Author Topic: White Eagle, Native American Ghost Buster?  (Read 12921 times)


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White Eagle, Native American Ghost Buster?
« on: September 18, 2005, 08:09:00 am »
It began as a way for the books that were presented through the channel of White Eagle to reach an audience as well as to share His ability and gift in Naming individuals. In the past, some have asked what the Religion of White Eagle might be. His response was that of Expanding Original Shamanism which he recently changed to Expanding Original Spirituality. It is important to mention here that while the theosophy being espoused in this website does in fact have a direct link to Native American beliefs to a great degree, it actually could be considered to be of the same connection to all others as well.

The aim or charter of this website is not an effort to do any more than to open the windows and doors of conventional ideas about The Creator, Origins, oneself, and the All of creation. This website was initiated with a prayer of Guidance from the Creator whom White Eagle calls "Great Pop."

It continues to be presented through the results of it. While it was initially orientated towards the presentation of an offering books and services, through the direction of Great Pop it has since taken on a much different Life expression so to speak, such as the Weekly Forecast and Visions that are now being presented herein.

White Eagle sometimes kids around about being a Native American Ghost Buster....

White Eagle was born a PohTikaWah which is a word in his personal language that essentially means A SpiritWalker, or one that can easily walk through the veil as it is called between the physical and Spiritual realms. There have been many persons, places, and things named White Eagle over the ages including the publishing trust that makes the little books bearing that name in their title in England. The person that is being described here as White Eagle is a practicing Medicine Man who has been blessed by the Great Spirit Father with both Healing and Vision Medicine. Being part Algonquin and Arapaho, this White Eagle carries forward a mixture of both traditional and nontraditional Medicine techniques. Ever seeking to serve the will of The Great Spirit, White Eagle endeavors to enable all of the Great Spirit's children to learn of His love and in the many ways in which we may allow His Light and Love to enrichen our well-being and lives.

White Eagle asked Great Pop which is what he calls The Great Spirit Creator

To receive Naming, please submit a separate piece of paper for each individual with information in their own hand as described above with check or money order payable to White Eagle as well....

the same person?
In 2001 I was in the White Eagle Lodge in London and it was fantastic. I knew already his books. Channeled by Grace Cook, White Eagle shared a lot of his knowledge with us. I also was there for my mother, because she was very ill.

Other White Eagle Sites

Church of the White Eagle Lodge - Star Center for the Americas ...

Books by White Eagle

Below is a list of the books based on the White Eagle material channeled by Grace Cook.

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: White Eagle, Native American Ghost Buster?
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2005, 10:52:43 am »
A quick note for everyone: a number of similarly-styled enquiries have appeared recently. I think a Canadian neo-pagan[/url], 'Ganieda', (our newest member) is responsible for them. She has in the past taken NAFPS members' posts and reproduced them without credit or attribution on her 'shamanism' forums. Also she has participated in NAFPS' previous incarnations using numerous 'sock-puppet' identities.

Welcome, guest, and if you're not Ganieda, my sincere apologies. The forum's search function would have found this thread[/url] for you. Also it was impossible to tell what you were quoting from what you were writing yourself without clicking on each link you supplied. If you click 'help' below the masthead at the top of each page, and then 'posting', you'll find some guidelines on formatting your posts.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: White Eagle, Native American Ghost Buster?
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2005, 01:52:56 pm »
This version of WE likely is not Native other than perhaps of distant ancestry. There's all kinds of clues, among them that he/she calls themselves "part Algonquin and Arapaho." I've never heard mixedbloods calling themselves a "part Indian" it's generally the people with distant ancestry who say that.

His books also talk about Atlantis, pole shifts, "essences", past lives, and how to be successful in business. And he even gives a pitch about how he's been a website builder using "vibrational counseling" for over twenty years and now wants your business.
"White Eagle has practiced just such what he calls vibrational counseling for over two decades and can not only identify the colors that will provide the most positive and receptive responses, but other types of significant imagery as well. The front page and other images in this website were developed in just such a manner. White Eagle calls it Vision Medicine....
Therefore one can see that A SpiritWalker does indeed have much to offer, whether one has an existing website or desires help in establishing one. And of course these services will be found to be most beneficial to all types of other enterprises and expressions as well. Needless to say, considerations for compensation will vary depending upon one's desires."

Obviously I can't picture an actual medicine man in a Native community being a website builder using "vibrational counseling" for twenty years.

So I'd say this guy is a white website builder who falls for Nuage ideas who might have some distant ancestry and claims to have delusions, excuse me, visions.

Oh, BTW, he says the "Great Pop" can be contacted by email too.

Offline piya

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Re: White Eagle, Native American Ghost Buster?
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2005, 05:22:46 pm »
Better send an e mail off to "Great Pop", to find out the lottery numbers

To Old To Die Young

Offline Ganieda

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Re: White Eagle, Native American Ghost Buster?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2005, 07:51:48 pm »
Mr. McEwan

Thank you for welcoming me.  Yes, I am Ganieda.  And yes, I did post other enquiries here.  

I would ask tho that you stop labeling me.  Yes, I am Canadian, but No, I am not neo-pagan, at least not in the sense that this group considers to be "nuage".  I study cultures, belief systems, religions, archeology, anthropology etc because they fascinate me.  

I joined this forum in the hopes that I could help.   I mentioned in an earlier post that I had tried to do a search, but it appeared that only members can do that.  EducatedIndian responded by saying "There's nothing stopping you from becoming a member, BTW" I did.  

I posted the message about "White Eagle" because it appeared to have newer and more information than what you already had.  

In the future, Mr. McEwan, if you have nothing nice to say I will simply ignore your posts and you are equally welcome to ignore mine.
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline piya

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Re: White Eagle, Native American Ghost Buster?
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2005, 08:54:45 pm »
I finally got a reply to my e mail to Old Pop, he must be really busy, as White Eagle had to write on his behalf. By the way the attachment I was to read is way way long, so I might just read it later. Here is the e mail.

WOW, this must be genuine lol....................

Sent: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 17:48:38 +0000
Subject: Great Pop

Great Pop said to send the book that is attached to you, I pray you find it supportive.

White Eagle
To Old To Die Young