Marshal and a special agent for the Missouri Pacific Railroad.

Sixkiller was murdered December 24, 1886, in Muskogee, Indian Territory.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2013, 01:32:01 am »

Offline Skyzabove

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2014, 03:14:17 pm »
A recent return to the Paracast and a new book:

Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke returns to the Paracast to talk about her new book, "Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica." According to the publisher's notes, Ardy vowed as a teenager to follow in the footsteps of two 19th-century explorers, John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, who were among the first to bring the ancient Maya cities to the world's attention. She finally set out on her seven-year adventure in 2003 and traveled through Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, collecting stories of encounters, sky gods, giants, little people, and aliens among the indigenous Maya. She drove more than 12,000 miles, visiting 89 archaeological sites and conducted nearly 100 individual interviews. We'll present some of the most fascinating tales during this episode.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2020, 05:02:54 am »
A recent return to the Paracast and a new book:

The quoted text in the previous post serves as an introduction to this podcast on YouTube (audio only, length 2:39:34): [The Paracast: December 21, 2014 — Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke]

A more recent update. Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke is now "Cherokee/Choctaw":

The Facts: Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University who is Cherokee/Choctaw has been researching the Star People, and collecting encounters between them and Native Indians for many years. This article shares one of many.
Reflect On: Are we alone? If not, what are the implications when the public becomes fully aware of this? How will it change the way we look at reality? Science? Technology? History?

I recently came across the work of Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, who brings to the field of ufology degrees in history, English, psychology, and educational leadership and a background as a teacher, university professor, junior college and university administrator, licensed therapist and psychologist, and social science researcher. She is a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University and  former Director of the Center for Bilingual/Multicultural Education. Dr. Clarke, who is Cherokee/Choctaw, has worked with indigenous people for most of her career, and has some amazing stories to tell.

The whole article is essentially excerpts from this book:
[ENCOUNTERS WITH STAR PEOPLE: Untold Stories of American Indians]

Fun Fact: On Facebook I found a private group with one member, with the aim of translating that book into German:
[gemeinsam ein Buch von Ardy Sixkiller Clarke ins Deutsche übersetzen]