I´m so glad to have found this website!
I´m a swede who earlier were very involved with the neopagan movement here. In the beginning, the late eighties-early nineties, that had a slant towards "shamanism". Since that were at least on the surface directed towards reconstruct our own traditions instead of stealing from others, I was initially positive. But I soon realised that even here, the likes of Michael Harner, Castaneda, Lynn Andrews etc had affected how people saw "shamanism" as a subject. The newage-guru had found a way in thru the backdoor so to speak, but well on the inside it bred the usual shallow,careless attitude as always. And sadly many fell for it, instead of actually try to get to know their own traditions.
So I left.
I found this website after I recently got curious if anything changed since the nineties, and it makes me happy that nowdays people are protesting against the abuse. And I´m just glad to learn and spread the word to as many as possible so the hoaxing one day will stop.
Äring och fred.