The Cult of Fear, pt. 1
When you enter the small and esoteric bastion of the for-profit corporation of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) you quickly find yourself in a place that is constantly under attack and fearful of calamity and catastrophe.
In the Spezzano world, attacks and attackers of all kinds constantly surround you. Demons, the Devil, shadow figures, dark magic, and your own guilt are among the many forces out there who want nothing more than to distract you from your soul purpose, i.e., contributing to the Spezzano bank account. The cult followers are whipped up into a state of constant alert and fear.
They have created an "us vs. them" situation on many fronts. For an expensive fee they will provide a surrogate family where you will be safe and cuddly. Lenora Mom and Charles Dad will never let harm come your way as long as you pay up. Otherwise, as moreinfo points out, forget about Lenora answering your calls for help. Follow-up is not a strong suit for SALPOV, to put it mildly. Business is business. SALPOV is a corporation created in order to generate a profit. And it is no different than most other American corporations when it comes to business "ethics." The coin of the realm, any realm, is their God.
Throwing inconvenient organisations and people away and then erasing all memory and trace of them from official groupthink is a SALPOV hallmark.
The time has come for this cult to be held accountable. The SALPOV survivors need something called "justice."
But, back to our main topic--
So who and what are these dangerous forces out to get us? Or, more specifically, out to get those who sign on as followers of the SALPOV cult?
Let us begin with this bit of surreal self-loathing. This passage really reflects the original split mind of Charles Lee Spezzano and how his betrayal of his Catholic roots continues to eat at him. We see that SALPOV is actually his way of working through his story. Too bad he hoodwinked so many other people into helping him process his problem by employing guilt as a recruiting tool-- HEALING 'THE FALL'
HEALING THE FALL is the card for today. This is the deepest and most unconscious root of guilt there is that feeds the other beliefs in guilt. It is the falling into 'the dream', the will to be separate, the desire to attack and to be god in our own world where God could not follow.
Do not be surprised if some setback starts the day that reflects the fall but know that separation is the illusion and the healing is right behind it.
Keep the faith today; there is a better way and this occurred to give us the opportunity to heal this foundation of the ego and release the primordial guilt that gives rise to so much suffering in the world. If ONENESS IS than separation is an illusion,a dream and in a dream nothing really happened and there is no truth to guilt. Claim your healing and truth today and help free humanity of its shackles.
Posted 5th September 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
Wow! That was one of the more revealing, and ironic, statements by the CEO of SALPOV.
Next, the "Psychic Attack"-- HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK
HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK is the card for today. One thing that can clear all of this and anything else is to ask Who walks with you...A COURSE IN MIRACLES says to ask this question thousands of times a day... If you know this you know there cannot be a problem with anything. Have a great day!
Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Healing, Hawaii, Spirit, Miracles, Clear
Posted 26th September 2012 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing Psychic Attack HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK
HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK is the card for today. It speaks of attack coming from the outside at a vision or psychic level. This may be from others, from the astral, the dark unconscious or even from us. We are perfectly invulnerable if we are not attacking. Than we don't believe that attack can get us anything and we don't believe we are our bodies but our spirit instead. (there is a vicious circle between believing we are a body and using it for attack). Today is a great day to both give up all attack because that makes us believe we are vulnerable to it and asking for Heaven's help which naturally protects us. Have a happy, peaceful day full of perfect immunity!
Posted 14th August 2011 by Chuck Spezzano
HEALING BAD JU-JU is the card for today. Ju-ju refers to magic or anything beyond the natural order. This includes dark magic ,curses,psychic attack and possessions of any sort. Usually this is relegated to the unconscious mind and can come in through any form of toxic attack or abuse. Today connect with the Divine Presence and with any of your Friends in High Places whom you are or ask to be connected with .
Michael the Archangel is particularly good with this type of spring cleaning. This can end oppression you did not even know you were under . Many times those carrying strong light or a great purpose are attacked ,even by parents caught for a time in the dark supernatural in an attempt to wound or keep you small. When we are trapped by this energy,it is often a form of collusion on our part afraid of our purpose and destiny. This type of healing removes unconscious fears. Have a great cleaning day !
Posted 3rd June 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Dark Magic Dark Supernatural
The term "Psychic Attack" is not original to SALPOV (big surprise). It appears to be in common usage in A Course in Miracles, which along with Oneness University is one of their "two greatest inspirations." I love the reference to "dark magic, curses, psychic attack and possessions of any sort" and "Michael the Archangel is particularly good with this type of spring cleaning." So do the Spezzanos sound like professional mental health healers to you? But it gets weirder--
Then we have the "Astral Attacks"--
The term "Astral Attack" has been in use long before SALPOV swiped it. Another example of the Spezzanos being far from "cutting edge" and way behind the trend-- HEALING THE ASTRAL ATTACK USED TO STOP YOUR PURPOSE
HEALING THE ASTRAL ATTACK USED TO STOP YOUR PURPOSE. Astral energy whether demons, devils, dark lords or just plain darkness are aspects of the ancient ego when we mistakenly chose to separate and fled into darkness. Our purpose sets us on the right track, frees and fulfills us while liberating the world from darkness and prison. The ego, the principle of separation is dead set against this and attacks us accordingly either directly or through others. Today by inviting in love and Divine Presence we get to remove these dark influences in our lives. Love and Divine Presence always come with welcome. Have a great day!!!
Chuck and Lency Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Healing the Astral Attack Used to Stop Your Purpose
Posted 28th June 2013 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing the Astral Attack Used to Stop Your Purpose HEALING THE ASTRAL ATTACK USED TO STOP YOUR PURPOSE
HEALING THE ASTRAL ATTACK USED TO STOP YOUR PURPOSE is the card for today. The astral is the darkness of our ancient ego that attacks us to stop our purpose but secretly hopes to get redeemed. This a job for our FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES. Ask for the help today to remove any of this influence and keep you naturally protected from this. Have a beautiful day!
Chuck Spezzano, Purpose, Healing, Friends in High Places, Heaven, Beauty
Photo courtesy of Napua N. Heen.
Posted 6th October 2012 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing the Astral Attack Used to Stop Your Purpose HEALING AN ASTRAL ATTACK AND WHAT HIDES IT
The astral is the dark unconscious that is ancient fragments of the ego,also known as demons,devils,dark gods,etc. This is the dark supernatural that is intent on delaying and obstructing us as much as possible to hold back the relatedness and evolution so that they keep their base of control for as long as they can. At some level (the unconscious) it is all our mind and we are integrating these fragments which seem to have a mind of their own. Their attacks can come in the form of setbacks,attacks from others or even pure malice coming at us energetically. We can always call in God, the Tao, The Holy Spirit, Jesus,our angel,Quan Yin or the many other older brothers and sisters who have realized Oneness. Another way is to realize that we are spirit and as such are safe ,healed and whole.
Besides holding us back, the dark forces have the hidden hope for redemption and that whomever they attack will have the wherewithal or connection with Friends in High Places to send them back to the light.
This is a big opportunity to help yourself and the whole earth today. There is a karmic connection established when a victimizer attacks a victim;this ends when the victim finally redeems the victimizer. We have the opportunity to bring the light today and dispel the darkness.
Invoke the Light today. Call in your Friends in High Places and send these ego fragments back to the Light from which we all came and to which we shall all return.Help yourself and help the whole earth today by your awareness and willingness.
Posted 6th September 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Astral Card Dark Supernatural
Jan 2010 Newsletter ~ Chuck Spezzano
January 4, 2010 at 9:29am
January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter
Chuck Spezzano
It seems most of us dodged the bullet that came at us in December. Yet, now there is almost a steady stream of attack going on – vicious ego attack, astral attack, fear of change attacks, fear of loss attacks, ignorance and prejudicial attack.
Disengage yourself from anyone who is attacking because even if they are right, they are totally wrong. How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse. Violence except in self defense shows ego-driven behavior which only works for and brings more darkness as we approach the dawn. Have faith. The sky is lightening.
March 2011 Nightlight Newsletter
In the fourth week and the rest of March, any problem is one that hides an astral attack. This is the area of the dark unconscious that is invested in keeping the status quo. This includes demons and dark gods of Buddhist metaphor. These are ancient fragments of the ego and their power comes through our fear, guilt, greed and dark gods of Buddhist metaphor.
Charles Lee Spezzano in the March 2014
Nightlight Newsletter March unconscious or soul issues continue to come up for healing. The issues we transform at this level are our own ancient and ancestral past with ties into the collective mind of humanity. So, when we are healing through giving, forgiveness or letting go we are frequently helping all of humanity. Another aspect of attack we have to deal with is the astral or the dark. As one mystic put it so aptly: “The more someone brings the light, the more they are attacked by the dark.” Yet this attack is still only a call for love and is there to help us remember that Divine Presence is always with us and that help is always only as far away as it will take for us to ask for it!
Dodged bullets, The Devil, and demons-- oh my!
Dodged bullets, The Devil, and demons-- oh my!
Dodged bullets, The Devil, and demons-- oh my!
Beware of the attack attack attack! Whip those cult followers into a fear-based huddle!
"Disengage yourself from anyone who is attacking because even if they are right, they are totally wrong." Orwell would've loved that sentence as a modern example of what he was trying to point out in his novel,
"How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse." Very true. Using this concept as a guide, a reading through this forum should reveal where the Spezzanos are coming from. But as an example for those of you who need immediate gratification, Lenora's Youtubes tell all-- we get to the section where your own body is your enemy. This part of SALPOV theology was most infamously presented in
Healing Metaphors A-Z authored by Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie (Patrick) Ticehurst-- the main text has been censored from public view on Internet, Charles has kept the concept alive. Curiously, Lenora Kay Spezzano basically destroyed the work of her husband and Janie in her recent "Truth" screed--
In the Psychology of Vision, health issues can give us clues about what is going on in our subconscious minds. It is sort of like a psychiatrist doing dream analysis – physical symptoms can also be read as symbols for the conflicts in our minds. Healing the emotional conflict certainly doesn’t hurt a person’s chances of healing physically, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that it is helpful, but we have not done any research studies on the subject, and we do not make any claims.
The bloggers claim that us looking at the metaphors of illness with people (similar to Louise Hay’s work) is actually us blaming them for having their symptoms. This, of course, would have no value for the client – blaming a person for their illness is completely counterproductive to their healing and wellbeing. Taking accountability, on the other hand, gives the client power in their life.
First she says they have done no research on this topic, and then uses a total quack like Louise Hay to defend it. As for the blaming part, all you have to do is simply read the examples we have provided (which they don't want you to see, apparently) and judge for yourself. Here's the link again-- As we have pointed out, Hay told a
New York Times writer that the victims of the Holocaust deserved what they got due to their guilt in past lives. It would naturally follow that Hay, and in turn the Spezzanos, believe FN deserve the treatment they received from Anglos due to some kind of twisted guilt thing. back to the mind attacking the body, a concept the Spezzanos swiped from Hay-- HEALING WHERE WE USE THE BODY FOR ATTACK
HEALING WHERE WE USE THE BODY FOR ATTACK is the card for today. This is where we use the body for physical aggression and where we use the body to attack through illness or injury. Today is a good day to find these hidden or not so hidden patterns, take responsibility for them and immediately give them to Heaven for undoing...Have a great day!
Posted 29th June by Chuck Spezzano IF THE MIND
IF THE MIND USES THE BODY FOR ATTACK IN ANY FORM, IT BECOMES PREY TO SICKNESS, AGE AND DECAY. This is the card for today. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. It is very clear about what misuse of the body can cause. Anything that hurts the body is an attack on another. Any issue around sex and domination, manipulation or power struggle have the same deleterious effect. Have a powerful day of awareness and healing around how the mind uses the body!
Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, If the Mind Uses the Body for Attack in Any Form, A Course in Miracles
Posted 10th April 2013 by Chuck Spezzano
HEALING THE USE OF BODY FOR ATTACK is the card for today. If we didn't use the body for attack it would be perfectly safe and healthy. Use it for attack such as illness or as part of a fight using sex and you put it at risk because of your misuse. Today is a great day to see where we have been misusing the body and to use it for love, communication and learning instead. Have a fine day!
Chuck Spezzano, healing, sex, illness, communication, love, purpose
Posted 26th July 2012 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Attack Body Card Major Illness Misuse of the Body IF THE MIND
THE CARD FOR TODAY IS A QUOTE FROM A COURSE IN MIRACLES," IF THE MIND WANTS TO USE THE BODY FOR ATTACK IN ANY FORM, IT BECOMES PREY TO SICKNESS, AGE AND DECAY. This a powerful statement regarding the dynamics of the body. Today is a day for healing such attack. Have a good one!
Posted 14th May 2012 by Chuck Spezzano HEALING SELF-ATTACK
HEALING SELF-ATTACK is the card for today. All problems, all illness and injury are a form of self-attack. We can examine these areas and know that the self-attack is an obstacle to learning the lesson involved. Self-attack builds the ego and creates a vicious circle with attack on others. It is important to know that attack and self-attack are not God's Will for us. God knows us as innocent because that's how we were created. The rest we made up in our arrogance…Today let us be humble and innocent and free of self-attack! Have a fine day!
Posted 3rd January by Chuck Spezzano